2 Cor. 5:14

2 Corinthians 5:14
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Address—J. Brereton
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This world is a wilderness wide. We have nothing to seek or to choose.
We've no thought in the ways to abide. We've not to regret nor to lose.
The Lord is himself gone before he has marked out the path that we tread.
It's as sure as the love we adore. We have nothing to fear, nor to dread.
It is the treasure we found in his love that has made us now pilgrims below.
Ant is there when we reach him above, as we're known. All his fullness will know him #139.
To look for just a moment before we turn to that which we have before us, the 2nd Corinthians chapter 5.
Two Corinthians chapter 5.
And verse 14.
For the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge.
That if one died for all, then we're all dead.
And that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them and rose again.
Those of us beloved brethren that live in this country.
Particularly perhaps.
Have had occasion in this last week, a week and 1/2.
To read a great deal about a very tragic happening that occurred in this country, something that I'm sure we're all familiar with.
We know how the president of the United States was shocked and how he died. And we've had occasion to see in the newspapers a great deal of writing about his life, about his purpose in life, about the goals that he had set for himself and his family had set for him and how he attained those goals.
Well, there is no question that what happened was a very sad and grievous event.
But as one was reading the accounts of the Kennedy family and of what took place, how the goal was established.
That this young man should become the president of the United States.
Of how the family and he himself set out to attain that goal. How it was planned, carefully sought after, handled in just the right way.
And finally, this young man attained the goal that he had set for himself. He attained the goal that his father had set for him. And he finally reached the highest position in this country and, probably beloved, the highest position in this world. He attained this position by setting his heart upon it and going after it and doing the right things to get it.
And finally, he arrived at the position of being President of the United States.
And then, in one moment of time, something that had been sought after.
Something that had been labored for. Something that the heart had been attached to and sought after. And finally got, finally achieved, finally reached, and in one moment of time was all over and gone, the position gone. Everything that the heart had sought after gone, and the man gone into eternity. All beloved, I tell you, and I'm sure this occurred to many of us.
It searched my heart, and that was particularly what I had upon my heart this afternoon. To see how God would allow us to see in such an event. The foolishness. The utter foolishness, dear young people, of setting our hearts on anything down here. For the more we become attached to it, the more value it has in our eyes down here. The more we seek after it, the more energy we're going to have to put in to getting it.
And the end result cannot help but be the same. It will be gone and lost, and no profit in eternity. What we have here in our chapter we have these verses that we thought to read. At first the love of Christ constraineth us, and then it goes on to say that we that they which live, should not henceforth live unto themselves.
Oh dear young people, we're going to speak this afternoon. Lord will, particularly to the young people that belong to Christ, that those who are in this company, that know the Lord Jesus as Savior. And here we have in this chapter brought before us the fact that the Lord Jesus has a claim upon your heart. He has a claim, and that claim is manifested in His love toward you.
And I was thinking as I was meditating a little bit upon these verses, how perhaps these verses, if we could put it that way, apply particularly to the young.
To the young people, those of us who are still comparatively young in years because we have not yet found perhaps the emptiness of the world that's around us.
As those get older, perhaps more and more to the heart and soul, the emptiness of everything in this world becomes realized. But what is going to keep you and I, dear young people, from seeking after the things that are in this world?
What's going to keep us from going after the things that this world holds out before us? What's going to keep our hearts from chasing after the things that the world chases after? It is not going to be, if I could put it that way, It is not going to be the letter of the law. It is not going to be dear young people. The fact that the law says so and so. It is not going to be the fact that even the word of God and we put it reverently.
Just the fact that the word of God says that such and such a thing is not according to the mind of God. What is going to keep your heart and mind, dear young people, from going after the things of this world is the enjoyment of the love of Christ in our souls and nothing else. There is no substitute for the enjoyment in my soul of the Lord's love to me.
The love of Christ constrained us. He has a claim upon us, dear young people. And now, as we turn to look at a few events in the life of a man who owned the Lord's claims over him, we trust that the Lord will show us that there is blessing for your soul and mind only in walking in the company of the blessed Savior and the enjoyment of His love to our souls.
Will you turn with me for just a moment to the second chapter of Exodus?
The second chapter of Exodus and the first verse.
And there went a man of the House of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi, And the woman conceived and bear a son, and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months.
Could I pause here for just a moment, beloved, to speak a little bit about this, the thought that comes before our hearts in this passage? A man of the House of Levi took to a wife, a daughter of Levi. I'm sure many of us have enjoyed this passage before, but we know that the the Levites, the tribe of Levi, were those who were peculiarly separated under the Lord. They were the ones whom the Lord chose as his inheritance.
Those whom he chose to be a peculiar people unto himself, a special tribe, someone who had a, if we could put it that way, a special relationship to himself. And now we find here that one of the tribe of Levi takes to himself, a wife of the daughter of Levi, of the House of Levi. Dear young people, it's a real joy. And I know I'm Brendan. Sharon. It's a real joy to see young people come to a conference and be here over the word of God.
It's a real joy to see young people who love the Lord finding acquaintances and then friends, and then those whom they will share life's journey together with. Very often here at these meetings, sometimes engagements take place. Here at these meetings, yes, dear young people, we're thankful that you can find those with whom you can go on in life here over the word of God together. But there is something that is particularly brought before us.
In that this one, this man from the House of Levi just did not choose a wife from any tribe. He didn't choose a wife simply saying, as long as she is one of the children of Israel, he chose one dear young people who was also particularly separated under the Lord. And may we say, dear young people, that if you and if you're going to have a happy life here.
If you're going to have a partner in life who is going to share with you the passage through the wilderness together, May God give you the wisdom and the seeking of wisdom from him to choose one who is also enjoying the love of Christ in his or her soul. What a sad thing it is to see young people, one who has a real heart for the Lord, one who is earnestly desiring to go on for the Lord and enjoying the Lord's love in his soul, and ready and willing to speak a word for the Lord.
To have a home where the Lord is honored and where his place is recognized. And then to see the partner, the partner in life, one who while it's true that they're a Christian, while it's true they belong to Christ. There is not the same enjoyment of the love of Christ in the soul. There is not the same enjoyment of the Lord's ways of the Lord's purposes, of the Lord's desires and thoughts. And as a result, the home is not a happy place that it should be.
And so, dear young people, especially I say to the young men, if you are seeking before the Lord for someone to share your life with, May God give you the grace to seek one who enjoys in his in her soul the wondrous love of Christ, and whose feet are walking in the path that shows that in the soul the love of Christ is enjoyed. So it was here this man took to himself a wife.
Peculiarly separated under the Lord, as he was.
And in due time, Moses was born. Now, if you'll turn over to the next chapter.
Sorry, the next the 10th verse I should say of the same chapter, second chapter and the 10th verse. And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaohs daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses. And she said, because I drew him out of the water, and it came to pass in those days when Moses was grown.
That he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens. And he spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew one of his brethren. And he looked this way and that way. And when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, behold, 2 men of the Hebrews strolled together. And he said to him, that did the wrong. Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow? And he said, Who made thee a Prince and a judge over us?
Intendest thou to kill me as thou killest the Egyptian. And Moses feared and said, Surely this thing is known.
Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian, and he sat down by a well, You know, I love to think of this time. It's quite true that Moses did not do everything in the way that he should have done it. It's quite true that we notice he says he looked this way and that way, and he didn't look up to the Lord. But the fact remains that there came a time in the life of Moses, as we have in the 11Th verse.
And it came to pass in those days when Moses was grown.
I know, dear young people, that there are many, many of the young people here who come from homes where your mother and your father belong to Christ.
Where your mother and father are gathered to the Lord's name, where you've been brought up under the sound of the word of God. Where you've been brought up and attended meetings and heard, the word of God ministered and the gospel preached. But there comes a time, dear young people, in your life as it came in Moses life. When Moses was grown, there came a time when he was a child no longer, and there came a time when he faced a decision. The decision was.
Would he take his place with the Lord's people?
Or would he continue on in the world, in Pharaoh's house? Would he take his place amongst those whom the Lord called his own dear young people? Here in this room last night you heard the gospel of the grace of God presented. You heard a faithful warning to anyone who sat in this company outside of Christ. You were invited by God himself.
In love to your soul to put your trust in Christ and know Him a Savior.
Now, dear young people, I say to you, did you decide for Christ last night?
Perhaps right here in this meeting room. Did you decide? Did you make your choice now that you are grown, now that the time has come when you must decide, your parents no longer can direct every step of your pathway. You must make a choice. Did you decide here last night if you were unsaved to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? Are you sitting here in this company this afternoon just rejoicing in your heart at the thought of the love of Christ?
Dying for you, oh, May God grant it was soul. Perhaps at the motel last night when you went back to your room, Perhaps this morning during the reading meeting. Always say to you again if there's one here in this company that is outside of Christ. Now that you are grown. Now that you're here, dear young people, now that you're old enough to make the choice for yourself, Moses finally reached the point when he had to choose. Would he go on Pharaoh's way?
Or would he take his place with the Lord's people? What do you associate himself with? Those who are the Lords? Or would he go on his own way and seek that position which could have been his, the son of Pharaohs? Daughter, dear young people, if you're outside of Christ this afternoon, May God give to you the grace today, And I know every believer in this room would shout, Amen. May God give you the grace to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and rejoice here and now.
And the love of Christ. And no beloved, no the full assurance, with full assurance that the Lords love to you is unchanging. It's the same yesterday and today and forever. And that the love that sought you and made you his own will take you safely home to glory. Moses finally reached this point in his life when he had to choose. What would he choose? Would he choose to go with those who were his brethren?
Or would he choose to go on with Pharaoh and his court? Well, we know the answer. This is nothing new. Beloved. Moses had his choice to make, and he made it. He chose to be identified with the people of God. He chose, as we see here.
He chose when he went out unto his brethren and looked upon their burdens. Dear young people, let us remember one thing. Moses had a position, a wondrous position, in the court of Pharaoh. It tells us in the 7th of Acts that he was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. He had a place and a place of honor as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. And the people of God in this time were under a heavy burden. They were a despised people.
They were under a heavy burden in Egypt, but Moses made his choice and he chose to go with the people of God. He chose to go with those that belong to God rather than this world and its sad course that leads to judgment. We know where the Egyptians ended. We know how they all ended dead on the seashore at the Red Sea, while those who Moses identified himself with passed through safely on dry land.
All beloved, if you're not safe this afternoon, we cry to you. We plead with you. Put your trust in Christ.
And no, and enjoy the love of Christ in your soul.
Would you turn over now to the?
4th chapter of Exodus and the 10th verse.
And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant, but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? Or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the Lord Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.
And he said, Oh, my Lord, send I pray thee by the hand of him whom thou wilt send.
And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses. And he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother?
I know that he can speak well, and also behold, he cometh forth to meet thee.
And when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart, and thou shalt speak unto him, and put words in his mouth.
And I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you.
What ye shall do, dear young people? Again I believe, and I've enjoyed, how this was another turning point in the life of Moses. We know how, after he chose to be identified with the people of God, he went to the backside of the desert for a long period of time. And then he was chosen of God to bring a special, to bring a special message to Pharaoh, to the court of Pharaoh, and to Pharaoh himself to let my people go. But we find here that when Moses is called upon to deliver this message.
When Moses is called upon to make a testimony, to deliver a testimony for the Lord.
He hangs back. He is reluctant to go because he says I am not an eloquent man, and neither heretofore nor since. And then he goes on to say the Lord goes on, I should say, to say to him who hath made man's mouth dear young people, could I put it this way. I remember years ago in Montreal an older brother coming up to me one time, and he said that he enjoyed and he believed it had a real testimony to the world.
To see young people out witnessing for the Lord on the street corner.
He said, and I believe it's so true, he said. It has a special significance to the world.
To see young people rejoicing in Christ and ready to tell others about the Lord that they love and the Lord who has loved them. Dear young people. We have in Moses case here a time when he had to choose again. Would he go as the Lords messenger? Well, the Lord had to speak to him, and even in one case spoke to him with anger, because Moses hung back. He was too reluctant when he had the Lord's promise.
He had the Lord's promise. I will be with thy mouth.
Dear young people, you and I have been left here in this scene to witness for Christ. We've been left here in this scene, in this world. You've been put in the school where you go. You've been put in the office where you go. You've been put in the community where you live to be a witness for the Lord who loved you and made you his own. And you will be a witness. You will be a real witness for the Lord. If the love of Christ is really and richly enjoyed in the soul, how can it be otherwise?
How can I help but speak a word for Christ when my heart is just full? If and when I should say my heart is just full of the love of Christ. Moses is sent and he's told I will be with thy mouth. Dear young people, you say, as I know I have said and felt, it's so difficult. It's so difficult in school. They don't understand. It's so difficult in the office. They don't want to listen. They don't want to hear about the Lord of Glory.
No, it's true. They don't want to hear. But if you and I are going to be faithful to Christ.
Will speak a word, and we will be cast upon the Lord for the word. And we have the Lord's own promise. I will be with thy mouth. I'll give you the word. I'll tell you what to say. Tells us here in connection with Moses. You notice it says in the 12Th verse. I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what thou shalt say. And then you go on to the 15th verse. I will be with thy mouth and with his mouth, and will teach thee what ye shall do.
All beloved, you and I belong to Christ. If we have made our choice as it were, and decided for Christ, oh May God give to you and IA real and rich enjoyment of the love of Christ in our souls, and may it truly be bubbling over.
At every moment, as it were, just ready to spring out, to tell others about the love that the Lord has made known to us. His love, the love that brought him down into this scene to make us his own.
Well, Moses, as we said, Moses hung back. He didn't want to go. He said, I'm not an eloquent man, but all beloved. It wasn't a question of eloquence. It was a question of whether the Lord was sending him or not. It wasn't a question of whether Moses had the wisdom. The point was, the Lord said, I will be with thy mouth. You're going back from this conference, from these general meetings, and you're going to be back in school again. You're going to be back at the office again. You're going to be back.
With those whom you work with and study with, how are you going to be able, how are you ever going to be able to tell them about the Lord that loved you? There's only one way, beloved. There's only one way. It's not going to be done, in the sense it's something that I've got to do. You'll never be able to do it if you go away, as it were, with the sense that it's my duty and I must do it. But oh, if you'll just meditate for a little while on the Lord's love to you and joy for a little while in your souls.
The preciousness of the Lord's love to you, dear young people, I tell you, it can't help but come out. It can't help but come out. How can I be drinking from such a well of refreshment without others knowing that I have been drinking it that well it cannot be. May God again we say, give you an eye. The grace we belong to Christ we have made. We've decided for Christ He has made us his own. And May God give us the grace.
To witness for him out of hearts that are rejoicing in his love. To us dear young people, again I say there is no other way. There is no other way. If you come to these meetings and then you go home again, and you say to yourself, as I have said, brother so and so got up, brother so and so in the reading meeting said we should witness for the Lord. And because brother so and so said we should witness for the Lord, that I'm going to have to witness for the Lord when I get home. You'll never have the grace to do it, brethren. You'll never have the grace to your young people to do it that way.
But all, may you and I get in the Lord's presence. Just enjoy the Lord's love to us. Meditate for a little bit on His love and what it costs him to make us His own. And then we will have the grace and the energy and the liberty to tell others about His love to us.
You can turn over now to the 33rd chapter, the 32nd chapter of Exodus.
32nd chapter of Exodus and the 19th verse.
And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing. And Moses anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount. And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strode it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it. And then in the 33rd chapter and the seventh verse.
And Moses took the Tabernacle and pitched it without the camp a far off from the camp, and called it the Tabernacle of the congregation. And it came to pass that everyone which sought the Lord went out into the Tabernacle of the congregation, which was without the camp. We had noticed previously how Moses chose to be identified with the people of God. He made his decision, and then he was sent of the Lord. Now that he was his, he was sent of the Lord with a message.
A message to Pharaoh. A message to tell Pharaoh the mind of God. And he had the promise from the Lord himself. I will be with thy mouth, and I will teach thee what thou shalt say and what thou shalt do. But there came a time, beloved, in the life of Moses, when he faced another very serious, very important decision. He came to a time in his life when those who were.
Outwardly the people of God.
Chose to go on a course that dishonored the Lord. They came to a time when they made a golden calf, and they said these be the gods that brought us out of the land of Egypt. What a solemn thing, a solemn thing to see those who were outwardly professing to be the people of God turn away and follow a course that was so dishonouring to the one whom they claimed as their God. But Moses, Moses, when he comes down from the mountain, when he comes into the camp, and he sees the calf.
He destroys the calf, he breaks it up, and then he takes the Tabernacle of the congregation.
And pitches it without the camp, without the camp. And then he goes on to say, and it came to pass, that everyone which sought the Lord.
Went out onto the Tabernacle of the congregation, which was without the camp.
All, when we turn over to the 13th chapter of Hebrews, we find out something of the significance of this occasion in the life of Moses.
We find there where it tells us. Let us therefore go forth unto him without the camp bearing his reproach. Dear young people, make, I say, without offending anyone here. Have you taken your place at the Lord's table, at that place that he has sanctified, without the camp tomorrow morning, if the Lord should tarry here in this room?
Many of those that belong to Christ will be gathered together to remember the Lord Jesus in his death.
And you will be here probably, or you will be back home in this.
Little meeting where you come from. But the point is, will you be there gathered to the Lord's name? Moses, as we said, had a choice to make now, and he took the Tabernacle of the congregation and pitched it without the camp. And all those who sought the Lord went outside the camp to the Tabernacle of the congregation. Dear young people, you say, You say that you belong to Christ. You say that the Lord Jesus is your Savior. If I came up to you, or if anyone of the brethren here came up to you.
And spoke to you about the Lord, you would say, perhaps, yes, I belong to Christ the Lord Jesus is my savior. I know that he died for me on Calvary Cross. Or may I ask you, have you, have you acknowledged and acted?
Upon the invitation that He's given to you to remember him and his death, all dear young people, we speak of the love of Christ, and rightly so. The love that the Lord Jesus has for us passeth all knowledge. It is unsearchable. It is unknowable in one sense. But dear young people, can we speak of the Lord Jesus as our Savior? Can we truly say and acknowledge and own that the Lord Jesus died for us on Calvary's cross that he gave his life?
In order to make us his own, and then refuse when he says this, do in remembrance of Maine. Oh dear young people, the Lord must draw you there. But oh, if you're enjoying the Lord's love in your soul, if you'll just get as it were in the Lord's presence, and meditate for a little while on the Lord's love to you, what he has given, what it cost him to make you His own, what it cost Him, dear one, to give himself.
To redeem you to God by His blood. And then you hear His voice say this. Do dear young people, this do in remembrance of Me? How can your heart and mind stay away? How can we refuse to acknowledge His claim, His right to our whole hearted remembrance, when we realize in our souls that He loved us even unto death?
Well, as we say in Moses, in the life of Moses, there came this time when he had to choose, he had to make a decision and he decided to go outside the camp. And those who sought the Lord went outside the camp of Israel too. Will you go outside the camp to your young people? Will you go out to Christ, be gathered to his precious name, and remember him and his death all? What an acknowledgement I I say because I'm sure it's it's so with each one of our souls.
But one cannot help but in the remembrance of the Lord to have a sweeter and more and deeper, I guess I should say, a sweeter and deeper knowledge acknowledgement of the Lord's love to us every time we remember him in his death. Oh, I remember my brother years ago saying to me he was commenting on the. I guess it's the second chapter of John's Gospel about how the the.
Governor of the feast that the marriage in Cana of Galilee. How the governor of the feast said, thou hast saved the best wine until last. And all this brother said he was well along in years, And he told me, he said, John, the older I get, the more and more I realize that the Lord has saved the best wine, and to last, because the older He got, the more the Lord's love meant to him, the more He enjoyed it. Dear young people, the Lord wants you to enjoy His love. He wants you to be in the enjoyment right now of His love to your soul.
Will you turn over with me? Our time is just about gone to the Book of Numbers for just one other passage.
The 20th chapter of Numbers.
And the seventh verse.
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes, and it shall give forth his water. And thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the rock. So thou shalt give the congregation, and their beasts drink. And Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as he commanded him. And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock.
And he said unto them, Here now ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice. And the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, because ye believed me not to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them.
Dear young people, this is one of the occasions in the life of Moses where we find that he failed, failed to appreciate what the Lord was doing for Israel. He failed to enter in to the Lorde purpose in this commandment that he gave to Moses. But there is a very, very important lesson for us dear young people, you and I, we belong to Christ. We know the Lord Jesus as our Savior, and we're ready, you say?
We're ready, perhaps, to seek to live for him. But all dear young people, we need a guide. We need something to direct our steps. We need something to direct our steps in the pathway that he has chosen for us. We have here. In the case of Moses, he had an express commandment from the Lord. The Lord told him exactly what to do, but Moses chose to do differently. The Lord told him to take the rod.
And speak to the rock, and the water would flow forth as refreshment to his people. But Moses chose to act differently, and he smote the rock again, as he had done in the past. We know that this spoiled the type, as it were, in connection with the Lord's death, and in his now being able to provide refreshment for us without dying again, but particularly the thought that I had before me dear young people.
Is the fact that though Moses disobeyed, though Moses disobeyed the commandment that the Lord had given them.
The Lord overruled and the water came out anyway. The Lord overruled.
That Moses had an express commandment from the Lord, Exactly what to do. But he didn't do it. He didn't do it. He chose to do it his own way. And the Lord overruled and brought the blessing anyway. But Moses, this dear man of God, Moses lost the reward that would have been his for walking in obedience. He lost the reward that could have been his for walking in obedience dear young people we have had before us.
In our reading meetings, the authority of this blessed book.
That God has given us a full revelation, as we had before us this morning. He's given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. He's given us explicit directions for every step of our pathway, for every decision that we must make in life. There's wisdom from God himself for that decision right here in this book. Will we We belong to Christ. Will we bow our wills to His will.
And own his authority over us.
All we will dear young people, if we're really enjoying the love of Christ in our souls.
If we're enjoying, if I'm enjoying in my soul his love to me, how can I help but acknowledge that his claim is uppermost? His claim must be paramount in my life, that his claim must be the one that is to be acknowledged as the one who is to have in all things the preeminence. There are young people, Moses. Moses came to make this decision, and he chose to go his own way.
But the blessing came forth anyway. We live in a scene, dear young people.
In a scene in this country where there is much activity, where there is much going on with things that are displeasing to the Lord, there is much preaching, much spreading of the gospel, but in a way that is not according to the mind of God or according to his word.
But God is faithful, and God will bless his word. God will act sovereignly as he chooses. But if you and I belong to Christ, we can only walk in obedience. We have only the right to walk in obedience to His precious word.
And if we do not, all there are those, and our own hearts are no different. How prone we are to go our own way, to go our own way, when the love of Christ is constraining us to go His way. Dear young people, if we would have His blessing, if we would have the reward that the Lord loves to give His own, it can only be as a result of walking in His way, according to His mind, as revealed in the word of God.
Well, our time is just about gone, and I trust dear young people. What has been before us this afternoon has been particularly, perhaps, for one's own soul, but all to think, to think, brethren, for a moment of the Lord's love to us, to realize that He has died to make us His own. And now that love, that love speaks to your heart and soul and mind. His love, His love speaks to us, calls to us, as it were, that we might walk in obedience to His precious word, that we might be gathered to His precious name and remember Him in death.
That we might witness for him. That we might let others know those whom we come in contact with, That we might deliver the message from the Lord himself, as he is with our mouth. Yes, that we might deliver His message, dear young people, that the Lord has died to redeem all that will put their trust in Him. Oh, May God give to you and I, dear young people, the grace and the enjoyment. And I say it again, the enjoyment.
Of the love of Christ in our souls, that we might walk to please him.
And be a testimony for him. We've got a couple of minutes left. Would you turn, just for a moment, to the 11Th chapter of Hebrews?
We have been commenting on the life of Moses. Now we read here, if we could put it that way, God's commentary on the life of this man of God in the 11Th chapter of Hebrews and the 23rd verse.
Faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child, and they were not afraid of the King's commandment. By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt.
For he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. By faith he forsook Egypt.
Not fearing the wrath of the king, for he endured as seeing him.
Who was invisible? All beloved young people. This is a course that we can walk in and enjoy and be happy in. In a world where everything is opposed to the Christian, where everything in the world. This is the place where Satan is the God and the Prince of this world, but and where everything is in opposition to the child of God. But there's a pathway, a blessed, happy pathway, that we can walk in and be happy, dear young people.
Don't let anyone ever tell you differently. A path where we can walk and be happy.
And no, every moment of our lives the enjoyment of the Lords, love to us and be a witness for him, and we will have the grace. Yes, dear young people, though we know our failure and how much we do grieve his heart, we will have the grace to value things in the light of eternity, to enjoy seeing him that was invisible to esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt.
If and only if, dear young people, you and I are enjoying the Lord's love in our souls as we go along every moment at work, is it possible for you to be at school and be enjoying the Lord's love? Indeed it is. Indeed it is At the office while you're working, perhaps at a routine job or a very important one, is it possible to enjoy the Lord's love? Indeed it is.
And oh, if we will only spend more time in his presence.
You only spend more time in the company of the Son of God. We will know what it is to enjoy richly His love to us, and brethren all around us cannot help but see that the love of Christ is enjoyed. Moses as it tells us here He esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt.
Give to you and I the grace dear young people to esteem things in that light as we go on in a world where all is opposed to Christ, but where the love of God is enjoyed, where the love of Christ is cherished. And dear young people, young though you are, that love is your portion to enjoy too, as we go home to glory.
We just ask the Lord's blessing.