2 Kings 6:25-7

2KI 6:25-7
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Gospel—G. Hayhoe
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General Meetings, Des Moines, June 1962. Gospel by Gordon Hayhoe.
While we sing together hymn #15.
Him #15.
All blessed gospel sound, yet there is room. It tells to all around. Yet there is room the guilty may draw near the vile. They need not fear with joy they now may hear. Yet there is room number 15.
Oh boy, I thought. God falls out.
Yes, there is drunk.
Yeah, now. Still all around.
Yeah, there is Rome.
For the Lord.
There is room.
Awareness. Christ, we save.
Yeah, there is, bro. Crystalline. Yeah, there is Rome.
Hey, swelling now till the same.
Way. Yes, there is, Rose.
Our lakes are already calm.
Yeah, they're in Rome.
Crying down everything.
At all.
Yeah, there is.
Lord is now complete.
May for the mercy say.
Oh savior you will be.
Yeah, well.
Yeah, there is Rome.
You will thou somewhere.
Yes, there is room.
Shall we turn to 2nd Kings?
Second Kings Chapter 6.
And verse 25.
And there was a great famine in Samaria, and behold, they besieged it until an ass's head was sold for four score pieces of silver, and the 4th part of a cab of doves dung for five pieces of silver.
And the 32nd verse. But Elisha sat in his house.
And the elders sat with him, and the king sent a man from before him.
But ere the messenger came to him, he said to the elders.
See how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away mine head.
Look, when the messenger cometh shut the door, and holding fast at the door is not the sound of his masters feet behind him. And while he yet talked with with them, behold, the messenger came down unto him, And he said, Behold, this evil is of the Lord. Why should I wait for the Lord any longer? Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord. Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria.
Then a Lord on whose hand the king leaned, answered the man of God, and said.
Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be?
And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof.
And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate, and they said one to another.
Twice that we here until we die if we say we will enter into the city.
Then the famine is in the city, and we will die there. And if we sit still here, we die also. Now, therefore, come and let us fall into the host of the Syrians. If they save us alive, we shall live, and if they kill us, we shall but die. They rose up in the twilight to go into the camp of the Syrians, and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of Syria, behold, there was no man there.
For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of Chariots.
And the noise of horses, even the noise of a great host. And they said one to another.
Lo, the king of Israel is hired against us, the kings of the Hittite and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us.
Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents and their horses and their ***** even the camp as it was, and fled for their life. And when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp, they went into one tent, and it eat and drink, and carried them silver and gold, and ramen, and went and hit it, and came again, and entered into another tent, and carried fence also, and went and hit it.
Then they said, one to another, we do not. Well, this day is a day of good tidings.
And we hold our peace. If we tarry till the morning light, some mischief will come upon us now, therefore come that we may go and tell the King's household. So they came and called under the Porter of the city, and they told him, saying, We came to the camp of the Syrians, and behold, there was no man there, neither voice of man, but horses tied and ***** tied, and the tents as they were.
And he called the porters.
And they told it to the King's house within, And the king arose in the night.
And said unto his servants, I will now show you what the Syrians have done to us.
They know that we be hungry. Therefore they gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the fields, saying, when they come into the city, we shall catch them alive and get them get into the city. And one of his servants answered and said, Let some take, I pray thee, 5 of the horses that remain, which are left in the city, behold, there is all the multitude of Israel that are left in it. Behold, I say, they are even as all the multitude of the Israelites that are consumed.
And let us stand and see. They took therefore 2 Chariot horses. And the king sent after the host of the Syrians, and said, go and see. And they went unto them after them unto Jordan. And lo, all the way was full of garments and vessels, which the Syrians had castaway in their haste. And the messengers returned and told the king, And the people went out and spoiled the tents of the Egyptians.
So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shackle, according to the word of the Lord. And the king appointed the Lord on whose hand he leaned to have the charge of the gate, and the people trod upon him in the gate. And he died as a man of God had said, who spake when the king came down to him. And it came to pass, as the man of God had spoken to the king saying.
Two measures of barley for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour For a shekel shall be tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria. And that Lord answered the man of God, and said, Now, behold, if the Lord should open, should make windows in heaven might such a thing be? And he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes, but shalt not eat thereof. And so it fell out unto him, For the people trod upon him in the gate.
And he died. Turned to Acts Chapter 13.
Acts, Chapter 13 and verse.
Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sin.
And by him all it believes are justified from all things.
From which she could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Beware therefore bless that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets.
Behold, she despisers and wonder and Perry.
For I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe.
Though a man declare it unto you.
Well, in this portion.
Friends, that we have read in Second Kings chapters 6 and seven, we can see a time of terrible famine, and yet we can see how God in his wondrous goodness, provided plenty for those who would receive it. And surely it's a picture of the time in which we live. The Scripture tells us there would be a famine, not for bread or for water, but for hearing of the words of the Lord. But oh how good it is.
That God in his grace is proclaiming also a time of plenty.
He is telling tonight, a blessing so wonderful that those who have not received them say something something like this doubting man did. Can such a thing be all? Dear friends, we want to tell you that it can be, and that there are many in this room tonight who have tasted of this grace and goodness of God, who have tasted of the plenty that God has provided.
Who are tonight enjoying the full and the free pardon?
That has been purchased for us through the work of Christ on Calvary's cross. But all it may be that there are some who are still famishing in this poor world of sin, still going on without Christ, still trying to satisfy yourself with those things of this world that can never satisfy. It says here there was a great famine in Samaria and how could we account?
Or the way people go after the things of this world, things that never satisfy, that have never satisfied anyone yet and never will.
And yet they go after them with all their might and they spend all their money and time.
After those things that never can satisfy the heart? Or is there anyone here just like that? Is there someone who has perhaps dropped into this mating? Or perhaps is there one of the children of the Saints and you're trying to satisfy your soul in this poor famishing world and you're going after the two things that were offered for sale here? It's it's almost shocking to read of what they were offering.
And ISIS head and doves done. But you know when you go around through this world and see the kind of things that people have to entertain their souls while you feel that it's just like it says here, an ***** head speaks of the nonsense and foolishness that people feed upon today. And they'll pay tremendous prices for it. The more foolish and silly it is, the bigger laugh it gives, the higher the price they'll pay for it.
But it doesn't satisfy. Why are they going after it? There's a famine in the land.
There's a famine in their souls too now. Famine. They don't know Christ.
They don't know the one who can satisfy. They have never been brought face to face with that blessed, precious Savior.
They have never become acquainted with him. They are like it says there in the 13th of Acts.
Their despisers of this free grace of God, Oh my friend, you dear boys and girls and young people.
Is that what you are going after? Is that what you are spending your time on?
When you pass the news magazines and when you see the entertainments this world has to offer.
Are you willing to put your hand in your pocket and pay money for this empty foolishness?
That can never satisfy. And doves dung all the horrible things that people read and look at and listen to today. All dear friends, Surely this that we have brought before us here is just a little miniature picture of the Great Famine that exists right here in the United States of America. There's plenty of food. There's plenty of.
Good jobs and nice homes to live in.
But what are people feeding on? Oh, they're feeding on those things that can't satisfy. And as it says in the 55th chapter of Isaiah, wherefore do ye spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfieth not hearken diligently unto me?
Here and your soul shall live all your friend. You don't need to be starving.
You don't need to be going on in that way. I didn't read what followed because it just shows a picture of absolute lack of natural affection altogether. And isn't that another thing that we see in the world today without natural affection, as it tells us in Timothy? And that's what characterizes these last days.
The men going so pleasure mad after entertainment.
Now that they forget about their children and their families and everything goes to pieces.
And that's what we see brought before us. And then what was the next thing?
Why? The king blamed God for it? He blamed God, he says. I'll find this servant of God.
And he said, I won't let his head stay on him. And isn't that what the world does? They go on after their folly and foolishness, and then when trouble comes, they blame God. They blame God. And when they meet one of God's servants who seeks to tell them that God is speaking to them through the trouble, they want to push the servant away. They don't want to listen. They say, well, if God's a God of love, why does he allow all these things to happen?
But why did this thing come upon Samaria? This evil is from the Lord.
God allowed it because those people had forsaken him.
And dear friend, if you have turned your back upon Christ, you can never.
Find what satisfies apart from him and you'll just go farther and farther along.
That pleasure mad pathway that goes on and finally leads to the lake of fire, to the awful judgment of God, oh, I plead with you to be arrested in your downward course. And if God has brought some trouble into your life, if God has spoken loudly to you, don't turn and blame God, my friend. One of the hardest things for a person to do.
Is to condemn himself.
You know, it took all those.
40 chapters in Job before Job turned the finger on himself and said.
I repent and abhor myself, abhor myself. Oh, it takes an awful lot sometimes to bring us down, but if we're going to get the blessing, we must be brought down. I was thinking today of that palsied man.
He was so helpless that he couldn't even come to the Lord Jesus.
So four of his friends undertook to pick him up in a bed and bring him.
And when they went to bring him to the Lord Jesus, why there was such a crowd there that they couldn't get in?
And so they tore a hole in the roof, and they let the man down.
Down, down. Yes, down. I suppose when he saw them tearing that hole in the roof and making the place for him to come down, perhaps he didn't realize that it was going to end in such a blessing for him. And you know, when a Sinner finds himself let down, down, down, he doesn't like it very well. But it's a good thing when you go down to the feet of Jesus, my friend.
That's the place of blessing. None of us like this process of being brought down. Naman didn't like it. Nam didn't like it when the Prophet said that go and dip in Jordan that muddy river seven times. But when he did it says Then went he down. And what was the result? Oh, I think I can see his happy face when he came out of the water with these lovely words in his lips. Now I know.
Now I know. And, dear friend, you'll never know until you're brought down to the feet of Jesus.
And we who are saved here can remember how our friends let us down.
Down to and we didn't like it. They told us we were lost sinners.
And they stood around us like those four men. And what were they doing with the poor man? They were letting him down.
Is that the way you feel when Christians stand around you and talk to you? That they're just trying to bring you down?
Just trying to make out that you are such a wicked bad Sinner. People sometimes tell us that when we talk to them. Friends, the place of blessing when we're brought down to the feet of Jesus, that's the place of blessing. When the poor, when the poor Republicans said God be merciful to me, the Sinner, he went down to his house, justified, justified.
And May God grant that if there's someone who's coming here tonight.
Justifying yourself saying I'm a good person, I've always done the best I can. I've always tried to live a good life. May God grant that you will be brought down. You may not enjoy the process, but old friend, when you get down to the feet of Jesus, you'll rejoice.
The first work of God and the soul is not always a pleasant thing.
It's not a pleasant thing to find yourself lost in the presence of the Savior.
But all the blessing that follows it says there is joy in the presence of the angels of God.
Over 1 Sinner that repenteth doesn't say. Over 1 Sinner that gets saved. Why doesn't it say if one Sinner gets saved? All because when there's repentance it's followed by salvation. But when God has brought the Sinner to the place of repentance, are sure to be blessing for them. But it's a process that none of us like, but we thank God for it afterwards.
We rejoice in His goodness and bringing us down.
Well, things got worse and worse. Scenario was in an awful condition and Alicia sat in his house. Why didn't he do something about it? Why didn't he go out and try and relieve conditions?
All the Christians not here to try and relieve conditions in this world. He's here to preach glad tidings, to tell of the Savior, to tell of what He's able to do for those who will come to Him. We have the best news that was ever told forth in this world.
Oh dear Christian, what a wonderful privilege as ours. If we had our pockets full of gold, we wouldn't have such a wonderful privilege.
As we have, if someone wants to give us pockets full of gold and say you can give everybody.
On the streets of Des Moines, a gold piece, we wouldn't have as wonderful a privilege as to be able to go and tell them of the Savior's love and what he has done, of his matchless, full and free grace.
Sat in his house.
So the king sent a messenger and the messenger came to put the servant of God to death. He was going to take off Alicia's head, and Alicia said hold the door.
Hold the door. I still got some good news to tell. I still got some good news to tell.
And you know, if the devil had his way, he'd stop the gospel going forth in this world altogether.
But God is holding the door. He is holding the door. Yes, dear friends, holding back the powers of darkness. And it's only His goodness and His grace that has caused this Gospel meeting to be held here tonight. At once again He might hear of the Savior's love once again. You might hear of this gracious offer from God himself and how willing He is to save you.
And to bless you. Sometimes people say, oh, you Christians, you're no good in the earth. You're not trying to make things better. You're not any use down here. But did you ever stop to think that the Christians are the salt of the earth? When the Lord comes and gives the shout and calls his own home, this world is going to be in a far worse condition than it is now. Yes, it's going to be far worse. Judgment is going to come. Such as this world has never known.
Before it says there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.
Even to that same time that God's holding the door, and so he held the door, and it says here in the 33rd verse. And while he yet talked with him, behold the messenger came down unto him. He said, Behold, this evil is the of the Lord. Why should I wait for the Lord any longer?
He will recognize that the troubles that are sent in this world are allowed of God. Yes, God's hand is in them in that last Great War that came upon the world.
God's hand was in it. In that trouble, it's come into your life. God's hand is in it.
In that bereavement that has come, as you have stood over the lifeless body of a loved one.
The tears have flowed down in your face. Why God's hand was in that?
God's hand was in it. And why should you wait any longer, dear friend? Why should you wait any longer? Why not come to Christ now?
Why not stop blaming God and blame yourself? Say I am a Sinner.
The little song says Why do you wait for Sinner? Why do you carry so long?
The Savior is waiting to give you a place in His sanctified strong. Why wait any longer? And so Elijah opens his mouth and announces good tidings in that famished city. Listen to what he says. Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord. Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flower be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel.
And the gate of Samaria looked like an impossibility. How could it be? No one could understand how it could be. And you know, when we announced the glad tidings of God's saving grace, the first thought in the sinner's heart is, oh, that can't be it can't be that I don't have to do anything. Surely I must do something. I must try at least do my best.
No, dear friend, there's nothing for you to do. The doing was all done.
At Calvary's Cross, the Savior said, it is finished.
And if the barley and the fine flour was sold in Samaria, I have better news still for you.
It's not being sold tonight. The gift of God is eternal life.
Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sin.
And by him all of belief are justified from all things from which she could not be justified by the law of Moses. So I say, I've got better news than what was given to the people of Samaria long ago. They were going to buy this food at a very low price. But tonight, salvation is free. Salvation is free, but it was paid for by a mother. Salvation full.
At highest cost. But who paid it? Jesus paid it off.
He paid it all. Dear friend, you can't buy salvation. You can't work for salvation.
The price is too high for you and I to pay. Our works are only filthy rags, as our brother brought before us last night.
The best that we can do is only filthy rags. In God's presence. People will say, well, what more can you do than your best friend? God doesn't want your best. The best that you can do will not suit God. But Christ has done it. Christ has done it. The very finest that you and I could do is only rejected by God. But tonight, God offers you salvation.
And upon that cross of Calvary, the Lord Jesus paid the price of sin. And I love to think of this, that it was God himself that placed my sins upon the head of the Lord Jesus. Sometimes we hear the expression Confess your sins and come to God. Hello, dear friend. You couldn't remember all your sins, nor could I. And if God only forgave the sins that I could remember.
I know I'd be lost forever because not one sin can enter into heaven. The confession of sins is for believers. But what the Sinner needs to do is to come to God and acknowledge that he has nothing good to bring, nothing good to bring because it says without faith it is impossible to please God, another verse says.
They that are in the flesh cannot please God. And if you began to confess your sins.
Why? You'd have to start from the very beginning until everything you'd ever done.
Because all of an unsaved man does is unclean, filthy rags in God's presence says in Proverbs, the plowing of the wicked is sin. A man has never done anything to please God until he has been cleansed in the precious blood of Christ, until his sins have been washed away. There is no good work in his whole life that God can accept. And so.
What God wants you to do.
Is to just come and say I have nothing. Nothing. I'm just a poor lost guilty Sinner. But I believe that Christ has done it all. And listen to these words. All that believes are justified from all things. Isn't that lovely? All you say is that's too good to be true. It can't be that easy. There must be something to do. And that's what this Lord on whose hand the king lean thought too.
He says this campaign Why have God opened the windows of heaven? Might such a thing be?
Why? How often when we tell the simplicity of salvation, the devil whispers in the ears of the Sinner? Oh, that can't be. You have to do something. You have to do something. And we who are saved, remember how hard it was for us to come to the point where we realized that there was nothing to do and nothing to pay. Jesus did, all in his own blessed way. Dear friend, there's nothing to do, I say.
You and I are sinners, and if we did try to do it, we would only present to God that which he calls dead works and filthy rags. So while the door was being held, and while this man was plotting to take the life of Elijah, Elisha was announcing God's good tidings for the city of Samaria, and while this world is closing its ears against the gospel.
While this world is more and more becoming indifferent to the wondrous message of the Savior's love.
God still is stretching out his hand in love and grace and offering salvation.
Sinners are still being saved and all what joy there'd be.
In the heart of God, in your heart, in our hearts. If someone tonight would just come, that's all he's left for you and I to do, is just to come. Well, this Lord on whose hand the King leaned. He said, Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be? This man was an agnostic. He didn't contradict it. He probably flattered himself and said, well, I I didn't say it wasn't true.
But I just can't see how it can be true, that's all, he said. If God opened the windows of heaven, might it be that was all? And you say, well, I don't disbelieve it, but I just don't understand how it can possibly be. You're an agnostic, perhaps? Well, you're in the same class as a Christ trajector because there are different kinds of unbelievers. There are agnostics. They're infidels. They're atheists.
There are neglectors, but they're all in the same class. They're unbelievers.
And the first class who are cast into the lake of fire, the fearful.
And the next one to the unbelieving. The fearful are the ones who'd like to believe that they're afraid they might be laughed at, and the next class are the ones who just won't believe. Perhaps they're living outwardly clean lives, but they just won't believe. The message seems too good to be true, and that's what this Lord on whose hand the king Lean said might this thing be?
And listen to thee solemn words. Behold, thou shalt see it with thine eyes.
But shall not eat thereof. And he did see it. He saw the plenty.
He saw the people rejoicing, he saw the food being offered, and he was trodden down under foot. And so that's why I read those verses In Acts 13 it says, beware, bless that come upon you, which is spoken of in the prophets. Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish, for I work a work in your days.
A work which he shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.
And the earth's center. If you die in your sins, you are going to see.
The bliss that you have missed, you're going to see it. When that man down and down in hell on the 16th of Luke was suffering, he saw Lazarus in his blessing and he knew it was never going to be his. What an awful thing it will be for you, my friend. Always say it with deep sorrow in my heart. What an awful thing to think that there may be people in this room who will see the bliss of heaven.
And see that there's no chance of them ever getting there. All how dreadfully stomped you boys and girls, you Christian, you, children of Christian parents, to see your father and your mother and your loved ones and eternal glory with Jesus, That all that they told you was true, all that they told you about that precious Savior in the home above was true. And just see it with your eyes.
And you yourself shut out, the Lord said. Many will come from the east, and from the West, and from the north and from the South, and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God. But the children would be cast into outer darkness as weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Never another opportunity. How you'd give anything to have the opportunity, well, this man isn't presented as a wicked man. He was.
A respected man.
In the court, he was one so respected and so trusted that the king leaned on his arm. And you may be sure that the king wouldn't lean on the arm of anybody that he couldn't trust.
Those kings were afraid of anybody that wasn't trustworthy, wouldn't have them near them, lest their lives would be taken. This was a trustworthy man. This was a respected man, honored man. One that everybody in the city would speak well of, I expect. But he was a doubter. He was an unbeliever, He was an agnostic. And the world is full of agnosticism today. Few young people going to college. That's what you meet more than anything else today.
People will say, well, I don't say it's not true, but I don't know. It doesn't seem right to me. It doesn't seem it can be true. Oh dear friend, remember your agnosticism. I'll land you in hell if you reject Christ. That's where it will land you. You may be respected and liked by your friends. You may be one everybody looks up to and says you're a fine fellow. So was this Lord in Samaria. But he was warned.
He was warned by friend.
And God never brings judgment without warning. He never brings judgment without warning.
And there was a warning given to this man.
Well, the scene changes here and we see four leprous men.
4 Leprous men. Men who were outcast from society, Men who couldn't even live in the city because no one wanted those defiled men around. They'd have to put their hand up and say unclean, unclean, unclean. And when we read about four, it makes you think of the four points of the compass, N SE and West. And wherever we go, well, that's what we find, dear friends.
Man is defiled by sin.
But it's a good thing when you know it. These men knew they were sinners.
These men knew that they were outside. These men knew that they had no rights in that city at all, and so they were outside. And one said to the other twice that we hear until we die. Notice where they were? They were right at the gate.
Dear friend, the gospel meaning just like the gate. Remember the cult that was tied outside the gate?
It was right by the gate, and it was Ty and dear friend, is that where you are tonight? You're right at the gate, but you're tithing your sins and you're tied there. And you need the Lord to set you free here with these four electric men on the outside of the gate. And one said to the other twice that we hear until we die. What do you have to do to be lost? Nothing. You're lost already. You're lost already.
You don't have to do something to be lost. You are lost. But the Son of Man has come to see and to save that which was lost. These four lepers, men on the outside of the gate, One looked at the other and said, well, why should we sit here? We should do something. We should do something. Dear friend, there's something for you to do too, and that is to receive of the plenty that God has provided. That's what these men did. They didn't manufacture something.
They didn't do something of their own efforts to get all this plenty. They just received the plenty that God had provided for them and as many as received him to them gave you power to become the Son of God. Even to them that believe on His name, Well, they had a few suggestions and they said if we go into the city, we'll die there, there's a famine there, and let's go to the Syrians.
And if we die, we'll die. Well, it seems, you know, by going to the Syrians that they were putting themselves into the hands of the enemy. It seemed the most foolish thing to do to go and turn themselves over to the to the Syrians. And you know, that's what they it always seems the enemy says, oh, it's a foolish thing. This is all nonsense, It's foolishness, but.
The foolishness of God is wiser than men. The devil tells you that God is against you.
But the gospel tells you that God is for you if God before us.
Who can be against us? God had gone before He had rooted the enemy.
He'd put them to flight, and he had provided plenty and all. Dear friend, the devil's whispering in your ear right now. Oh, if you come to Christ, you'll have to give up so much. You'll have a hard life. God is against you. You can't have a happy life if you're a Christian. Oh, he's a he's a liar. He's hiding the true facts from you. Because.
Although God must be a judge, a Lord, God must punish sin.
They can tell you that there is one who has come before has defeated the power of the enemy.
Has put him to flight, and now he's offering you plenty. He's come before, I say, before the day of judgment, Jesus came in grace. So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many. And unto them that looked for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation, before the day of judgment, I say he came in grace. These Syrians were gathered to take the city of Samaria.
And now here these men go out and they find the Syrians are gone. Who was it that went before?
God went before God put them to flight, and God provided plenty.
For these four lecterous men, God provided plenty for them.
So it says in the fifth verse. They rose up in the twilight.
And a twilight friend is the twilight. The day of grace is just about at its close. You watch the sun go down and then the twilight comes. And oh, it's getting near the end of the day of grace. It's just like the twilight of the day of grace. But it's not too late, Sinner. It's not too late. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. So they went out in the twilight.
And went to the camp of the Syrians. And, it says in the sixth verse, the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of Chariots and the noise of horses, even the noise of a great host. Yes, the Lord had gone before. It was his victory. The victory is the Lord's and all. How good to be able to proclaim that victory that was won at Calvary's Cross, says in First Corinthians 15.
Thanks be unto God, which giveth us the victory through.
Our Lord Jesus Christ. So when they got there, says the sixth verse, seventh verse, rather. Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight, and left their tents and their horses and their ***** even the camp, as it wasn't bled for their life. And when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp, they went into one tent, and they eat and drink, and carried them silver and gold and raiment, and went and hit it.
Yes. They weren't anything they wanted. It was there for them the Lord had gone before.
Silver, Gold, Raymond. Everything for four leftless men. Oh, dear friend, if you're willing to look up and say, God, I'm nothing but a leper center. I'm nothing but a leprous center. All I want to tell you, there's plenty for you too. There's gold, which figures to us in the Scripture divine righteousness.
Their silver which tells of redemption accomplished at Calvary.
And there is raiment, because God bids you to put on the best robe of heaven.
Oh, what happy men. These were once despised lepers.
But now they were better off than all those who seemed so privileged in the city of Samaria. All dear friends, that's what the Savior does for the one who turns to him. That's what he does. All the enemy is whispering to you right now. It's no use.
It's no use but all I want to tell you that if you come or you say that these men went doubting. But I like the way a little hymn puts it. Come as thou art in all I sin. Come with thy hardened heart. Come with thy cares my doubts, thy fears all grace he will impart. Oh, you say I've got such a doubting heart. But if you come to him, you won't have a doubting heart any longer. Because.
He'll give you the very faith to believe you must come to him. You can't manufacture the faith.
You say I've got a hard heart, so come to him just as you are. He'll soften your heart.
He'll put love in your heart. Oh, he'll show you what he has. For you, dear Sinner, shall only come just as I am, without one plea. But that thy blood was shed for me, so these men came just the way they were. Lepers, doubting hearts, But they came. They didn't have doubting hearts. After this everything was there for them.
But there's a sort of a sad note about it here, they said. We'll hide it. We won't tell anybody. We won't tell anybody. These are somebody like that here. These are a boy or a girl or a young person here.
And in your heart you've received Christ. You know he's your savior, but you've never confessed them with your lips.
You have never gone to one person and said all the Lord Jesus is my savior.
He's washed away my sins. He died for me. Oh, dear friend, dear young person, this is a day of good time. Can you hold your peace? Can you keep it in? Can you hold this glad tidings to yourself?
Tells about the Butler in Genesis. He said, I remember my fault this day. And he spoke up for Joseph Joseph of Arimathea. He was a secret disciple, but he came out boldly and identified himself with the Lord Jesus and all. May God grant if you've never confessed the Lord as your savior, if you have put your trust in Him, why not confess him tonight? Why not 'cause that joy?
In heaven, and that joy in your own heart and among others.
When you confess the precious savior, So these people said this is.
This is good, but we mustn't keep it in. So they went and they came to the gate of the city and they shouted up and called the quarter of the city and they said there's plenty out here. Oh, there's plenty.
Of Syrians of all fled and you can just go and have anything you want, It's all there for you. Oh, the king said that that can't be. This is only a trick. This is just a trick that they're up to. Doesn't that sound like the way the world talks when you talk about the good tidings, the message?
Oh, they think it's just something trick or something. It can't be. It can't really have joy and peace like this.
Your friend, you can, you can well, the king said.
We've only got a few horses in the city. Let's send five, let's send five and at least look into this thing, see if it's true. Let's go and see. Let us stand and see.
Then when the time came from the goal, why they only sent two horses. But one thing good they did go, didn't they? They did go. They didn't even send five horses, they only sent 2.
But they came, The lepers came with doubts and everything.
Was proven to be good. Everything was proven to be far better than they ever expected and saw These people went out to investigate this 22 Chariot horses and a chariot to see. Oh dear friend, will you come to come and see?
Little song says I came to Jesus as I was weary and warned and sad. I found in him a resting place and he has made me glad. Oh, it may be that you say? Well, it's no use for me to speak because people wouldn't listen to me. People wouldn't listen. Well, at first the king here didn't listen, but at last he yielded.
And they took these chariot horses and they went out to sea. Oh, may I encourage myself and each Christian here. Let us carry the glad tidings. Let us carry the glad tidings. That, brethren, is a day of good tidings. We can't hold our peace. This news is too good to keep in. And even if people do say, oh, I don't believe it, Religion is just a campaign. It's just a trick. It's to get your money.
Remember that if they come to Christ, if they truly come to Him.
Then they'll realize that there's a reality. We're not preaching religion. It's Christ we present to you tonight. It's Christ. Through this man has preached unto you the forgiveness of sin, and by him all believe are justified from all things, from the which he could not be justified by the law of Moses. But you say there's a time and season for all these things.
Well, it's sort of interesting to me here that they woke up the King's household to tell us good news. So did the Philippine jailer when he got saved in the middle of the night, he woke up his household, says Paul. Come on in. Please tell my household this good news, all your friends. Let us be ready instant in season and out of season, to tell the glad tidings. Night time, daytime, whenever it is.
It's always in season, this good news, so wonderful to hold in.
Well, they went out and what did they find? Well, they found the same thing the lepers had found.
And the further they went, the better it was. The further they went, the better it was.
They, the leopards, had just gone into a couple of tents and got gold and silver and garments. But when they went out with a chariot horses, why they kept on going and the further they went, the place was just screwed with all the good things they wanted. And that's the way it is, dear friends. Some of us were saved many years ago.
But we've been going on, and the Lord's been screwing the pathway with good things.
I think we can say that this three days as we have traveled along, perhaps we only took two chariot horses.
We were sort of doters, you know. We didn't think the Lord was as good as He really is, but when we took the two chariot horses and went along.
We found that the path was strewed with good things. The Lord had gone before. Oh, how good He is. Fear Sinner, I can't tell you how good he is, but I can say come and say come and save. Will you say. Let us go and see, Let us go and see. That's what they said. Let us go and see. Oh dear Sinner, He'll only come to Jesus.
You'll fill your heart with rejoice and you'll save your soul. He'll wash away your sins.
But he's an all the way home savior. He's all the way home savior. And so they went all the way to Jordan. To Jordan. Well, it makes you think of the end of the journey, doesn't it? The end of the journey, just at the time he crossed the Jordan and entered the land. And isn't that so? The Lord is the same all the way, young or old, no matter how far you are along the journey as a savior for you.
He's ready, He's willing, He's able to bless, and he wants to do it for you tonight. Oh, how lovely those words. Let me quote them again. Be it known unto you, therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.
Dear boys and girls, dear friends, here tonight. God has good news for you, The best news that was ever told. You can have your sins forgiven. You can be justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the Law of Moses. Are you going to be among the second class?
Behold you despisers, and wonder and perish. What about this Lord?
On whose hand the king leaned? Did he see all these things? Yes, he did.
The king appointed them to have charge at the gate, and there he was standing at the gate.
He watched all these people go out and bring back their arms full of plenty. He saw people receiving all these good things, But he didn't partake of it. He didn't eat of it. What happened to him? He was trodden down at the gate. Trodden down at the gate. Oh dear Sinner, how terrible right at the gate, the trodden down. And I say again, the gospel meeting seems to me like the gate.
You're right at the gate tonight. The Savior is standing there. He's telling you of plenty.
Without offering to sell you salvation, even if it was a great bargain.
It would be wonderful if we could receive salvation and pay a small amount for it.
But it's better than that. It's free. It's free, dear friend. Salvation full at highest cost. He offers. Free to all. Are you going to be one who will go out and partake of all this goodness and grace of God? Are you going to swing your heart's door open to the Savior tonight? Are you going to say, oh Lamb of God, I come? Are you going to just sit in that seat?
And hear about all these good things, Know about all that God has provided for you in grace.
And be found still at the gate, still without Christ.
When Jesus comes, oh friend, don't go on without the Savior. Don't reject him, Don't go on one moment longer. God offers you salvation right now. Why won't you just yield? Come as you are, I say again, Your heart may be hard, you may have many fears and doubts, but all just come and take your place the feet of the Savior, and say in the words that little him, just as I am.
Without one plea.
But that thy blood was shed for me, that thou bidst me come to thee.
All Lamb of God, I come. It's always saying that Him. I think it's here.
#12 hymn #12.
Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bidst me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come.
Just as I am.
1 way.
I love.