"A Heavy Load"

Did you ever carry a heavy parcel for mother? Perhaps you can remember seeing a strong man carrying a big bag of potatoes on his shoulder, and you wondered if you would ever be strong enough to do anything like that.
But I want to tell you of a load far bigger than a bag of groceries or a sack of potatoes. This load was a five-story brick building! Yes, there was a big red building in the city of New York that had to be either torn down, or moved away. A clever-looking man came along, looked at the building, measured it and then said, “Don’t tear this building down. I can carry it away for you.” Do you think he was joking? No, he really meant it, and after a few days he came along with a great load of all kinds of strong machines to start moving the big building. Mind you, it was big and heavy, and it weighed 3,000 tons!
This big building just had to be moved 75 feet, but how long do you think it took to take it there? It took 17 days! The best distance that they moved it one day was 9 feet 8 inches.
But I can tell you of another load that was even greater. It is your load of sin, and mine. It is far more difficult to remove just one sin before the eye of God, than it would be to move that big building ten miles. Have you any stains of sin on your heart? How can you get rid of them? All the soap and water in the world won’t help at all. And all your efforts to do good won’t help either. To remove the stain of sin took the Lord Jesus that long journey from the heights of glory to the cross of shame to die, for “Without shedding of blood is no remission.” Heb. 9:2222And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. (Hebrews 9:22).
And now there is good news. The work has all been done by Jesus, the Son of God, and now one look of faith to Him and the burden and stain of sin is gone forever before God.
ML 04/26/1953