A Little While.

“A little while and He that shall come will come and will not tarry.” (Heb. 10:3737For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. (Hebrews 10:37).)
“A LITTLE while”: oh, ye who will not listen
Though He hath called you long,
To whom His message of reproof and warning
Is but an idle song;
A little while, and ye shall thirst and hunger
To hear His gracious word.
When ye shall call upon the rocks and mountains
To hide you from the Lord.
A little while; oh, rest in this, ye troubled,
And calm your every fear;
Look up, lift up your heads, for our redemption
Is drawing very near.
A little while and trials will be over
And suffering all past,
Our light affliction lost in endless glory,
And faith be sight at last.
A little while — oh, comfort one another,
All ye who mourn, with this,
The promise of His presence and His likeness
In everlasting bliss;
A little while and He who rose triumphant
Shall call His dead to rise,
And we who live and those whom death has taken
Shall meet Him in the skies.
A little while, and He that cometh will come,
And will not tarry more;
Blessed are we if He shall find us watching
Beside the open door.
A little while, so little, oh, so little!
He bids us patient be
Until the clouds shall part, the shadows vanish,
And we His face shall see.
Annie Johnson Flint.
(By courtesy of Evangelical Publishers, Toronto, Canada.)