A Mother's Prayer

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
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A WIDOWED mother, who lived in a little cottage, and was supported by an industrious son, was about to retire for the night. The son had been the subject of many prayers, but as yet no apparent answer had come. However, the believing mother still prayed on, for she had faith in the words of Holy Writ, "The promise is unto you and to your children." Everything was prepared for the night in the little cottage, and as the mother was taking her candle, and was about to wish her son good night, he suddenly said, “I have something to say to you, mother."
“What do you want to talk to me about, my son?" said the old lady, setting down the candle.
“It is about the work which God has done in my soul," he replied.
The heart of the Christian mother bounded for joy, and as they sat the son told her how God had made him to know and to feel that he was a great sinner, and how he had been for a long time in deep sorrow of heart.
He went on to say he had thought he never could be saved, but one day he saw by faith that there was a Great Savior for great sinners, and " so," said he, " I just believed Him when He said, ' Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.'"
Fifty years, with their changes, have passed away since the conversation just narrated took place. The aged mother is gone, but the "boy," whose head is now plentifully besprinkled with grey hairs, is, and has been for forty years, engaged in the delightful occupation of winning others to the same Savior. RHODA.