A Sunday School Treat

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 6
SOME YEARS ago I had been holding some gospel meetings in a beautiful little mountain village and had got to know most of the children there. Then I got to thinking how nice it would be to give them all a treat before going away. So I went to the school principal and told him my secret, asking him if he could give his pupils a holiday one afternoon to which he gladly consented. So a day was fixed, and I went to the baker and asked him to make plenty of bread and buns and cake. Then we bought a lot of oranges, and some friends offered to help in getting everything ready.
The day came; the children were given a holiday that afternoon, but ALL were invited to come to the schoolhouse at four o’clock for the party. Nearly all the children in the village came. After the giving of thanks they all sat down to eat and the piles of bread and butter, cakes and buns began to disappear. But all had enough and there was lots to spare. After this we had games first, then some singing, a short gospel message and prayer, and then all took home plenty for supper. It was a bright day for those village children who did not get many treats.
Our children’s treat, I thought, is a little picture of the gospel feast that God has spread and of the wonderful salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ. All the children were invited, from the little ones in the infant class to the big boys and girls (of course we could not invite the grownups, too). So God’s message of salvation is, “WHOSOEVER will, let him take the water of life freely.” Rev. 22:17. Again, “the righteousness of God” is “unto ALL and upon ALL them that believe.” Rom. 3:22. Again, “WHOEVER believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins.” Acts 10:43.
When the children came they had nothing to pay, not even a penny, because the feast was paid for already. So the Lord Jesus gives us a free invitation to the gospel feast, because He has in His love paid sin’s debt on Calvary’s cross, when he laid down His life for us.
When the children came to the party there was plenty for them. So the Lord has provided a full salvation for all who come to Him in faith, believing that He died for them. “With the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption.” Psa. 130:7. Then we gave the children a hearty welcome, and they all had a very happy time. So the Lord Jesus will give you a hearty welcome if you come to Him, and make you truly happy for both time and eternity.
When the children came they were very hungry. Some of the poorer ones had had very little dinner, and they needed a lot of bread and butter and cake to satisfy them. It is only hungry sinners who come to the Lord Jesus for the bread of life. Do you know what it means to be hungry in your heart? Do you want to be saved? Do you long to know that all your sins are forgiven? “He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.” Psa.107: 9.
You see it is not only men and women, but children too that the dear Saviour can satisfy. When He fed the great multitude that we read of in Matthew 14, it says, “And they did all eat and were filled,” that is, they all had plenty. “And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and CHILDREN.” If one of His disciples had asked, “Lord, are we to give the children any of the fish and bread?” I am sure He would have answered, “Yes, give the children as much as they need; let them have a good supper.”
I remember once I had another tea party on a mountain side; 330 climbed up but only 50 could be served at once, because that was all the cups and saucers we could get. I am sorry to say the bread ran short; we had plenty of cakes and buns, and tarts and jam. But the Lord Jesus never runs short. He tells us, “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.” John 6:35.
Christ calls to you today
"Come follow Me.”
Heed now the Saviour’s call,
"Come follow Me.”
Come now the world forsake,
Come now the cross to take,
Leave all for His dear sake,
Come follow Him.