A Very Present Help.

THERE is never a moment, nor any experience in the life of a true Christian, from the heart of which a message may not instantly be sent up to God, and back to which help may not instantly come. God is not far off in some remote heaven merely. He is not away at the top of the long steep life-ladder, looking down upon us in serene calm, and watching us as we struggle upward in pain and tears. He is with each one of us on every part of the way. His promise of presence is an eternal present tense— “I am with thee.” So “Thou God seest me” becomes to the believer a most cheering and inspiring assurance. We are never out of God’s sight for a moment. His eye watches each one of us continually, and His heart is in His eye. He comes instantly to our help and deliverance when we are in any need or danger.