April 23

Isaiah 40:16
“And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt-offering”— Isaiah 40:1616And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering. (Isaiah 40:16).
SIN is so terrible an affront to a holy God that no sacrifice, however great, which man could offer would ever avail to put it away.
Although the mountains of Lebanon became as a great altar, and all the cedars thereon were hewn down and piled up for one enormous fire, on which were sacrificed the vast herds and flocks that grazed upon the pastures of these wooded hills, yet all together they would not be sufficient to atone for one sin. Only the precious blood of Christ avails to make propitiation for our guilt and to justify us before God.
An altar make of mighty Lebanon;
Secure and slay the flocks and herds thereon:
Consume the life ten thousand trees supply,
To send a cloud of fragrant smell on high.
But all my fears and all my sins remain,
No blood of beasts can wash away the stain:
No voice comes down to make my terror cease,
Or fill my soul with heavenly joy and peace.
To Calvary I turn my longing eyes,
‘Tis only here my hopes and songs arise:
One perfect Sacrifice for sins, once made,
Provides for me a sweet and pleasant shade.
No works of mine can saving merit claim;
Acceptance is in my Redeemer’s Name:
I therefore bid all empty forms depart,
My only sacrifice a contrite heart.”
―William Wileman