Aquila & Priscilia

Address—C.H. Brown
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Address January 1961 by Chapter Brown and Los Angeles.
The 18th chapter I hope for the Lord help to sit on the subject on which I have spoken before here in Southern California, and I'm sure some here will remember the fact that I didn't.
Speak on this subject.
But I just passed the indulgence for 2nd.
Perhaps the Lord will call our attention to some lines of truth in connection with us that He didn't bring before us the last time.
I'm persuaded we never exhaust a scripture by speaking on at once or twice or a dozen times.
The Lord always has some fresh light for it.
So the subject that I have before me.
Is a man and his wife.
A man and his wife.
By the name of Aquila and Priscilla.
These are the two about which we hope to see.
18th chapter.
After these things fall, departed from Athens.
The same discourse and found a certain jewel named Aquila.
Foreign father lately come from Italy with his wife Priscilla.
Because it's Claudius that commanded all Jews to depart from Rome.
It came under them.
Because he was the same craft he abode with him and Ross, or by their occupation they were tentacles.
And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.
And then silence and Timothy were come from Macedonia. Paul was pressed in the spirit of the side of the Jews.
That Jesus was Christ.
When they oppose themselves and blast scenes such as Ramos and Seven under them, your blood be upon your own heads. I am clean from henceforth I go to the Gentiles.
At the far as Laurita's presence.
You know, don't say this the benefit of those who just came in that we hope to speak this afternoon on the subject of this man and his wife, Axela and Priscilla.
I'll say for the encouragement of our dear sisters here in this meeting this afternoon, that.
These two are always mentioned together.
Aquila and Priscilla. Sometimes Priscilla is mentioned first. I think 2 out of the six times that they're mentioned, he's mentioned first, actually second.
Lovely relationships when you see a man and his wife going on in such full confidence of the things of God, running a good even court right down to the end.
So as we trace their history in these words, we'll find among all who's on the right side of every question.
Paul certainly was a man that that seemed very highly.
The service of sisters on the church.
Paul departed from Athens, came to Corinth. So we find ourselves at corn.
Two of the letters of Paul were written to the Corinthians.
That will serve to give us our location. We found there a Jew named Aquila born in Pontus.
Lately come from Italy and his wife Priscilla right by his side.
So Claudius, and commanded all Jews to depart from Rome.
Now, Claudius. This man Claudius.
With the wicked ungodly king.
He was so mean and ceramic, though, and his own wife finally murdered him.
So the herb directed some Nero that he aired of the throne.
We're living in a wicked world.
Let's look for justice in this world. Don't expect equity down here.
Go here with these two dear Christian Jews, Aquel and Priscilla.
They had to get up and sleep.
You know there's nothing pleasant about being suddenly rooted up out of your home. Have to leave everything behind and get out.
Yeah, it means a terrific loss things temporal. There's no grace given if it's a persecution against them because they've reduced and they just had to bundle up and get out right now.
Well, they had to land somewhere, so.
Down to Corinth, that was a commercial city.
And they were in business.
So Paul came that way and he found this friction man and his wife there.
No doubt he prayed about it was LED of the fear of God.
And he teamed up with them.
In their profession, in their trade, because he was in the same draft he had both with them brought.
How glad he was to find that dear man and his wife there.
And to find that he could get a boarding place there.
Nice to find somebody that is happy to take the service in when they come along.
But this dear couple, they always kept open house. They were hospitable. They loved the Lord's servants and the Lord's people.
So they welcomed the dear apostle to come in there.
He abroad with him and wrought. That's where Rock means he works.
Day after day.
Your apostle would sit there cross legged.
Working away with his needle.
He's a tent maker. He had his trade.
He wasn't above working with his hands.
I suppose you look at his hands, he find that they bore the traces of his trade.
Hour by hour.
Paul was found there working away the polished battalion.
And you know it would have been equal to a course.
Bible college that ever was to that's there beside the apostle and listened to him and found the word, oh, what a blessing Apollo's must have gotten from that.
It has been nice to we had some way of just listening in on all the marvelous conversations that must have been going on as those, as those who sat side by side and worked away.
I'm sure that they weren't talking about the trash and the nonsense of the of the world around them.
I'm sure they weren't sitting there abusing Claudia. No, they were sitting there exalting Christ. They had something worth talking about.
So beloved Saints of God as we get together from time to time.
It's nice if we can be an encouragement to one another and the subject that occupies if you can hear one another long in our Christian life and testimony.
Paul was.
And the new territory.
He didn't want to be burdensome to the Corinthians.
He wanted to pay his own way.
And he did it.
I think we have no record, at least I don't recall any.
Where the Apostle Paul ever accepted any gifts or fellowship from the Corinthian assembly.
He did from other assemblies, but not from this assembly. He had reason for it.
But that doesn't mean that he loved the many the less.
He just considered it. That was the path of wisdom.
Not let us say a word Francis point on the subject.
Comes up from time to time.
Would Paul rate?
If they were living in our day when he raises the laboring brother.
Well, someone might say, no, he's not a laboring brother because he works far the time with his hands.
Well, did God ever have a greater servant in the history of the Church than the Apostle Paul?
I'm sure he did not.
He didn't fart but his position as an apostle and as a servant of Christ, because he was willing to turn aside and work with his hands.
That's the reason we have to be very careful when we go to lifting those that we call laboring brethren.
Because a man flies in trade. By the time there's no discount, that's who he's seeing a certain price.
I remember some years back, not too long ago.
Someone wanted to lift the laboring brethren and publish the list.
Well, I was so thankful to hear that there was a storm of protester over and the thing was swell.
I hope it always will be.
No, let's let's be very careful about.
About developing, developing the concept of the churches and the lead among it, let's speak to the simplicity of the Word of God.
Let each of us serve according to the measures of His gifts and opportunity.
They're not as fire from some cycle rating.
So how many the sermon of Christ has been spoiled because he was stretching himself beyond his major.
Threaten to recognize it and he became peaked and offended and lost his communion and lost his power.
Now we learn. In this particular instance, here the 11 learn.
That Paul continues their year and six months.
The word of God among.
What a wonderful opportunity.
A year and six months with a teacher like Paul gifted exhaust.
Verse in the scripture.
I had known him all his luck.
He was a very religious Jew.
Pharisee, Hebrew of the Hebrews, that is, procedures. Jamalia, the greatest teacher of the day.
What a wonderful privilege that must have been for a year and a half.
To be near him hearing, speaking, and expanding of the word.
Well, all things come to an end in time and.
Finally, Spirit of God said to Paul. Time to move on.
Saw didn't tie himself down to anyone spots.
Sometimes brethren get an idea that.
If you locate some particular place, you got sailing. That's it. You will stay right there.
Didn't seem to feel that way. He was here a year and a half and then he felt the time move on.
18 verse.
And Paul after this carried there he had a good while.
And then took his leave as a brethren.
The salesman into Syria and with him.
Priscilla and Aquila. Her name's Bert.
Rather interesting and still on Aqua. Well, she wasn't a negative character, she must have been of the nature that.
Instinctively mention her name first in certain connections.
Don't fall asleep with him to sell an Aqua.
He had good company and they had good company. What a bond it was.
To the world around us, you know, have their friendships and their fellowship, their associations, their clubs, their societies, their various means of getting together and joint relationships.
But you know, brethren, they just have the the imitation. We have the real thing in Christ.
What is more precious and sweet this side of heaven?
The association that we have with the members of Christ, friendships that are formed in the Lord and that go on through the years and ever grow deeper and sweeter as the years go back. Oh what a privilege to be a child of God and find our association and our delight with those of like mind.
Poor world and its sea research for satisfaction.
Various clubs and lodges, because there's a heart, hunger there, there's a vacuum in their souls and they're trying to satisfy it.
But these are substances. We have a real thing.
And here was a friendship that was the last.
As long as Aqualung, Priscilla and Paul lives.
That relationship, that friendships, that esteem was never broken. It went on right to the end.
He took to sell an actual a living.
19th verse He came to Ephesus.
And less than that.
You know, it's hard to leave behind those that have been closely associated with and whom you've loved in the Lord.
The time comes, you have to say goodbye.
Seems a cruel thing in a way times, but if it's the will of the Lord, the will of the Lord be done.
So Paul said goodbye to them. He left them there. He himself entered into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews.
When they desired him to carry longer wisdom, he could send him not but bath them farewell.
Now we bless them. That happens.
Evidence was going to develop into a remarkable assembly.
The highest truth that we have anywhere in Paul's ministry was committed to the occasion Church in the Epistle to the Ephesians.
I wonder how much of the capacity for taking in truth was due to the faithful ministry of Aquila and Priscilla while they carried their empathy.
He left them there while he went on his way.
Now we'll see them.
Functioning in that search of aphasis if we go on down to the 24th verse.
And a certain Jew named Apollo, born in Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus.
And do you name the pollen? An eloquent man, mighty in the picture came back.
I hear you have a situation.
You have this dear man and his wife there.
He's a faithful man.
Following the very pilots, he wouldn't have brought them with him and left them there unless he did.
But here comes along a man, a very gifted man.
A regular orator, a platform man. A man with great knowledge and great gifts. An outstanding example of leadership.
Now you know what would be natural for the flag.
Immediately a spirit of jealousy was developed.
And the policy of Aquila might pop it over together, I should say. Aqua and Priscilla might talk, talk the matter over together.
And say now, we don't need this man here, we plenty of gifts here, we don't need him.
I don't think we can give him too much encouragement.
He doesn't need to be getting on his feet and talking. These things are getting good instructions.
And they might have made it uncomfortable for him.
That's what the flights would do.
But all how different was the conduct of Actual and Priscilla?
25th verse This man was instructed in the way of the law.
And being fervent in the spirit.
Love the character London Parliament in the Spirit.
He's taken taught diligently the things of the Lord.
Nice to meet a man like that.
Knowing only the baptism of John.
Oh man, isn't the blame. But what He doesn't know. He hasn't had the opportunity.
The powers of living up to the life that he had.
And you know when we have.
Appropriate, but God gives us.
When we make it our own, we're in a position where God can give us more.
A policies tooth is presented to him from time to time. Yielded to it, he accepted it, and then he went forth to pass it on, share it with others, give it out for the blessing and encouragement of the Saints of God wherever he found them.
Yes, a gifted intelligence servant he was. But.
You only the baptism of God.
In other words, he wasn't clearly desperately on Christian ground yet.
He hadn't had the opportunity.
And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue.
Full for Christ, as far as the news.
Whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard.
They took him under them.
To rebuke him, to call him down. Not a bit of it. They took him under them, that they might instruct him more perfectly in the way of God.
Well, I think that is put so nicely. They didn't go up to him after the meeting and say promise, you know, or what you said today was was very was very disappointing. His brethren are deeply exercised about it.
It's just the way behind. You have a lot to learn you.
They didn't embarrass me.
They said this how?
If you don't mind, we'd like to have you come over to the house. We'd like to have a visit with you. They took him to their home.
Old brethren, there's various ways of doing things, you know.
What the God? We might learn more from the scriptures about these things.
We began to speak bowling boom. When equals and the seller had heard, they took him under them.
And expounded unto him the way of God.
More perfectly.
They didn't question his being a child of God. They didn't question his sincerity, his ability, but they did question his knowledge, what he needed. Let's just learn the truth. He hadn't had the opportunity, so they found it the way of the Lord, more perfectly to it.
Now there's another side to this picture here.
Remember who Apolis was? Clever. Gifted an orator, mighty in the script.
Why don't you see him?
Straighten up, stiffen his back and say here, now listen, you know to whom you're talking.
You're talking to a pilot? Who are you?
As far as I hear about the year attempt makers.
You're just a journeyman.
And he resented the whole thing.
Need to walk out on them knowing no more than he did before.
He would have gone out in the spirit of the flag, and he can miss the blessing that God intended him to get.
It took humility of heart to sit there and be talked about this man and his wife.
Not call attention to another fact in this connection here.
Axela and Priscilla took him under them, and they expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly. Now don't forget that the bird there is in the plural.
So this is my accident.
I suffer not a woman to teach, nor do you just authority over the man that scripture.
This man apologized there.
They not, not me, but they instructed him more perfectly in the way of the Lord.
I can think of things.
So this day.
That I learned when I was in the assembly early in my life that I learned from sisters.
And I thank God for it.
We mustn't think that because the word of God says that I suffer not a woman to speak, nor do you serve authority over the man.
She's never to give a word of expectation or a word of encouragement or word of instruction to a brother if she does it in the right spirit and under the right circumstances and does it, becoming me as a sister.
That isn't the teaching of the word talk. You have it right here before in this portion this afternoon.
Priscilla was just a keenly consciousness.
What was going on in that interview of those 3 individuals as was the policy or was Aquila? She was there not as a listener, but she had parts.
That's the word of God.
Now if there's anything that's repulsive.
It's a woman trying to replace of a man and the Church of God. It's absolutely repulsive.
Does not even make yourself teaching. There are various things that.
Are just our natural human reaction. Do not accept.
And there is no room in the word of God.
By woman in the assembly to take the place of being a brother.
90s, but there certainly is a place in the assembly.
It's for sisters to be very, very helpful and encouraging to brothers and sisters too. Well, here was an example of, well, what was the result of that interview?
When he was disposed 27th verse to pass into IKEA, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receiving.
Hello, my name is Come Help Them Much, which had to leave through grades for a mildly convinced the Jews do not publicly showing by the scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.
When this man, Apollos, who'd been under the instruction of Aquiline Priscilla, wanted to go into a chaos, he took a letter of commendation with him.
That's instructive. Oh, how Farland completes. The word of God is in wisdom part as individuals and as assembly.
If a brother who's not known goes into some new territory, regardless of how gifted he is, even though he might be as gifted as Apollo, it's not up to him to just come in and announce himself and say here I am, I'm a politician, I'm going to have some meetings and you're to listen.
That isn't the way they do it, and the Word is God.
No, the brethren wrote says so. Here the brethren wrote, is joining the disciples to receive it.
That was godly artist.
He came with good credentials and beloved things of God. We shouldn't feel love insulted or downgraded because we go to a place where we're not known in the brethren. Say, brother, did you bring a letter?
Why we shouldn't take the attitude of the line? I'm such a big man that I don't need a lesson. My my name is is my passport. Oh no, no bread. And have the right to ask us for our credentials. Don't let us ever get the idea that we're so big.
In fact, we don't need a letter if the brethren sees it to ask us for what?
Well, this man having been under the tutelage of Axel and Priscilla when he got down there, and he was able to help them much, who had believed his grace.
He had resisted the help of Aquila and Priscilla when he got down there. How could he have helped those and had already believed and had peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ? How could he have helped them that he himself knew only the baptism of John.
Why? There must be progress, there must be growth. And if you and I are to help our brethren, why we have to grow and deepen and develop in our own souls.
And you know, whenever graduates, you never get a diploma in the school of God. You don't get your degree, but you get to heaven.
Let's let us never become obsessed with the ideas.
That we have all answers. That we know the truth of God and nobody is able to help. Oh brother, that's tragic when we get that way.
Why not be teachers?
Why not save? Well, now, brother, that's worth thinking about. Thank you. I'm glad you called my attention to that. I hope I, grace and God will be able to learn as long as we're down here in this scene, a teachable spirit.
All beloved.
God delights to see us on the receiving end in these things, willing to accept truth as it's brought to us.
Here and there by the servants of God.
By the servants of God.
Well, now let's go over to 1St Corinthians.
16th chapter.
And the 19th verse.
This epistle to the Corinthians Pauls Epistle to the Corinthians was written from Ephesus.
I know the little piece at the bottom of the epistle says that was written compelled by, but that won't stand the test.
It was written from Ephesus. Paul is the writer.
Reading from.
The 19th verse, The churches of Asia salute you.
Churches of Asia salute you. You, Corinthians, Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord with the church that is in their house.
Now, why does it say that the churches of Asia salute you?
But Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord.
You can understand, can't you?
Well, that's where they live for at least a year and a half.
Lady, the Brethren there had been associated with them, and seen the gathering grow and deeper and develop, and evidently they had left there with the confidence of their brother.
They didn't get out and move to another place because they got provoked from the Saints there and wanted to get into a new environment.
Oh no, that wasn't it. They left us everything happy.
Nice articulation among them. And so when they when they learn that there's an opportunity to send a little greeting back home to those dear brethren where they've lived for that year and a half, they send much love under them.
Or how nice it is if we can go on with our brethren the way this couple did.
Similar to much in the Lord.
Are you happy with your local St.
Hi if you're not, might be well to check not check your balance. Check yourself.
You know this matter of getting on with our brethren. It has two sides to it.
You said, well, I I expect this, and I expect that of my brother.
Don't you think they expect something of you?
Isn't a matter 2 sided?
Matt and I think we generally find.
We'll generally find that.
We receive back pretty much what we give if you and I are giving of the affections of our hearts.
The the real Christ inspired affections of a child of God toward our brethren. That's just like priming the pump. It brings the same thing out of their hearts toward us.
All let's not develop into false things into professional Christmas.
Let's be on our guard against it. We will not help our brethren that way.
This dear man and his wife.
Left that assembly.
With happy hearts and no doubt the Saints.
Were reluctant to see them leave, so they send back their heart degree.
There's another point we mustn't miss in that 19th verse.
With the church or the assembly left in their house, in their home.
Now here they are, still.
At emphasis and they have a church in their home. You know takes a large heart to invite the church to meet in your home.
I've had a good many assemblies in my day that met in private homes.
It's lovely, in fact.
As far as we can find out from scripture that they want to place the Disney in the early days.
Not in scripture that shows anything wrong meeting somewhere else. But I'm just saying that in the word itself. It seems that the way they always met private home.
That involves the sacrifice from the part of those that have the home.
It has its compensations. Surely it does.
But it means extra work for the wife in the house. It means extra wear on the furniture. It means that your home becomes a a sort of a public meeting place rather than a home break and being quiet and have things all.
It's a crime thing from that angle, it means sacrifice.
How much blessing we've seen in some of these homes that we've been in that where where the Saints met, I recall one home.
My first introduction to that home is way back in 1914.
And at that time.
States have been meeting in that home for.
Oh, I suppose close to party here at that time.
For 15 years at least, that home was the meeting place.
Of the little gathering there.
Or how they serve the sink large day came.
It was accustomed to invite.
A dozen, Yes.
To stay for dinner, maybe 20 stay for dinner.
Had a good long dining table and they fed the Saints.
Time after time, all that sacrifice, that work, and I don't ever remember, and I was there many times, I don't ever remember a word of complaint or self pity on the part of a dear faithful man and his wife and the others in the home itself that helped serve and take care of the sickness.
And I believe in that coming day.
Those that compose the household are going to have a rich reward from the Lord for having kept open house for the Church of God in that part of the country. I can never forget those.
Night time meetings, as we met there, poured out our hearts to the Lord for His blessing on the coming days.
Yes, Aquila and Priscilla had a home where the Saints were. Well, now, for you dear young folks here, let me just drop this word.
I rejoice to be in your homes. I rejoice.
That God has permitted you to have homes of your own.
Some of the nice homes, but all I do pray don't ever let your home get to be such a nice home. But you don't want the Saints around. Prepare. They're going to spoil something.
Don't do it. Keep your heart open to the Saints of God. Don't have this kind of an Immaculate hole that you're almost afraid to sit down on the chair before you go to spoil something. Don't ever get that complex.
Because it's going to be ruinous to your spiritual happiness. Hospitality is one of the marks of a child involved. Given to hospitality. Are you given to hospitality?
My wife and I used to have the placing of the guests at conference time in the morning served in that capacity for.
25 years and you know, there were some homes there.
That it seemed as though there was no end to their effect. If we had one extra come in at the last minute and there just wasn't any place to put them, well, call them so And so they'll probably find a place somewhere, Bring them up.
I just don't like to ask you. But you think you could take one more? Sure. Then more. We'll make room prompt.
There were several homes like that.
But I'm sorry to say there was some other homes. That why I didn't even the curriculum to call them up. We just knew it would be no, we only have the one room. We just have the one bedroom, that's it. And they have their two and a lift.
Oh, what a difference. Why, there's a Spirit, Christ and service in the hearts of the Saints. How expensive we can become under those circumstances. I'm sure it was so with this dear couple here.
Now I'm going to see them again in the end of Romans.
They're mentioned six times in the new category.
Always together.
Got his letter. Paul was written to Rome from Connor.
We're not given the details of why, but Priscilla and Aquila.
Are now.
Back and roll once they've been driven out before, land. Back now where they started.
The third verse Greek, Priscilla and Aquila, my helpers in Christ Jesus.
Who have for my life laid down their own necks, under whom not only I get thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles likewise treat the church that is in their house.
Oh, what a what a lovely record they have.
Here they are still functioning, my helpers in Christ Jesus.
You have helpers like that, don't you? You have those in your life that year. They have been your helpers in Christ Jesus.
Now that's different from just saying, well, he helped me maybe help you build your house or help you lay a sidewalk or something like that.
Not discounting that, but these folks for my helpers in Christ Jesus.
Are you helping the other one in Christ Jesus are your help.
Do you ever eat that little track to help her? Hindon? Twitch makes a difference. Are we helpers? Are we contributors?
Or we like those.
Fish or reptiles or whatever they are about reading the other day, these landpayers are just passing themselves on the fish and so like all of them.
Are we are determined to the progress and spirituality and growth of our dear brethren?
Is our level of life and testimony so unspiritual that we serve to drag them down all the time?
God does not. So they were his helpers in Christ Jesus, who have for my life laid down their own necks.
What that means? Well, if you were following the apostle Paul around and that day.
You are endangering your very life.
For finally, the storm South and Pauls head rolled into a basket. That was the end of fall down here, and those that followed him down through the years were risking their own necks, literally risking their own necks and doing it. But that didn't deter Priscilla and Aquila, who have for my life, laid down their own mix.
On to whom not only I give thanks, but all the churches, all the assemblies of the Gentiles, and yet they were Jews.
Jews, but they rose above all our Jewish prejudices.
They were converted. They were Christians. They found Christ as the optic of their hearts, and all the churches of the Gentiles gave thanks for every memory of that dear pair.
Oh, every church will invent. Thank God for.
Supposing that you folks here in Sir Mandela.
Heard that Priscilla and Aquila were moving to Sir Magna and we're going to settle down. Locate here.
Why? You can scarcely think of any happier news that you could get.
Why you call everybody on the telephone and you say what do you think Aquila and Priscilla are going to locate the ceramac?
Now if we turned over to John's, we won't take the time for our times about going, but if we.
Turn over to John's third epistle.
We do the bottom line there that is in the in the meeting.
His name was diatrophies.
He's a prominent man in that gathering there diocese was his name not supposing word comes to the Brethren here in Sarah Madras. Doctor Fees is moving to Sarah Madras.
He's coming here to live, coming here to stay.
OK, how do you feel? Almost like calling a special primary and asking God to hinder it. You'd feel like going in the morning. Or you might say we have trouble enough already. We don't need diatrophies here.
Well, find a difference. All the churches of the Gentiles thank God for this man and his wife. But here was that man die atrophies Why he wouldn't receive the apostles when they came along? He didn't walk them around. He told them they had plenty of gifts. They didn't leave them.
And if there's somebody in the assembly that he didn't like, he'd just throw them out.
Why he ruled like a pulse. They had those kind of characters in Paul's day.
And I'm sure the record of them is given that you and I might profit both ways.
That we might be exercised to imitate the spirit of Aquila and Priscilla.
And that we might be solemnly warned of what an awful thing it is to be a doctor thieves that loves to have the preeminence and tries to reign absolutely over the Church of God like a dictator. Oh, I believe the word of God is is given us that we might avoid these shows.
Likewise greet the church that is in their house.
Isn't that nice? Here they are now, back at home and they've got an assembly in their house.
Now they knew what it meant.
I don't know how long they were down in episodes where they had the church in their house.
But they knew what it meant. They knew what it did to the carpets and the furniture and all the trouble it was, they'd been through it.
Yeah, when they got back to Rome.
Oh, they said. Let's open our house to the Saints again.
Let's have an assembly here in our own house. So they did.
You see, in those days before, things had developed to the point where Christianity became a more subtle thing.
They had to put up with certain inconveniences.
One was the difficulty of finding a place where they couldn't meet because of such opposition, so in many places.
As in Jerusalem, for instance, they had to divide up and meet in various homes, so you might find 50 or 100 or 200 meetings in a single town. Like Jerusalem, it was one of the necessities that arose because the conditions at that time.
So all is an aquiline. Priscilla got back to Rome. They said no, we want our home be open to the Saints.
So let's make them welcome to have an assembly right here in our own house.
And so they did.
Now there's one more mention of them.
If the eternal were to Timothy, Second Timothy the last chapter, and remember that this is the last thing that Paul ever wrote Second Timothy, this is where the curtain falls.
2nd Heaven.
The last Epistle he wrote in the last chapter of that epistle, although he had no chapters in it himself.
And here about 1/2 a dozen verses before he closes his last words and lays down his pen to take it up. No more.
Salute, Priska. That's Priscilla. There's her name first again.
Salute Fiska and Aquila and the household. Devon is separate.
There they are, going on steadily right down to the end. Oh beloved Saints of God, it's a great thing to go on.
Not by sports. Not one time you visit the Gathering and all. He's he's just going on wonderfully wonderful testimony. Come back the next time he's sitting back in the corner saying nothing.
Oh, how sad that is. That doesn't please the Lord.
Why not seek grace from God to go on with an even tenor?
Seek to serve the Saints. Seek to help one another, not get discouraged and retreat into yourself and silence yourself and feel sorry for yourself. That doesn't get you anywhere. Make you unhappy.
But why not go on?
Now let me say something again that I've said to is the many times I know that you're weary of it.
But still, try to demand so much of your brother.
Don't expect perfection until you're able to deliver it. Now think of that until you are in a position to deliver a perfection. Don't look for it in your brethren. Live with them for what they are.
Taking a matter of ministry.
If my brethren were demanding perfection in my ministry present, I'd never get up on my feet again. For I can't deliver it. I make blunders, their defects in it. I know it's too painfully. But if my Brennan are willing to put up with me, I'll try but the grace of God to do the best he can. And so I urge upon us that we continue, that we go on. It's a great thing, justice go on and seek to serve the Lord.
According to the measure of our capacity, go on with your brethren, seek to help them with every opportunity, and wait for that day for your reward. Don't expect it down here. Leave that for the future. Leave that with the Lord. He'll take care of that in his own time. Now perhaps someone has a hymn. We might see.
We lift our wishful longing eyes, waiting to see the morning star rise. How bright, how gladsome will his advent be before the sun shines forth and majesty.