Are You Satisfied?

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HOW many dear boys, and girls who love the Lord Jesus have had longing of heart, as they commenced another year, to know more of Him! Perhaps, like the psalmist, you have said, “My soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee.”
Now, I think we learn from Exodus 16 that each one of us may have as much of Christ as we wish. The manna which God gave the children of Israel to feed their bodies while they were in the wilderness is a type of Jesus, the manna or bread which God gives us now to feed our souls. And as the Israelites were to gather the manna according to their eating, some more, some less, so the Christian may have just as much of Jesus as he desires. The less his heart is taken up with the things of the world, the more he will want of Christ; and the more his heart is taken up with the things of the world, the less he will want of Christ.
The Israelites who gathered much had nothing over, and those who gathered little had no lack, because “they gathered every man according to his eating.” So it is with the Christian. The more he feeds upon Christ, the more he will want of Christ: he will gather much, and have nothing over. And the less he feeds upon Christ, the less he will want of Christ; he will gather little, and have no lack.
Perhaps some of us are satisfied with just a little bit of Christ in the morning and a little bit in the evening; if so, we gather little, and feel no lack, because we want so little, whilst others want Him all through the day; they gather much, and have nothing over.
“He satisfieth the longing soul.”
ML 06/20/1909