"Are You Saved, Alice? I Am."

HARRY was a bright little fellow, eight years of age, to whom I often spoke about the Lord Jesus.
One day Harry said to a little girl, “Are you saved, Alice? I am. Bill, the porter is saved, too, (meaning a porter at W.— station).
She asked him how he knew he was saved. The answer Harry gave her was: “Jesus died to put away my sins, and He says, ‘Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life,’ and I do believe Him, for HE CANNOT LIE, and I must be saved.”
Are your sins put away, my young reader?
If you, believing in Him, have been made clean by the precious blood of Jus, you ought indeed to be happy, for Jesus now lives again, and always watches over you, loving you ever so much. No one can measure His love: it is like an ocean without a shore.
ML 06/04/1899