Be in Time.

SOME time ago I happened to be on a pleasure steamer as she was leaving the pier at I―in the Highlands, where there had been some sports, and being on board in good time, I stood watching the various passengers as they came on deck. At last the bell was rung for the third and last time, and a great many who had stayed watching the sports till the last moment rushed on board.
Just as the gangway was being drawn in, two young people came running down the pier. The first being a young man managed, with the help of one of the sailors, to scramble on deck—as he did so, the captain remarked, “Just in time”; but to the girl, who was only a few seconds later, “Too late, time’s up,” was what he said, and as the boat glided off we saw her standing on the pier wringing her hands in despair, for probably she would have had to stay where she was without her friends until the next day.
This little incident brought to my mind the words, “One shall be taken and the other left” ({vi 23998-23999}Matt. 24:40, 41). But that parting will not be for a day, but for the countless ages of eternity. Christ is coming! He has said in His Word―
“Behold, I come quickly.”
How soon that may be we cannot tell. May you, dear reader, not be found with those left behind like that poor girl. Many are infatuated by the pleasures around, and think that there will be plenty of time to consider the soul’s welfare; but God has said in His Word, “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”
Oh! listen to the invitation, and take Christ as your Saviour today, for tomorrow may be too late. Have you thought what eternity in hell would mean, shut out from God’s presence? Awful thought! But if you reject this loving Saviour, there is no alternative, for “he that believeth on the Son of God hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).
“Be in time! Be in time!
While the Saviour still is calling,
Be in time!
If in sin you longer wait,
You may find no open gate,
And your cry be, ‘Just too late.’
Be in Time!”