Bible History.

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Chapter 26.
Genesis 43, 44, 45. Benjamin sent to Egypt.
WHEN all the corn was eaten and Jacob and his family had no more food, he said to his sons: “Go again to Egypt and buy us a little food.” But Judah answered: We cannot go without Benjamin for the man solemnly commanded us to bring him, and said we should not see his face unless our brother is with us. Send the lad with me, and we will go that we may not die, we, thou, and our little ones. I will be surety for him. At last, Israel consented: If it must be so, go; take the best fruits of the land and carry down a present to the man, a little balm, a little honey, spices, myrrh, nuts and almonds; and take double money with you and that which was found at the mouth of your sacks. Take also your brother, and go again to the man. And God Almighty give you mercy before him, that he may send back your brother and Benjamin. If I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved. So they did as Jacob told them and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph.
When Joseph saw Benjamin coming with his brothers, he said to the ruler of his house: Bring these men home, and go and make ready for they shall dine with me at noon. So the servant obeyed and brought them to Joseph’s house; but they were afraid and said: It is because of the money in our sacks. He seeks occasion against us to take us for bondmen. And to the steward of Joseph’s house they said: We found the money at the mouth of our sacks, but we brought it back, also more money to buy food. We cannot tell who put the money in our sacks. But the steward comforted them saying: Your money came to me, do not fear; it is God who gave you the treasure in your sacks. And he brought Simeon to them, and gave them water, and washed their feet and fed their asses.
When Joseph came home, his brothers gave him the presents they had brought, and bowed before him. He asked them about their father: Was he well and alive? And they said: He is well. Then he asked again: “Is this your youngest brother of whom ye spake unto me?” And to him he said: “God be gracious unto thee, my son.” Joseph could not restrain from crying and he went to his own room, that they might not see him weep. He washed his face and went to them again and told the servants to set on food. And they sat before him according to their ages, at which they marveled, and he sent them each a portion but Benjamin’s portion was five times greater. And they drank and were merry with him. When they had finished, Joseph said secretly to his servant, Put the men’s corn money into their sacks again; and take my silver cup and put it in Benjamin’s sack.
ML 08/08/1909