Bible Lessons

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Numbers 11.
THE first verse shows us a complaining people, not satisfied with what a loving and faithful, unforgetting God, gave them, and we find that they were discontented and even crying, grumbling where they should have been glad, to the end of the record.
Turn to Exodus 3, verses 4 to 8, and notice what God had said before a finger was lifted to free Israel from the hardhearted and cruel Egyptians. Had He gone back on His word, do you think? Not at all; His purpose was unchanged. But what an ungrateful people! What patience in God, too!
There was a “mixed multitude” with the people. We read about them when the children of Israel left Egypt, and here in verse 4 we find that they were still with them. They were bad company for the Israelites to keep. Look out for “mixed” company, dear young believer. There is only One kind of company for a Christian, and that is, the company of those who are saved, and live and talk as those who are Christ’s. Of course, the mixed multitude were unhappy; having to live like the people of God never could suit them. But the point for us to see is, that they influenced the children of Israel to want, what the mixed multitude wanted.
God’s children ought to be pleased with whatever a loving and gracious Father gives them; but if they keep company with the world, the world’s ways and thoughts and wants, will surely become theirs too.
“We remember,” the people say in verse 5, “we remember the fish which we did eat in Egypt freely.”
Is that all you remember, redeemed one? Don’t you remember the slavery, the lash of the taskmaster, the demand that the babies be thrown into the river, and all the other cruelties of Egypt? Sad to say, the freedom God had won for them, and the many blessings daily which were theirs and the promised land, were all forgotten. The food He gave them, was despised, and in their hearts they longed for Egypt. Such is man, such are you and I, by nature; we must be born again. We need God’s salvation.
Moses complains, in verses 11 to 15, and surely the people were most ungrateful, but his case reminds us of One who never complained, never gave up, and never will until His people are safe in glory with Him. Jesus is that Friend; there is no change in Him. Is He your Friend, your Saviour?
ML 01/06/1924