Bible Searchers: 1994
Table of Contents
Esther - Chapters 7-10: January 2, 1994
After Mordecai had been honored and wicked Haman humbled, Queen Esther prepared another banquet to which the king was invited. The chamberlains (servants) of the king also brought Haman to this banquet.
Again the king invited Esther to request whatever she wanted and he would give it to her. This time she requested that her life and the life of her people be spared from the wicked enemy who wanted to destroy them. The king, who was infuriated to think that someone dared to hurt his beloved queen, demanded who this enemy was.
She told him that it was Haman and the king, finding out that Haman had built a gallows on which to destroy Mordecai, gave commandment to hang Haman himself on it. After Haman was slain on the gallows he himself had built, the king gave Esther permission to write a letter which would allow the Jews to defend themselves against all who hated them and planned to destroy them.
Because of this new order signed in the king’s own handwriting, many people of his kingdom became Jews. The Jewish people were protected and honored in Ahasuerus’s kingdom and Mordecai became a ruler next in power to the king himself.
Now it’s time to rest while you look for the following verses.
1. When the Apostle Paul healed many sick people on an island called Melita, the people ____________ him and gave his company many good things. Acts 28:___
2. The Lord Jesus called those ____________ blessed who watched for their master’s return. Luke 12:___
3. Paul prayed that God our Father would ____________ the spirit of wisdom and understanding of Himself to believers. Ephesians 1:___
4. By dying on the cross, the Lord Jesus ____________ Satan who had the power of death. Hebrews 2:___
5. The Lord Jesus told Pilate that he could have no ____________ over Him unless it had been given to him from heaven. John 19:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 28: January 2, 1994
The ship on which Paul was being taken as prisoner to Rome was destroyed by the storm. The owner of the ship, who had refused to listen to Paul, lost everything. However, the Lord had told Paul that everyone on the ship would escape safe with their lives.
When the ship ran aground near an island called Melita, everyone had to swim for shore - but all made it safely. They found themselves amidst “barbarous” people (heathen idolaters) who treated them very kindly.
Satan, ever active to destroy the Lord’s servants, is pictured to us in the viper (a deadly, poisonous snake) which bit Paul when he was gathering wood for the fire. Even though the people knew that the bite of this poisonous snake was always deadly, they saw that Paul received no hurt from his wound.
In their heathen ignorance the people of Melita then changed their minds and believed that Paul was a god, rather than an escaped criminal.
1. In order to avoid “shipwreck” in a believer’s life, what two things are necessary for him to hold? 1 Timothy 1:___
2. The owner of the ship refused to listen to Paul’s warning and lost everything. Paul had warned the Corinthian Christians of their worldly condition, but some had not listened. In what character would Paul come when he visited those who refused to heed his warnings? 1 Corinthians 4:___
3. Even though the ship ran aground and was destroyed, those on board all “escaped safe to land.” The believer in 1 Corinthians 5 made moral “shipwreck” of his life, and the assembly was to deliver him to Satan for the “destruction of the flesh.” The purpose of this solemn act of discipline was so that something could be “saved.” What was it? 1 Corinthians 5:___
4. The Lord assured Paul in a vision that all who were with him in the ship would escape safe to shore. What wonderful assurance does the Lord Jesus give believers who are kept in His “hand”? John 10:___
5. The result of Paul’s work of kindnesses in healing many of the sick on the island of Melita brought honors and full supply of their needs to the shipwrecked sailors. What is promised to the man whose “ways” are pleasing to the Lord? Proverbs 16:___
Job - Chapter 1: February 6, 1994
The next stop on our journey through the Bible is in the book of Job. Some feel that Job may be the earliest recorded book in the Bible. In any case, Job was a man who lived many, many years ago. He was a very righteous man who was very concerned that all that he did and said would be pleasing to God.
Job had a large family of seven sons and three daughters and was very wealthy. He was well-known where he lived and he had a very happy life. There was one, however - Satan - who hated Job and wanted to make him unhappy.
Satan accused Job to God and said that the only reason that Job was a godly man was because he had everything so good. Satan said that, if God would take away his blessings, Job would then turn against God. Satan wanted Job to curse God so that he would come under God’s righteous judgment.
Before going further in our journey through the book of Job, we will rest while you find the following verses:
1. A son who obeys the words he hears his father speak will have many happy ____________ . Proverbs 4:___
2. Because Noah was a ____________ man, God preserved him and his family in the ark. Genesis 7:___
3. Children who obey their parents are ____________ to the Lord.
Colossians 3:___
4. It is a ____________ thing for a believer to be corrected by God.
Job 5:___
5. God the Father has given all ____________ to His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus. John 5:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 28: February 6, 1994
A chief ruler of the heathen people of Melita lived near the shipwrecked sailors. He had great possessions and for three days lodged and took care of them. Paul found that the father of this great man was very sick, and after praying for him, the man was healed.
Many people came to be healed of their diseases after this had taken place. They were all healed and a great many honors were given to the stranded sailors. After some months, a ship, which had spent the winter in this place, left to finish its journey to Rome, and Paul and his companions left with them.
On the way, the ship made some stops, one at a place called Puteoli where there were believers who desired that Paul would abide with them for seven days.
1. The stranded sailors were in great need of food, clothing and shelter, which was generously supplied by a rich heathen ruler of the island. How does God take care of the needs of believers? Philippians 4:___
2. From what source do all of our “gifts” and “blessings” come? James 1: ___
3. How much enjoyment did the rich man have in the abundance of goods that he hoarded for himself? Luke 12:___
4. The believers in Puteoli were not satisfied that they should see Paul for just a few moments in his journey. They constrained him to stay with them for seven days. What is the reason that believers today should meet together as often as possible? Hebrews 10:___
5. Paul was available to those who wanted to be with him. At times that took real effort. What did Onesiphorus have to do in order to find Paul?
2 Timothy 1:___
Job - Chapter 1: March 6, 1994
Satan told God that if God would allow bad things to happen to Job, Job would curse God. God, who is infinitely wiser than Satan and who wanted to bless Job, allowed Satan to touch Job’s possessions in order to bring greater blessing to him.
In one day Job learned that his cattle and his crops and even his children were taken away from him. Satan had caused these things to happen, but only because God allowed these things in order to teach Job some very important lessons which would make him happy.
Job did something very wise after he had heard all of this terrible news. He refused to make any charge or curse against God. Satan had been defeated in this attempt to destroy Job.
Now we will rest in our journey while you look for the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus Himself was made a ____________ so that believers would no longer come under the judgment of the law. Galatians 3:___
2. One who obeys God’s Word is ____________ than those who are his enemies. Psalm 119:___ (somewhere after verse 70)
3. Christians are to ____________ rather than curse those who hurt them.
Romans 12:___
4. The Lord Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would ____________ believers all things. John 14:___
5. A son who is ____________ because he obeys God will make his father very happy. Proverbs 10:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 28: March 6, 1994
After leaving Puteoli, Paul and his companions traveled on to Rome. Brethren at Rome had heard that he was coming. Leaving the city to meet him, they came to Appii Forum. This effort caused Paul to take fresh courage and give thanks to God when he saw them.
Paul was delivered into the hands of the captain of the Roman guards. Paul, unlike the other prisoners, was allowed to live by himself with only one soldier who kept watch over him.
Paul was not long in calling together his beloved brethren after the flesh, the Jews. Three days after he was established in Rome, Paul spoke to the chief of the Jewish men in Rome and told them why it was that he was now a prisoner in Rome.
1. The brethren in Rome desired to see and be with Paul, though they evidently had never met him. What desire did Paul express in his letter to the Roman believers? Romans 15:___
2. What did the man of Gadara, whom Jesus healed of demon possession, desire? Mark 5:___
3. What was the great desire of Paul towards his people the Jews?
Romans 10:___
4. The great desire to be with the Lord Jesus, though they had not yet recognized Him, caused the two who were going to Emmaus to do what?
Luke 24:___
5. What desire did the Lord Jesus have shortly before going to the cross?
Luke 22:___
Job - Chapter 2: April 3, 1994
Once again, Satan came into God’s presence to tempt God to hurt Job. This time he told God that someone like Job would reverence Him only as long as he himself wasn’t hurt. He said that if God would touch Job himself and not just his possessions, then Job would indeed curse God.
God allowed Satan to touch Job’s body, but would not allow him to take away his life. Satan caused Job’s body to be covered with terribly painful boils. Job, who was in great distress, sat down to do what he could to relieve his misery. Even his own wife told him to curse God so that he would die and be relieved from his awful suffering. But Job remained faithful to God and accepted all that had happened without sinning with his lips by anything he said.
Job had three friends who had heard of all that had happened to him and who came to comfort him. When they saw Job, they were so shocked at the sight that they did not speak to him for seven days.
Before we find out what happened to Job after his friends came to him, we will stop long enough to look for the following verses:
1. Daniel told the king that the lions had not ____________ him because God had shut their mouths. Daniel 6:___
2. When the Lord Jesus gave the bread to His disciples to eat, He told them it was a symbol of His ____________ which was to be given for them in death.
Mark 14:___
3. One day a lawyer asked the Lord Jesus what he could do to inherit eternal ____________ . But the lawyer was only tempting the Lord and trying to find fault with what He said. Luke 10:___
4. God told Adam that in the day they disobeyed His command and ate fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would ____________ .
Genesis 2:___
5. Timothy was to look for ____________ men to whom he could commit the wonderful doctrines of God which Paul had taught him. 2 Timothy 2:___
The Book of Acts - Chapter 28: April 3, 1994
The chief men among the Jews listened to all that Paul told them. They had not heard what happened to him, but they had heard about Christians and that everyone was against this new “sect.”
On a set day, they came to the Apostle’s dwelling and listened as he preached Christ to them from the Old Testament Scriptures. Some who heard believed and others did not. Paul pronounced from the Old Testament a solemn prophetic judgment against the hard-hearted Jews and left them. He told them that the message of the gospel they had refused to hear would be accepted by the Gentiles to whom he would now preach.
Leaving the Jews in the midst of their own reasonings, Paul spent two years in his own rented house and received all who came to him and preached Christ with no one forbidding him.
1. The Jewish leaders in Rome, though knowing nothing about the “sect” of Christians, had heard many speak against it. What was the reaction of the Jewish leaders in Ephesus when they heard the gospel preached by Paul?
Acts 19:___
2. What was the special “gift” that was given to those in Philippi who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ? Philippians 1:___
3. Under what circumstances can Christians be happy, even when they are suffering at the hands of unbelievers? 1 Peter 3:___
4. Paul first preached the gospel to the Jews in Rome. To whom did the gospel message first go after the Lord was risen from the dead?
Romans 1:___
5. God will heap great judgment upon those who refuse to hear the gospel. Who will be first to fall under this judgment? Romans 2:___
Job - May 1, 1994
Job’s friends had heard of all the sorrow that had befallen Job and they came to comfort him. They realized how sad he was, and so they said nothing to him. Instead, they just sat with him for seven whole days.
But this seemed to do something very strange to Job. Instead of being comforted by his friends, he started complaining about what had happened to him. His friends did not do much to help him. Sad to say, they began to find fault with Job. They pointed out many failures in Job’s life as reasons for why all of these terrible things had happened to him.
As they talked to him, Job became angry and called them “miserable comforters.” Job’s friends finally stopped talking because they could not seem to help poor Job.
Before we go any further, we will rest while you look for these verses.
1. The Lord Jesus promised His disciples that their ____________ would be turned into joy. John 16:___
2. The Bible should give ____________ to believers who read and learn from it. Romans 15:___
3. Spiritual brethren (those who are walking close to the Lord) are to seek to restore one who has been overtaken with a ____________ . Galatians 6:___
4. The wicked and hypocritical Jewish leaders were ____________ with the Lord Jesus because He had healed on the sabbath day. John 7:___
5. Christians have the privilege of coming right into the very presence of God in order to get ____________ for their needs. Hebrews 4:___
The Book of Romans - May 1, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. Justification is one of the main subjects found in Romans. Paul told the Romans that those who heard the commandments (law) given to Israel had something else required of them if they were to obtain justification before God by keeping them. What was it? Romans 2:___
2. Justification, faith and works were also the subject of Paul’s letter to the Galatian Christians. He taught them that justification through keeping the law was not faith. Why? Galatians 2:___
3. If justification through works could produce life and blessing for man, someone as godly as Abraham would be able to glory in himself. But Abraham, believing God’s promise, instead gave glory to God. How did he do this? Romans 4:___
4. What does Paul tell the Romans, which makes it very clear that no man can ever expect to be justified through the law? Romans 3:___
5. How is it that a sinful man is justified before a holy, righteous God?
Romans 5:___
Job - June 5, 1994
All the time that Job’s three friends were talking to him and trying to help him, another person was sitting with that group and hearing what they said. This person’s name was Elihu and he was a very young man. Because he was younger than the others, Elihu did a very good thing. Out of respect for their age, he waited until Job and his three friends had finished talking. Then when they were done, he began to speak.
But Elihu was in communion with God. (“Communion” means “fellowship”; Elihu valued what God valued.) Though he was young, he knew what the problem with Job was, and he was angry with Job’s three friends because they had not been able to help Job.
As Elihu begins to speak, the wisdom of his words caused all the rest to listen carefully to what he said. Elihu told Job that he had been so busy justifying himself that he had not learned what God was seeking to tell him. God was infinitely greater than Job, and Job had no right to justify himself before God.
Before we go further in our journey, we will rest while you look for these verses:
1. If we do what the Lord Jesus commands us, He will call us His ____________ . John 15:___
2. When Paul ____________ of the love and faith that Philemon showed towards other believers, he was encouraged. Philemon 1:___
3. Believers are not to have ____________ (common thoughts and desires) with the bad things that unbelievers do in the world. Ephesians 5:___
4. When Joseph’s brethren found out he was a ruler in Egypt, they were frightened of him. But Joseph told them not to be ____________ or grieved because of what they had done. Genesis 45:___
5. God told His people, the Israelites, that they were to live in an honest way, because God would not ____________ the wicked. Exodus 23:___
The Book of Romans - June 5, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. The justification which God provides man is based on the redemption found in Jesus Christ. What is the cost of this justification? Romans 3:___
2. The basis upon which God can justify a sinful man and yet be righteous in doing so is not through our works. Upon what is it based and to what is it revealed? Romans 1:___
3. What is necessary for a person to obtain righteousness before God?
Romans 3:___
4. What is necessary in order that a person may be justified before God?
Romans 3:___
5. How does the Bible characterize those whom God is willing to justify?
Romans 4:___
Job - July 3, 1994
After Elihu had finished speaking to Job, God Himself spoke to Job. He spoke from the midst of a whirlwind and showed Job how great His creation is and how little Job was compared to it.
He also taught Job that all of this wonderful creation was ordered and controlled by Himself and that Job was so insignificant that he was not able to change one thing about it.
After showing Job His greatness and glory through creation, He asked Job if he was able to say anything in reply to God. Job confessed that he was wrong and that he had nothing to say to God in defense of himself.
Let’s rest now while you look for the following verses:
1. The Lord Jesus said that He and ____________ , His Father, are one.
John 10:___
2. Those who lived in Jerusalem were so afraid of the Jewish religious leaders that no one would ____________ openly about the Lord Jesus.
John 7:___
3. Unbelievers will make fun of the Lord’s coming, because they think everything is the same as it was at the beginning of ____________ .
2 Peter 3:___
4. It is the Lord Jesus’ desire to have His own with Him so that they can see the ____________ which God the Father has given to Him. John 17:___
5. The people were afraid to ____________ the name of Jesus because of the threats of the Jewish leaders who hated Him. John 9:___
The Book of Romans - July 3, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. Paul was not ashamed to proclaim the gospel of Christ. Why?
Romans 1:___
2. Paul showed that man as a race is guilty before God. However, some might question if the Jew, God’s special and favored people, was included in this general condemnation of man. Could the Jew rest in thinking that he was “better” than the rest? Romans 3:___
3. Were those who knew right from wrong, and who made judgments about the evil acts of others, able to escape the condemnation of God?
Romans 2:___
4. Did Paul (by divine inspiration) find any who were righteous and thus able to escape God’s condemnation of men? Romans 3:___
5. What is said in Romans about man, which fully characterizes his moral condition before God and His glory? Romans 3:___
Job - August 7, 1994
Job was thoroughly humbled by all that God spoke to him. He realized that he was in the presence of One who was infinite in power and wisdom. He dared not answer anything or seek to justify himself in God’s presence.
In the very last chapter of Job, Job confesses his sin of self-righteousness to God. Not only did he confess what he had done by complaining so much, but he repented. His repentance was caused by his realization of the power and holiness of God against whom he had been complaining.
As soon as he repented, God forgave him. He then warned Job’s three friends that they had displeased Him by the way in which they had talked to Job - for what they had said was spoken in pride.
However, Job prayed for them and God forgave them too. After this God blessed Job and gave him even more possessions at the end than he had at the beginning. He also enjoyed a wonderful family with seven sons and three daughters and a long and happy life.
Now we will stop in our journey while you find the following verses:
1. Our Lord Jesus ____________ Himself so low that He submitted to the death of the cross for us. Philippians 2:___
2. If a person knows that something is good but doesn’t do it, he is guilty of a ____________ . James 4:___
3. Even though Judas had ____________ within himself of the awful thing he had done, He was not truly sorry before God and was not forgiven.
Matthew 27:___
4. Christians are to ____________ one another, even if they have disagreements, because God has forgiven us for Jesus’ sake. Colossians 3:___
5. Though Paul and Silas were in prison and had been cruelly beaten because they were Christians, they were able to ____________ and sing praises to God. Acts 16:___
The Book of Romans - August 7, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. It was because of our “offenses” (sins) that Jesus was delivered to the death of the cross. Through what are we justified before God? Romans 4:___
2. What does justification before God give the believer? Romans 5:___
3. Those who have received forgiveness, justification, peace and love through faith (all part of the “atonement” in Christ) also have the ability to do something else. What is it? Romans 5:___
4. Paul shows that all we have in Christ is because of the pure grace of God shown us. God in grace has given to us that which, as sinners, we could never earn through our works. Can those who are recipients of this grace continue to live in sin, knowing that God’s grace will always forgive them? Romans 6:___
5. Paul speaks of a believer being “planted together” in death with the Lord Jesus. What does Paul teach has happened to our old nature (what we were before believing in Jesus)? Romans 6:___
Psalms - September 4, 1994
Our journey through the Bible has brought us to the biggest book it contains: the Psalms. There are 150 chapters in this book! Psalm 119 contains 176 verses! Someone has said that Psalm 118:8,9 are the center two verses of the Bible. They are quoted here:
118:8: [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
118:9: [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.
The Spirit of God inspired King David to write many of these beautiful Psalms. As we read them, we can remember the many trials and testings that dear King David went through and how often he was cast on the Lord to preserve him from his enemies.
Most wonderful of all is to think of these beautiful verses as describing the heart and thoughts of our blessed Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ.
You may have already learned by heart Psalm 23 which begins with, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” We will read and consider a few of the better-known psalms in our journey. Perhaps you will want to read them all in your own Bible study.
Let’s rest now while you find the following verses before going further in our journey.
1. The Lord Jesus told His disciples that ____________ in riches can cause great difficulties to one who would enter the kingdom of God. Mark 10:___
2. Love, joy and peace are some of the wonderful fruit that the ____________ of God produces in believers’ lives. Galatians 5:___
3. The Lord sometimes allows His beloved people to experience a ____________ in their life in order to strengthen their faith. 1 Peter 1:___
4. God the Father sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to be the ____________ of the world. 1 John 4:___
5. The Lord Jesus called Himself the good ____________ who gave His life for His sheep. John 10:___
The Book of Romans - September 4, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. In Romans 7, Paul describes the battle between the “new nature” that desires to please God and the “old nature” which is irrecoverably at enmity with God. Try as one might, he cannot find strength within himself to do that which he knows to be pleasing to God. Finally the quickened soul cries out: “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” What is the blessed answer to his distressed soul? Romans 7:___
2. What does Paul say occupies the thoughts and ways of the one who is walking according to the “flesh” (the “old nature”)? Romans 8:___
3. Having been “adopted” into the family of God, the Spirit now gives us the liberty and privilege of addressing God in what way? Romans 8:___
4. How does the Spirit of God help those who are unable to put into words the sorrows and cares that they pray to the Father about? Romans 8:___
5. How did Paul feel about his fellow Israelites who had so mistreated the Lord Jesus and himself, the servant of the Lord? Romans 9:___
Psalm 1 - October 2, 1994
The first psalm that we will visit in our journey is the very first one that has been recorded - Psalm 1! It contains some very important and wonderful counsel for Christians. Those who obey what this little psalm teaches will be very happy and blessed by the Lord.
Psalm 1 tells about the happiness of a man who does not walk or stand or sit with sinners and ungodly people. A person who refuses to be in the company of those who are ungodly will find that their life will produce fruit for God’s glory.
The ungodly have no sure anchor to hold them when the winds of trial come. Their end is very sad, for Psalm 1 tells us that their way will perish.
Before going further, we will rest while you find these verses.
1. Those who ____________ God receive something very wonderful: the Holy Spirit. Acts 5:___
2. Those whose sins are forgiven of God are truly ____________ . (Another word used for this is “blessed.”) Romans 4:___
3. God gave the commandments (the “law”) for those who were ____________ , not for one who was righteous. 1 Timothy 1:___
4. Everyone who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord gives ____________ to God. Philippians 2:___
5. Those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour have a sure ____________ for their soul for all eternity. Hebrews 6:___
Isaiah 12:2
The Book of Romans - October 2, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. The nation of Israel thought that by keeping the commandments they would be counted righteous before God. When the Lord Jesus came to tell them the truth of their condition, they rejected His testimony. What did He become to the nation of Israel because of their unbelief? Romans 9:___
2. What does Paul teach is necessary for the salvation of a soul?
Romans 10:___
3. What value does the Spirit of God place on those who preach the gospel of the grace of God? Romans 10:___
4. Israel by works was unable to attain blessing. What did their failure open to the Gentile nations? Romans 11:___
5. What is the sacrifice that believers (Jew or Gentile) can offer to God under Christianity? Romans 12:___
Psalm 23 - November 6, 1994
This beautiful little psalm is one of the best known passages in the Word of God. Perhaps many of you reading this would be able to quote the whole passage by heart. We learn that our God who loves us is tenderly leading us as His dear sheep.
The place that He leads His sheep is one of peace, happiness and blessing. Those who are following the Good Shepherd closely need not fear the path, though it may seem dark at times. Every need we have is fully supplied by our kind and loving Shepherd, and we have confidence that He will be with us for each day of our lives.
Now we will rest a little, while you find the following verses.
1. A person is saved by believing in his ____________ that God has raised Jesus from the dead. Romans 10:___
2. We prove our ____________ to the Lord Jesus by obeying His commandments. John 14:___
3. Those who know and love the Lord Jesus, and listen for His voice, are sometimes called His ____________ . John 10:___
4. The Apostle Paul desired the Thessalonian Christians to be at ____________ with one another. 1 Thessalonians 5:___
5. Real love for the Lord Jesus will cause a believer to be willing to lay down his ____________ for his brethren. 1 John 3:___
Philippians 4:19
The Book of Romans - November 6, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. At the end of his epistle to the Romans, Paul gives many practical instructions as to how those who belong to the family of God should act. How should the believer react when he comes in contact with evil in this world?
Romans 12:___
2. In what way is the believer able to overcome evil? Romans 12:___
3. Who is it who really ordains the power and authority that Christians are to be subject to in this world? Romans 13:___
4. What is the way in which believers are to withstand the demands that the flesh (our “old nature”) makes at times? Romans 13:___
5. What is it that every believer will do before God as regarding his actions while in this world? Romans 14:___
Psalm 23 - December 4, 1994
Throughout the Psalms we often read about the sufferings and trials of those who are godly, such as King David. We also know that these same psalms reveal to us the heart and feelings of our blessed Lord as He passed through this world as a perfect man.
It is wonderful, however, to see how the Psalms end in Psalm 150. The Spirit of God inspired the writer of this psalm to praise the Lord. Every verse is an encouragement to praise the Lord. But the last four words make this very personal, for it says, “Praise ye the Lord.”
We will rest now while you find the following verses.
1. The Apostle Paul often ____________ for the sake of the Church, the body of Christ. Colossians 1:___
2. The Lord Jesus said that we speak about those things which are filling our ____________ . Matthew 12:___
3. God proved His wonderful love to this ____________ by giving His Son, Jesus. John 3:___
4. Jesus Christ is the one and only mediator between God and ____________ . 1 Timothy 2:___
5. Christians who ____________ God offer a sacrifice to Him with which He is pleased. Hebrews 13:___
John 3:7
The Book of Romans - December 4, 1994
The epistle to the Romans is placed first of the epistles, chronologically, in the Bible. Though Paul wrote other epistles before this (such as the first epistle to the Thessalonians), God has allowed it to be placed here in His sovereign ways.
It is striking that the fundamental truths of Christianity are found in this book. The gospel of the grace of God is fully developed here. Man’s awful condition before God is clearly stated. We also learn how God can, in righteousness, reach out in blessing to sinful man. All of the fundamental truths of the gospel - grace, faith, repentance - are found in this wonderful and divine epistle.
1. What three things does the Apostle tell us comprise the kingdom of God? Romans 14:___
2. What are believers encouraged to do with those things, such as food and drink, which may be an offense or stumbling to another believer?
Romans 14:___
3. Paul desires that the “God of patience and consolation” would cause the Roman believers to have what mind toward one another? Romans 15:___
4. How are believers to treat those (even though they are believers also) who cause divisions among God’s beloved people? Romans 16:___
5. What promise is made to the Roman believers concerning the great enemy of our souls, Satan? Romans 16:___