Busy Little Johanna

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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George Whitefield was an earnest man of God and powerful in the gospel. When he was preaching in New England, many were saved; among them a mother and her little girl, Johanna.
One day little Johanna said, “Mother, I wish I could tell someone else about Jesus. Will you pray while I go to some of our neighbors and tell them about Him?”
“Oh, Johanna, you are too young,” said Mother. “They would make fun of you and wouldn’t believe what you say.”
“But Mother, I think they would believe me. I must tell them about my Saviour. I want them to be happy and love Him too. Let me go over to old Sandy, the shoemaker, and talk to him.”
Soon Johanna was running out of the house and on her way to Sandy’s while her mother prayed that the heart of the old shoemaker would open to receive the message her little daughter had for him.
Old Sandy was at work in his shop. The little girl entered. She told the old man how the Lord Jesus had forgiven all her sins, and now she was very happy. She was sure that the Lord Jesus wanted him to be saved too.
The old shoemaker listened. At first he was surprised. Then tears began to run down his cheeks, and he put aside his work. Kneeling down he prayed that God would have mercy upon him and save his soul.
Others heard the gospel from little Johanna, and some believed in the Lord Jesus because of her faithful testimony.