"Buying up the Opportunity"

A Pleasing Incident
A very pleasing incident in our work amongst our soldiers has lately occurred which I think will give pleasure to those who so willingly continue to help, for I assure you, dear readers, the work continues as necessary as during the War, and money is needed just as much. I was slowly crawling (owing to loss of breath) up the Barnfield Road when Dr. Wreford overtook me. He gave me his arm to lean on. When we got as far as the Drill Hall, I stopped and said, “What is going on here?” for flags of all kinds were being hung up and decorations of all sorts. I spoke out rather loudly, “What is going on here?” A gentleman in khaki most politely came forward saying, “We are entertaining some soldiers this evening.” I soon found out to whom I was speaking (Mr. C. E. Ross). He then told us of his desire to save the returned soldiers in our villages from the public-house, so he has provided recreation rooms in at least six villages for the various platoons. I said, “Have you provided Testaments for the men?” “No,” he replied. “Would you give them to the men if Dr. Wreford gave you some?” “Yes, indeed I would.” “How many?” “About one hundred and twenty” was his answer. “You shall have them tomorrow.”
Mr. Ross warmly thanked us, and the books were sent. The doctor and I rejoiced that the opportunity was presented to us. Now something more has come to rejoice our and your hearts, dear readers. Mr. Ross most kindly wrote me: “I have visited Ide, Alphington, Exminster, Kenton and Star-cross distributing your kind gifts at each place. They were received at every place with the most respectful gratitude, and I was requested in every instance to convey the grateful thanks of the recipients who received such a gift, perhaps the most precious they will ever receive. In addition, please accept my very grateful thanks, and as I have taken one, I shall feel with my men that we are united in that bond of fellowship and hope in Jesus Christ which will, I trust, bring us to a joyful resurrection.”
Let each one of us pray that a great blessing may result from this reading of God’s Word.
Emily P. Leakey