C.M. 5

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Children—D. Rule
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So that is cool. I really like to have a classic Baker because there's so many kids here. If you're small, why don't you come down here and not in this area where I can see you and where I can ask you questions and where I can hear your answers?
OK, well.
I couldn't help it make it hard for us to sing.
All right, I think we can find that on here and we can see it even if it wasn't #40.
Lisa loves me. How do you know?
How do we go to you as well?
Thank you, you said. Because he said it in the word of God.
Bible doesn't. Okay, let's say #1 we'll have to have somebody start.
If you're in the first if you can breathe, draws.
John over there going in, it needs to be, but if you're in the first three rows, I want you to stay the course for me, okay, everybody else.
Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me.
I like to hear what number do you have a number or just one in your mind?
Number one, well, that comes out all right. Easy. OK, let's just say #1.
Think about it though, you know, every week I sing some songs with some boys and girls that are a little bit older than you are, and most of them don't know the songs.
But even if we don't know a song, even if we can't read the words, we can listen, can't we? And we can learn it. So you listen, or you sing if you can, and think about what it says.
Even when you sing it, think about what it says, OK #1.
Now, I think some of your thoughts that we just sang are a little bit hard to understand when you're your age and I'm trying to just think about you kids in the first two rows and sort of forget everybody else in the room. We'll let them listen. But this is especially for you and just before a few minutes ago.
There wasn't anybody, none of you were sitting in these first two rows. And there was a boy that came down and the way he was dressed, I think the other person with him, two of them came together down the aisle. They were the first two and one was a little older than the other, but they were kind of dressed alike. So I think they were brothers and they got down about this far.
And stopped.
And the littlest one started back up the rope. He was almost persuaded, but not sure.
And he wasn't sure he was going to come all the way. That's what it means to be almost persuaded. I'm thankful he got all she got persuaded all the way because he's sitting in the front two rows. But we need to, when we're going to talk about something this morning, we need to be sure we don't come almost all the way and then stop.
That wouldn't be good. We want to make sure we come all the way to the Lord Jesus.
So you listen real carefully this morning to make sure you come all the way. OK, We have time for a couple more songs. Yes, Maddie.
47 Thank you.
I was your age. I sang this song.
And I didn't understand it.
So maybe some of you are like, I was, I don't really understand because it explains something that's at first when we're little, kind of hard to understand, but it tells us very clearly who the jewels are that we were singing about. It says in the third part of the song, little children who love their Redeemer, that is, who love the Lord Jesus, are the jewels.
Your mommy and daddy have any tools?
Your mommy and daddy have any tools?
Anybody think of?
What kind?
Let me put it this way.
I've been to your house, Matt.
Suppose your house started to burn down.
And your mommy and daddy only had a few minutes to take the most precious and most important things in the house out before every it was burned out. The most important things are what we call jewels. What would your mommy and daddy want to take out of your house first?
At least here's somebody thinks he knows what.
You thank you exactly right you boys and girls are the most important thing in your house to your mommy and daddy, did you know that?
If there was just a few minutes to get all the important things out of a house, you would be the very first thing that mommy and daddy would want to get out of the house. You're their jewels.
And God wants you to be one of his jewels, the most important thing to God.
Is his family.
Most important of all is his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. But he wants to have us and his family as his jewels, and that's what this song is talking about. God wants you to be one of his family, the most important things.
To God.
Let's be part of his family, OK? We still have time for another song or two, yes?
All right.
This is also a little bit hard for children. It says glad tidings. Anybody know what? Well, not anybody, but do you know what tidings are? What are tidings? And even we're going to make it even a little harder because we're not even going to sing. We're going to say TIDINGS. It's fun to sing because it uses the letters, but part of the importance of singing it is so we understand what we're singing about.
What are tidings?
News, right?
Someone says I have some news. I want to tell you something. Those are there. There's giving you their tidings. So it says here's some this song talks about. I have some good news or glad tidings to bring. I want to tell you something good, the songwriter said. They said, what is that good news? Jesus came to save me.
That's good news to me was when I was your age and it still is.
Good news, Jesus came to save me. OK, let's think about this. Good news or glad tidings?
Did you get any?
43 All right #43.
How many of you were three?
Nobody up here is three. OK, how many of you are 4?
Here for good. Glad you're here and it says.
Seven anybody here 7?
OK, got a 7 year old as well so we got some. Do you think this would include you? If you're not 3-4 or seven, is this song for you? It's for you too, so let's all sing for us.
A start to God. OK, where I live we have a Sunday school every Sunday, every Lord's Day, and there's a memory verse that the kids your age learn. So I think some of you come from places that have a Sunday school like that. Do any of you know where the memory verse was that was in your Sunday school paper for today? What is it?
You want to say it for us? Why don't you stand up and say it?
Enter you in with the straight gate, for wide is the gate and rod is soil that lead us to the section and many there be that go in there at Matthew 713. Very well said. Anyone else kind of harder to say it here than it is in Sundays pool at home, isn't it?
There's so many more people around.
Anyone else?
Entry in at the Strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in their Matthew 713.
Anyone else raise your hand OK?
Turn you into the straight gate Port brought us away. And why does the gate that leadeth to destruction?
And many.
There be.
Let's go in there.
Matthew, OH.
7:30 OK, thank you.
In at the straight gate.
They get and that is the way that they just take instructions.
And many there be that go in there.
713, OK. Thank you.
All right.
Some of you have a Bible. I'd like to read a verse near the end of your Bibles in the Book of Revelation.
And it's found.
It's found in Revelation chapter 21.
Revelation. So those of you that have it, and I'm going to read verse 8, Revelation 21.
Verse eight God says the fearful and unbelieving.
And abominable, and murderers, and ************ and sorcerers and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.
Now, there's quite a few words in this verse that I think you don't know.
You don't understand and we're not going to try to explain those words to you. We're going to concentrate on the words that I think you do understand.
Here's talking about God's telling us about some people that go to the Lake of Fire.
Well, we don't maybe understand too much about that place, but we know it's bad, don't we? I think we all know we don't want to go there. And so it says, though one of the things it mentions in the list is liars.
Liars. People who tell lies.
Get them back up for a minute.
A few weeks ago I got to meet for the first time one of my grandsons.
Paul and Paul is just a little over two years old.
And it's a joy to be with your grandchildren.
Paul's younger than any of you in the front row or front two rows? Front three rows, but Paul has a stack of books.
Mostly pictures in the books, but they have words too in his books. And Paul with every quite often he would go over to the corner where his books are and he'd pick a book off his pile and he would come over to me and I was sitting in a chair and one time he said to me, read this book.
He's only two, but he likes to hear stories.
And so he wanted me. He, he said, read this book and he got right up on my lap and he sat on my lap and I read him the book.
Now when I when I was your daddy and mommy's age. I'm older now, but when I was your mommy and daddy's age.
I used to tell my children stories.
And read the books.
And I found out after a while their favorite stories were these.
They were what we came to call Tell Me when you Were a Little Boy stories.
They wanted me to tell them stories about when I was a little boy.
And that's what I'm going to do for you this morning. I'm going to share with you some stories about me when I was a little boy your age.
Because they still those stories, things that happened to me when they were a little boy, are still very important to me because of what I learned.
I wish I could just sit here and take one or two of you up on my lap and tell you those stories.
Because then I think you'd listen real carefully. But you can't do that. I can't do that. So you just try to listen, all right?
Here's one of the stories when I was a little boy.
When I was a little boy your age.
My mom had a rule.
And that was you always had to wash your hands.
Before you sat down to eat.
And so sometimes when I came to the dinner table, my mom would say, not always, but she'd say, did you wash your hands?
And I like to be able to say yes, let's sit down and eat once in a while. I had to say no and go, she said. Well, then go back and wash your hands.
But listen carefully.
I remember more than once when my mom said.
Did you wash your hands?
Out loud so she could hear me. I said yes.
But real quietly, so she couldn't hear me, I said yesterday.
Now I'm going to tell you something about that.
I tell you though, what about?
Keep in my pocket a book.
And in this book, I've got dozens of them now that I still have, but I have a book, a notebook. And when there's anything important in that notebook, I open it up and I get my pencil or pen out and I write it down because I want to remember.
And finally, I use up this book. It's about half gone. I'll get another one and I'll keep doing it. I copy down important things.
Now when I said to my mommy that day.
No or yes and under my breath.
You know what God did?
God has the books too.
And God got out his book that has my name on it.
And God opened up the book that has my name on it.
And he wrote something down.
He wrote down. My name's Don, He wrote down today.
Dawn lied.
To his mouth.
That's pretty serious. It was important enough for God to write it in his book about me.
What did we just read, boys and girls?
All liars.
Have their part in the Lake of Fire.
What that means is.
When I told my mom that and God wrote it down in his book.
I deserve to go to the Lake of Fire.
Sin is an awfully important thing.
You have God has a book about you.
Has he written anything down in your book today or yesterday?
You think about it.
One day when I was a little boy.
My mom went to the store.
She went in the store and.
She was looking around in the store.
And I was looking around in the store too.
I don't much like to go to stores anymore, but when I was a boy, I like to go to stores and I went around and his mom was talking to the sales lady. I was walking down the aisles of the store and I saw some Scotch tape.
I don't remember anymore why it attracted me, but there I said I wanted some Scotch tape. So I went to my mommy and I said, Mommy, can I have some Scotch tape? She said what? What do you want Scotch tape for now? I didn't know. She said no, I don't think so did.
And she went back talking to the sales lady.
I wanted that Scotch teeth and when she was talking to the sales lady and she was over in that part of the store, I went back to where the Scotch tapes were and I reached over and I took two of them and I put them in my pocket.
When my mom was done, we went out of the store and we went home.
And I started to get afraid.
What was I going to do with those things in my pocket?
I didn't want to be found out.
And I was a little boy like some of you are little boys, and I thought I'd better hide it.
Where can I hide it?
I'll hide it under my bed. So I crawled under my bed and I hid my Scotch tape under my bed.
Couple of days later, my mom was in the summertime. I wasn't. I don't know if I was school age or not. I think I may have been anyways.
My mom came in my bedroom.
And she had a dust mop between it was a wooden floor to clean the floor with and my mom.
Went under my bed with her dust mop. What came out?
Two rolls of Scotch tape.
I was found out.
I don't want to take time to tell too much of that more of that story, but my mom took me back to the store.
I had to tell the lady what I did.
And I got into pretty good punishment at home too.
I've never forgotten it.
I don't know that.
I've ever stolen anything from a human being since that lesson.
Sorry to say that many times stolen from God.
But that's a little hard for me to explain right now.
My mom and my dad decided what punishment I needed to learn a lesson never to do that again.
But what did God do? God got out the book.
And God wrote down what I did in the book.
I was a robber. I stole. Last night. Mr. Imbo stood on this platform and he talked about a robber, didn't he?
A bad man.
I was a bad boy.
And those kinds of things take boys and girls.
To the Lake of Fire.
Is there anything in your book?
Writing I want you to think about it because it's important to know boys and girls that God takes in seriously.
Very seriously.
One time when I was a little boy.
After Sunday school.
My big sister.
And a couple other girls her age said we want to talk to you.
They took me outside the Sunday school and around the corner of the building to the corner of the parking lot. I could go there this minute and stand.
They kind of backed me up against the wall of the building.
They said to me, are you saved?
I said yes, I'm saved. Why did you ask me that question? Of course I'm saved.
They talked to me a little bit and then they went away.
You know, boys and girls, that question really bothered me.
I said I was saved.
Because they asked me because I knew I should be. But they later on I thought about it and I said am I really safe?
Am I really saved? I wasn't sure whether I was saved or whether I was lost.
One time when I was a little boy.
We lived in a house that had two stories and upstairs and downstairs and downstairs was the kitchen and the living room and my mom and dads bedroom and upstairs were three bedrooms. One was mine, one was my older sisters at that time and one was my older brothers. Later on there were some more kids in our family but at that time there was my older brother and sister and myself and downstairs mom and dad.
One time it was at night time. It was real quiet.
And I woke up in the middle of the night.
And I was lying in my bed.
And I started thinking.
What if Jesus came?
And I've been left behind.
I couldn't hear any sound, so quiet.
I had been told in the Bible, and you have to, that Jesus says I will come again.
He's going to come and take those who are have trusted in him to heaven with Him to live there with God. Jesus is coming to take boys and girls and mommies and daddies who have trusted in the Lord Jesus to heaven.
But he also says.
Be ye also ready.
When he comes, you have to be ready.
So I lay in my bed and I was worried about it.
I got up.
Real quietly went out of my room.
And went to my big sister's bedroom and I opened the door and I looked in.
And she was lying on her bed.
But I was still not satisfied so I went around to my brothers bedroom and I looked in and my brother was still in his bed.
I went back to my bedroom and thought about it for a while and and I thought.
What if my brother and sister aren't ready either?
I wanted to be ready.
To go to heaven, to be with the Lord Jesus, with my mommy and daddy. So very, very quietly I got out of bed and went down the stairs and my mommy and daddy's bedroom.
And I as quietly as I could, I opened their door and I looked in.
And a voice said to me, Donald, what's wrong?
Was my mommy. She always slept.
Had an ear for us and she woke up and and she said what's wrong?
Oh, nothing. Nothing, nothing.
And I went running up the stairs before she could ask me any more questions to my bedroom.
Be ye. Are you ready if Jesus comes today while you're we're talking?
One more little comment about being ready. I was a little boy then when I was like some of these teenagers in the room.
My dad used to take me to school on his way to work.
And my dad had a time when we were to leave to go.
And I was told be ready.
And once in a while, I wasn't ready when it was time.
You know what happened? My dad left.
And I was left behind.
And I thank my father for that lesson.
When it's time to be ready, boys and girls, you be ready.
You can't say.
In fact, the verse that says Be ye also ready for in an hour when you think not, the Son of Man cometh. That is, we don't know.
I knew exactly to the minute when my dad said it was time to go.
But God says you be ready.
You don't know.
Now I want to tell you one more story.
That I want to read a verse to tell you that story. It's in first John chapter 4.
First John chapter 4 and verse 14. So if you have your Bible you can follow with me there it says.
The father sent the son to be the Seder of the world.
I just want to tell you a little bit about that verse. The Father sent the Son to be the savior of the world when I was a little boy.
I said to the Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, I'm a Sinner.
Please save me.
Or words like that. I don't remember the exact words.
Lord Jesus.
I believe you died for me.
And then I thought, I'm saved.
But then a few weeks later, or a while later, I wasn't always sure.
And I if you could put it this way, I tried to get saved all over again.
That happened for quite a long time in my life.
When I was a little boy.
Now I want to tell you what helped me, because I don't. Since I this point in my life came, I've never been uncertain that when Jesus comes, I'm going to heaven. I'm just as sure I'm going to heaven as I am. I'm standing here in front of you this morning.
I am going to have.
One of the things I learned as a little boy is that God always tells the truth. Isn't that right? God never lies, People lie, but God always tells the truth. And so if God says something, I can accept it is true, Can I?
The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.
This is what went in my mind one time when I was a boy.
I wasn't sure that I believed the right way or believed enough to get to heaven. But one day when I was thinking about it and I was worried about it, I thought about it this way. God said Jesus came to save me.
And the Bible says I could read the verse Christ died for our or I'll say my sins.
God says Christ died for my sins.
Then I thought, is God satisfied with what Jesus did for me?
Is he happy that Jesus put my sins away?
I thought God says he did it?
He's happy about what he did. I'm going to be happy, too.
God says Jesus, put my sins away.
And I believe God tells the truth and he satisfied that Jesus put my sins away so I can say my sins are gone. God says so.
It isn't going to happen quite this way, but suppose I came to the door of heaven and I knocked on the door and I said I would like to come in here to heaven. And someone said an Angel or or the Lord Jesus said to me, well, why should you be allowed in here?
You know what I could say?
God says so.
God says Jesus took care of my sins so I should be allowed here. Would that be an OK answer? Jesus died for me and God is satisfied that Jesus put my sins away. Can you say that?
Is God satisfied that Jesus with what Jesus did for you?
That he died for your sins.
You know, I said he kept the record in my life. And in that book, well, he's got another special book too, called The Book of Life, and in that book is my name.
In that book are the list of people who Jesus put away their sins.
And I can say my sins are gone. I hope you can say that in your heart this morning too. And if you can.
Tell somebody, it'll make them happy, and you'll be happy too if you tell them.
What Jesus did for you.