Colossians 3:13-25

Colossians 3:13‑25
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In #45.
Shall we stand in that great day?
I will watch you are charged now and.
Why like what I am so bringing up?
From standard and you're from training and fear.
Staying around and.
The same dream.
Great blood person.
They proclaimed by man.
Inspired. Let's roll the same out here.
And you're Ukraine and pleasure.
No wage can change it for your children.
'S February.
There will be all day on my own.
Standing alone.
Our beauty is our Borealis stress.
Your father.
I was reminded us again in this him.
That by thy righteousness, Lord Jesus.
And that we can even be here.
In this room today.
Remember these as we did this.
40 But it wasn't privileged.
See, the Lord Jesus says.
The one who completed the work which our Father gave me to do.
And then through that work for Jesus.
Should I work on?
We're just praying now as we would open.
As I work again.
And read it that they would.
They taught and led by their spirit.
Which is the things of thyself?
We will go out of this room at the end of this meeting.
Encouraged to build up.
Face of our.
This time see and crazy and commend this meeting into thy hands, Lord Jesus, and I'm worthy of preferences.
133 as leadership, another passage.
Find the mayor. We stay with the cabinet.
And I mentioned the last meeting.
Going up to verse 12 and first start reading verse 13. That's good. OK, Questions 3, verse 13.
Preparing one another and forgiving one another. If any man have a quarrel against any in this, Christ forgive you. So also do you. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness and.
The peace of God rule in your heart which also you're called in one body and be thankful.
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
And whatsoever you do, and murder or deed do, all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him wise submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit from the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, we need not been here against them. Children, obey your parents and all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke your children with anger, lest they be discouraged.
Obeying all things according to the flesh, not with eye service as men pleasers, but in singles apart fearing God. And whatsoever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men, knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ, but he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which He.
I guess verse 13 is really a continuation.
Of the list put ONS which starts.
In 12.
And all of those, all of those things.
Bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of wines, meekness, long-suffering, preparing one another and forgiving one another.
Those are and the charities in verse 14.
Above all these things put on charity.
Those are all.
Beautiful characteristics which.
Which the old man that we were talking about yesterday.
It would be impossible for the old man to display those characteristics.
But they're perfectly displayed in the Lord Jesus himself.
And that new life that we have.
From him.
Is able to display those as well.
How beautiful it is.
Walking in the power of our new life and the Spirit of God and willingness to be.
Able to display those characteristics.
Could never.
As long as we have our own.
Left house.
And we shouldn't be letting it operate, but it does operate under there, but it will never perfectly it was a perfectly live up to.
The example that the Lord showed in these things when he.
But when we're there with him, with.
Our own neighbors.
Those characteristics reminded me of the.
Fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5 and and also in Ephesians 5 and.
And read them in Galatians 5. But in Ephesians 5:00 and 9:00 it says, For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness, and proving what is acceptable on the Lord.
Have no fellowship with the unstream for works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Really, what's been before us in this chapter?
When you say.
Putting on that.
New nature and getting rid of all those old things and.
And he goes on to say, For bearing one another, and for forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
Very similar to the verse we have in Ephesians 4 and 32 and be calling one to another.
Heart is forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ's sake, hath forgiven you.
Verse 14 you mentioned charity or love, and above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
It's like a locked in fire. Please rein me in. But I made me think a lot of those verses in Second Peter.
Chapter One.
Second Peter, chapter one.
Three, it says, According as His divine power have given unto us all things that pertain unto light and godliness through the knowledge of Him.
That have called us the glory and virtue, whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises. That by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue and to virtue, Knowledge, and the knowledge, temperance, and the temperance, Patience, and the patience, Godliness, and the godliness, brotherly kindness, and the brotherly kindness, charity.
For love thrifty sings, being you, and abound they make you, that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I think there's 13 verses. Very, very practical, motivate, it says.
If any man have a quarrel or a complaint against any.
I think there's been many, many times in our lives when we.
Complaints about different ones. It's our nature, I suppose, but it can bring sorrow. But it says here that we're to for bear one another and forgive one another.
I think if we always kept that in mind, we would save ourselves a lot of sorrow.
In the assemblies, and I was thinking if we're going to for bear and forgive one another, what kind of characteristics do we need? The ones that were mentioned in the 12 first kindness, humbleness of mind, humility and meekness and long-suffering. If we are showing those things in our lives, then we're going to be forbearing and forgiving one another. I've enjoyed too that we have here in this verse.
The forgiveness of Christ.
In the 15th verse we have the peace. I believe it should read the peace of Christ.
And then in the 16th verse, the word of Christ. It's sort of nice to put those 3 together and meditate on it.
Flows from.
The new creation doesn't that.
New man.
It created in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual man.
No, man, that we have within.
It's not something that.
Is paid over. The old man has been read crucified with Christ on the top to death.
Not something that could be fixed up in any way or remain better. It's not looking for perfection within.
The natural man, he can show some of these things that's mentioned there in verse 7.
First, well, he can show kindness and he can show a certain amount of humbleness and, and all those things, but his motive isn't right.
Intense of her heart doesn't he looks like behind what we do and we can't have the right motive unless we have the new nature given to us of God.
It has to be a change that's going to affect our walk. It's going to make a a change in our character. And that only can be, that only can come by God intervening in her life and giving to him, giving to us a nature that's suitable for him.
We have that project for Ephesians chapter 4.
Says there.
Just one part of it that I.
Wanted to be.
Verse 24 of chapter 4 it says.
The last part of that should the new men which after God has created in righteousness and.
That's the character of the the new man sent us and God has given to us is created in righteousness and through holiness. So the acts of kindness and all of those things that we should do is because it flows out of the nature that God has given to us, an exact opposite of the old nature.
So they assumed it happened.
But I just point out too in Ephesians chapter 4 that speaks there of putting on.
The Newman putting off the old man. That's not scripturally correct. Any any Colossians in heaven, put the right way is something that already has been done.
Jesus has crucified you, old man. It's already been put on.
And the Newman has put on.
When we when we see the new nature, we see that characteristic of the new man.
Something that had been done already.
We say that we have to put it off.
Something that we we might think we have to do, we might spend a lot of time trying to get rid of it, but the Lord Jesus said that crucified with the death of the cross, it's not something that loved up for us to do. And so we're just a walk.
In the character of the new nature that had been given to us by the Lord, that's what we have, the chapters to show up, that new nature that God has given to us, show it out in our walk.
I was wondering if that was why that first characteristic in verse 12 was holy.
In first Peter he says be holy, Brian holy.
So as we had even yesterday, but the children of disobedience at the end of verse six, that's that old characteristic and it's not something that.
He wants to see an ox. He wants to see us as the children of obedience.
Where to take on a price like?
Walked early.
Stand mentioned in verse 13 about the quarrel Yes, would that be?
Similar to the verses in Matthew 18 with.
A brother that has a trespass against another? Yes I I think so. I think it could easily be applied that way.
The result of holding an unforgiving spirit.
As referred to in 1918.
It's a serious thing.
It really brings one under the governmental dealing with God.
And we've all had this problem that a brother has offended us and.
Death and find it very difficult.
To be reconciled.
We should hold a forgiving spirit regardless of what that person has done to us.
Now there should be repentance on his part.
But until we see that still we should have that forgiving spirit. And you're saying, and you can explain it better.
I think that's a good explanation but it is true that.
We are forgive her brother on our part, but there is that need of repentance when we've done something wrong and.
It's part of and.
Matthew 18.
It's really near the Speaking of.
Assembly responsibility.
You know, starts with, start singular with one another, how we treat each other.
And then it comes on.
If we don't treat each other rightly and go right on into the assembly and the assembly has to deal with it collectively, but it it's better if we deal with it ourselves and there's forgiveness and the matter is cleared up before the Lord and it doesn't have to go any further.
Is to the assembly than the assembly has to take it up and they have to have discipline, a brother where it never should be. These things should be able to be cleared up among us.
Have a construction in scripture for it, but the best instruction is to.
To take it on ourselves.
Get it clear with the Lord.
We know that there's difficulties with.
You have difficulties with one another.
Her family and.
Or enclosed been found.
We know each other's little balls.
We know all about one another and.
Sometimes those little things can lead to bigger things.
All the need, all the while need to be conscious of that in ourselves.
I think a brother one time, you said.
And all the William Kelly or not, but he said that.
We just would learn to see the, see the.
See the question ourselves. See Christ and others solve a lot of the problem.
Look at the flashes in herself and the log that's in her own eye, and look at what's good in others. Price and others.
Wouldn't be so judgmental perhaps. And that's where a lot of these things start and end up end up being.
You're at loggerheads with one another over something that's just.
Simple thing.
Could be.
I thought it was good what Jonathan mentioned there about second Peter. It says add to brotherly kindness, charity, and it says in this 14th verse above all these things put on charity. Well, the word charity really means divine love, doesn't it? And as was said earlier.
It's a natural man can show kindness, he can show love, but divine love.
Acts even when there's nothing to love, you might say the Lord certainly looked on us when he had no intention of going on for him. So above all things, put on divine love. And as you say, that's seeing Christ in our brethren and not looking at their faults, but recognizing that he's a that brother is one that the Lord bought with his own blood.
And you should see Christ in him. I think that's good because I think the key to this.
Section really is the end of verse 13 where it says even as Christ forgave you, so also do need.
Divine love loves the unloved.
And I am forgiven, even though there was nothing in need for the Lord Jesus to naturally love.
And we can just turn them off at 18 and we would see that parable with the Lord gave there and.
So that is really at the root of why I ought to be humble and lowly and kind and compassionate and surveying in certain.
Giving of my brethren because I realized I'm not one with better than anything they have done. I'm I'm an unlovable person except for the grace of God 15.
So often, you know.
The reason we have all these complaints against our brother who won't for their and don't show conscience because if they were better than you.
Christ forgave us.
Sean, can you give us a little difference between forbearing and forgiving?
I feel better if you use.
Somebody could though. There's a difference I really in those two.
For Bear.
It's been said that the apartment the Lord chose the apostles.
He told them with different temperaments entirely.
They have to for bear with one another.
Peter was.
Outspoken and impetuous.
John was of a different character.
Loving and each one had a different character, so there had to be forbearance. We all have that.
Particular faults.
That we know ourselves.
You have to have patience one with the other. None of us are perfect and.
Mr. Hale used to say.
Spam here will remember well.
He says in your marriage.
Make sure you have two bears in your house.
One fair and the other four There means for those of us who are married know that a lot of truth in there. It is a truth.
Mortified citizen.
Five or five, Therefore your memory chart upon your.
Lift their parts or five. Cutting off takes all judgment doesn't nothing like to judge yourselves.
But we look at the Ephesians chapter 4.
Couple of person there.
What John mentioned.
If we, if we allow these things.
Between US and they're not.
We're not. We don't judge. We don't judge ourselves.
It says and verse 30 there of chapter 4 David reading not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby your seal under the redemption.
But it does. It breathes the Holy Spirit that's in US.
And it goes on to say, what reason that all bitterness, rock, anger, clamber, evil speaking, he put away from you all malice.
How is it going to be put away from us? Well, not sole judgment. We need to be before the Lord these things and judge yourselves and then it goes on to say be kind one to another. Enter Harden forgiving one another.
Even as God for Christ sake, heaven forgive you.
So that is really the.
And see.
Christ has done for us, and we were for nothings.
And brought this up really a beggar from the dumb going might say and has given to us.
Such love and kindness be shown to us on the cross. Each one of us that are is He died. He wore our sins individually. He wore my sins before your sins but.
Think of it individually as.
Treasure that was in the field each each one of his own before our sins there on the cross. Sometimes we just think of.
The Lord Jesus collectively dying for everyone Jesus.
But individually, he took my sentence on the property. Think about that.
Of the Lord Jesus, how to pay to redeem it?
And what it cost them?
Then we should that should have an effect of how we.
We shouldn't be looking at their fault, really.
And we should be looking.
At well, the Lord loves them. He died for their sins.
Just as much as he loved me and died for my sin.
So the word looks at each one of us. He loves us all the same.
Loved one more than the other. The youngest one here that has what you're trusting, the Lord Jesus Christ is loved just as much by the Lord as any other believer on the face of the earth.
That's what we're.
Derek, in terms of your question, because I'm not sure I heard the answer.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Think you're Forbearance says.
Carries within the thought of a bird.
And to prepare versus maybe somebody is a little bit they're a burden to deal with in a particular way.
Get somebody in your home with snow or put up with it.
Life to be prepared with that, and maybe somebody is a habit in the assembly.
And it's a burden for you and for their.
This is just and I'd like to be correcting you. Forgiveness is to.
Would that be a good way of distinguishing? I I think so, Sean, that's that's good. And what John had to say with the forebear and the bears, I think there's twos like I can bear something and they bring it forward, you know, and or I can for bear, which means all that.
Schools these days and they talk to you know to assert our rights and so on and any anything any offense against me. I said bring it forward and and make it make you know deal with there's an issue make the issue and but that's not what we have here right here is the opposite really is to for Bear is not bring it forward. I can cause a lot of offense by not for bearing.
I was and it might be a real or assumed.
Some misgiving, as it would impress somebody else, might take offense by it and I play. I can for bear it and I can bear it forward and make an issue of it.
And so there's where problems can develop in any assembly or family whatever, so we don't forbid we need to be.
More forebearers than theirs listening.
The old form of the rage.
There is often you now I understand which honestly, thank you.
Important to see one another standpointed out that we see Christ in one another, isn't it?
Titus three and then we read the verses yesterday. It speaks of envying and hating one another. And and that's that's the old way. We're to get rid of those things. It's over to see Christ in one another as we belong to him and and that he has redeemed us and brought us to himself. And it was mentioned in the address yesterday that often we start looking at the table as though it's our table or that we have some kind of hand in these things. And and so we're to be reminded that that we don't we have that in the next verse. I believe in verse 15, unless the peace of God ruling your hearts to the witch also. We are called in one body.
And being thankful, many times we hear little stories of somebody that maybe got saved that.
Conference or gospel tent in the old days or whatever it might have been. And there was much joy in those things. We were happy to hear of that, that one that got saved. And but you know, maybe some characteristic comes out and that person or one another and no longer can we prepare those things and make it on our nerves. And before long we're back to the old way instead of being more Christ like. And, and so that doesn't take forgiving, does it? Forgiving comes with one another offending each other in certain ways or sitting against each other.
He says that you're all called in one body and be thankful.
We should see Christ in one another.
It mentions here the peace of Christ and in John chapter 14 I'll just read the verse. The Lord Jesus says in the 27th verse, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives you. Lie unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, you know, let it be afraid. So the Lord walked through this world in perfect peace.
Leaving everything.
To his father and walking independence and we're told here to let that same piece ruin our hearts. We tend to get terribly upset with a lot of things I don't want to do sometimes, but we need to learn this, don't we do let the peace of Christ grew in our hearts. And then it says in the 16th verse, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all the wisdom. I remember again Mr. Hay was saying years ago.
We should read scripture till we become so saturated with it that we speak in the language of scripture.
And that's where we get our wisdom, isn't it? From the word of God and from what the Lord Jesus said. So we let it dwell in our dwell in US richly.
Just a comment, Nina's. If we're going to get to the end of the chapter, we better keep moving.
I'm just going to make a little comment about the latter part of verse 16.
Says teaching and admonishing one another in songs and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
I find that a lot of the so-called songs, Christian songs that are being sung today are very, very shallow, that they don't have much, can I say, teaching or admonition in them. And I feel bad that we neglect so often many of the hymns in the past that really spooked our hearts and consciences.
And today it seems there's you get one word and they repeat it over and over and over and over again.
Doesn't have much edification to it, but here it says teaching and admonishing one another and so on him and his spiritual songs. The Lord is wants to hear us singing from the heart, doesn't it? And what we're enjoying, it should be the overflow. Or think of that verse in Psalm 45 that says my heart is indicted a good matter or I'm bubbling over. And that's what the Lord wants. Doesn't want just empty words coming out of our mouths.
That would be quite.
Gather from what you said there is singing with grace and your.
No grace is often.
Instead of getting something from God that we don't deserve.
Really great. We don't deserve to have a spiritual song in her heart, but because of the work of Christ that we have it there.
And we have it there. Is God giving us a spiritual song in our hearts that Stan has mentioned that would be dishonored in the Lord or something that we.
Not glorify him or beat us on. No, I think raising their hearts and his song that God would give to us that would honor him would be reverend, would be reverent, reverential to him, and we would sing that song.
It's just a thought I don't think the Lord will be putting, even if they're spiritual songs in our heart.
And there are there are some songs today.
Water and Christian solemnly didn't take that as honoring to the Lord.
That's why we can find problems for the local very carefully edited by Mr. Darby.
Any unscriptural references were expunged from it, so.
We should be thankful for such a very wonderful.
Virtually active.
As well as many of the hymns that.
Hymns and the books that we were using for the gospel last night and before we begin this morning.
And the echoes a great symbol for.
There are a lot of balloons. I say old ends have been around for a while.
Cannot replace, I agree with Western, cannot replace the truths that are in those hymns with some of the modern music.
It was said earlier that Christ did it on the cross and that work was done. There was nothing in it that we could do but.
Verse 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Even the hymns that you're Speaking of, they all come from most often something that's written from the Word of God.
I guess is a question.
It makes me think of how we do have a responsibility. Though that work was done and we didn't have responsibility, we do have a responsibility.
To read our Bibles and so on. It reminded me of the four anchors in June with that somewhat applied to this.
I can read them, it says. Building up yourselves on your most holy faith.
Praying the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
No, that Mister speaking is.
Practicality of living an oak in this world we certainly do need.
The assembly and the meetings to build us up.
Encourages the things we're reading about here.
Give to us.
Great exercise.
Very strength.
Holding on things will be made, but you do need.
Be together. We need the reading reading. We need the prayer meeting. We need all the meetings that that we're able to get to.
To be encouraged.
Be encouraged to as we, each one of us, as we go through this, this world.
Need to be together. We can draw encouragement from each other.
In that sense, yes.
That 17th verse would be a good verse to hang up in our home if you think whatsoever you do in Word or do you do all to the glory of God.
I think if every time we plan something and thought of this verse, it would keep us.
Wasting our time sometimes.
And then it says giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
You should call to be thankful spirits. We often complain like we had earlier, but.
We need to cultivate thankful spirits.
Yeah. And what it says in Word or deed there.
It covers pretty well.
Use our time for.
Seems to be an opening verse for the verses that come down next, right? What's everything doing Word or he does Word, Wives and husbands and fathers and servants.
Keeping that on, my necessity would have to be.
Doing work for Dean.
What does it mean if I could do it in the name of the Lord?
Hey, what's up, brother? I said. What does it mean to do it in the name of the Lord Jesus?
Live with Tom, I'm sure. Well, I'd like to hear what happens tonight.
I think would be good if you told us to.
You know, when I was a junior engineer and I.
Engineering office I.
At the side instructions to various people on the basis that in the name of the chief engineer.
So what did I do? I have to make sure I knew what he really felt about the issue that I was doing. I had to. I had to be close to it. I had to know a little what his nature was and how he would react to the various situations.
And so we can only do this if we're really walking close to the left with our action and our words, the same thing as the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
Will do or say.
It was very good. We could hardly be complaining about our brother in our local assembly.
In the name of the court.
I wouldn't be showing a thankful spirit either, wouldn't.
Be thankful.
In verse 15.
The example that he left in John 8 and 29. So I do always those things that please the Father. That should be our desire in our hearts to do those same things in Word and deed.
Similar verse that we have in First Corinthians 10 and 30.
Stand somewhat reference to that already.
31 Sorry. Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Mentioned judging ourselves and.
Really, what we should do every time we attempt or begin to do something, we should judge that that thing and.
Make sure it's going to be something that's for the glory and honor of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for the glory of God.
Not something that might be a dishonor.
I think sometimes.
I guess being a I'll see a young parent that.
When discipline, when needing to discipline your children, sometimes when parents can relate to that, we feel like.
Mikey, you just listen to we wouldn't have to be here if you would have just listened to me. But then how it strikes me that what is the Lord saying to me at that same time or 10 minutes later? Why can't you just listen? And so we have children.
And all things as well.
While we're all sons of God.
Remember that.
You know, sometimes it's it gives us that when we think about for me thinking about how maybe the Lord is looking at at me and that when I'm looking at my children and then that in that way. And then if I think about.
You know, if I think about my brother like we talked about and then maybe I don't, I don't agree with what he's doing or the way that he's.
Me, whatever it is.
If I think about, how can I not?
Have like you mentioned stand about have that divine love or just loved him?
Even if what they're doing is wrong, I didn't pay for that sin.
You think about what the Lord could say to me. Why can't you forgive them? I had to pay for that same antifreeze.
All I'm asking you to do is forgive them.
And so when we get that right perspective that.
We are doing that all in the name of the Lord.
And so, you know, even on that same thing that we're talking about caring for one another.
And you know when a brother said to me, I miss hearing a comment at meeting.
Well, it doesn't sound like the nicest thing in a way.
To be said to me, but that's exactly what I needed.
And so we have that too in Hebrews. And the Lord love you, Chase.
That's part of love, too. And so maybe if I have a quarrel against my brother, maybe it's because I'm looking at it like I looked at my parents when they were giving me a spanking. But then later I realized I needed that.
And so we realized that the Lord loves us.
And we need them. So we have that relation of children over here, parents and we think of.
That we need to obey the Father in the same way.
In verse 18 and 19.
We have some very practical.
Instructions for wives and husbands.
There are quite a few of us in this room who are.
And it's we have we have similar similar.
Instruction and infusions.
Five, we don't even turn to it because it's right here also in Colossians 3 and.
18 and 19 you have a verse reverse for the wives and a verse for the husbands.
The wives are told to submit yourselves to your own husband under your own husbands.
And the only qualification is as it is fit in the board.
Husbands 19 to love your wives and.
The brother and at home in Montreal, still still.
And so mention his name, but many years ago he when when we were.
When I was a lot younger than I am now, he spoke to us. As young people are young, married couples are guessing less.
Said don't read the other person's meal.
Country the mail that's addressed to somebody else.
There can be a tendency and what he brought out and so crew for husbands to pray. Well, if my wife doesn't kind of submit to me, I don't need to love her.
So much or the other way around.
My husband doesn't preach properly. I don't need to submit to.
But if we each.
Listen to and and and did what we are instructed to do. So that would be to me. I need to love my wife but not be better against us.
And it's their lives listening to the instruction for them.
Submitted to their husbands as long as it was not.
The husband was not asking her to do something that would be not, that would be dishonouring to the Lord.
You to listen to our own.
Instructions. Instructions are addressed to each of us, the husband and the wives.
Then things would run smoothly.
It says in Ephesians 5 their husbands love your wife even as Christ also loves the church.
We loved our wives in that way. The wife would would delight to submit, wouldn't she? I've enjoyed that. There are three sets of relationships here. There's marriage in the 18th and 19th verses, and then in the 20 and the 21St verses, there's the family relationships. And then from verse 22 to the first verse of chapter 4, there's the workplace.
And it's also interesting that.
The Spirit of God seems to address the area that we're particularly weakened.
With the wife, it's submission to the husband perhaps, and the husband not loving his wife the way he should, Children wanting to disobey their parents, you know what I mean? He sort of points out the the weaknesses and how it will overcome them. I think that's interesting to see here too, isn't it?
That person.
Verse 17.
Rather, I think that.
Given is given there.
Because the Lord knows, he said. You're not easy.
Come from 4:00.
18 Whatsoever you do in Word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We do it in his name.
For him.
And we have a thankful spirit. We do it in his name.
We're able to do things that ordinarily maybe we wouldn't do, we wouldn't want to do.
And it's not easy to spread.
Not easy for children, it's not easy for wives, it's not easy for husbands to do what we are supposed to do.
We need help from the Lord.
And we need grace for.
And and so I think that verse is given to us first.
What's whatever you do on the Word or do you do it all in the name of the Lord? Jesus makes a difference. Then we do it for Him.
These things are not easy and.
The thing about first thing is 2 And in Matthew we know so well we're two or three are gathered together in my name. There are mine limits of them. It seems to suggest that we gather with His authority and with His approval. And so it seems the same here. Whatsoever you do in Word or deed do all with His authority and approval. And I think that's very important.
Peter brings out.
Two subjection in chapter 3 nice look at that in the opening brings before a situation where where there may be the wife might be a believer in the husband, not a believer.
So chapter 3 and verse one, he speaks the same thing. Likewise, your wife being in subjection to your own husband, that then you obey not the word. In other words, the idea is we, you can't win them by the words. And I'll keep preaching in another word, but to that then you obey not the word that they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives, the matter of living. So there's a subjection in that way and the example is given.
Later like Sarah and Abraham.
Verse 6.
Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whose daughters ye are, as long as you do well, and I'm not afraid with any amazement.
And so then it goes on to verse seven that likewise husbands, it may have unbelieving wives and how to win them so.
There's some similar things to the taste conversation that's installed with submission, as it were, and.
Following the example of what Sarah did in the respect she had for her husband Abraham as head of that family.
Put a different color on that the everyday.
Activities that you may have.
Says here, what's your 23? What's going to do it partially those people board and nothing and then.
Well, I don't think it refers to what we might.
Full time service.
We are all ministers of God.
We're all in the ministry.
We're all servants of the Lord so.
They're finding it.
A position where I'm.
Something I am subject to an employer, I should conduct myself as a Christian. And these were slaves at this time. We don't have slavery today.
These, these, these servants were actually slaves. They were body, soul and spirit in the, in the role of their masters. And the apostle says.
Obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, But we don't have slaves right now. But the same thing applies if you're in a secular employment.
Not to join a union to.
Get a better salary aura.
Complaint against the employer. All such is contrary to the Spirit of Christ and Christian down here. Submit to what your employer and demands of you. You're not employed to preach the gospel or to give out tracts. You're employed to do a job.
And you have a responsibility to do that job that you have been assigned, and to do it as unto the Lord.
And it's beautiful to see, brethren, and I know this here. I know that you have to that if we.
Do our daily service whether it be in the family or in the in the.
The world to an to an ungodly employer. There will be a reward. I remember Mr. Hale. Yes, we're looking back to stand and I can look back to you the days when.
Mr. HB Hagel and Gordon administering Ottawa Rich heritage. Mr. AO used to say if you have a a difficult employer to work for.
These cantankerous, these unreasonable in his demands.
New soul, the Spirit of Christ.
And submit, as long as he doesn't ask you to do something on ferry scripture, of course, and you'll get a greater reward in heaven than if your employer is a very amiable.
Reasonable type of person. Remember that step, yes.
As we get to the end of the meeting.
I wanted to share a thought looking back over the whole chapter.
I'm sure there's I'm not the only one here who has had the experience in life where there is a season in life where my heart infections are for the Lord. I have a sense of communion with him and it's very happy thing. And then as time goes on, I reach a point where I realize, Oh my, my heart is drifted. It's not like it once was and.
And I want to change that. So you might say I OK, well, I'll try to love the Lord more. Again, I'll try and change that.
So I tried and it doesn't work.
And why is that? And I was thinking about this chapter and it would just suggest that the answer to that question as found in this chapter might be summarized in a three word question.
Is he Lord?
I may love the Lord.
Sincerely, but if the things that I'm seeking after.
Things that I'm setting my mind on, like we had in the verses at the start of the chapter, are for myself.
Than the verse that Darrell pointed out from the first reading meeting holds true. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. That's a principle of the word God that I cannot change.
And if I let my time, the things I seek out from my mind, brought up against myself, that's where my heart will go. And I can't change that.
Instead, I need to, as presented in this chapter, realize that Christ is my life. Everything I have is in Christ, and because of that, I'm going to hold Him as Lord and He is going to govern everything in my life.
At the end of this chapter we we talked about it once in verse 17 how it spokes of doing things and everything. The name of the board G test in verse 18 it says that he's fit in the Lord verse 16 to the Lord.
And verse 20 well pleasing to the Lord, verse 23 as to the Lord, verse 24 for you serve the Lord Christ.
If He is my Lord, then the things I seek after and the things I set my mind on will be for Him.
And that will be my treasure. I can't force my heart to go somewhere. I have to change where the treasure is, and then my heart will follow after.
I think that's very good, brother. Well.
It's one thing to come to the Lord Jesus.
And accept Him as our Savior for salvation.
But it's quite another thing.
To to let him be the Lord of my life.
Thing I know.
Press that I experienced the same as you have.
Easily slip away from him being.
Luke Chapter.
Capital six here says verse 46 and Luke chapter 6 it says why call you me or Lord and do not the thing which I say.
There inside.
By the Pharisees and those that were profession to be something they weren't. They came and and cried Lord Lord.
And he said why call me or or do not think which I say so.
Tells us here that.
We know the Lord is the Savior. We're expected to do what the Lord tells me.
Expected to do what he says.
But those that were mere professors?
They they took the name.
But they weren't willing to do what the work said. They were just merely professing.
Singing of that story in Matthew chapter 21 and also it's in Luke. Maybe Mark but.
Terrible vineyard and the man that.
Sent those servants.
Verse 34. When the time of the proof drew near, he sent his servants to the husband, and that they might receive the fruits of it. And the husband then took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. Again he sent other servants more than the 1St, and they did unto them likewise.
I'm certain that that second group of servants already knew what had happened in the first group of servants and what would be followed, but they still went. They still didn't let their Lord asked them to do. And of course, we know that He sent His Son after that. And you see the same picture in our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ in Philippians 2.
Took upon him in the form of the servant.
Came to do his father's will. And again, we still have the same example. I remember there wasn't that long ago. Stan, you probably know the story better, but there was that.
Girl that had tried to give a glass of water and fire off country and she was arrested. We've been trained for her to be released. And I just think of how she knew that those men needed that water and, and how as a servant to our Lord, to her Lord, she gave that water and she was arrested and she surely was facing death and.
Tells us, knowing that of the Lord, he shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ. And she did it. I I believe that maybe she was released, but we certainly anticipated her demise for that act. And what do we suffer in service for him today, considering the reward of the inheritance that's set before us?
Music #33 in the event.
33 on my soul, take off the cross, count the game the spies were lost labor war and with the law and bring the convenient to raise the war the mother would start.
Rest my soul, the work is done done by God Almighty Son.
This to faith is now so clear.
There's no place for torturing fear.
Not true. Words of query tomorrow.
Comes for sunshine one by Christ, and found in Him rightly falls like gloriously.
Will they leave and change such glass?
Within our eyes, training to rest.
In the fall, Salvation pride.
And I saw our words and brought.
Come on, my soul, take out the cross.
Despite so much blanket burn for and with the Lord.
Brings exceeding great rainwater.
Free from.
Every fear of right sure, the sunlight breaks heart. Beep out, treadmill trend away.