Exodus 2:23

Exodus 2:23
Listen from:
Gospel—T. McMillan
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We know there's a bright and a glorious HomeAway in the heavens high, but all the redeemed shall with Jesus dwell. But will you be there, and I #24?
Know there's a boy.
Let's turn. Let's turn to the book of Exodus.
Exodus Chapter.
And verse 23.
And it came to pass.
In process of time.
But the king of Egypt died, and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the ******* and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the *******. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant.
With Abraham through the Isaac, and with Jacob and God looked down upon the children of Israel.
And God had respect unto them.
Then in the next chapter.
The Lord meets Moses and gives them.
His Commission.
And verse six says Lord speaking to Moses.
And the Lord with the verse seven and the Lord said.
Exodus 37 and the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction.
My people which are in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters.
For I know their sorrows, and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land onto a good land and a large and a land flowing with milk and honey.
To the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hiveites and the Jebusites. Now, therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come on to me, and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians.
Oppress them.
Coming out therefore, and I will send the antifera, that thou may spring forth my people, the children of Israel.
Out of Egypt.
We have here.
The children of Israel.
Born slaves in the land of Egypt.
They're born slaves.
And their slavery is a very hard.
Hard experience.
It was no easy murder. There was no light thing.
It was one that had caused grief and anguish of spirit.
Well, you know.
That's a picture of man today.
As a born slave of Satan.
What every Sinner in the world is that's not saved is a born slave of Satan, whether he knows it or not.
And the sad thing is that the most people are so blinded by that Prince of darkness that they don't know it. They don't know they're slaves of the devil. We're told in the New Testament that senator LED captive by Satan at his will.
Captives of Satan, Andres power slaves of the Prince of Darkness.
Under slavery is a terrible thing.
Oh, if there is one unsaved one here tonight, do you know?
That you are a slave of the devil. Do you realize that maybe you're like?
Some of us Irish boys when I was a boy over in Ireland.
Ireland wasn't free from England at that time and we were all, as boys were, all very patriotic.
Toward our country. And you know, the English, the English freak was a very strong fleet at that time. I guess it still is.
But there was a song where you used to sing and that song runs something like this.
Britannia. That was the British, That was the British islands. Britannia. Britannia rules the waves.
Britain's Britons never, never shall be slaves, as the song we used to sing.
And at the same time as we were singing it, we were the slaves of the devil.
And didn't know it. We thought we were free and we were rejoicing in our freedom and.
Singing the song of freedom, but at the same time we were slaves of Satan.
Being dragged down toward the pit of hell by Satan's power and poor sources aware we didn't know it.
But thank God some of us found deliverance. Thank God the time came.
When I saw I was a slave of the Prince of Darkness.
And I look by faith to the Deliverer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And he freed me from sentence *******. He broke the power of counsel sin, and set the prisoner free. And I was the prisoner set free by the blessed Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, I wonder, as the one here that's not free, As the one here that's still a slave of Satan?
Bound in the chins of his mighty power.
Bone in the chins of your sins. Perhaps Satan uses your sins to bang you with.
I remember reading a story long ago. I've told it many times.
It was about a blacksmith who had committed some offense. I believe it was Rupert in England somewhere.
It might happen anywhere, of course, but this blacksmith.
Had offended his government. He had done something that was against the law of the land in some way.
And he was arrested, found guilty, and placed and chained.
Used to bind them with chins. In those days, perhaps the prisons weren't as strong as they are now, but he was bound with a great big chain bound to a ring in the wall of his prison cell.
Well, the blacksmith was a strongman and also been there a few days. He wondered. Well.
I wonder if I can break this chain. It was a man that knew. He knew iron.
He knew the quality of iron, he had worked with it all his lifetime, and he could find they could detect weak places and a chain.
Began to examine the chain to find the weakest link. But it might snap that chain because it was a powerful man and he thought if I can just snap this chain, I may be able to get free and get away.
So length by link, he examined the chain.
At last, with a despairing cry, he dropped the chain. All he says and slow use. It's one of my own chains. He had made the chain himself. It was a chain maker. And those, those links were welded by hand in those days. Forged and welded by hand. And he saw the marks of his own.
Handicraft of his own workmanship and he says it's no use.
That's one of my own chains and he knew he couldn't break it because he always tried to me to make a perfect chain, perfect on strength.
He was bound with his own chain, and you know there is a world in one of the.
Parts of the Old Testament.
Where we are told that we are.
They were bound with the chords of their iniquity. Bound in the chords of iniquity. That's the same thing as being bound by the chains of your own sins.
I know what a power a man sin has over them. What a power.
That holds them held by the chains of his own sin.
And you haven't got power to free yourself. There's no earthly power can break those chains of sin. But all there's one, there's one that blessed Savior who can break the chains of sin and set the prisoner free. And there are many of us here who at one time were bound by the fetters of our own iniquity. And the blessed Lord set us free.
But we can't free ourselves.
All we're told in the 5th chapter of Romans, when we were yet to without strength.
And due time Christ died for the ungodly when we were without strength.
The Sinner has no strength to free himself from his sins. We have heard people say over and over again, well, I am going to change my way of living. I know I am not what ought to be, I know ought to be better. And someday I intend to straighten things out in my life and live a different kind of a life.
Ah, dear friends.
Not only are you a captive of Satan, but the deceived of Satan. Deceived. You're badly deceived if you think you're going to break the chains of your sin and free yourself. You can't. And after all, there's not one of us can cleanse away one single guilty stain. Not one of us. The best day we ever lived.
Is filled with sin.
And evil thoughts.
And God says that even the thought are foolishness is sin. God is holy, so holy that those heavenly beings veil their faces in his presence and cry wholly holy, holy, holy as the Lord God Almighty.
The very heavens are unclean, any sight.
The angelic hosts.
Their faces and his presence.
'Cause he is infinitely holy, and not one sin can dwell in the presence of a holy God. And if there is one sin in your life or mine that is not cleansed away.
Will never get to heaven without one sin upon us.
Heavens a pure place. Heaven is a holy place.
They should land unto it. Nothing would defile us. Nothing defiling can enter there. And oh, dear soul, you've got up. Every one of your sins washed away, and that life of yours made whiter than snow. That heart of yours cleansed whiter than snow. We can dwell in the presence of a holy God, and you have no strength in yourself to put your sins away.
When we were.
Without strength.
Oh, that's a sweeping statement, isn't it? I remember a man in the city of Des Moines.
He was an accident.
It was no one horse and buggy days.
And he was taking his horse and buggy.
An automobile.
Ran into his horse and buggy. He was thrown out of the buggy onto the pavement and he was paralyzed from head to foot.
Taken to the hospital there he lay paralyzed. After a while he was taken home and two of us brothers in Des Moines used to go and visit him.
And there he lay. But you know, as the days pass by, there came a time after a little while when the feeling began to come back and he could lie in his bed and he could move his little finger. Oh, what joy, what joy filled his heart when he found it. He could move his little finger. Oh, there was some strength, wasn't there? Took strength to move a little finger, didn't it?
But you know you can't move a finger.
Toward your own salvation, that's of any value.
Because you have to be without strength. You've got to get to the end of yourself. You've got to get to the place where you realize I'm utterly lost and undone. I can't do a thing to save myself at all.
And you know, the word of God lets us know that there's none that understandeth.
There is none that seeketh after God.
They are all gone out of the way.
They are altogether become unprofitable. There is none to do with good. No, not one.
You can't do one thing that's fit for the presence of God.
What you do is done by our sinful heart.
And our sinful mind were utterly corrupt, were corrupt all the way through.
Men have tried to improve themselves.
But you know.
They never could make themselves fit for God.
You know.
Years ago, people used to say the world is getting better.
The world is getting better.
Well, I said, believe God's word. They would know they were all wrong, because on the 14th Psalm we believe it is.
The psalmist there says that there is none good. No, not one.
They're all gone out of the way. That in substance is found there and that Sam.
1000 years or so passed by.
And you come the days of the Apostle Paul.
And the apostle Paul.
Quote saw his very words and the third chapter of Romans.
So evidently 1000 years hasn't made one bit of change.
Because the word still is 1000 years after is written in that 14th Psalm.
1000 years later, the words the same. They are all gone out of the way. They are together, become unprofitable. There's Herman. Since 1000 years of development hasn't made the human race one bit better. Not one. And dear friends, if you lived 1000 years and laboured for 1000 years, you wouldn't be one bit.
More fit to meet God than you are right now.
In fact, you be under greater condemnation.
And your doom would be just as eternal as.
What they're going to get now if you die in your sins.
If you die and your sins, the Lord says, where I go, ye cannot come.
There is no heaven for you. You die in your sins. But friend, if you live in your sins.
The likelihood is you'll die on your sins.
Unless the Lord delivers you and only He can.
Well, these children of Israel were told they were in terrible ******* and they knew it. They knew it.
And it says here they sighed.
And they cried by reason of their *******. They sighed and they cried. You know, we don't hear folks crying very much now about their sins.
The Tribe of the Disappointments.
They'll cry when their willows crossed. The little children, you know, cry when their willows cross. We hear them constantly doing that.
But older folks don't like their will to be crossed, either. They've got the same nature, you know.
But how rarely do we find people crying over their sins?
You know what gives joy to our hearts When we hear somebody crying over their sins.
Brother Brown and I, many years ago, were preaching a little country school house in Iowa.
Among the farmers.
We walked miles and miles.
Through the mud, the old mud days, you know, didn't have the high risk then.
And we reward sometimes in the early spring and the winter and early spring. It was where wallet threw miles of mud. We had to buy the water. A pair of a pair of tall rubber boots.
To wallow our way through the mud, down to that little screwless away out in the country. That's the only way we could get there and back home again. Miles.
And the neighbors gathered, and the farmers and their wives and children gathered in the school house and repeats the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And one night, in the middle of a Sherman, there was a cry of distress rose up and that little county schoolhouse.
Woman's voice, A farmer's wife cried out. God have mercy.
On my soul.
Oh, we rejoice to hear a cry like that. God have mercy on my soul. And that woman got saved that night.
And she lived many years.
Passed away a few years ago as an old lady.
And when she was lying on her bed some time before she died.
In the middle of an 8 she was so happy she started to sing the praises of the Lord Jesus in the middle of it, waking the whole house up. She was living with her one of her family.
And she got so happy in the middle of the night she would sing the praises of the Lord Jesus.
All she had been delivered from ******* and instead of sighing and crying, she could sing the praises of the Lord.
It didn't take long for the Lord to save her. You know when she was sighed and she cried.
But you know, very rarely do we hear anything like that nowadays. We're living in days of hardness and difference. How very rarely do people realize they're all for condition. All people could realize that if they die, that the eternity in hell and oh, you know, eternity is an awful long time eternity.
People don't realize what eternity is. I remember a story that I heard as a boy, an illustration of eternity I've never forgotten. Perhaps some of you boys and girls, when I tell it to you and remember to hope you do.
And here is the illustration.
Suppose was a little bird. A little birdie came from one of those distant planets away in the distance.
And that was bird came over to this world. I took it 1000 years to fly her so far away that go along distant planet and was so far away it took a little birdie 1000 years to fly over to this world.
And it came over to this world and it just took one drop of water out of the ocean.
And flew back, took 1000 years to go back, and it dropped the little drop of water there, and came back for another one. And another thousand years passed by, and it took another drop of water. And then by and by, as the ages rolled away, by and by, the oceans and the lakes were all dry. And it carried away all the oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific. And then the ocean carried them all away, and the lakes and rivers always dry.
And it keeps on coming and it goes to the Rocky Mountains.
It scratches a little bit of the Rocky Mountains, a little bit in its beak, a little bit of dust where it goes again. 1000 years have come back again. It keeps on and going until it just 'cause the whole world off and there's nothing left. The mountains are gone and the hills are gone and the land is gone, the seas are gone and after the whole world away eternity.
Is just beginning.
Well, that illustration.
My mind.
The the oftenness of the law, how long eternity is. Do you know, dear friends, that the one that dies in his sins, the soul that dies in their sins, is going to spend eternity in hell forever and ever and ever, and I shall never, never end.
Oh, are you going to risk your eternal souls welfare for a little bit of this poor miserable world of sin? What the world calls pleasure, what the devil calls pleasure. It's no pleasure at all. It's delusion. It's delusioning. It's it's of no value to it isn't real. It isn't real.
There is no joy.
No joy that is real.
That Satan gives or the world can give.
Only Christ can give real joy.
You know, there's a verse in the 65th chapter of Isaiah, remarkable verse. God speaking to the sinners of Israel, God says.
My servants shall sing for joy of heart.
My servant shall sing for joy of heart, then he turns to the ungodly. But ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall hold for vexation of spirit. That's what God says. 65 of Isaiah.
God's people, God's redeemed ones, God's servants, those that serve him and live for him.
They have a song of joy. They can sing day and night. They have songs and night, as the word tells us.
But all the poor Sinner, there is nothing for him but howling and misery.
Under stress, don't you believe the devil you know? The word of God tells us the devil is a liar.
From the beginning he is a liar and he tells you that if you want happiness.
Try the world, try the piles of sin. If you want happiness, the devil tells you.
And most of folks believe the devil and they won't believe God.
Who do you believe? You believe the devil the devil's lie or you believe the gods eternal truth which?
Believe the devil's lie and walk on his ways. You'll find yourself with him.
And the Lake of Fire.
The word is, Depart from me, ye coarsen, and to everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. That's what the devil is going to be, and his angels, an eternal fire under the eternal judgment of God. And every Christ rejecter is going to find themselves there with him. Or do you want to go that place of anguish and that place of sorrow and misery?
If you do.
You'll get there all right if you go on and the ways of Satan. Ours has borne slaves. But Oh dear young folks, come to the Lord Jesus now while you're young, and they make you happy forever.
Well then we're told when they cried, not the 3rd 23rd verse of Exodus 2.
On their cried end of verse 23 And their cry came up unto God by reason of their ******* And God heard their groaning. Oh, isn't that nice? God's listening. He's listening for the groan of the Sinner. He's listening for the cry of distress.
And he'll hear it, and he'll bless. Oh dear. And have you ever cried over your sin?
Have you ever wept over your sins?
Have you ever cried to God in your distress?
Oh, do it.
Do it tonight. Call upon the Lord, look up to him and cry out. Lord, save me, I perish. That's what the disciples said on the Sea of Galilee when the boat was tossed for the storms. Lord save us, we perish. And the Lord delivered them. Oh, the Lord, he hears the cry of distress. He hears the cry of need. And that's because he loves us. You know he doesn't want.
Stone to hell, but how can God do anything else? How could God have you and me in heaven?
That holy place, that place of purity and eternal joy and peace.
How could God have you and me there, and our sins?
Why? You know, and my experience, I've got a long Christian experience, many, many years.
I've known the Lord as my Savior, but I have never known and all those years.
I've never known Christ rejecting Sinner to enjoy a prayer meeting.
We've had them drop into a prayer meeting in Des Moines. Remember one time there was some strangers dropped and I didn't the thought didn't know what was going on, perhaps dropped into curiosity and they sat down there in the seat of our prayer meeting. And then the folks began to pray. We were sang the praise of the Lord 1St and we began to pray one after the other. And you know those folks couldn't stand it and they're good out.
They're good out and they never came back.
Prayer meeting was enough one they didn't want anything anymore and most of the folks don't like permitting.
And they don't like the reading of God's precious word. They don't like to hear or singing the praises of our blessed Savior.
I was up in Hamilton, Canada a number of years ago.
And we're preaching out on the street.
One night.
And a brother was giving out the gospel.
And a car drove past, filled with young people.
And the car stopped.
And a young man stuck his head out of the window.
And he cries out with all his mate. Shut up, you fool.
Who was that fool? That fool with the man was telling him about the love of Christ?
The love of Christ and he didn't want it. And then they drove on.
And that's what we find continually. They don't want to hear about the Lord Jesus, but you know, up there in the glory, the Lord Jesus Christ is the center of the glory and the the song of the glory as about him. The heavenly song is going to be about that blessed one who died in Calvary's cross for sinners and they're going to cry out.
And praise thou art worthy, for thou art slain.
And Mr. deemed a God us to God by thy blood, out of a very kindred tongue and people and nation.
The song of Heaven is about the Lord Jesus prays to Jesus.
How could the Sinner stand? I believe that a Sinner would feel more comfortable in hell.
Than he'd feel in heaven after he got into heaven and he sinned.
I know they're more comfortable anywhere on this earth than they are in a prayer meeting or in a meeting where the Lord Jesus is the center.
Oh dear friend, you wouldn't be happy in heaven and your sins.
And you wouldn't be there.
And your sins. But if you come to the Lord Jesus Christ, take him as your Savior.
They put their sins away, they give you a new life and it will make you that you enjoy heaven when you get there, and you'll enjoy heaven down here because it will be heaven in your soul when you get Christ. They make you happy every day of your life and all the night long.
Well, God heard the cry, and he hears the cry of distress. He loves the cry of a poor Sinner. And the answer that cry too oh, went to come to him and look to him by simple faith and his Savior. Well then, in that third chapter.
God says to Moses, tell the children of Israel, he says.
I have surely seen the affliction of my people, which are in Egypt. Verse 7.
And have heard their cry by reason of the taskmasters.
For I know their sorrows.
O God, God knows our source, and God feels it's a God of love, a God of grace, and he feels the anguish of a poor Sinner. And you won't cry in vain to him and your distress. God loves you. Oh, God loves you, dear soul.
Loves you so much He sent his dear Son down to die for you on the cross. Oh, what love that was. Notice the rest of this verse.
I know their sorrows and then dress it, and I am come down to deliver them.
I have heard thus cry, buries in the source and I have come down to deliver them. The Blessed Lords, he's up there in the glory. He wasn't satisfied just to look down here and say, well, I'm awfully sorry that they're having such hard times down there.
Oh, no. Sometimes, you know, that's, that's the way it is with us. We're very sorry for folks. We're very sorry for them, but perhaps we don't do much about it.
But O the Lord, blessed Lord Jesus of their Gods beloved Son, it was so sorry for poor sinners. He says, I'm going to go down and save them. And he left those heights of glory. They came down down to this world, became a child in this world and became a man. And he became, he became a member of the human race in order that he might die for sinners.
He had to do that in order that he might die.
And there was number other way and which God could righteously put away sin.
Because God is holy, and if he puts away sin, they must do it in a way that satisfies His own wisdom and His own glory.
God isn't like like human beings. Sometimes people may do us a long turn. They may mistreat us.
Unfulfilled, or rather a kindly feeling toward them, we say, Oh well, let's forget about it, let's forget about it.
But the sin still remains, and the feeling.
That the right may still remain.
But oh, when God does a thing, he does it completely. When God puts away the sinners guilt, oh how completely, how thoroughly he does it. And he tells us in his word in different ways. He tells us what he does with a sinner's guilt and one piece. He says I've cast all their sins behind my back.
Another picture says I've cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
And then in a New Testament he says their sins and their iniquities will. I remember.
No more. Oh how thoroughly God puts away our sins.
That means that God will never bring them up to us. They are gone forever. Gone forever. Oh, how thoroughly God puts away sin. But God must do it in the righteous way. And so God sent his dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, down from heavenly glory, and he came into this world and he became a man in this world. And he went to the course and they died, Died for our sins, God.
Sins down to the blessed Lord Jesus Christ when you're hung on that cross there and there. He died. He died for my sins. Every one of them was there before him. No, you and I can't remember. I can't remember 110th of the sins we've committed. Why? You know, it would take an awful big book to hold the list of all your sins or mine.
And we have forgotten the most of them.
But you know, God never forgets what man has done. He keeps account of it.
But thank God, when we take them as our Savior, the Lord is our Savior. He puts the mall away. They're gone.
But you know, as the Lord Jesus hung on Calvary's costs, all our sins were before him, and he felt the weight of every one of them.
Our red level. A little statement some time back.
That impressed me very deeply. I believe it was true too.
The statement was this.
God is a holy God.
And one sin.
And the eyes of God.
As far, far greater than all the sins of the human race and the eyes of a man, the eyes of man.
Oh, think of that. That's because God is holy. You and I are so accustomed to sin.
And that's what is evil. We get hardened to it. Some of us, you know, as boys we used to work in factories and workshops. I worked in the factory as a boy over in Ireland. And all day long some of those men were swearing and cursing and blaspheming as part of their common talk. Some of them were so blasphemous and so foul mouthed.
That they couldn't speak an ordinary sentence.
Without the words being intermingled with holes and blasphemies.
So wicked were they? Well, you know, when you hear that day after day, month after month and year after year, you know, it gets kind of commonplace and it doesn't have the same effect upon you.
Because we have got sinful and wicked hearts ourselves. The heart is deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it? The human heart is the vilest thing on the face of the earth.
And God says so as deceitful above all things.
Above all things, that means the human heart is about the worst thing in all the world.
The worst thing in the universe?
I believe it's far worse than the heart of the devil.
Because I'll tell you one reason why the devil never got a chance to be saved.
The devil has never been offered salvation, and Christ didn't die for the devil, but Christ died for sinners, and sinners can listen to the story of that love of Christ.
They can stand like those Pharisees of old. They can stand beside Calvary's cross.
And they can hear those cries of anguish. My God, my God.
Why hast thou forsaken me? And they can mock him in his anguish. They can mock him and his anguish.
They can cry out. He saved others himself. He cannot save. Come down from the course of thou be the Christ, and will believe on me. And then mocked him as He hung there, and all that anguish, And what is He hanging there for? He was dying for sinners. He was dying for our sins upon our cross.
That's what mailed them there. My sins mailed them there.
And yet, dear friends, people can hear all these things.
And it's a very sad thing to realize that sometimes the children of God's dear people, they can be taught all the lifetime about the love of Christ, and they can get so hardened in their hearts that the love of Christ means nothing to them. And they can reject the Lord Jesus for years and years. They can go on long years in the positive sin.
Oh, the human heart, That's again the heart you've got. You dear boys and girls, That's the kind of heart you've got. Wicked hearts of unbelief.
That are desperately wicked. Who can know what God says?
I, the Lord try the heart. There's nobody knows the depths of wickedness of a human heart but God and He has told us.
And do you believe it? Do you realize it? Oh, you can get into heaven with a heart like that. If you got into heaven with a heart like that on cleanse, you'd spoil all heaven.
And yet make heaven as foul a place as this world is, you know.
That this world is a bad place. Think of the wars and the crimes that have been.
Experienced Some of us older people here have seen two world wars.
And the First World War. About 10 million men lost their lives.
At the hands of each other.
Men were gobbling each other's throats. Men were sticking their beds on the end of their guns.
And they were ripping up their fellow man. And they got their glory in it too.
Well, you know, that's worse than the beast of the field. I've never heard of all the lions of the force of Africa bonding together and going out to kill all the tigers. Did you ever hear anything like that?
Why, no, animals don't do things like that. They may kill a rabbit for their supper, or some other animal satisfied the hunger, but I've never heard of of bands of animals going out and other bands of animals banding against them and fighting each other in the forests. But human beings, men that boast in their intellect.
Boasting their education, boasting their advancement will find them bonding together, millions of them.
Developing the most terrible weapons of warfare to blot out their fellow men from the face of the earth. No, they're suffering and anguish have caused. That's the human race and the heart of man. It's what's done it. Out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts. And those evil thoughts have led on to that awful condition. And we've seen two world wars.
I'll tell you the end is not yet. The end is not yet.
The Lord Jesus tells us the 24th of Matthew, that there is coming such awful times in this world.
He says for then shall be great tribulation, such as wars, not.
Since the beginning of the world, or this time, no, nor ever shall be.
And accept those. They should be shortened. There should be no flesh saved.
That time is yet to come.
No wonder man's hearts are feeling them for fear. And yet the most people in the world don't believe these things.
But believe it or not, they're coming, and we're told of a time that's coming.
When the man of the world, their hearts, their faces turned pale for fear and anguish.
At times coming when this poor world and it's their sins that are that are going to bring it upon them. It's God's dealing with them because of their sins. And yet they'll go on rejecting God and God will finally have to send them all down to the Lake of fire and shut them up there forever and ever.
And of course, let man out of the Lake of Fire after a million years.
He'd just be as bad as he was when he was in because the lake of fire won't change man's fallen nature.
And the Word of God tells us so. And certain words. Here's what God's word said.
The carnal mind, that's the mind that we've all got by nature. The car in our mind is enmity against God, and it is not subject to the law of God, Neither indeed can be.
A million years in hell won't change your heart if you die and land there that wicked heart of yours. There's only one thing that can make us new creatures in Christ Jesus, and that is the precious blood of Christ cleanse us from all sin.
The bloody Sharon Carl for his cross puts our sins away. Nothing else. You have got to come to the Lord Jesus as you are.
Guilty Lawson Dawn, Dawn, receive them as your savior. Or if you could just say, Lord Jesus, I take thee now as my savior. If you do your Savior, they put away your sins and they give you a new life and you'll be born again. You'll be a child of God.
Oh, when you trust them. When you trust them tonight.
I am come down to deliver, and the Lord Jesus came down from Calvary, from heaven, went to Calvary's cross and died to deliver you from your sins and from Satan's power and to make you his own, his own dear child, the child of God. Oh, will you come and trust him tonight?
Only trust them. Only trust him now. Then he goes on to say.
I have come down to deliver you out of the hand of the Egyptians and bring them up.
Out of that land onto a good land.
A lawn flowing with milk and honey. I am come down to bring them up. And not a nice word do I like. I like that little combination of words. I am come down to bring them up. I know how far down it came. We reversed this morning. Read in the morning meeting.
By a brother.
Though he was rich.
Yet for your sake he became poor.
They are rich in glory, and He comes down all the way from glory down to the cross. Oh, how far down that was from heavenly glory to Calvary's cross. Stick Him down. What for? I am come down to bring them up. And you know, when united Him as our Savior, He's going to bring us up to glory, and we're going to dwell with Him there in the glory forever and ever.
Happy forever in the Father's house, and that grand I would bring him up out of that land onto our good land.
Alarm throwing of milk and honey.
You know the blessed Lord He brings into a place of blessing.
He brings from the Bard land the bad land of sin.
The land of ******* and sorrow enter the land of blessing and joy and peace.
Oh, it's a grand thing to be a child of God. Some of us here have been God's children for a long, long time.
I came to the Lord Jesus and I was only 15 years old, and that's a long time ago.
And I have never been sorry for one moment.
I've never been sorry for one moment that I came to the Lord Jesus because he's made me happy all those years, all those past years. It brought me into a good land, all the land of blessing in Christ. And no wonder the apostle Paul says in the first chapter of Ephesians.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hoth blessed us with all spiritual blessings and heavenly places in Christ.
Oh, it's eternal blessing the soul gets that comes to Jesus. You'd hear, boys and girls, when the devil tells you that you won't be happy if you're a Christian, that if you want to be happy you have to enjoy this world. When the devil tells you that, don't believe him, for the devil does. Does it tell it to you, God never tell it to you.
And God is true, but the devil is the father of lives.
And poor souls, believe them. Don't you believe them? Believe God. And God lets us know that to serve him as a life of joy and peace and blessedness, and all the heavenly blessings are ours. Forgiveness of sins.
Eternal joy, Eternal peace.
And by and by the glory.
Wouldn't you like to have that? Blessedness is your portion, Wouldn't you? You'd like to be happy. You're dear boys and girls. Don't you want to be happy? Happy forever? I'll tell you how.
Blessed is a man that trusteth in the Lord.
And the word blessed means happy. Happy is the man that trusteth in the Lord.
That should make you happy, trusting the blessed Lord. Take Jesus as your Savior, open your heart, let him in, say Lord Jesus, I do, take thee now as my own Savior, and you come into your heart and life. They make you happy forever.
Will you trust them now? Oh, he'll bring you to a good alarm and a large a large lawn. It's no narrow place.
People think that Christian lives a narrow life.
My daughter, one of my daughters, was when she went to her work in Des Moines.
As a young girl just out of high school.
After she was there a day or two in the office, the girl said to her.
Calling her by her name. We're going to a show this afternoon after work. There's a show on Downtown Picture Show. Come on with us, It's going to be a good show.
Daughter says no, I don't go to.
Victor Shivers. Why not?
Well, she says, I'm a Christian.
Well we we belong to church. 2 weird church members. Not the harm in the show. Well I don't go to show, so where do you go? Well she says I go to a prayer meeting.
And I go to the reading meetings where we read God's word and I go to hear the gospel.
That's where I go.
Oh, what a narrow, narrow life that seemed to those poor girls.
But all that's a wonderful life. That's a wonderful thing to go to the prayer meeting and get down there on the knees before the Lord and and just lay bare our hearts desires and pray for our dear bread. And you know, we get word from different parts of the country, but so and so it's very, very sick. So and so is in trouble.
And we would tell others about, and we go down their knees, and we pray for our dear brethren living here and there over the country. We pray for them and ask the Lord's blessing upon them.
And we know that well in other places. Pray for us too, and know how good that is and know that.
And then we read God's word, we read about the blessed Lord Jesus, wonderful love and grace, and that makes us happy too. Oh, that's a good land and a large, it's a large place.
Why there's a verse that lets us know how big a place is ours turn to the.
3rd chapter of First Corinthians of Eve it is.
And the third chapter of One Corinthians.
And the 21St verse.
That no mind glory in man.
For all things are yours. You know, earlier in the chapter there were some of these Corinthian Christians.
And there were glowing and men. One says, I am of Paul. Pause my mind, pause my mind. Pause my favorite preacher. Pause my mind. No one says, well, Peter, I like Peter. I love to hear Peter preach. I'm of Peter and I'm of Apollo. Different ones. Oh, they had men that they were, that they were counted as their own, maybe their favorite preachers. All. But Paul says something here. He says that no man glory in man, for all things are yours.
All things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world.
Or life or death, or things present, or things to come.
All are yours.
There's not a big enough territory for you.
Why say, why say Paul is mine when all Christians belong to me? We're all members one of another, we're told, and all the Christians belong to me and I belong to them, and we all belong to Christ. That wonderful. And he says all things are yours, whether life or death of the world, the things present, the things to come. The Lord of glory, you know, is Lord over all. And the Lord Jesus says that the Father committed all things at the hand of the Son.
God's beloved Son is a man.
As the lure of all things, everything belongs to him, the sun, moon and stars and all.
All the planets and all the hosts of God all belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
And you know he's going to share to these people. He is the bridegroom and the church is the bride and the church is composed of all, all believers.
And the Lord says, look, we are going to reign with him in glory.
We're going about raiding him forever and ever. One with our blessed Savior. Oh, what a place is ours, What a territory is ours. All things are yours, not wide enough, and all joy and all blessing are ours too.
And for trust in Christ, Oh dear boys and girls, trust the Lord Jesus, your Savior, and then live for Him. He's worth living for, always worth living for.
He died for you in the cross, gave His life for you to save you. Isn't it worth living for? He surely is. Oh, trust them tonight, Trust them now and be saved, and then go forth to live for His glory and this Dark World where He is rejected.