Forbid Them Not

Let little children come to Me,
From palace, mansion or from cot;
The young I always love to see;
Then let them come—forbid them not.
I fain would fold them in My arms,
Bestow on them a blissful lot,
And shelter them from all alarms;
Then let them come—forbid them not.
My blood, which was on Calvary shed,
Can cleanse from every sinful spot;
And still, as when on earth I said—
Let children come—forbid them not.
Their artless steps I love to lead
From each unsafe or danger spot;
On heavenly food their souls to feed:
Then let them come—forbid them not.
When saints I summon to the air.
Not one of them will be forgot:
And hosts of children will be there;
Then let them come—forbid them not.
ML 06/25/1922