Gardens in Scripture

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Gospel—P. Wilson
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Ottawa, Canada.
Gospel meeting October 6. Paul Wilson.
Behold the Lamb of God.
On the cross.
For us, he shed his precious blood.
On the cross.
Oh, here, the overwhelming cry.
Eli Lama Sabachthani.
Draw near and see the savior die.
On the cross.
Sing together #23.
I'm Brother Stone.
It is my thought tonight.
To turn to some of the scriptures.
That have to do with the gardens in the word of God.
Consequently, we'll turn to the second chapter first second chapter of the book.
Genesis 2.
Genesis 2.
Verse 7.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.
And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
And man became a living soul.
The Lord God planted a garden eastward.
In Eton.
And there he put the man whom he had formed.
15th Verbs.
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying.
Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Thou shalt not eat of it.
For in the day that thou eatest thereof.
Thou shalt surely die.
Once you go back, I missed a part of a verse I wish to read.
In the ninth verse.
And out of the ground.
Made the Lord God to grow every tree.
That is pleasant to the sight.
And good for food.
The Tree of Life, also in the midst of the garden.
And the tree of the knowledge of good and Evil.
Now, friends.
I preface my remarks tonight.
By saying that I believe.
Every word.
Of these early chapters of Genesis.
Just as I believe all the rest of the book.
From cover to cover.
I make that remark.
Because it is common today.
To call in question.
The veracity.
The Authority.
Of these early chapters of Genesis.
Let me say this.
That this book all stands or falls together.
You cannot take off a page here or take out a page there.
And have the word of God.
This book is like an arch.
You've seen stone arches.
You remove one stone and the arch will fall.
This book stands or falls together.
And I do not need.
Any archaeologist?
To go and dig in the ground and find some evidence to make me believe that this book is true.
The most beautiful proof that this book is true is found in its pages.
When you see the perfection of this book.
When you see its unity.
When you see how it's all nipped together.
I marvel.
It's certainly an old work of math.
Take for instance a book of Genesis.
Genesis means beginnings.
And in this book of Genesis, we get the beginnings.
And in the beginnings, we have the seed plot of the Bible.
We have practically everything.
That you will find later on.
In type or embryo in genesis?
All but redemption and God's dwelling with men that come in in Exodus.
You go on and you'll find a time after time through the book.
People go on to the New Testament and would forsake the old.
And there you'll find the words of the Lord Jesus.
Quoting these chapters, quoting these incidents as fact.
If you cut these books out. If you cut these chapters out.
You'll have to cut out that which the Lord Jesus spoke.
What the apostles wrote.
You see, it can't be done.
I say that by reason of this fact.
I know that today.
It is common.
In the wide profession of Christianity to reject Genesis.
And particularly the early chapters.
A short time ago, my attention was called to a statement.
That one of the largest.
Religious organizations in Protestantism.
In the country to the South.
An organization which has many seminaries for the training of preachers.
Does not have a single seminar.
That teaches these early chapters are true.
So far has man departed from the word of God that he rejects it.
Let us recognize that what God has said is true.
Infidelity tries to tell you about prehistoric man.
May I say that the word of God tells us about the first man?
The first map Adam.
Incidentally, he's called that in First Corinthians.
The first man, Adam.
We have his history.
And what a history it was.
It came forth from the hand of God, a perfect creature.
That is a perfect human being.
Innocent in his makeup.
Not wholly, but innocent.
He knew no difference between good and evil, for there was number evil.
Everything was good.
What a wonderful God it was he was to make this man.
Incidentally, there was a consultation in the Godhead before man was created.
That God had took counsel with itself and said, Let us make man in our image.
Or representation and after our likeness, moral likeness.
And so Adam and Eve were created the handiwork of God.
No evil. And then God built plants. A garden.
I do not doubt that some of us have been very favorably impressed with some of the gardens that men have planted.
But what do you think of a garden that God plant?
Don't you think that was a wonderful place?
He planted a garden eastward in Eden.
And there he takes this man.
Learning the man and the woman, and he puts them into this garden.
And he put into that garden every tree.
That was pleasant for the eyes and good for food.
And then what did he do?
He said to the man and this woman, he says now of the trees of this garden.
I want you to eat freely.
I dare say that if they had eaten freely of the trees that God gave them to eat of.
That they would never have anchored for the fruit of one tree that was forbidden.
Oh, if we just enjoyed, we as Christians enjoyed the things of God.
There'd never be any hankering for the things of the world.
There would have been no hankering for this one tree that God forbid.
The eating up.
Now you know when God put man in the garden.
It was his responsible creature.
And God placed a restriction upon him.
And it only took one to have man feel that he was responsible to his creator.
One was necessary.
One was all that was required.
To test man's obedience to his career.
But God's, in doing so, left the entrance of sin a possibility.
Emperor will sometimes say.
That God could have created man so he couldn't sin.
But God created man of responsible moral beings.
To do so, he left the possibility that sin might enter.
Not a necessity.
Well, then, what happens in the third chapter? Now this serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.
And he said unto the woman.
Yeah, and God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden.
That's the devil's way. Scripture refers to it as the certain serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety.
The method he used was to call in question what God had said.
And Satan is beguiling millions today with that same subtlety. He's using the same tactics of calling in question what God has said.
And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.
But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden.
God has said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest he die.
Now if you will search in the verses before this, you will not find.
That the Lord God said these things.
In the first place, she misplaces the trees.
In the second chapter and the ninth verse which we read the tree of life.
Was in the midst of the garden.
She takes the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or the tree of the not of.
Responsibility and said it was in the midst of the garden.
She was misplacing the what God had said.
Misplacing the trees.
And then God had said, Don't eat of it, she said, neither shall ye touch it.
She added to the word of God.
And soon became a plaything for the devil.
Beware of those who would alter the Word of God, either by taking from it or adding to it.
You know there's a solemn word in the 30th of Proverbs. It says, Add not to his word, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Oh man likes to either take away or add to, but when you see that being done.
You can be sure that it's the work of the enemy, it's the work of the devil.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die.
Now he's created mistrust in her.
And so he is going to sow some more bad seeds, get some more bad fruit, and he actually dares to contradict what God said.
He said Ye shall not surely die.
God told him they would.
I remember hearing of an incident many years ago.
Our aged and departed brother, Mr. Walter Potter of Chicago.
Was preaching the gospel.
And a non young infidel or quiver came up to him and said.
But he didn't die.
Mr. Potter looked at him and said, But he's dead.
But he's dead.
Anybody in this room question the fact that Adam's dead?
We were reading in Newton.
Bible reading this afternoon from the 5th of Romans by one man, Adam. Sin entered the world.
And death by sin.
Billions of Adams posterity are also dead.
Not just because Adam's sin. He sinned and pulled down the whole creation with him.
And when he had a son born, he had a son born after his likeness.
A fallen man.
He was born with a fallen nature.
We see an innocent babe and we say, oh how beautiful.
Innocence, never having had a wrong thought.
But that babe has within it.
That old nature that he inherited from Adam.
Let's come all the way down from the first man. That's sin.
And if that babe lives to grow up, that old nature that he has borne into him will show forth its ugly fruit.
You have penitentiaries and jails and prisons of one kind and another in this land.
Because man sins.
And you have judges in this land that sit in judgment on their fellow man.
And they'll say this man needs to go to prison for 40 years.
And they will deprive their fellow man of life and liberty.
They'll incarcerate him for years.
And yet there are infidels, quibblers, that question about God sending a guilty Sinner to hell.
Well, if man who is a Sinner.
Will act in judgment according to his sense of justice.
And send a man to jail.
Perhaps sent to take his life away from it.
What do they think a holy God should do?
Man, that is a Sinner.
Sits in judgment on his fellow man.
Well, sin is in this world.
Death is in this world.
I don't know whether some of you here have ever heard of the noted newspaper.
Man in California.
William Randolph Hearst.
A man who owned a chain of great newspapers.
A man who controlled the thinking of 1,000,000 by his pen.
A man who made fortunes.
He has a castle out there on the coast of California that's now thrown up, open to the public as a museum.
He's gone.
Is there?
But I'd understand.
From some who work for him.
That there was an unwritten law for him, by him.
To all his associates and friends.
That death was never to be mentioned in his presence.
Why? Why did William Randolph Hearst?
Resent the idea of mentioning death.
Because he was afraid of it.
The answer is simple.
So by one man sin entered the world, and death by sin. So death passed upon all men.
All have sinned.
I wonder if you'll agree with that. Everybody in this room is sent.
I remember many years ago.
Speaking to a lot of boys.
In the Bellfountain forms out of Saint Louis.
It was a correctional institute. We didn't choose the term in those days for juvenile delinquents, but that's what it was.
And I had the privilege of going there Lord's Day afternoon after Lord's Day afternoon.
And speaking the gospel in those days.
And I say this now I'm.
Thinking of the boys that are before me and the boys and girls and the audience all over.
I spoke to those boys about being sinners.
And there was one boy there that put up his hand and told me he had never sinned.
Now the ridiculous part of it is he was in there for wrongdoing.
That's why he was there.
But he had the nerve to tell me he had never sinned.
I said now wait a minute.
What's your name?
I don't remember what his name was. We'll call him John.
I said, John, how old are you? He says 13.
Now, he said John, let's analyze it.
Don't you think you've told one untruth?
Or taken something that didn't belong to you.
Or said some bad word at least once a day.
He thought a while and was quiet and finally he said, well I guess so.
I said, well let's see, 365 in a year, 10 years, 3653 more years, another thousand.
Why John, you've committed 4650 sins at the rate of one a day.
But that the boy about that time, the boy next to him says he sins 10 times a day.
Now his opinion of himself was very different from what the other people's opinion was.
You'll find a lot of people who have very good opinions of themselves.
But it wouldn't do to ask their neighbors.
But think of what it is that your neighbors know better. Think of what it is that the God who sees all knows all. What would he say?
What would God say?
Well, Adam sinned, and he pulled down his whole posterity.
And he died.
Millions and millions more have died.
The race has gone on in sin and depravity.
I remember hearing a doctor some time ago tell me about an infidel that came into him and he was complaining that the human body wasn't made right.
The doctor, the Christian doctor looked at him and he said, any man.
That can look at the human body.
After 6000 years of sin.
And say God didn't make it right as a fool.
Yes. Think of what it must have been as it came forth from the hand of God. Think what 6000 years of sin and depravity is done to the human race.
Ah, but did God send His beloved Son into the world merely to alleviate the sufferings that came in as a result of sin?
No, that isn't the part. Wasn't the purpose.
He came in to answer to all the God for sins not his own.
To give God a righteous basis to come out and forgive the sins of the Sinner and bring him into His own holy presence as we were reading today, that we might be the children of God.
In his own family.
With his own nature.
Well, what happened here? Six verse.
Well, they did verse and the serpent said God no.
That in the day ye eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened.
And ye shall be as God.
Knowing good and evil.
The first man, Adam, was disobedient unto death.
The second man, the Lord from heaven, came down into this world and became obedient unto death.
Well, that's the one we want to think about. That's the one we want to tell you about tonight.
Not primarily the one that was disobedient unto death, but the one who was obedient unto death.
But it's necessary sometimes to point out that we're lost.
It's necessary to point out the need before we can call your attention to the remedy.
If you go to a doctor, you say doctor, I'm sick.
Well, if he's a good doctor, he won't just give you an aspirin and sent you all.
He will try to find out what's wrong with you before he prescribes.
Maybe we need to see what's wrong?
If there's one in this room that can't, say I'm saved and Jesus is my savior.
Have you ever weighed your malady?
Have you ever thought what's wrong with you, basically?
Are you a Sinner?
Are you away from God?
Well, if you're a Sinner.
You're going to have to meet God in your sins unless you first have those sins put away.
There is no alternative. God will never allow sin in His presence.
The serpent said you'll be as gods.
He aspired to be something, but the blessed Son of God fail his glory and came down.
Said I want to reach up.
He thought that it was something to be gained to be his God.
And no good and evil.
But you know, the devil always lies.
Remember that the devils are poor paymaster.
He doesn't deliver the goods.
He tells a man ioffer you the world.
Think of all the pleasure you can have in this world.
And so he leads him on from one pleasure to the other.
And then, all at once, his pleasure leads him into sickness.
And the sickness takes all his money.
And when his money is gone, his friends are gone. He's pretty much like the prodigal.
Who is in want an old man gave unto him.
That's the devil's way of paying off. No man gave unto it.
And so he says you're going to have no good and evil. What he didn't tell him was that you're going to know good without the power to do it.
And you're going to know evil with a guilty conscience without the power to stop.
I told him he'd get a conscience, for the knowledge of good and evil is conscience. You know, you don't find the word conscience in the Old Testament, but you'll find the same thing. You'll find it in the originalist joint knowledge.
The knowledge of good and evil.
But what did the joint knowledge do for Adam and Eve? It made cowards of them.
Because as soon as they heard the voice of the Lord God in the garden, they ran to hide.
A man that has a good conscience doesn't run to hide.
If somebody owes you some money and they see you coming down the street, they find an alley to duck into before they meet you.
Oh, that's the that's the way of the coward.
So with Adam and Eve, they ran to high.
What did they do? Why, they used the very things that God had given them, those beautiful trees in the garden, for a bad purpose.
Why they are hit where they use the trees of the garden to hide from God with?
To get behind the trees so God couldn't see them.
Ah, but God knew they were there and he called them for it.
Another thing.
What caused Eve to yield to his subtleties?
There were three things he used when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, did she need that?
With all the other trees of the garden good for food.
No, and that it was pleasant to the eyes with the Lord. God had caused all these trees to grow that were pleasant to the eye. She didn't need this one to be pleasant to the eye.
And then when she saw that, it promised to make her wise.
Pride of life.
The devil only has three things in his storehouse.
And all the attractions in this world can be divided into those three things.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
If you analyze it practically all of your advertising.
In the country.
Is motivated on that.
Appeal to the Aye.
Appeal to the flesh.
Appeal to the pride of life.
Now remember in what I'm going to say that I do not believe that it's wrong to own an automobile.
But a few years ago.
I was struck with the advertising for automobiles.
I saw three billboards out here.
One of them for Chevrolet.
See. It's beauty.
One for Packard, now not made anymore.
It's luxury feeling to the lust of the flesh.
Try its luxury.
And not to be outdone for it, said buy a new Ford and watch your neighbors perk up.
Appealing to the pride of life.
Now all that's in the world.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Now went on the basis of accepting these as something to be gained.
And what she gained.
Was infinitesimal.
What she lost.
Was tremendous.
Let's pass on to another chapter, though.
John 18.
Centuries have rolled by.
God has tried man in every way.
Let it leading him to his conscience that he got in a bad way.
Putting government into man's hands.
Giving him his holy law.
And every test he made of man proved that man was irreparably bad.
It was irrecoverable.
Now the Lord Jesus comes into this scene. The man from heaven, the Lord, the glory came down into this world, became a man.
When Jesus had spoken these words, He had been on this earth for over 30 years, going about serving His Father, doing the will of God perfectly in everything.
He has reached the end of his journey, he's reached the end of his public ministry.
And after doing good to man and serving God in all those years.
Those years of his ministry.
Man said we don't want you.
We'd like to get rid of you. For some time they had been plotting to take him, plotting to put him to death. All they tried numerous ways. You remember when he was in the city of Nazareth? They marveled at the gracious words and proceeded out of his mouth. And when he said one thing that reached their conscience, they wanted to throw him over the prowl of the hill to kill him.
He wasn't accepted here, he wasn't wanted here, and now he's reached the very end of his journey.
Is going steadfastly forward to do the Father's will.
Before he came into the world, he said, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God.
He came into this world to do that will, and that will was to go to the cross.
There are two sides to the cross. There's man's wicked side.
Man says aware everything we want, don't want you here.
But all there's God's side. He sent that blessed one into this world.
To redeem your soul and mind.
When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth.
With his disciples over the Brook Kidron.
Where was a garden?
Into the which he entered.
And his disciples, we've come to another garden now.
It is not the Garden of Eden.
It's not the garden that God flathered.
It's a garden of mansplanting.
The Garden of Gethsemane.
And he goes there to be alone.
He leaves the three disciples he took, and he went forward and fell on the ground and prayed.
What did he pray in that garden?
You can read it in Matthew, Mark or Luke.
Luke 23.
Tells us that he prayed.
Father if it bewildered if I'll be willing.
Remove the cup from me.
It tells us that he prayed and prayed the same words and prayed the same words again.
And his agony was so great.
That sweat mingle with blood.
Fell to the ground.
I've heard of such rare cases where blood has exude been exuded through the pores.
Ah, but nothing like this.
The agony of his soul. What caused the agony, my friend?
Why, on the very next day, he was going to go to Calvary's cross and in the three hours of darkness be forsaken of God.
It wasn't the crown of thorns they were going to put on his head and cause physical suffering.
It wasn't the nails they were going to put going to put through his hands and his feet.
Sure, they cause physical suffering and he felt as a man.
But it was what he was going to suffer in the three hours of darkness when he was forsaken of God.
It was just the anticipation of it, of being at a distance from his God.
When he, the only one, was made sin.
Oh dear boy and girl here.
Young man, young woman.
You and I may treat sin very likely.
What have we got? One glimpse of what it costs the Savior only in anticipation.
In the Garden of Gethsemane we would have a different thought about sin.
Those sins that you and I have committed and committed carelessly.
Brought for us from that brow.
That bloody sweat.
We were singing of it in the ham.
Those words Allah Eli Lama Sabachtana.
They were Aramaic words. They should have been well known to the Jews.
Think of them saying that he was calling for Elijah.
What an insult.
He called for no man.
He was addressing God. They should have known the meaning of those words.
For as I said, they were Aramaic words. They should have known them.
My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?
My friend, do you know the answer to that question that came from his lips? I do.
I know the answer.
I believe everyone that knows the Lord Jesus as their Savior can say the same thing tonight. I know the answer.
He was anticipating what it would be, what it would be on the Morrow.
To bear the wrath and judgment of a holy God for my sins.
Oh, let's not think lightly of sin.
It will get one glimpse of what it costs that holy one.
Will never think lightly of it.
Witchy entered a garden. Water garden.
What a contrast between the Garden of Eden were always pure.
Before sin.
Before Senate and this guard, where the weight, the judgment of a holy God against sin was weighed.
The only time he ever expressed a will separate from the fathers.
He could say my will is to do the will of him that sent me.
But now he says not my will that thine be done?
The Holy One of God.
Shrank, as it were.
From the sufferings.
Of being separated from God.
Why did he do it?
So that God could come to you and say, if you'll accept my son as your savior, I'll save you.
If there's one.
2345 or any number in this room that are not saved.
There's an offer for all of you tonight.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
God wants to.
We think of what it costs the Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Oh my friend.
It costs the heart of God too.
Genesis 22 tells us in time what it costs the heart of God.
Came to pass after these things that God did test Abraham.
He said to Abraham, Takedown thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lover.
Everything direct, the heart of Abraham.
My son, that son that he waited so many years for, that son that he got by promise.
Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest.
And offer him for a burdock.
All friends.
That's a type of what it costs the heart of God to offer to give His Son there.
We get what it costs the Sun.
When we see the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Well then he went forward.
Having passed through it all with God that night.
Pretty soon the band, with Judas as their leader, came to take him.
Imagine coming to take the Lord of glory.
An arm mob.
It wasn't a bunch of soldiers under discipline.
It was an angry mob.
Armed with all the weapons and a mob would have.
Coming out there to take the Lord of glory.
The only one that had never done anything wrong.
And God allowed all his judges and all his witnesses that would speak against him to testify to his innocence.
Pilot had betrayed him, said. I've sinned in that I have been to betrayed the innocent blood.
Pilot is.
Judas sat down, Pilate says.
I have nothing to do with this just person.
Ila's wife.
Have thou nothing to do with this just person? Pilate renders the verdict of innocent.
And yet condemns him to death. Herod sets him free.
The centurion said truly, this was the Son of God.
Oh, they all had to bear witness to who he was and what he was.
But God only knew.
The real amount of it. The real thing.
The Holy One of God.
And on that cross there was a man's side in the first three hours, from 9:00 in the morning till 12:00 at noon.
Man told out all the hatred and venom of his heart against God.
Well, sometimes, say everything meets at the cross.
Yes, everything meets at the cross for this reason. There we see the heart of man, there we see the heart of God, there we see the heart of Christ and His submission. Everything meets there.
Now we go on the 19th chapter.
The last two verses of the 19th chapter.
Now in the place where he was crucified.
There was a garden.
And in the garden, the new sepulchre.
Wherein was never man yet laid.
There lay they Jesus.
All friends we passed on now over a span of over 4000 years.
We have come down now to the last Test that man would get.
To see if they were recoverable.
God sent his son into this world. With this thought, maybe they will reverence my son.
They cast him out.
And alas, the world saw you when was putting his body in the sepulcher in the garden.
You want to compare gardens.
Water Guard.
A graveyard.
A tombstone.
Oh, after man had done his last wicked act.
They pierced his side after he had given up his spirit.
God stepped into the scene and all was changed.
No more crude hands.
More wicked men to touch him. He had loving hands to take him down.
To wrap him carefully in new cloth.
To carefully lay that body in the tomb.
The tomb of a rich man, Isaiah 53 said They appointed his grave with the wicked, but he was with the rich and his death.
Why? Because he'd done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. God stepped in and vindicated him as soon as the work of atonement was accomplished, and He has him taken by loving hands and put into a rich man's tomb.
In a garden.
But friends, he came forth out of that garden.
The next chapter tells us of his resurrection.
He came forth and as we read in the Book of Revelation, he said I am the living one who became dead.
And I am alive for evermore and have the keys and death and Hades. What do you think you do in the city of Ottawa if you had a criminal and you put him in jail tonight and tomorrow he's walking the streets with the keys of the jail that he's had?
The Lord Jesus went down into the stronghold of death, that which had held man in ******* for 4000 years.
For all their lifetime subject to ******* because of Satan, the fear of death. He goes down into Daphne, comes away the victor with the keys of death and Hades death. The confines of the body. 80s. The confines of the soul and spirit apart from the body.
He's come forth with keys.
Sometimes we sing Here's the victor's name who fought the fight alone.
Triumphant Saints no honor claimed his conquest was their own. What a savior we have.
And so tonight, my friends, Ioffer to your savior.
Jesus the Lord, the Lord from heaven.
The second man, the last Adam, the one who came to undo all the works of the devil.
The one who has come forth in power.
And now he is in the glory. He is coming back someday to take his people out of the world.
But then after that, he's coming back with his Saints and he's going to execute judgment.
Do you know that he's going to come back with the armies in heaven following him?
And the sword of his mouth will smite those as enemies.
He's going to rule him with a rod of iron.
Not a rod of.
Wood. A rod of iron is going to break them in pieces like a Potter's vessel.
Did you ever see any of the Potter's vessels from out on the Navajo Indian Reservation in New Mexico?
I never saw anything like it. The police touch and they shatter into 1000 pieces.
Fragile. Oh, but this one is coming forth and he's going to reign in majesty and might and power in the world at once. Spit in his face and said we don't want you where with him.
Is going to rain.
What will your portion be, my friend? I ask you and affectionately tonight.
Where do you stand in relation to all this? Each one of us in the room have a responsibility to go.
Where do we stand?
We're either sinners in our sins, awaiting judgment.
Or we're saved by the work of the Lord Jesus Christ and belong to God as his children.
It's one or the other.
There's a line of demarcation in this room.
I can't mark it out for you.
When I dare say that each one of you know for yourself.
I dare say that you know whether you're saved or not.
Don't tell me you don't know.
Did you ever accept Christ?
Did you ever get down on your knees before God and all that you were a Sinner and tell him you take Christ as your Savior?
The Lord says him that cometh to me I will in all wise cast out. Will you take him at his word?
I know a dear sister in Los Angeles.
Years ago, she was sitting in a meeting in Kansas City.
Chair, dear old brother Wiggar, now with the Lord.
Preach the gospel.
In a simple, quiet way.
And she said I just believed it and received him right there.
She's gone on many years rejoicing in that savior.
Just simply took him as her savior. Is there someone here tonight that will do that?
I know of one that did it while she was sitting in the chair listening to the preacher. She just lifted her heart to God and said I'll take him.
It's simple.
But don't go to bed tonight Unsafe.
You may have lived all your life to this moment.
Without Christ or without thinking about it.
But you can have him as your savior tonight before you go to sleep.
I want to read one verse and close Revelation 2.
Revelation 2 and verse 7.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life.
Which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
Here is a garden mentioned. I said before that Genesis begins, the book Revelation closes.
We find the garden, we find the river, we find a woman in Genesis, we find the Tree of Life. We find them in the Book of Revelation. I'll tell you what you don't find in the Book of Revelation. You don't find the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The tree of man's responsibility, because the Lord Jesus has taken that responsibility and gone to the cross.
There's no tree of the knowledge of good and evil in heaven.
But the tree of life will be there.
The Saints will eat of that fruit.
The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
How the tree of life will be there, and it'll be right where it ought to be, in the midst of the gard.
You know Milton thought of, dreamed of, and rode out Paradise restored or regained.
Thank God it isn't so. Man will never regain paradise that he lost.
Man will never get back into the Garden of Eden.
No, but God has a paradise of his own for redeemed sinners. That's your portion in mind. That no crisis our Savior tonight, the paradise of God with the tree of life in the midst of the garden.
My friend.
It's blessing, It's a wonderful fortune. It's ours who believe on him. It's yours, my unsaved friend, for the taking.
Again, I say, don't tell me that you don't know whether you're saved. Make it your point. Make it your business to know and to know that you are. And make it your business tonight. If I said, are you in this room, did you come through the door and into this room, you'd say yes or no.
Well, of course you'd say yes, you're in the room.
Would be foolish to say, well, I don't know whether I'm in here or not.
Oh, don't drink God's message that way.
Make being so indifferent that you don't know whether it's so or not, whether you're saved or not.
God offers His salvation tonight through the work of His beloved Son.
Take it and be saved. Take him and be saved.
Will just remain seated while we sing the first and last stances.
First and last stanzas of #10 Some brothers started, please.