General Overview

Lineup is a tool that simplifies the process of taking an order (from the front office) and getting it through to production.
User Story
Stock is running low for #3139 “Who Wrote Our Hymns”. The inventory taker notices and informs John. John knows that it’s a product that we produce in house, and so adds a new row to Lineup with the item number. Lineup looks up the item number (from UV or SQL) and adds the title to the row. John then adds the quantity needed.
Stephen then sees that there’s an order for a book and can see quantity needed. He selects the row / a cell in the row, and right clicks. Hopefully there are 2 production files ready to go.
(What to do from here depends on the exact needs. I’ll try and be complete-ish.)
Option 1
Stephen right clicks on the selected cell, and under production, clicks “Export Files To Printers”. Lineup copies the files to all the appropriate hot folders for all of the appropriate types of printer. (ie if it’s a book body, copies it to the book printer folder for the 6120 and 1200b) If there are no hot folders found (ie book cover) it copies the production file to stephen’s desktop.
Lineup then gives Stephen a prompt to see if he wishes to print the job ticket. If he does, it will print out on the label printer in the qp room.
Stephen will then need to import the cover in the fiery manager, and assign the correct specs. (Check the production manual for details.)
The body job will need to be recalled on the desired printer. Check the job ticket for quantities and paper type/weight.
Option 2
Stephen selects the job row / cell, and navigates to the production tab inside lineup. It shows the production files, along with the paper types and number of layers to print.
The default printer can be set before printing. This may help find the correct printer. Check the section called “Set Default Printer in Lineup” if more help is needed.
I find that printing from inside edge (the built in pdf viewer in lineup) can sometimes mess with the front to back page alignment. Click on the blue link above each pdf to open the pdf in your default viewer (acrobat) and print from there.
Once printing has started, or a job status needs to be changed. Stephen updates the job status on the Job Queue tab. There are multiple rules defining the color of the status.
•  Not Started = Red
•  Ing = green. (printing, binding, etc)
•  Waiting = yellow. (this is applied after the ing rule. Anything that is both ing and waiting will be yellow)
•  zDone = done. Setting this will move the job to archive and send an email.