
Gospel—Dean Rule
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Right together, blessed God our Father in verse 21, and I want to read it at the beginning because there's two words there.
Which we'll see at least one other verse in both cases.
But I can't guarantee you that the clock that's on different walls in the room, the time that's on the watches on many of our wrists, I can't guarantee you. No one can guarantee you here that it'll go one loop around the small hand and come to 7:30 and we'll pray at the end of the meeting. Absolutely no guarantees like that. And so I want to read a verse at the beginning that if you and your heart.
Believe what is in this verse. If you haven't done it before, you're going to join.
The rest of us who are on our way to be with the Lord Jesus, perhaps very soon. Acts chapter 20 and verse 21.
Testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks. Stop there. Someone may say, well, I'm not a Jew and I'm not from the land of Greece, but when it says Greeks here, it's referring to Gentiles. Everyone is not a Jew. Everyone in this room is included in the group that's being addressed in this, the beginning of this verse. Two things, repentance toward God.
Her desire this evening is that God, by His Spirit, help anyone here who does not know the Lord Jesus as their Savior to repent, to simply think again about eternity, to think again about your sinful nature, the same nature that every one of us was born with. To think again about sins, the acts that every one of us have done and what God says about them.
We're not interested in some.
Opinion poll that might be taken by pollsters that might say, what do you think of certain things? Brother Derek this morning mentioned a file and I will file sometimes of clippings and, and in the file I cut out something where there was a certain kind of sin and and someone said, well, do you think this is a sin? And they gave the figures for people 50 years ago and 25 years ago and now in the 21St century, they said, do you think such and such a thing is sin? And in this case it was a man and woman.
Being together without being married. And if you looked at the statistics, the majority of the people who answered the poll said it isn't a sin, but the question is.
What we're not looking at are surveys of men and women. What we're looking at is what the Word of God says, and it has not changed. The principles that are in this book have not changed because this is a book that tells us about someone who loves you, and he loves me so much that he gave everything that could possibly be given. That's why there's a meeting here tonight.
If this was a meeting and someone was to.