Happy Charlie

DEAR little Charlie! How happy he is, sitting on his low stool near the window listening to the song of the canary, as it warbles so sweetly in the cage above his head. His chubby hands are clasped together in childish delight, and his face is turned in the direction from which the music comes. His eyes, too, appear to rest on the pretty bird which is giving him so much pleasure, but it is only in appearance, for dear Charlie is blind! He has never seen the golden sunshine lighting up the flowers and trees that grow around.
Yet Charlie is always happy—very happy. He is always ready for a game with any of his companions, and the ringing peals of his laughter have such an effect on others, that the room quickly becomes a scene of brightest merriment—childish merriment and uproar.
No wonder that Charlie has gained the name of “Happy Charlie,” and that he has become the pet and plaything of the house in which he lives. For Charlie is an orphan, and cannot even remember a mother’s or a father’s love. How good of God to put it in the hearts of his friends to provide him with such a home as the one in which he lives.
And now, I think I hear some dear boy or girl say,
“But how can Charlie be so happy? I should be very miserable if I were blind, and unable to see father and mother, and all the beautiful things around me.”
I am going to tell you a little incident, and then I think you will understand Charlie’s joy.
A kind lady came to visit the Home of which the little blind boy is an inmate. Her kind voice and winning manner soon drew Charlie to her side. It was not long before his little arms were clinging round his new friend’s neck, and his curly head nestling confidingly on her shoulder, as she spoke to him of many things which she thought might interest and amuse him.
But as she paused in the conversation, Charlie lifted up one of his chubby little hands, and passing it softly over the lady’s cheeks, asked thoughtfully,
“Do you love Jesus? Charlie does.”
Yes, Charlie loved Jesus. This was the secret of all his happiness. Though only a little boy five years old, he had learned to love the Saviour who had done so much for him. He had heard the story of God’s wonderful love in sending His beloved Son to die for poor, perishing sinners. And his little heart had found rest in believing that Jesus had washed away all his sins. It was the knowledge of this that had led him to love the Saviour, and had filled his little heart with happiness and delight.
You can think how glad the lady was as she responded to dear little Charlie’s question, and after kissing his upturned face, she read to him one of the beautiful Bible stories of which he was so fond. And Charlie, seated on his kind friend’s lap, felt so glad, so thankful, that God had given hint the power to listen, although He had seen fit to withhold the blessing of sight.
Dear boys and girls, are you as happy as Charlie? The love of Jesus will make you so. Even should God see fit to deny you some gift which others around you possess, you will still have the knowledge of His love towards you. This will fill your heart with such joy and delight that your face may beam as brightly as that of “Happy Charlie.”
ML 04/30/1933