Heb 11:6-

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241 Savior through the desert. Lead us now. See, we cannot go.
Down from school James and freedom and has laid the siren low. Let my friends hear us all our journey through.
Maybe I'll go through the.
Now we won the 11Th of Hebrews.
They begin with the third. I don't think it's like that third verse.
Hebrews 11.
Verse three Through faith we understand that the world was playing by the word of God.
That things which are saved were not made, things which will appear.
By faith Abel offer them who brought a more excellent sacrifice than cave. I wouldn't be paying witness that he was righteous, not testifying with gifts, and by it he being and yet speaking my faith. Humans were translated that he should not be dead and was not found because God has translated him.
But before it says translation on this testimony that he believes God, but without faith it is impossible to please him. For he that cometh to God and believe that he is and that he is rewarded, then the diligence we see him.
By faith N Be warned of God, a thing not seen yet moved with fear, prepared an argument. Saving on his house violently, he condemned the Word, and became heir of the righteousness which is my faith.
By faith Abraham, when he was gone throughout into a place which he should have to receive for an inheritance, obey, and he went out not knowing whether he went by faith, sojourned in the land of gospel, as in a strange country dwelling Pepperonis with Ivy and Jacob. The heirs with him are the same promise, for he looked for a city which has foundations, whose filter and nature to his God.
Through faith, lost ceremony doesn't receive strength to conceive speed and was delivered of a child when he was past age because he got him faithful who had promised.
Therefore sprang their even up one, and him as good as dead, for many of the stars of the sky and multitudes, and the times which is by the seashore innumerable, these all dying, not having been seen, the promises having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them.
And embrace them and confess that they were strangers and children's on the earth.
They that say such things declare plainly than they see your country.
And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunities to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is an heavenly. Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for you have prepared for them and city.
If you have something special on that.
I don't think there was anything said on the last clause of that word, which I believe is very important.
These things are connections are brought before our young people in the schools, other places.
Touching away as seeking to overwhelm.
And there is a simple statement being among creation.
So that the things which are seen were not made of things which will appear.
A man in all his theory.
He attempts to say that they were made of the things which do appear, that if he can look at the things that are friends and he stands on the side and that's exactly how long they've been there and.
How they came in.
A very simple statement so that the things which are seen were not made. Other things are still here.
Man is a discoverer, never a creator.
And creation is the fruit of God's whole wisdom and power.
Always remember that there are many things in Scripture beyond reason.
There's nothing in Scripture contrary to reading.
Man as a creature is not able to grasp.
The thoughts of power that can create.
And he believes he accepts it by faith.
Is the only religion of faith in the world.
What is often said, if you're going to have a happy deathbed, you'll have to have the faith of a little child.
And the more brilliant your mind, the deeper the pocket you trust.
God has given us these things.
To accept them by faith, but of another .1 faith.
Brother Barry emphasized it a little yesterday.
In Hebrews it's here, lived by faith.
Every editorial you read in any magazine.
Will make the horizon of your thoughts the world in which you live, and the energy of your life to possess it.
The Bible is the only book in the world.
That will tell you to lay up your treasure in heaven.
And to walk by faith.
By faith and another point.
It's not what we know that controls our lives, it's what we enjoy.
And the revelation of God is given that we might enjoy.
In our souls.
The glory of his present and the excellence of his work.
Is that so present?
Well, that's what you get in the next first the war. Excellent sacrifice.
That Christ himself.
Felt there in that verse, by faith offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than he, by which he obtained with us that he was righteous.
God testifying of his gift.
Notice that mature Why is he being dead? Yet Spicer says he offered a lamb and the fat thereof?
That was the Excellency of Christ that was offered up for the Father Himself.
That right for the.
And the three first types of death in the in Genesis.
Carry you from the beginning of creation into eternity.
The first one is coats of skin. That's atonement.
The next one is what we have here, Abel. That's acceptance.
The third one.
Just turned to it. It's the 8th of Genesis.
And the 21St verse.
O brethren, who but God can write such a book?
The 21St and the Lord smelled not a sweet savour, but a saver of rest.
That carries you right on into eternity. The Lord smelled a savour of rest, and the Lord said in his heart.
I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for them. Why? Because man had changed. No, the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I against might anymore every living thing as I have done.
A favor of rest.
God is going to find his eternal rest.
In the work of His Son and the blessing that it is brought not only to you and to me.
But the whole creation will witness the blessed brother of that redemption work now turn to another in Colossians.
Which is the key to the whole Epistle to the Colossians?
The third chapter.
And the at least I should say brother in the second chapter and the third verse.
In whom should read?
In which?
In which I get all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
The reason it says it's hidden is because it's not.
On display yet?
But this is new creation.
Where every trace of sin and the results of sin will be gone.
All the fruit of the precious work of grace on the cross. And God, oh brethren, this is lovely. God will find his eternal rest.
In the fruit of that work that was accomplished by his son on the cross.
Repeat The three first types in the Bible of the death of Christ carry you from the beginning of creation into eternity.
Connect in a way that the more excellent sacrifice contained with the third chapter Philippians.
After the Apostle Paul and the third of Philippians.
Have given us the things that were gained unto him.
And there were, there were not evil things that we mentioned, but there were things that had to do with with religion.
Good works and so on.
His position has the jewel, that's why he belongs to things that God had favored man.
Whether among his people?
But when he saw that righteousness that was in Christ Jesus, he says, yeah, godless in the seventh verse. Or rather, what things were gain unto me, those I counted lost for Christ.
And I count all the football for the Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have covered the loss of all things. And this happened. But done that I may win Christ, that is, if all could by his own righteousness.
Have fitted himself for the presence of God, when he compared that righteousness, human righteousness.
The very best of man in himself.
When he saw what it was to be clothed in the righteousness of God in Christ, why he counted the whole thing there to call it him in a religious way as lost, and the more he learned of that righteousness.
That he saw in Christ. I counted it, but down. It was worth nothing at all to it. I just thought we might compare that with the more excellent sacrifice of King, because Kings offering was not a contemptible thing.
It was the very best that he could produce the fruit of the ground and I'm sure it must have been an excellent sacrifice as far as.
Man is concerned what he can produce out of this earth.
But when Abel offer that lamb, it spoke of Christ and the great sacrifice that he would make, and he would lay down his precious life, die on the cross for our sins.
Mary, it's not a question. And a good boy and a bad boy.
In in our first the 4th 1St visit, our question of a good boy and a bad boy.
It isn't comparing the two in that way.
God has seen the table writers.
Stop testifying a table.
He's testifying A dispute. It isn't that weird. Better than the worst.
Our standing before God is acknowledged how bad we are.
We take that place, we make God true and every man of life.
We subscribe to what God says about us.
We submit to his indictment.
And then having done that.
We accept five things, what God has presided for us in Christ.
I think it I'm thinking of our young people when I say these things.
Do the same with such a wicked boy and able to such a good boy and isn't that?
God testified in his gifts there was that an able to offerings that home this only death and judgment, but put away sin that is typically speaking and he was accepted of God because of the gift that he brought that spoke of the work of Christ.
Our only standing now and for all eternity.
Is not on anything we've ever known or ever will do.
But on the work done once and for all. Calvin Cross, and now our acceptance in our God.
Is in Him we are accepted in the beloved.
In connection with these two names that are two men that are brought of course, in this forest first able and game.
It's well, I think, to consider how here they were. They were children of the same parents. They had heard the same teaching. They were in the same environment. They had seen the same display of God in creation.
Well, the difference between the two is that that ministry that they had been under would not mix with faith as regards kings, but it was faith in age.
I remember the other place coming to our house when my daughter was a little baby.
And she said to to us that the total amount how bad she is.
We baptized her, you know.
And he said that he had told to learn how bad she is, only can forget.
That's what baptism system does.
And how many of us were picked for wasn't death and judgment for our abortions?
The very best man that God had on the earth.
And the days of job, the job himself, he said there was none lacking.
A perfect man, one that beard God with two diesel and yet when that same man got in the presence of saw God booked him out of whirlwind. He said I have heard of thee by the hearing of the year, but now mine I hear see, and I poor myself and repentance does the neighbor not merely that he abhorred something bad and simply done.
But I for myself.
What we are as sinners in the presence of God, that God would teach them, in order that we might know the Excellency of the sacrifice of Christ.
Would stand very high in the religious world today.
He would be accounted a model Christian.
That man worship God, He brought us sacrifice to God, and in the eyes of man he bought a good one. And the posterity of Cain have been whipped from that day to this. That is man going in the way of Cain. That's what you speak of. Woe unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain.
Man approaching God without a suitable sacrifice.
And man will either be accepted or rejected on the basis of his standing before God, on the basis of what he presents to God.
If the sacrifice is acceptable, the man will be accepted, and if only acceptable sacrifice to God that his own son is dead.
Mentioned this before.
At least now I'm not present.
I have a sister out of the West Coast.
There's a pension and then call of Norman Vincent Fields writing magazines.
He noticed there was never any message of the blood of Christ in any of them.
So on herself to write to him, and ask him why he never referred to the blood of Christ in any of his writings.
He wrote back a very smooth and amazing letter and said, well the great thing is love. Love is a great thing.
But not words. I understand. It's not a word that you say about John 316 that God so loved and he gave.
But he didn't give that son just as a mentor, as a teacher.
As an example.
He gave him his death. Not only so.
But God gave him in judgment, and judgment that only God could measure.
And Christ himself, being God, should measure it, And he measured it in Gethsemane.
You have that wonderful verse in Hebrews yesterday.
How, as he was agonizing there in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Wing heart of that judgment, the hand of a righteous God against sin.
It speaks of deep crying tears.
I suppose to other Saints of God.
To happen with them.
For those disciples that accompanied him into that garden.
We could have heard that crime deep crying. We could have heard the cries of sobs.
From that, Holy One wrestled there with the prospect.
Of that awful ordeal, that Lady morning.
But brother Wilson was saying.
Living in a day of religion. Smooth words.
But the one essential thing is definitely sidestep.
The man is thoroughly focused and bad and only remedy is going to only come to Christ as a Sinner.
On the 7th of Luke.
They kept contrasting those who took that place and those who refused it. I don't know a plainer scripture anywhere that lasted the 7th and Louis.
On the 29th 1St.
And all the people that hurt him and Republicans.
Justified God being baptized to the baptism of John.
They took God's side against themselves.
But the Pharisees and lawyers, that's the religionists of our day.
Very class that Brother Wilson is Speaking of.
The Pharisees and lawyers rejected.
The counsel of God against themselves.
Absolutely rejected it.
Being not baptized of it, they would not take the place of death.
But the only ones regardless blessing to remove the own where they work and what they're stateless that is what yes and I would make another statement for any one that might be unsafe in the room.
That it's not enough.
To know about the sacrifice that God will accept.
You must be personally definitely identified with Cain, knew all about and God even stopped to reason with him about.
But yet he didn't come that way and he was rejected.
Many many brought up in the truth and have a knowledge of these things.
That have never made a their own.
I must be personally identified with the death of Christ. Christ is my personal savior or I will not be accepted.
Turn to 1 version.
Chapter 4.
Verse 24.
And that he put on or having put on.
The new man of the word for new there what we would speak.
Brand new, not renewed.
The Newman.
Which afterthought is created?
Righteousness and true holiness.
Holiness is a nature, righteousness is a character, but it's an entirely new man. Make another comment.
You never find this line of truth in the Old Testament, saving in tightened shadow.
Notice it?
Romans 7.
On the 18th verse.
For I know that in me that is, in my flesh, you will have no good thing.
Perhaps to make it clearer, and before 1 makes a comment, you turn to Matthew.
Chapter 3 and verse 10.
And now also the axe is made under the root of the tree.
In the Old Testament, God was dealing with man as a Sinner.
But at the cross.
It was dealing with man as to his nature.
The actions lead to the root of the tree. We don't get that in the Old Testament.
In me, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.
Why? Because the reflections of that precious blessed Son of God coming grace.
Prove that man was not only a Sinner.
It proved that the town of mind is enmity against God.
That he had no heart for God revealed in grace. And it's the first time in the Bible when the root of man's nature was under judgment was at the cross, and Christianity and its teaching is the fruit of that doctrine.
And may help because in the Old Testament man was under trial.
God was dealing with man as to his sins, but at the cross the root is under judgment, every believer.
Going to make a statement.
Every believer now.
Stands before God in a light that never sinned the dog.
And that life is characterized by holiness, that the nature and if you do not abhor evil and delight in Massachusetts, which is good, there's no evidence that you're a Christian.
That is the new nature received. It's well to keep scripture.
In its likeness before us.
For the truth of this book, it ends up with the whole Bible, ends up before I make all things new.
And every believer.
Will be like grace in glory, morally and physically.
Every believer.
And God will find his eternal rest.
In the fruit of the work of his son at the Cross.
When the first man was entirely set aside.
Is that right?
Is there any scripture Brother Hayholman?
What comfort? Is there any scripture with comfort? The heart of a professed Christian who is going on with known and allowed evil in his life, No.
Never weaken me its subscription.
I put it plain it's quite true that a Christian might tell alive, but God doesn't say you can tell a lie and be a Christian.
The inks of scripture are put there purposely to exercise even the believer that is walking carelessly.
God never comforts in these words. A careless, walking Christian.
It's intended to reach his conscience while our standing is perfect.
These ifs of scripture are put there exercises that we might confess.
Is that true?
I thought it was.
Brother Potter gave me a preserved review.
Years and years ago.
They were asked to go and talk to a sister that was not going on well and she lost the sense of assurance in her soul.
Well, we went over the scriptures and showed her the truth. And the believers can never be lost.
Brought before her, that is. Assure her that if she were ever a child of God, she still was. So I was telling Mr. Potter and bottom December I certainly would never ruffle scriptures before that sisters.
He said God was using those scriptures exercises and I would have sought to get her to judge those things that might continue wrong.
I thoroughly agree with you. May I take the time to tell a little story that corroborates which is better?
Our brother, George Carr of Bezon took me to see a sister that was in the hospital for the Age and I think it was petroleum.
I was having a nice talk with her and I made me come up the hall and she said there's a lady in the backroom here.
And she hears you talking, and she wants you to come back and talk to her.
So I went back and as I sat by her bedside, this is what she said.
He said when I was a little girl, I accepted grace, but I'm afraid I'm lost.
Tell me, can a Christian be lost?
Well, I began like you, to give her the scriptures of assurance.
Presently, a lady on another bed spoke up and asked a question.
Done wrong, he said. Set your butting in. You're always putting in when I begin to talk.
I stopped talking about the assurance of the believer and I said to brother George Carr that's why she's lost the assurance with her. She hasn't done their bad temper.
There is a government of God, and the enjoyment of the things of God depends upon your walk.
I'm going to say that again.
The enjoyment of the things of God in your soul depends upon your walk. Your standing is secured by the work of Christ. But could you imagine Mr. Darby doubting his salvation on his deathbed? Could you? I'm sure you couldn't.
Brethren, if doubts come into your mind, get exercised as to why God allows it.
He would speak to our consciences that we might walk within.
Precious little incidents in connection with it, he said to his service one morning. Mind Janelle, his service, all the North Country service preserves.
He said James.
I spoke unbecomingly to you last night.
I didn't show the patience of Christ.
I think of a man of Mr. Darby's caliber apologizing to his service when that lovely.
We ought to get the habit, when we fail, of owning it at once.
Mr. Hale, may I ask you questions? What does it mean to speak about the assault and lost his favor?
That means this.
If my life doesn't savor the truth, then it will not be preserved. It will have to be burned up. Strong is the preservative principle of holiness.
My life doesn't savor of faith, there's nothing for God in it and it must be lost in that coming day.
That's what it means.
That's that's a Christian that.
He put off the old man like you have.
In this place that's not seen that part Northeast, that's the place and he doesn't.
Yes, the old nature is still there.
We need to keep it in the place of death.
If you're not enjoying Christ right now as you're sitting on that seat, then you're out of communion.
Putting off the old man, putting on the new. Is that external?
Well, it's having good off is the scripture meaning because that's how you're to begin your Christian life. We put it this way, Brother Wilson.
In the 6th of Romans it reckon yourselves to be dead.
That's how you're to begin your Christian life.
In 2nd Corinthians 4 is the continuous application of that truth to our daily life. Turn to it.
2nd Corinthians 4.
Verse 10.
Always bearing about in the body the dying. Leave the word Lord out the dying of Jesus. It's his pathway of man.
That the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
God has saved us. Why didn't he take you to heaven as soon as he saved us? What they need you here for?
To make money and have plenty of picnics and good times. Why didn't God take you to heaven the moment he saved you? What do you need you here for?
He left us here to savor of Christ.
And if we're not doing that?
We've lost the sense of why he has left us here. Then the next phrase.
Is God doing it for us when we fail to do it for ourselves?
For we which live are always delivered on the dead.
That is, we all need everyone of us, myself included.
Once you get said about if you're not enjoying Christ, you're out of community. You mean by that, that we have to be thinking of Christ all the time and in that way?
Enjoying Christ in order to be in communion.
Well, in the sense not of obligation, but in the sense of the truth of it characterizing our daily lives.
Much of our time.
We're we're sad to say, I know.
In my own life, why I'm not thinking about right, but over hours and hours and everything of Christ, all my out of communion all the time, but I'm not thinking of Christ.
Well, it's this way I find people. Sometimes they call me Mr. Illustrated. Well, never mind, I can get the thought across better by Illustrator. I've got to wait back in Ottawa.
As my mind is free, it goes back to Ottawa and the affection of relationship is there.
It is a continuity in my life. Well, that's just what it means.
With this illustration.
Be helpful.
Somewhere I read, I believe, and I will say, that a father has given his son.
Some some work to do. Well, we could say that it's some Carpenter jobs.
For his some cabinet work he's doing, he's working there with his father, Father John go on with it, everything that he has to do.
Well, the boy is not thinking about the cabinet. All the I mean by his father, every minute that he's working on the cabinet, he's occupied with his job and the work he is doing.
But still he is in.
Happy communion with his father because he's doing just exactly what his father would have him to do.
And then he is enjoying his father's presence, even finding that his mind has wandered through other things. His father is right there by his side, and they're happy together.
And enjoying this work together that perhaps illustrates.
Because there are many you know that are working a very.
Job that require all their cost and attention like an accountant. Well, he he has to be occupied with his figures when he's worked, but still he can be in happy communion with the Lord at the same time.
I remember one time being with Brother Potter and there was a brother asking about the subject of prayer.
Whether one could?
Pray to the Lord and just not get down on his knees and pray.
And Brother Carters reply with this, he said we should be in communion all the time.
And when we're in communion, we can talk to the Lord as our nearest and dearest friends. This man was an engineer.
And the laundry. And he was filling a bottle. Well, he's often up there working, you know, turning valves and so on. Well, he couldn't.
Get down, take his hat off and get down and pray if he wanted to.
You had something in between that he wanted to speak to the Lord about. Well, Brother Paul explained that that he could speak to the Lord wherever he was. But then when it comes to.
Formal prayer or.
Really getting before the Lord? Well, that's a different thing. Then there should be a proper attitude of prayer, like going into the closet and closing the door and praying to your Father. Which season?
Well, that was helpful to me.
Someone that said that the test of our conjunction or spirituality is what we do with our leisure times.
When we are through with our work, our mind is not occupied with secular things. It's ours. Our mind gravitates back to those spiritual things. Think about the Lord in His things.
I just like her, and this I believe that some of us have. I think most of us have learned this, that we can bring the Lord into our actual work much more than we can perhaps first realize. I I speak this to my own shame that it was a long time before I learned to bring the Lord in on every possible occasion, and I and I had some bad moments when I left him out.
I'm going into some conferences that were difficult, but I granted that some of us are very busy and pressed hard, but as we walk down a hall we can look to God because we're dealing sometimes with ungodly men.
And with things that are beyond our strength, and I believe much more, we can a great deal bring God into our everyday lives much more than we do. And I especially commend this to any young one to learn that habit. Took me a long time to learn it, and I'm still trying to learn it because I forget so easily. I go in my own strength.
But as we meet more and more with and things are increasingly difficult. I don't care what your occupation is. It's extremely difficult. Likely today, both dealing with ungodly men who who just believe God out of all their thoughts, All that we might see is those just those fleeting moments. God will honor us. And also I, I think we just add this that it's such an important principle to learn that we serve the Lord's Christ and whatever we do, that's the language of Scripture. He served the Lord Christ. And if we're not doing it in that spirit, we're not we're missing the mind in our work and we haven't got the skill that we'll have either. I believe we'll do better.
It isn't a question now seeking honor for men, but that would be a snare. If we if we want to do better. It's not for the reward here below, but for in the coming day, the Lord will commend us not only for those leisure moments, which I hardly agree we should seize with all opportunities, but the Lord is going to commend for that faithful service, even though it isn't appreciated at all where we were. I say a deep Amen to what you've said, adding this, it's the happiest life possible.
Natural claims, material things or against things? No, no, not sure if you let them take the freedom in your life.
Let them have the preeminence you ever seen that him in the 46 in the appendix?
Am I an object, Lord below, which would divide my heart with thee? You know who wrote that?
George W Appraiser. Why did he write it? Because he got married and he was making an idol of his wife, and that's what caused him to rest at him.
And business getting to be a kind of a personal testimony, meaning I just want to have this little word.
Many a time, many a time, but I've been driving my car.
And through my folly and like the presence of mine, I almost get into trouble. I just stay out of a full heart. Thank you, Lord, thank you.
There he is, that first in Titus 314.
That speaks about that hours learn good works.
For necessary uses to be not unfruitful well connection what has been said about bringing the Lord into your life and as to.
Whether that would be your next, your ordinary affairs of life with the million, well, the question is, is this the one necessary uses?
Orange is for my own glory. We have a family where to provide for so we're to learn a marvel reading is there profession put on a strange that.
We're necessary to be not uncritical. They're uncomfortable and negatively providing for one's own.
That's a good scripture to remind this up to may we may I be permitted to state an experience?
I say it I believe advisory.
When I first went to work.
As a young man.
I came under some influence that that was urging me to speak to everybody about Christ, speak to everyone I met about yourself.
And I look back today with regret.
That I failed at times to give my boss what was due to him.
Now there is a danger of getting lopsided and failing to do our work properly. We can do it as under the Lord, but if the boss hires me for 8 hours, it's his and I shouldn't neglect. You agree with him or I do. I just mentioned there's a word of caution because I hope it bothered me for years that I didn't. I know they're going to vote for them.
Of the boy and the factory that the Lord with our testimony, you know.
After I got saved, I was going to be going here now my work let me all those days.
And sometimes again, talking to his wife with her soul. And then I will be like this at the top. Again they look at his job.
And maybe your husband, maybe I had some work or not before these things, you know who are in the work. But I would like to suffer, the business boss says.
But that is the law.
Well, I I couldn't find that those I was written for certain things that I was looking to find the where I went to get them.
And he said you're a liar. He says you've been spending your time talking religion these days. I consider you might as well just put your hand in your master's pocket. He says, and and take his pocket and be done with him. That's that's that's how those men felt the bedrooms about a Christian.
Stopping his work without somebody, even with the Lord thing that you honestly a man took.
Well, I learned. I learned some lessons from those witnesses on Godly man.
And lessons they are equal as you were saying to learn that lose 8 hours belonging to 10 hours.
And I had to learn that those 10 hours belonged to my boss, even though I was holding her $0.16 for those 10 hours worth.
I want, I want to understood that I'm not saying anything against what's been said.
But I merely mentioned the other for counterbalance.
That's all right.
So whatever he do, whether in Word, your team involves for this glory of God and you can't do it for the majority of God, but you shouldn't be doing it. And if we teach and glorify the North, the north can make it up to it. All right. Myself, I've been traveling myself for 59 years.
And oftentimes I run in the small towns and only had a short time in these towns, maybe spoken for 20 minutes to a man about the Lord. And then I find out afterwards, I said with the store after store instead of a family been ahead of me, why there'd been nobody there. And I guess my work all about. And just the same, even though I spent the 20 minutes to 1/2 an hour talking about the noise. And I believe the Lord can make the best to you.
You know if you do it for his armor and sorry.
I remember in London one time a man was going to open up the store and he wanted to see me. Of course he is opening orders and it was the meeting night in London and I said well, I can see after 9:30. He said that's too late, he said.
And I said, what about Thursday morning? He said, well, I'm going away Thursday morning. Well, I said, I'm sorry, I don't want to lose the food. And I, I missed the doping order. But I always figured that the north could, I could work all evening maybe and sell $1000 worth of stuff. But the next week the Lord can lend me on the back and take $5000 worth of business away from me if you like. And I believe they honor me. I belong and if you want as a Lord.
Like you cannot amuse, but you, you were more or less free to to judge your own work and how to do it. I couldn't do it for the for the.
That's true.
I was spending as a man that punches the clock and has 8 hours to do his work, but if he's doing it for the night and the my group be able to make it up to him given the extra wisdom and all that.
There's some occasion to the adversary who speak reproachful a small season, if not occasionally, if non occasion to the atmosphere, the secret prosperity that is given on a game.
The adversary is going to speak reproachfully many times. You can't do anything about that. But given an occasion to the adversarial secret, that's your point.
And the Apostle dog in the clear instructions Martin St. where he speaks the bond men, slaves, who belong every moment of the time to their masters.
On the 22nd verse, servant, Sir, bond men the slave, obey in all things, your lapses according to the flesh.
Not with I service is mentally good, but in singleness of hearts, fearing gods. And whatsoever ye do, do it as to the Lord, not on the men, knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance.
For ye serve the Lord Christ. Now he's telling me, bond servants, how to lay up treasure in heaven, even though they have no time as their own. Is that right?
And what about?
The Bay Salina.
6 5.
Be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling in the singleness of your heart.
And undue Christ.
Not with our services and players, but as a servant and Christ doing the will of God from the heart, the goodwill.
Doing service as to the Lord, not to mention, and then over in first Peter, one of the birds.
Servants, please subject to your masters with all fear.
Not only to the good and gentle, but also to the thrower, for this is thank worthy.
If a man for conscience to work God endure griefs suffering wrongfully by means I like to refer to one other verse and take us a step further.
Max 4 verse 23 release date principles and thought brought reports connection with Peter and John.
Acts 4, verse 23.
And being let go.
Being let go, they went. They went to their own company.
Being let go, they went to their own company. They went to those.
They can have one cost, one, mind the connections, the things of God, and have sweet fellowship together regardless of the circumstances in which they passed through.
They let go. They went to their own company.
That the dog returning to the ark.
In principle, yeah. I was thinking Brother Barry wanted to get onto this fourth of fifth verse.
The last clause of the fourth verse. There's a dead man speaking.
By yet he being dead, yet sleep is, what does the dead man say?
I brought an acceptable sacrifice and I was accepted.
At his testimony.
And what about the next person?
There's a man that translated that he should not be there. So we have the testimony of another man and if and if God did it the way it says God had translated him before his translation, He had this testimony that he pleased God.
Oh, here's the testimony from heaven of a man that pleased God. What kind of a day did he live in?
Well, he lived in a wickedest.
He lived in the day just before the flood. He lived when wickedness was rising to his heights, just before God had the clans, the earth with a flat. And yet we we're told that he walked with God and that he pleased us.
What a wonderful thing that a man could do that essential day, and I often wonder how he did it. He did it, you know, for 365 years lately.
How did he manage to do it so long? I've often thought he did it just the day at a time, one step at a time.
He didn't have to think I'm going to have to do this for 365 years. And so we have just today.
Before us each day we walked with the pleased God, and I'd like to connect it with First Thessalonians 4.
1St Thessalonians 4 has often been called the Enoch chapters.
Furthermore, then, we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as you have received of us, how you ought to walk.
And to please God.
There's a there is a path that Enoch took in an evil day.
Now we're encouraged how to walk and to please vote. Well then, what does the chapter go on with? Goes on with our being taken to heaven.
Goes on to tell about the wreck welling off with the type of that taken to heaven before the judgment came. And then what was Enoch's testimony?
We get that from you. The Lord comes with 10,000 of His Saints to execute judges on the ungodly. Well, in First Thessalonians 4 you have His testimony too.
Yes, the 1St.
14 First for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, Even so them also would sleep in Jesus will not bring with him.
Then he stops to tell us how we're going to get to be with Him so we can come back, come back with him. All it says about the Lord's coming to take us home. Enoch Life tells the bodies coming back with his Saints and Phoenix prophecy.
And it tells us to walk like an Aqua. Only we have a lot more reason for it. We have the Word of God for our guide, Spirit of God dwelling in US, directed. Will you have much more than me on that?
God has a right being that He is God.
To make any exception that he chooses in his feelings.
You know, was the center just like all the rest of it?
But God was pleased to take him to heaven without dying. God had a right to do that.
And historical team in connection with the thanks to God.
And we were saying yesterday, no child of God knows it is going to die.
No one.
Some of these days the Lord is going to give a shout and he's going to take.
Some of us, the heaven was out dying.
That because we're better than other people. No, he has the right to do it. He has the right to do money well to his own.
So heaven is going to be populated not only with people that have passed through this and then range again.
But there's there are going to be a goodly number there.
Never saw them, never saw them even liveth, even liveth and believeth in me shall never see them.
He delivered and believeth one is living because when he comes, the believers is living. He'll never have to go through it, will never have to taste it. So Enoch is a blessing assurance to it.
God has given us that tank showing us might certainly God can make a man to heaven without none. That is no effort for God. That's why he's going to do the church is one of these days.
Do you think he not was a happy man?
Well, we John 14.
The 15 first.
If you love me, preach the gospel, no.
If you love me.
Eat my commandment now the 15 chapters. November.
I'm adding this because, brethren, we've been talking a bit about testimony and why.
Make this statement before I read this in divine thing.
You only prove the good of it as you walk in it. I'm going to say that again.
I'm going to say it slowly.
In Divine thing.
You only prove the good of it by walking in it.
Now turning back before I read John 15 to John 12.
A verse that's not understood generally.
The last verse of John 12 is a verse that's not understood, generally speaking.
And I know that his commandment is life everlasting.
That means this.
That eternal life, or life everlasting, is characterized by the spirit of obedience.
God isn't asking you to bring the old nature into obedience. You can't do it. But His commandment is life. Everlasting means that the new life is characterized by obedience. Now John 15.
The 10th verse If you keep my commandments, we shall go to heaven when you die. No, no, no, no.
Maybe keep my commandments. She shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's commandments and abiding His love. These things are by spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be half full, because I read that correct.
Did I bother you? Trust you know no.
All brethren, get into your souls that the enjoyment of Christ is the sweetest joy you can know down here.
We'll have it up there, but what is joy down here? What do our young people need to know?
Your cat walk with God without having a light of peace and joy and happiness.
But the devil will tell you it's a hard path.
No, he's a deceiver.
He's a deceiver. This is not the way to be saved, but it's the way to have a happy Christian life, giving what you're saying by the hail.
The first place was 119 psalms.
Describes the the walk of Enoch.
Old Testament scripture that's returning to.
Is very instructive for us in this present time.
Or where and just as evil the world as in a walk through.
Job. Here's the secret.
Of the walk that's pleasing to God, Look at the first verse of Psalm 119.
Lifted are the undefiled in the way.
Who walk in the law of the Lord? Well, in the 119th Psalms, law is simply the word of God.
Word of God is used in some way and every verse of this problem that contains 176 versus I believe except 2 some way the word of God is brought before and it starts out with a blessedness of what you are saying. The happiness for blessings is happiness. There is the happiness of a man like Enoch and it isn't confined to Enoch of old.
If blessed are the undefiled in the way that every at the path that every believer in the Lord Jesus can can walk in down here and it's an undefiled way marvelous, isn't it in a world of such evil and increasing wickedness on every hand that God has an undefiled way for his children to walk you but.
It's in obedience to His Word, but that way.
They'll mark out before us now. Just notice the next verse, The second verse.
Clifford are they that keep his temple now? First thing is walking in in his word, the next bird is keeping his testimony.
That is, we have to, we have to keep it as something that is of great importance. Something that concerns us comes from him. We can't compromise or surrender at any time or occasion.
And now notice the next expression in that second verse. And I think him how you see from the written word, we turn to the the living word, him that is the for us. It's the person of Christ where the Old Testament painted with Jehovah.
Think him with all poor heart. I was looking up in 119 LB the other day and I found that expression whole heart as you six times.
Well, that's what God wants. He wants your whole heart and undelighted heart.
Then 19 the numbers I believe it is.
We have a verse there that fits in so nicely with what you've been bringing to forest.
Every open vessel.
That has no covering bound. The bonnet is unclean.
So the word of God.
Is uncovering this to be over our lives at every step?
My word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee every open vessel.
Covering bounds upon it unclean.
The same 2IN connection with this before we get away from this verse, he had this testimony that he pleased God. Now that wasn't something his test that wasn't his preaching.
That was the consciousness of his own soul, that God was pleased with his walk.
Where I was to go on with God and walk in communion that was inherited.
We'll have the sense in our own souls that God is pleased He had. I am delivered from evil by occupation with good and the Christian.
Only man in the world.
As a pure optic brief man.
And a pure motive for his heart, and wisdom for his feet.
Now he's saying #46.
In the.
First person for 190.
46 in the back of the floor.
Have I?