Heb. 12:1-2

Hebrews 12:1‑2
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Thomas, January 1968 Reading meeting.
Our star, our sun, by the our spring of life with hearts is rather our wine disappeared. Our our great, our our capable.
Our role is more than hope of God.
Uncapable vibration, love our earthly path and peaceful views.
There you are, being heartbroken. Diversity still pursue.
Ever without, may they alive as though of him on every side, give #166.
Chapter One.
Song Song Chapter One.
Verse 4.
We will run after.
That brought me.
We will be glad and rejoice indeed.
We will remember thy love.
More than one.
The upright.
Right here.
This morning.
Hebrews captured well, wherefore he We also are countless about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every week and the sin without so easily.
Let us run with patience in the race for the steps before us.
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our being, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is stepped down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endure such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest he be weary than pain in your mind.
He has not yet resisted out of love.
Driving against them, And he had forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you without the children, my son despised not, while the chasing of the Lord, nor faith, when thou art rebuked of him, or whom the Lord loveth with Jason.
And scourge every tongue will be retained, if the endure chasing God dealeth with you as with sons. For what son is he whom the father take another? But if he be without cancer, where all our predators then are you ******** and not sons? Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh. We corrected this.
And We gave them reverence, shall we not much rather be the subjection of the Father of Spirit to live, for they barely for a few days, chasing them after their own pleasure, but He for our product, that we might be partakers of His Holiness.
Now all tastings of the President seem us to be joyous, but grievous nevertheless. Afterward it yields the feasible fruit of righteousness out of them which are exercised thereby, wherefore mixed up the house which hang down, and the people need.
And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is made be turned out of the wings, but let it rather be healed.
Follow peace with all men and voters. Without wit. No man shall see the Lord looking diligently. Let any man fail of the grace of God.
Lest any root of bitterness free God trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.
Let there be any fornicator or propane person, as he saw, who for one more little beat. So is that Barney? So how afterwards, when he would have been heard of the blessings, he was rejected, or he found no place of repentance? No, he stopped carefully for tears when he had not come under the mouth that might be touched, and that burger was fired.
Blackness and death and the power of the from the voice of the word, which voice they heard increases that the word should not be spoken to them anymore, or they could not endure that which is commanded. And it showed us as.
Told across the dark, and so terrible was the sight that Moses said. I have taken a fear and wait.
And under the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and do an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the first quarter, which are written in heaven, and through God to judge them all. And to the Spirit of just men made perfect. And Jesus the mediator of the new government, and to the blood pressing that speak of better things than that of evils.
See, if you refuse, not in the speaker, or if they escaped, not who reviewed him that speak on earth. Much more shall not be escaped if we turn away from him and speak it from heaven, whose voice then took the earth?
But now he has promised days yet once more, I think not the earth only, but also heaven and this word. Yet what's more dignified for removing of those things that are taken as all things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may be? Wherefore we receiving a Kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.
For our God is a consuming head.
Of running the race that affected 4.
This chapter is so practical.
And hold is a great emphasis to be put on the first word of the chapters and not considering the witnesses that we've had before who all walked about the state.
In the bell, that debris cloud of thicknesses are known as faint.
Yes. And then we correct our five to the perfect man of faith, this great cloud of the.
Believer we they saw better blessings.
Guys are high.
Trek on this path.
That faith. But then he gives us an object and eyes and rest.
Without anything about to discourage your hindrance in the past.
We know that those recorded in the 11Th chapter, many of them went astray in one way or another, but we don't get the failure there. Why is that?
Faith not a failure.
It could be something like a little glimpse of the of the judgment seat of Christ, where the true value that God places on our life is going to be brought in. We think of Joseph in that list, and we think of him as a man of faith, and yet there wasn't one act of his life that is priority.
That God see the only point that is mentioned about him is that he gave commandments concerning his bones, while here is God beautiful review of a bar of the light and so we can.
As it were, we're standing in here in the middle on the left hand side, we see this wonderful cloud of witnesses, how God is going to really evaluate our lives on the other side, on the right hand side or on the other side. Here we see that which would hinder the sin that easily be set one side to the other side and yet in the middle for us because looking off underneath.
The witnesses, wonderful that they are.
It's a sin that made me set us on. The other did. But Christ in the Senate looking off onto Jesus face right in the middle. There's that blessed one. He alone is going to be able to to keep us in that half of faith.
John has never let them stop without witness happen on earth, and now encouragement in the days of stress like we have today as far as.
Encouragement we find in this chapters those who have suffered.
I want the truth to give it to us. How much they have suffered for? Do we really appreciate it what those who have gone before?
To give this to us. To give to us, as it were.
We have the Lord before.
Those who were as we are human beings, have to pass along the same backwards.
We have two things that hinder us in the race.
Because of the subject here.
Surrounding the cases, the rate was the best of worlds. Now man, that's running away very carefully to have any unnecessary weight from yourself.
The pictures of these men, these great athletes they have, the various candidates for future they don't have any encountering.
And anything that was delayed, anything that was?
We're stringing every year.
So two things are one list.
Every week and then the family does the week of December.
Things that are not simple as well with our weight.
I guess the man was running a rate and his gold desire was to win that rate. He was so a bag of gold as quickly as he was a bag of pebbles, because the goal would be just as much again to earn that where pebbles would be again. That's true.
Want to win that race?
So it is to consider our lives and many troublesome days Russian terror pairs down here have to taking upon ourselves things that.
Very harmless, very useful in life, but they hinder us in the race for the 74.
Nothing reasons us in our life of sin allowed of cousins.
The only thing that can weaken us in our spiritual race isn't allowed in our life.
God has provided the strength, the hardest need to ask for strength, but we need to lay aside those things that we know hinders.
To reject those things. Why? The power is available and powers there, and the attraction at the end of the road is there, please.
And I was thinking about work with patients. I remember high school years ago and there was a.
Track meet and they were having a mild race.
Followers were all there, top athletes of the school, and they all lined up as soon as the gun went off. One of the fellows I can still remember his name and he he shot ahead, ahead of the others and down the track he went, and he wasn't even looking behind them.
Everybody starts to laugh and all the auditors are big grand stamps in place with just we're already laughing at this one's self and he ran and he fought away around the track.
One suddenly he looked around and saw the others away far the back and they were just all facing together, going along quite slowly and so obtained the silly Bella. He stops and waits for them to get up to. And when he did, when they did, why all he went?
Well, they went around the practice once and twice and three times, and there they were conserving their strength. They run on the patience, but then at the last, the last came along. Then they started to see that and then the the race developed. And then the winner, he was out in front of this board chapter. Lord, he was 1011 because he had wasted his energy. He wasn't keeping his strength.
To the end.
Well, sometimes we like that. They like to make a big show and sometimes we run pretty fast and look pretty good. But when the test comes by, our strength is gone. So we need to run with patience now after we're making a display with our with our eye on the end of it, of course.
Also, says the second, on to Jesus perhaps being the and I remember another race last summer in our sunny school killers, and I remember one child particularly my they were friends.
And all the ones they turned around to look to see who was behind them.
And just that moment turned around, the other person passed on the other side and won the race. You could see the difference.
Since that little time you turn around, get your eyes off the mark, I lost weight.
A couple of years ago, Brother, period. It was mocked at all conferences. Crystal Wilson.
Running late?
I never forgot the last amendment with young people.
And being called offense.
Of Hebrew, he said. This race of endurance, perhaps with Philippians 3, it's more with a cost of getting the gold, but here, you know they are races they call marathon races somewhere.
And his task is to be who can hold out the wrong. And another he dropped before us was the special meaning of this passage.
#2 That he was telling about him. He was in college.
In fact that they had threshold table and the dining room for the athletes.
And the others who were not athletes, they ate different schools from the athletes, he said. Why don't rolls around on the other side? Were eating eyes and their arms tired of the athlete, he said. We were eating stupid footage. The memory is losing that word.
So attractive it doesn't that we were training for a little weight and we denied ourselves that. The bridge that always said that and they absorb.
We wanted to win that race.
As we find a little further down that when the north is picked, up, consider him that injured as contradiction as soon as against himself. You may not find that much better rather than hindrance as well, unless I will be taxed on the other.
Doesn't want us to win that race. Doesn't know he's going to do everything.
To keep us from winning that great and the parts of the world, and as opposed to our progress too, then we have the blank in it.
That terribly that problem has been different across the strike. All these animals are taking in every way to hold us back and to keep us from making any progress from winning that race. But it must be a very important topic from the fear of God gives so much faith to appear.
I suppose the different weights.
The difference in each one has a different one.
The different things in life that would hinder, we all know from the same course too in that sense. But we all should have the same object at the end of the course, that right?
Yes, and I believe that second verse brings that point out by the bell. Let's see the measure of it all in this cross.
The Lord, the Lord. You look beyond the cross, didn't they? He was there, but he didn't let it be a stumbling or any God in his way. He realized all that he was going to pass through that cross but for the jaw. That was before joy. Joy that was said before we endured before cross despite the shame, and set down at the right hand from the throne of God. That's where the ultimate end we have proved that before he could grow there. We have to satisfy the righteous claims of that growth and that God. Yes.
So no one say is that, well, we have obstacles compared with what we have and the cross for him.
Was above all else, if anyone else would ever have to review it.
Some of the younger ones here can give us a word of elders and let us live right every week I would presume to be through another layer side everything.
Has often been expressed by keeping short account of God.
That car sends his faithful and doubt to forgive us our sins with the gladness of all unrighteousness.
I think it was telling how the lady was 55 and not only doesn't think, but the roots that produce backspin. And that I believe, is where we get the thought not only.
Based on just to forgive us, but to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, but also contain the thought that on occasion that is.
But by either the South Conference that neither has in his authority was what said to him denied the Lord, and until Peter had judged the loot, he was not fully restored. So the Lord in custody was the care of the land and sleep with the bomb when bigger gets to the place where he says.
Lower thou N all things thou northeast, that I love. It was as much as pain.
Lord, I know that no one else is going to see that I love you after behind you and the presence of the High Street. But you know I love you. The levels are very humble and face no one else would be above the floor. But he failed to pass. Well, he thoroughly cut the roots. That was the cause of his fall.
If if someone says in the 22 makes 2 remarks to me, one of them calling him by my name, says you should be trying to please the Lord more at one remark or he says to me you should be putting out of your life the things that you know. Don't plead with the Lord.
Now, which of those two statements is going to follow?
Obviously the 2nd.
And yet Satan would, would, would use that first one so that I can hear somebody saying to me, you should be pleasing the Lord and I can say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and keep on saying yes, no, yes, and never touching my conscience, whereas the other one, it hits right into my conscience. Now you should be putting up your life for things that you know don't believe the Lord. It's that I believe that we're speaking in here.
We see that silence. If we have a tender conference and this is what we need to pray for, we would have that enter conscience so that we would know those things. Let's don't please the Lord and just be the confessor and forsake of his sins and shall have mercy of the Lord. If there is that suggesting of those things that we know those beliefs, then he's going to come in and bless him. But I believe.
The conscious side that has dropped the horse here and blame those aside to depart from evil, is understanding.
Don't depart from evil. We will never understand the truth of God now our young people.
How many people to decide between?
How are they going to be able to legislate these things in our weeks and what is the guideline for that? I believe that when we are perilous, we don't know the things that we're going on with.
But we do know some of those simple things. And the things that we do know that the Spirit of God touches our consciousness. If we don't judge those, we will be absolutely blind to all the things that were going on. But I do believe that the Lord never leaves us in a state where we don't know some of those things. If we judge those things that we do know, men were brought into the presence of God to see more.
Things that were allowed, but if I say well I don't see them as long as what I'm going on, that's a sure sign that I am walking and disobedience things that I do know. Do you think that's right?
Over and over again. Where?
The North says we have problems. They say where have these laws and they fall.
Such a state of sensibility as they're waiting for this movie. So if there is a terrorist law and going on beveling with America.
And I'm not thinking to please the Lord and our lives. We can get in such a state that we can actually sense that cause the Western people.
Something to eat for them, but if you're not as far in the third capture of.
And now we call the crowd happy. He made that word that wickedness are set up, gave me that his daughter is delivered. That was the state of this crime. It was a crime that had come back from fabulous.
Regarding to this past later injectors and in sensibility after paper soul, but then you get friendly that fear the wall.
Rather than the real work in the soul. And there is a solid fear.
That are going on carelessly, the very fact that the mornings are are full song in his words Awakened appears going on disobeyed, then they met here, came off from one to another. There's a happy way.
Of being preserved.
To one another, about the price of things of Christ instead of things of the world and things behind in the requirements, in the courage, they can hear the Lord.
And the Spirit in the book of remembrance of referee Poland from them as fears the Lord. And that thought from his name of a remarkable statement, That is, God takes notice that we're thinking about His name.
So in our quiet moments, in our love turn to the Lord? Or are we still taking up for other things, for their minds?
Our wandering following for meaningless.
It doesn't say that the love of the Lord for Christ. It says David feared the Lord. But I believe this is, as you have beautifully brought before us, and that's the tender conscience.
That we need to have. I I always remember one of the boys and you know the book that he was saved and put on well for a while but then he got into a bad company and they start to miss the meetings and one occasion I was down there, went for a walk with him in the woods.
And we had a little talk. And after while I said to him, she nicely had a little word of prayer, so we knelt down by the rock. I pray. I don't remember what I said, but I'll never forget what he said. He was just a boy of 17.
Bird took a half a minute and he said this Lord Jesus.
Gives me a tender conscience, for thy name sake, Saul says. Welcome to restore. Well, that's what we need to pray for. A 10th of Comes if our hearts get hard.
We're going to be thinking that we're walking on and we're not, and we're going to miss the mind of the Lord. But here they, they feared the Lord. This is what we need. We're getting into the days of the fear of the Lord.
And it isn't before coming into the meetings careless, late, not conscious of the Lords presence. This is not fear of the Lord, is it?
These are some of the things that we sell, not having that fear at all.
The first time a good example.
But the way we should be wrong, that is the man that comes with the other target, or standing away as soon as.
The second but his delight is in the law of the world, and in the law.
Is that nothing? Is that nothing?
Like the meaning of the word.
The next prayer among all.
You think the physical in the first part of 119 stands?
Is good for us. Let are the undefiled in the way we walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his destinies are seeking with the whole heart. They also do no iniquity. They walk in his ways, and skipping down to the ninth verse for their continuance. And how to be kept in that way? Wherewithal shall a young man fend his way by taking heed their true according to Thy word?
So it actually all bound up by the word meaning of the spirit through the word.
There's one thing that I want to solve and.
The third class of Caliphate, last verse of the third test, then telling me to return and deserve between the right to become the wicked, clean him and service dog him the service in house, and see there was a true spiritual discernment.
That's right, I'm still trying. Those who feared the Lord coming together and speaking off among you, another walking in his fear, going on faithfully together, and the things of the Lord and the discernment they lacked.
Provides a time for less.
A lot is always true where the sin is not judged. Isn't it lack of spiritual discernment?
Yes indeed.
Very nice.
Then shall we return and discern?
The discerning comes after the return, the 24th evolution.
Three things, Gospel and the walk. What makes when they were walking away from the Lord, from the Lord, from that place? And their hearts were cold, and they were reasoning, and they were sad.
And the first thing that got opened was the scriptures. He opened this, the scriptures to them, and their hearts were warm. But then when they got to their little home and amazed, then their eyes were opened and they saw the Lord. And when they saw the Lord, they had discernment that they were in the wrong place. And it said the same hour. They rose up and walked back to the intern Jerusalem as soon as the lady discussed it. They didn't say, well, we're late for the morning.
They had their eyes opened and they saw the Lord. And the moment they saw the Lord they saw that they were in the wrong place, and they returned to Jerusalem. There they find the Brethren sitting there late at night notice, And there they are sitting this talking with the Lord. He comes to their midst, but when he came into their midst it says then openly they understand. They have full discernment then, but only after they had returned.
So that's beautiful, brother Baron. Then shall we return and discern?
It already said that they were far spent.
And every reason to state what they were for the night that it said, well, I will go back in the morning. This is fresh.
Their eyes have got open and when our eyes, Joe said. I have burglary with the hearing of the ear. But now mine eyes here may have heard the Lord in salvation, but when our eyes get open to see the Lord.
And we don't want to be anywhere else but close to him.
And we won't want to be saying, well, what's harm, what's the harness? The harm of an excellent we won't want it. We wanted to get as far away as we can. We want to be getting as close as we can.
You know, some people use that expression to kill themselves.
Or something they haven't done.
Remember, her brother was fine.
Suddenly arrived.
Because waiting for hours to do, you have to have the door smoking on the side.
And he was quite embarrassed and was the brother of the Lord is coming to visit his home that night when he drove me to his room he said no, I have aesthetic sleep. I have a smoke. Well, I think that's kind of A use of the settings that is wrong. Some people just take that little less hypothetical sin. I can't give it up and.
Revolve out of the sense of sin.
So sorry, but as long as well, that isn't the meaning of this country to call anything, anything wrong, anything that the farmers were.
Is incentive thing to have to discuss.
I think the verse that covered that is the first chapter of Second Peter.
Second Peter chapter one.
33 From his first four versus spring, before the position of every believer, according as his divine power have given unto us all things.
13 Unto light and darkness, not only have we received all things that pertain unto our salvation, but we have received all the equipment to live a godly life. None of us, none of us can say I can't help the way I was born. That's my weakness.
We have received not only salvation, but all the equipment to live as God is by our given unto us, all things that pertain unto light and godless Mr. Martin, later Martin.
Must come into the world with a very fast doesn't mean to say it.
And say, well, I can't help that that's, that's beyond you can't say that truthfully.
In that first recorded, very long stage, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue, other words.
Going on in the knowledge of him, the other will fall in line quite regularly with us. Yeah, that's the that's the, the artist Hosea, 6 and three, says Then shall he know? If you call along to know the Lord, we'll have that discernment it.
But it's a big hit if we follow on the if we follow him, then we will know.
I believe that virtue of the third person.
First here.
Leader one is really moral courage, spiritual courage. Go out with my clothes. When he came to here, you know he knew the promise of a call. I'm concerned in his bill, but it took more than knowing the promises of God.
Took the purpose of taking a death and disease, so he refused to be called from a parallel daughter, losing rather to suffer affliction with the people of prongs, than to enjoy the creation of sin for a season.
So we know they have the glory that set before us. We're called by I really not to, but it's by glory and virtue. So we have the glory that has something definitely before our soul. We send some time to glory times before I come up with the Spirit.
From a dark and ***** My father's house is here.
But we need the energy to press on with that story ever before our souls. Well, God has have combined both. And the pathway. I noticed you used the word energy. That's the word that Mister Kelly uses in the expedition of Peter. And he uses the word energy for virtue and the courage to say it as well. I noticed that we measured that word enemy because it does take energy.
We can't be thoughtful of hanging back and we're not going to prove it that way.
But then the needs the courage in the Lord too. And I noticed that He uses the word energy that is brought in the fifth verse of where it changes from the position of the believer in the first four horses to the fifth verse, which commences the responsibility.
And then it says and beside all this, besides this, getting all diligence.
Add to your faith, virtue. Well, not only that we have the faith of the doctrine, but we have to add.
That energy to it. And then the next one says and to that energy.
No, it has to be guarded and directed that we might have a lot of energy even, but not directed by the word of God. So we add the faith to faith, we add the energy, and to the energy we add the knowledge of God's word. So each one is a step on top of the other and ending with the capstone, which is love at the end. Foundation is a space and Capstone's love.
One thing.
Is one thing that I desired for.
He says they all have that desire, the battles at all that will. I think after is not open the desires the divine nature as a part of to us. But then there must be the spiritual energy of thinking after about this new nature desire. You couldn't be tired of thought without having a desire to please the Lord and to know more of himself praise.
He gets the law sinners. He didn't have that desire.
But then we need the very things that I was talking about that.
Here very difficult indeed that spiritual energy to seek after those things. That's very important. We very easily hide them in that only we say, oh, the Lord knows my heart, he knows that I must please. And then we hide under that as an excuse for not acting in The Walking end remarkably made.
The truth.
Is that right that what we have here?
The advances to say that truth remains to those who live it out.
Return very cold. So unless we live practically and the enjoyment of the truth of God, we're going to do in our souls the truth. Because the truth is something that isn't just like a subject in mathematics that you can master with your mind and know it. Set it back as something from subject you have to change.
But drivers? Something that is connected with the the walk and obedience of the time of God.
This is why it is Dangerous isn't to read literature books.
Listen to radio Ministry of those who don't walk in the truth. We're going to get, we're going to, we're going to call into their ways.
Especially today, because there isn't so much compromise, so much compromise. Giving up a little bit of truth here, a little bit of truth that you go along with somewhere else. You can't do that and be faithful to the Lord can, and we won't have the discernment to be able to detect the error, and so it will think that it's all right.
I suppose, going back to our chapter, the second person to find that looking unto Jesus, the author finishing our feet group with the joy that was set before him. It's like April and Isaac went. Both of them went together. We were all together and one mind. And so the Lord was in communion with the Father by the law in his heart. Then he was fulfilling the Father's will, and he looks beyond the cross.
The vote was ever before.
And the joy set before that joy was doing the Father's will here and going on the glory after it was completed. And not only Snow, but I'm sure it had to join his heart. He was going to, he was going to have a ride at the end of it, with no doubt there's more. The Father starts here. That was his joy, don't you think? Yes, I think.
Father remarkable that the Lord spoken of as a man of faith.
And you need to leave out the word there. That's in the power.
Looking under Jesus, the author and finisher notes that our faith that isn't right. The author and senator afraid author is the defender. And then the signature shows that the Lord ran the whole pathway of faith.
Without a break, when I was without a normal friend, he was walking in that path.
We think of the Lord and the eternal 1.
To remember that ones who wrote from all eternity became our real man.
Man of grace and love lived a life and a clearer living down here. Let's see and what is the life that we have before?
Civilized faith.
Or I was the first chapter of the First Church of the Memes. Doctor Who tells us now faith was the substance of things or the evidence of things not seen. And if there isn't one thing connection with our, with our.
Where there's visible to the natural eye, you never had people to hell.
We have never met anyone of sin and heaven come back to tell us about it. All we have to go by is dog word and believing his word they require faith.
Oh Lord went through the scene, the very theme through which we're passing, and he walked in the path and the way that you and I didn't walk in the past.
Energy of faith. It's nice too to see it looking unto Jesus here, which will bring forth what you've already said and being a man down here.
You are a defendant, man, was he not? In every way. And we find in the 16th cell the very first verse. Preserve me, O Lord, for thee corrupted my trust. But the family was lost in decentest. People praying that paper. That's all.
What was the joy that was before him?
Joy, that was before him. He's got.
The first.
Well, I guess.
It was until I was doing the college on the other hand, finishing the work he did in this scene and then.
Feeding himself there and the full job of the father of favor.
Would that be something like the Hebrew servant who, when he had served for seven years, didn't say I love my wife?
He didn't say that first, but he said, I love my master, my wife, my children. There was the order. Would that be the same thought? He he loved his master? Well, that would be the the joy would not of Christ of having finished the work that was given for him to do.
For the college glory I glorified Thy name on the earth.
I have finished the workman's valve gave us.
Partly left first of the 53rd of our time to do that, he shall see of the camera of his soul, and being satisfied.
Chelsea of the fruit of the track.
These are wonderful prophets after 4 hour souls, the precious story called.
And long after 11:00 the Lord goes under her haste.
He knows us through and through.
You know.
And come down into this thing. That's because of the results in Lord and so on, as the precious stroke from the word of God comes before our souls.
Of which I have to rejoice together, and do not open them, and then do. It's connected with holiness.
The power of iniquity, holiness, and unequal together. But how precious it is who claims to God. You have the word of God, and see like this in the past, enclosing Gables to guide us and direct us in the way walk into the visibility.
So hard as we opted for, and has given here as instruction for the kids, who for the joy of the set before it, that is once sustained, the Lord in the pathway of faith was having an object at the end of the journey.
So he had that ever before, and that's what sustained into all the crowds.
Rejection and.
How the end of the day of the world never kept that option music.
And it was a marvelous object that must have been to the soul to someday complete the work down here and then sit down.
And the followers of the Father's throne to enjoy all the favor.
The line and they approve of the followers love well when we think the lovers.
Before us we have also an object to sustain us in the past halfway of faith or it's not an easy path as long as the roughness and.
Uncertain paths.
Many fires, many dangerous in a world that hate Christ has cast him out. If we're faithful, we're going to have the enemy in hatred of the word as we go on our way. But if we keep the end before our souls, it will strengthen us to meet these files along the way. And we can say that in a small.
Way that.
So they can have the same.
Object before us someday giving him.
About enjoying his approval and his delight is well done at the end of the week.
Let's remember to allow us to be in heaven with the Lord's approval is something that will go wrong for all eternity. There are certain rewards and the kingdoms see thou and said it see thou were 5 minutes. But the approval of the Lord will go on even into eternity when there is no earthly Kingdom, when Christ has delivered of the Kingdom is all involved. So this little while we're passed into this scene.
Meeting the trials and images. Walking in the path of faith.
We can gain left with the last all return.
Speaking of the joy of the Lord, I was thinking of a versatile brother. Harry Hale used to quote quite often from Nehemiah.
The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty. He will save. He will rejoice over thee with joy. He will rest in his love. He will joy over thee with singing at the restored Israel. Isn't it?
But as long as you see where the Lord found His joy in our chapters, as we've already explained before us, is that his, His joy, the object of end, the finishing of work and being with his father in the community with him and it all. But it's nice to see his joy is going to be all of that redeemed Israel and restore so that the promises of Isaac and Jacob, Isaac, Abram, Isaac, Jacob.
Will be fulfilled. But it's nice to see what the Lord finds his job, isn't it?
And I'd like to go to your software. We gave us a while back for the bell with this. It was just looking unto Jesus. It's not here looking unto the Lord and looking unto Jesus Christ, or looking unto God, but looking up to Jesus, the one who has gone to every trial that we could possibly go through.
He's the man Jesus, the one who is the food.
And for the wilderness journey the man, when they got into the land, the manna ceased, and then they had the new food, Christ and exaltation they did the corn, the lamb, and the wild, and the wilderness. And this is our captor. And they had that man as a food, relaxed Jesus in his humiliation. So it's looking to the one who can completely sympathize with every trial that we can ever go through.
The one who is endured is.
Where do we find that? Right? Where do we find that? Is that not in the Gospels we fight for there? Yes, yes, yes. And I think that there's a rather core of a few stars. I guess it is not.
JD Bell, who says that when we get to the glory of the epistles, the need for the epistles will have passed. That's a wonderful journey, but they believe that we would revert back to the Gospels, to the light of the Lord Jesus here, your man on earth.
He was a member that came down from heaven.
Every day they couldn't gather a conversation tomorrow, except for the one day where.
Makes their heart while looking off on the Jesus.
Nothing anymore. Impossible. Cast aside every rate that is. We're just looking at circumstances with other options, but nothing to be here and when we're looking off the Jesus.
But tell a man that were reminded to give up some of his wealth and heard the Lord of these folks concerned about.
Living around home and everything down here, when of course that's impossible that's that's the very life. But with the eye on Christ and glory looking under him and doing his lesson pathway and certainly humbles us to think that he had nowhere to bring his kids. He went through the scene, an outcast stranger with the eye kicked on. That blessed woman parade was asleep and had decided every week.
And the business? That's the reason, because we have such an hobby before our souls.
And as we have them here, as our passion for the race is nice to see that in the 4th chapter, Jesus there again and he's put in heaven for us now.
The 14th verse of eight times. Seeing then that we have a great High priest that is passed into the hymn that through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, full pass of profession, we have not had peace. It's going to be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.
But with no points every night as we are yet without sin, that is therefore come boldly under the sword of faith, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. So there again it is Jesus, the Son of God.
I apologize. Notice really well that in the first verse of the third chapter of the Federal Reasons where for a Holy Brother the acreage of the heavenly hall considered the apostle of High Trade Streets of our faith.
The land in his humiliation Down here the names of art took in when he was born. The Bethany.
Hebrews is a Congress with all the failure of the of the 1St.
Well work of the Tabernacle of the old Covenant, which failed. And so Hebrews takes up 1 by 1 The different persons Moses there, and the different colors.
In the work of God and they failed. But the Hebrews shows the contrast and everything is imperfection. So we don't have provision made for our failures in Hebrews. It's not the entity there, it is the high priest, that one who maintains us now for me. So everything is seen as an imperfection in Hebrews compared with the failures.
And the widgets compared in the Old Testament, there are two words that continually binding the word better and eternal.
Setting aside that which was only for time, we've gone on to something that's fair and have something that's better, something that goes on in return.
Despising the shade.
Of a life exchange the Lord here.
Think of his familiar.
Sitting in his face and coming here, walking him about the need, still in the prophesied, crowning him with the curse of the earth.
And then I'm walking proud, followed him through the shops and then lifting him up and for hours just sort of walking him and then the the leaders of the Jewish religion, the High Street all the way over.
Just out there, floating over the side of that in front of the man, No one ever went through the skinny and blessed. The Lord endured, and yet he was despised because of the game that was here. So I want every little way in the air report for the name of Christ. As the as Peter tells us, happy are these.
Of the Spirit of glory and God.
Israel despised that glorious land, and we are too just as reliable to, if we're not careful, where to despise some of this wonderful.
Person that we are considering.
Not, not outwardly, but we may. If we're not careful, we may despise this and turn back to the world.
If they're not, failed to when they despise the matter, this worthless school, and that's the specific of Christ.
I am Father's house. Above all man's disrepair. There is a home. The rest we love and there are right before #48.
To master we would no longer be.
Our whole situated.
The patient in life. So I saw them as I know we were and both.
Hours by showing contempt how? Every time allow the strong.