Hebrews 11:1-16

Hebrews 11:1‑16
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Name is.
Whether the breath and feel as good to start in the 11Th chapter of what verse?
By the beginning, huh?
And again just the 1St 10 verses or 11 verses.
Doesn't he go on through? They all died and faced the.
Through verse 13 or even you're 16, all right.
Hebrews Chapter 11 starting with verse one.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
The elders obtained a good report through faith. We understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things that do appear. By faith Abel offered our God a more excellent sacrifice than king, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous. God testifying of his gifts, and by it he being dead, yet seeketh by faith in it was translated, and he should not see death.
And was not found because God had translated him. For before his translation he had this testimony.
That he please God without faith is impossible pleasing for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
I think no. Being warned of God, of things not singing as yet, groove of fear, prepared an art for the saving of his house. By the way he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith, by faith. Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should have received, which he should have to receive for inheritance, obeyed, he went out not knowing whether he went.
My safety soldiers in the land of promises in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles of Iodic and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise, where he looked for a city that has foundations to build her. And Maker is God your faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and once delivered of a child, when she was passed aged, because she judged in faithful who had promised, therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as death.
So many of the stars of the sky and multitude, and as the sandwiches by the seashore, innumerable these all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were perslaved of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers, pilgrims on the earth.
Were they that say such things, declare plainly that they seek a country, and truly if they had been mindable to that country's demonstration, now they might have had opportunity to have returned, but now they desire a better country that isn't heavenly. Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them.
Does anybody have no thought?
That they would share as to why Adam was not included in his list. The glass starts there talking to us about the those who have lived by faith.
By bringing up.
The table.
And Adam?
First member of the human race left out. There's anybody better than thought about that?
Making a full of skin from no particular testimony.
To the need for.
The death as a result of sin and the data you say are there to surely die. He covered his nakedness with a soda skin, I mean with an apron of pig leaves, and there was no substitute there. But so I I don't doubt what Abraham is in heaven.
Most likely because God gave us the token.
The death came in for the covering of his wickedness in the coat of skins, but that was not.
And exercise the face, at least when I have important now it's only a thought. Someone else can have another thought. I was thinking these things those days that you don't really have anything recorded.
Of any actions of faith under part of Adam.
Well, the closest you could get to any action of faith.
There are no other when he called his wife's needs because she was the mother of all living.
Instead of all dying, now you got to look very close to find it. But it says he called his wifes, name Eve, because she was the mother of all so.
Looking after, you have to live off the floats with the magnet line draft to find much space with Atom, but there's a little there.
I was personally thinking that.
In this chapter of faith, and particularly verses, we're considering now that these men left something for something.
Well, what Adam left was the Garden of Eden.
And he didn't leave that in faith for something better, but he left it in sin because of failure. And God doesn't take him off as an example of one who left his native land and gave it all up for something unseen. But that is as we know, this man is one who left something.
Like them and so.
You submitted as not really suited to this chapter. There's one who has left.
His original place and by faith went on to a city who still their neighbors exhaust. Her findings actually be somewhat the opposite. Don't put it.
The fact that he was not in the initial sin, but he identified himself with it on his behalf.
It is a picture that we can draw some of the matter of his willingness to identify, and we think then of Our Lord's willingness to identify with the Church. But it was something that our Our Lord has done redeem it well. Adam couldn't do anything for Eve. He could only put himself in the same under the same justice.
And the work of God.
That we see and his taking the boat, putting them as we're under the blood.
And we can cover them with the skins, and then to bring forth the a line of faith from the of the people, I mean in England, which of course he being slains and picked up again and set, if I recall correctly.
But this chapter being as other called the Hall of Fame is the Facebook.
I think it's signal that he isn't there and there are others that we might think of that haven't seen problems with that, but are similarly not here.
Very interesting. God's estimate that we see of the faithful, and it's not man's participation.
That particularly, it leaves no place for the play.
It is the faithfulness in the presence of sin.
You know what you mentioned earlier on was when he received his life. You know that was before the fall, you know. But all of these examples beginning with Abel, you know that is in view of sin and their faithfulness in the presence of sin and availing themselves of God's provision through faith, and that it would able to.
I think what our brother has mentioned about this comment about there are those that we think of that come to mind that we know we're going to need in glory some day. But their names aren't mentioned here and in in regards to what our brother Ron brought up earlier, I think it's there. It's just a passing note for our own encouragement. There are some, there is at least one name in the in this chapter that perhaps had we known this individual before there was a work of God in her heart, we wouldn't have wanted to be connected with her and that's where they have the harlot, but she's mentioned.
This chapter and this, as our brother mentioned, the fall of fame of faith. We don't find lot mentioned here. We don't find Obadiah mentioned here. There are others that we know we're going to meet in glory, but they're not mentioned here in this in this passage. What that encourages me to think is that God's values very much faith, and I think it should encourage us. We've taken this up today, that our hearts might be encouraged to go on and faith, brethren, the Lord values any step, any measure of faith that he sees in one of his children.
And this is a this is an example to us that even some who didn't have very good reputations to those around when they were the spirit of God didn't work with them and they went on in faith. God valued. And so we can be encouraged, can't we? In any little measure in our lives that we walk in faith? It's not only that we get something out of it, but the heart of God values that. It's something that he values and appreciates and that can encourage us too, that that's a little thing that we can do.
If no one else sees it, it doesn't matter. The Lord gets something out of it when we take a little step.
I can't believe that the the greatest favor that we can do, the Lord, is to simply take Him at His word, to put confidence in Him how much He does, value that, and only appreciate his goodness.
I've enjoyed too, that in connection with these ones we've read about, we've got four WS.
We have worship. We have work walking the also watching. And so we're with Abel. We see that he was one to walk through them to God. A more excellent sacrifice to the human well. This is not speak to us, but that perfect sacrifice that the Lord Jesus accomplished there at the cross. There is a Celtics in the previous chapter in verse 7.
Verse 12 It says. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God.
I've got values that works that the Lord sees us, but still there is a cross and he looks for worshippers, doesn't he? That's what the Father seeks, He's taking worshippers.
Can you hear me? Not if you walk with God.
It's all the time to walk through the location where we are called.
And know itself is still that being warned of God is things not seen as you have moved with fear, prepared and others. So I think this piece of work.
Because that word from God and regardless of the circumstances that it never rained, yet he goes to work because of what God told him.
I believe that's respected to work the word of God all the time, to be steadfast, unmovable, always the founding in the work of the Lord.
And you find Abraham looking for this city.
Foundation from Children Makers God.
The Army net philosophy looking for their classical.
The glorious appearing of the great God in our Savior Jesus Christ.
How a delight is hard to have the people that it's not only waiting for him to watch.
Hi, this morning.
You started and on some reason I'd like to ask you to continue.
Which we call our attention to the.
People whose names are given.
As those to introduce certain principles.
Could you start over and elaborate more fully on on that line of things we we we only got an hour ago and we don't want to miss anything that they've been read to us. I just wondered if you'd be willing to get to indicate that God is bringing by means that these people are certain principles that we want to lay. Hold on, did I understand correctly what you're saying this morning?
Indeed, the verses you'll find.
Very important truth just touched upon, which are developed in other passages of the Scripture. And so you and your Sunday School class, your first creation for the benefit of the little one. So we see in the word of God that truth very plainly brought out.
And developing other scriptures and the original creation. And then of course the remaking of the earth in the seven days. You know that the.
The first creation was not created more than empty, as you find that some other day out. The condition did Scott Universe 2 is a condition that was brought in. How we are not told. But then God remains to the earth, but in Thomas it.
We spoke and it's the fastest.
At the 33rd Psalm, you know when God.
Both the earth, nuclear system and we have in the New Testament additional information. We have that the Lord Jesus is presented there as the Creator. All this is wonderful. Truthfully hold of that is reported in the word of God. But then we find the sacrifice of Abel in contrast to Cain. Now I was able to exercise more excellent than Cain. Cain brought from the cursed earth something that God could not accept.
How did Abel know that God would accept a lamb?
He apparently had paid attention to what God himself had done. In his parents case, God did not tell him Anyone that wants to come to me has to bring a sanctified He didn't have these things spelled out as clearly as we have, But Space perceived and recognized what God was doing, and he did the same thing. He draws the substance through. God should accept that we should be of the death of his Son.
He could not take anything that our hands could do, and I'm sure that pain brought the best that he could come up with, but it was unacceptable. That's why the sacrifice that Abel brought was more than excellent. Because God could accept it, because it pointed towards his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and then the Enoch. We know that he was translated.
He was taken up without going through death.
And that is a picture of the church. You know, we shall not all die, but she we shall all be changed. And the Lord Jesus is coming back to take us home to be with himself and he not is a picture of the rapture. And it's significant that it happens before the flood and they are right there in the early part of the word of God. We have a clear illustration that the rapture occurs before the tribulation, because what is taking place with Noah typically speaks of the tribulation.
Through which Israel will go, or Jacob's trouble, and but God will deserve them in their struggle, and bring them through it, surrender their ear. And so we have in Romans, that all Israel shall be saved from all the tribes to cross tribes. The remnants will be saved and will enter into the Millennium, but they will go through a lot of trouble. But we will not be here when that trouble occurs.
You know this is being lost sight of these persons are more and more covenant theology is gaining ground on every hand and that they do not know any difference between his coming for his own and his coming with his own. They do not believe in the Millennium, the 1000 years of reign, of peace of the Lord Jesus, and they've been in ground. You know, there was a time that the Lord used brethren and I do not say that thoughtfully, but it is a fact to.
Make known widely the truth of the rapture. But that truth is being given up widely and those who don't believe it are gaining ground more and more and that's stand. But here in these verses we have a clearly pointed out that the raster will take place before.
The fibrillation and we can look forward to that. We do not look for the tribulation. We know that things are not going to get better even before the Lord Jesus comes to take us home to be with himself. But I don't think we have much to look forward to in this world. Things will get come fast to work economically, morally and so on. But this is nothing compared to what will happen after. We don't have the enemy will really.
On the end, as we see it in Revelation. But what a wonderful fact it is that we can look forward to either take us out of the hour of temptation if we have any revelation. They're not looking forward to that. And even these things that we observe now, we observe them. We ought not to become overly occupied with conditions in the world. We ought to be occupied with the Lord Jesus, with the truth of his coming dead, should see our heart, and it should be occupational without souls. But we do not.
What is going on in the world? Please follow these things with interest because we know these things have to take place.
All before the life visa comes to.
Reign righteousness.
So we have other things pointed out with Abraham.
What is true of Abraham is true of you and me today.
We who have to leave the land, our family, you know, get you out of that country, out of sight, out of Dorian father's house, out of the kindred, out of thy father's house.
When we come to the Lord Jesus, many of us had to experience that, that we had to, like Abraham, turn our backs on all of these connections and relationships. That's all part of faith, of the life of faith today.
Then they're living as strangers in the country. Now that is also the Christian portions today where pilgrims and strangers, we must not get involved with the affairs of this life, so that politics and so on we have to maintain our heavenly calling. To these things Here in Hebrews were reminded that they are participants of the heavenly calling. Once they have nothing but earthy hope, but now they had a heavenly hope.
And so this is so beautifully illustrated in the life of the patriarch who were pilgrims and strangers here and lived here in that way. And we have to live that way, But we're looking for that city. We're looking for that heavenly Jerusalem. As a matter of fact, you and I at the end of church are part of the heavenly favor.
The Bride of Christ, which is seen in the eternal state as the Christ and as the City in the Millennium.
But then look at verse 11.
I have been so much encouraged by verse 11 because this woman of which the word of God tells us that she received.
Received strength and through faith to conceive seed is the woman that at one time when the promise was given last.
And isn't that how it is in our lives many times that we lack faith, yet the Lord is able to change and bring about a change in us whenever we have doubt that the Lord can change that into faith. And just a remark on the side, you know that the NIV don't even mention Sarah's face, and when the translators were asked why they left out Sarah's face, they said they believed she was a poor example of faith because she laughed when the promise was given.
It's not a question of whether her faith is in the original or not, the audacity of the translators and the lack of reverence to change knowingly. But the spirit of God has turned down for our encouragement. I need that kind of encouragement. You need that kind of encouragement. Relax sometimes in faith.
But a lot can change them.
We can bring about that, which is David that we trust in his word when at times we might dollars.
Thank you.
I'll have to say this I'm I'm very sure to see many times, but the rock I stand on never move and that strike to it.
That sometimes been caused to wonder as I read.
This chapter.
Where we have these, which are giants that they?
And I was, I'm so thankful Sharon is included for the points that we got after.
That's God's design to include an expert from this portion.
But I've been first to ponder a little bit when I consider my own life today.
I see a willingness to manipulate my circumstances, to try to make things comfortable, to try to bring about things sometimes that I think are are good, perhaps even something the Lord can use.
But as we find here, it's not always that which was even appreciated at the time by the individuals, that they were standing tall for faith, but it was that which was done in confidence of the Lord.
So we do well to be thankful.
That he had ever so fresh.
God does honor faith.
I'd like to cite an example which brings us to a present today kind of thing. Some of you I trust and heard of our brother locally.
John Potter, who has been operated on for his brain tumor successfully.
But it was a malignancy. And so he's undergoing not just one but two frequencies. Radiation therapy today, until the end of next week.
I trust you've been praying for any of not to do so.
Brother and the Lord.
Is in his mid 30s, a family of four youngsters.
His wife, considering the burden itself, occurred one night before the treatment started, was crying for the Lord, basically expressing the question, how can I do that?
How can I take care of your children? How can I get him across town for his treatment twice a day? How can I take care of the things that have to be done in the household and?
It was as though the Lord spoke to her and brought two names to mine.
That, as it were to her. Don't worry, these brothers will take care of getting your husband to get treatments for radiation.
Within 24 hours, those two brothers have contacted them.
So we'd like to individually assume that they would like to help.
And in that way.
These are times of faith.
Sometimes we have to be taken to our extremities. We think of Abraham, not about taking through his extremities.
Well, we can marvel at those who are in antiquity, but you see, we have the same don't.
Well, the one who is still concerned about you and me.
And we do well.
To put our confidence in.
That's not the challenge of my own soul.
Do I really have enough confidence and faith in my Lord?
To really totally connect my way to him.
You know, really, I don't have a shot.
And I come right down to it, but why not do it?
We're at our Xfinity, while the Lord blesses it regardless.
Whether it is or is not, but he uses our extremity to accomplish his purposes in our lives. And you know, the his blessing, his teacher, goes far beyond.
You're amazed when we're in thought, but we hear that expression used sometimes. But we I know I failed sometimes. We are into it. That expression when one member suffers, all the members suffered.
Speaking of trial individuals, perhaps in sickness, perhaps in discipline.
Well, it's real. It's true.
And if it's not in our lives through all this, that we learn from those things that take place in the lives of our brethren.
And we don't love them the way the Lord is focused here.
If we really have our first reflection around one another.
We will feel at least even in the measure.
But each other thing.
And it will all be for our life, Lord, and that's what we get here. The faith was for our large book.
For the exultation of any anything.
But God is blessed nonetheless, and He does.
Instead of having some connection with death, there is laughing at that. I notice that.
Did that and Genesis 18.
Within herself singing after I went broke while I had pleasure my daughter being moved also.
The Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore to spare a last saying, Shall I of assured people share a child with him most? Is anything too hard for the Lord.
But then when I turn over to chapter 21 Genesis 21 in verse 6.
And Sarah said, God just leave me to laugh so that all that fear will laugh, isn't it?
Would you say that at first it was the last of 1 belief?
And so, in the end, he was rejoicing in what God had said. She realized that.
Take Abraham.
You don't find any of the shortcomings of any of these things reported here. You only find that. But we know when this all reached him.
To go, what did he do? He let his father, you know, he didn't really fully answer to that call until even last had left, you know, even taking lot along, which was a kind.
Step because last father Aaron had died, yet it was not in keeping with God's command. And this is how it is in our lives many times to others, that there might be faith associated with things that are not of faith, or that fall short.
Of what God has given us. But God recognizes that which is of himself, and he will direct things, and that's His purpose to bring us in line with His purposes concerning us. You know what is the other this journey. 4 Beloved.
And goodwill in this journey would not be needed according to the counties and purposes of God.
You know, we could just leave the world and get right into the promised land, but whether this is needed because there are those things in our lives which are not.
In agreement with God's purposes. And He needs to bring us to the point with us of that which is in us not according to His mind. And it's beautiful to see that He does not mention any of the short standings. And there are plenty.
Shortcoming that Abrahams life, yet God recognizes dead which was of himself, and He speaks of their life after it was completed, and how important that also is that we do not just start out, but that we continue, and that we might as well allow the Lord to improve things in our lives and bring us more in line with His thoughts and purposes.
So that at the end of our lives God can look at upon us that there was indeed that often self, and that He yielded to his efforts to rid us of that which is not according to His mind.
And verse 23 belong has been saying that a whole fast the profession of faith without laboring. So please give taste a massage. It depends on God from anticipation of not ourselves.
I thought you were saying Brother Annoying is about.
About sometimes we have have a kind of exactly how you express it, and there's things connected with with our faith that aren't about faith. Is that how you said it? Well, the the very first word that says and she laughed, she says, My Lord.
There is belief and there is.
Still a little bit longer. They make them together, but he cried out to the one that we could help him one day.
Brother Howard, we don't want to use this as an excuse, right? What we do see how good God is that we recognize what areas of himself, but he is not happy with what he finds in our lives. That is contrary to the thought, and he wants others to.
Find his great rid ourselves of these things, and he himself removes the father Sarah to death.
You know, and then there's conflict between the shepherd of Lost and of Abraham ultimately leads to last separate from Abraham. And it's really then that he fully answers to this call against the other thing.
Out of my Kingdom, out of my father's house.
But it's not easy.
Need to walk the path of faith.
If the heart is not.
Enjoying communion with the Lord, you know. But that is what an evil Abraham. Why would he accept the choice of loss he takes, takes the water clean there and the better locked Abraham?
Takes what's naturally speaking, is second best, you know. But he enjoyed this portion because he could be there with God, and you can see how beautiful it is illustrated when the Lord comes and communes with Abraham. Should I hide from Abraham?
What I will do, and this is what is so necessary if anyone wants to walk the path of separation.
With God, and without comfort, fellowship and communion with God, it becomes a very hard thing.
But if we have income union with the Lord, it's the path of blessing.
And so that is what we ought to ask the Lord for that.
This might be indeed in our lives.
That this communion with the Lord illustrated in Abraham life, when the Lord seemed and visited with him with those angels that went on to Saddam, you know he was communing with the Lord. What a beautiful picture it is.
2nd test of Philippians.
We resolved with the Lord stable and learning the Lord and it's coming down and humiliation.
Then verse five says Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus.
And then he goes shows the Lord Jesus leaving heaven's glory.
Taking points out of four of a man than a servant and going to the cross, he was in communion with God in regard to that which God had on his heart to do to bring blessing upon the earth. He was walking with with God. It's as you say, brother. I think it's when we were walking with God that the path is an easy path.
It's a happy fact. It's when we're rebelling or trying to speak our own path that the the heavenly character is revolted and it's difficult to walk. To try to walk as children and strangers in the world, if we're not walking with the Lord, makes it impossible to do.
So it's it's having a mind of Christ gives us the procedure.
And then enjoying as we've been talking, considering.
The things that are mentioned by these ones of what faith caused them to be able to do or what they did in faith, and it's encouraged my heart in this way.
Through faith we understand. By faith, Abel offers. By thinking it was translated by faith Noah prepared and so on. You know some of the things that these who were motivated by faith did were very big, noticeable, very publicly noticeable, worse. No, it was 120 years building an art and no doubt and many saw what he was doing is that particular work of faith as he was preparing was something that was very public and very noticeable.
But Enoch, it says he had this testimony. He pleased God. Perhaps much of his life in the faith was not necessarily noticeable. But I think we understand. We simply by faith can understand not because we reason without them. Since we accept God's word and we understand from you, that's not publicly necessarily noticeable. The point I'm getting at is that it's not so much the thing that we do by faith, but it's that it's the principle of faith that we apply. And I just want to say it because we think it's pain and we think of the rather of able and that we think of Adam or of Noah and Abraham. These are my names in the pictures that we hear and we think of these mighty.
Now ones of old and the works that they did. Well, that's true.
But you and I are not.
Mighty Wonderful.
Perhaps we're not capable or have been called to do some mighty work of faith, but are we allowing that principle of faith in our life? That's what's important. And I would just encourage in that sense and look, because not every one of these works is a not every one of these things. Sarah bore a child when it was impossible to actually seek to have a child. That was a very noticeable thing.
But it also says that by faith, Abraham closure, he just simply lived in a place by faith. And so it's been an encouragement to my heart to consider that whatever it is, whether it's a big public work that the Lord calls one to, or it's just simply quietly living, if it's by faith that's the critical thing.
I appreciate.
What Daniel did is that we did recorded on him when he was told that he couldn't pray through God, only to the king.
And he just went ahead doing what he had been doing every day, made no changes. Didn't he close the window or shut the door or hiding the closet? He went on as usual. Now then, Daniel is not mentioned in the 11Th chapter of of Hebrews here. But perhaps, shall we say what's it necessary to mention Daniel? He is such a luminary example of faith that we wouldn't pass him up at all.
That we wouldn't pass him up at all.
And it is not that they did what they did so that they would impress everybody. They did not live their lives with the idea. If my life going to be a witness or a testimony for God, their exercise was am I obedience through the word of God? I'm sure none of these men of faith would have had the thought at that time that there were their life and their actions are faithful to be recorded in the word of God.
It wasn't at all on their mind, their minds, their concern was am I obedient? Am I going to have my life governed by the word of God? We are too much influenced by this whole idea. Am IA witness? Am I a witness? What am I doing to be a witness? And really, we're almost living our lives more before men than before God. Our exercise ought to be beloved. And I obedient, you know.
I one thing that interests me so much.
Light of G&B. You know, some of you might have read that that his uncle makes a comment that in all of England he won't know of anybody more capable than John. But he follows through this book like a school. What a commendation, what the commendation and what he did about that. That's what you said of me. You know, following through this book like a book that was a man who didn't have faith looking at the life.
Of the state of a man of God of Manchester, Mary is reproved.
The 81St Heinz.
They've been standing out to me this afternoon.
Along with yourself by faith Abraham when he was called.
To go out into a place which he should afterwards receive for an inheritance or faith.
I purchased it.
And if that word obeyed, I just should just kind of comes out at me.
Just that you obeyed and I was thinking does that in relation to what you told us about e-mail.
Very question. First I'd like to point out in Isaiah chapter 56.
Isaiah 56.
He told us about English.
But he had this testimony that he chose God.
But along that line is is is such a nice shape of an idea 56.
Verse 4.
Isaiah 56 verse four. But let's ask the Lord.
To the units that keep my Sabbath my mother.
And choose the thing.
I just. I just find that such a rich thing.
That God is so pleased that he declined some folks and in this case units. That means that they were people that couldn't have families and.
They really have nothing here in this diet.
To make their life attractive for them. It wouldn't be fathers. Couldn't be grandfathers. A great grandfather, that isn't it. But it says about when something is just wonderful, it says they choose to think.
That pleased me and our lives are like that. We we face all the time, aren't we with things that we have to choose?
We have to say, well, I'll go this way or I'll go that direction or.
I'll decide this or I'll decide that.
Well, we've got to do that. You can't live without making decisions.
But here were some folks that it says in the words that speak so high. There it says choose the things that well, I think in it for myself, but it has no goal.
Destiny on the 1St for all of us lay hold on 300 years that's a long time And all the campus dirty 50 years 300 and.
That looks for. Is that consistency of loss that?
The disappointment?
I think it was Napoleon that who some of the troops came and pulled, you know, fully and adopted great speaks that one of these soldiers had accomplished it before they ought to be awarded. Well, I think before you said something for the effect. Well, do you do the next?
And they were just silent stop shorting track and he forgot looks for. Is that a consistent block?
Day by day.
However many years it might be.
Makes me think of that verse in Psalm 119 says thy word, Have I hated my heart that I might not sin against thee? You know that speak to that that being cafe by day by his word, and that his word keeps us from his death.
It's nothing. It's nothing big and open or.
No, the boys distance that I might not sin against thee.
Cortina, you received the marvelous revelation. Didn't you put that in builder to find a problem turning the Lord coming with 2016?
Well, that's wonderful, to be able to receive that kind of communication and watch with God.
Wonderful is this and to enter into God's purposes and council.
My wife and I were calling on a year old brother in our assembly some years ago and you'll never forget that. He just looked at us in the face and he says.
Better than just going on.
Well, we know that we're exhorted to grow in grace, but it's a wonderful thing to see those faces, isn't it? Of our loved ones that we've grown up with and we've been friends with. It's a wonderful thing to see them hear over the word together.
Is going on and growing in grace and a little Manger as we've had Rocky for us here a little and there a little.
I'd like to bring out this you were talking about, please.
That would go around 3 and we'd go along with obedience.
Now this year I copied it in my Bible. Give me kilco.
At the end of these that are having PS.
At this point, this.
And all the New Testament there is but one test of love for Christ.
And that is obedience.
But is he not worth it? Well, if we are obedient, we'll never have any trouble with him if we are always obedient partners, right?
Or if we were crazy, you know?
This is no trouble. Jimmy Kelcock has. He had someone and said, and I will save my Bible, You're a troll. I accept. Exercise for me. That's why I want to bring it up.
All video.
We know if I wouldn't have a sanction for my parents or people.
Even a commandment are in the New Testament, Are commandments are in the New Testament.
You know, it's not legality.
To keep his commandments and a brother makes a statement in the Dorothy meeting that I enjoyed very much and I put it to memory, he said.
In Christianity, His commandments are the expression of His will. That's good to remember, isn't it the expression of His will?
What is the commencement?
To those who want to be obedient there and a Christianity, the difference simply is that in Christianity, from the heart, we do what we know is pleasing to God, not in order to get God's favor, but because he has God's favor.
That's why we want to be obedient.
To what he communicates to us to be as well.
The commandments are also an expression of His love.
And his wisdom.
And in first John chapter five we read 2 verses.
By this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And I like this the best. His commandments are not grievous.
Remember that phrase and otherwise if you underline your Bible, that's a portion that you need to underline. His commandments are not grievous. Remember God is good and he doeth good, and what He commands is wisdom and love and you won't go astray if you listen to His voice and.
Heed and obey His word.
First John chapter 5 and verse 3.
I guess I'd like to just say from one thing, and I really value our brother first comment there, I would like to mention one aspect of our Lord's dealing with this.
We have many examples of those who have been sorely silently.
Even though they, from all appearances, going on very safely.
Our large touches, our lives and discipline, that's true, But we have sorrows in this light. I think it's a principle from scripture where the Lord gave us there in his in the 16th chapter, John, where he said in the world you shall have tribulation.
But he doesn't end there, he said. They have good cheer. I have overcome the world so that.
We continue, I think, in the kind of thing that we may see as clean and beat sorrowful.
But it's only because we see only the underside of the tapestry that God is needed.
And he knows that that which is painful will bring about that which can be for his glory and ours and a blessing.
Much blessing comes through sorrow.
And we are also instructed as it relates to the matter of of the difficulties in life, so that we we recognize that.
He calls us to obedience, and let's never make the mistake that we would never know sorrow even if we were so safe, perfectly obedient. I submit that as a thought.
Feel it's valid for consideration. Perhaps that's mentioned a little bit two brother later on in in the very chapter and looking at it I was thinking about that too. In verse 33 and 34 you have some marvelous victories of faith mentioned. You have those who through faith subdue kingdoms and obtain promises, stop the mouths of lions, quench the violence of fire, and on and on and on. And these are marvelous victories of faith. But if you get down to verse.
35 It starts out women to see their dead, race to life again, and others were tortured, and so on. And so I value appreciate what you bring out. It's important to remember that the life of faith isn't always going to be a glorious, wonderful victory in the sense that the mouths of lions are stopped and so on. Some live the life of faith and retortion for it, and terrible things happen, but it says not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. What is there a finer testimony of faith than that?
In the very face of all of that awful treatment, they wouldn't accept deliverance because their faith saw something there.
Take that, brother.
Feel vouchers.
It's widely known how wonderful the testimony is is difficult circumstances. The thing is, Stanley Gospel is not home.
You see, there is proof in the life of the believer. We always tend to associate that with service and reaching out to others and so on and so forth. But it is really the reproduction of price in our lives.
And how we endure these circumstances, that God in his wisdom sees fixed and put upon us, may also be a demonstration of the life of Christ in US. And that is what the Lord is looking for. And I remember the assistant Kenosha WI who was suffering from crippling that light is well over 20 years bedridden.
And many people went through her sick bed and came back in church.
Another few things, if not always.
Walk on the mountainside. You know she has her low days too, and where she needed to encourage money. But more often than not, he was a source of encouragement to others. And so faith is.
Not an easy lot when you look at it from the path of faith, that is, from the natural point of view. But what a difference it makes if we can go through these things with.
It is something that he in disciplined for surprise and that's what I enjoy so much in Psalm 32.
Thou art a hiding place for me, you know, when David asked him, Speaking of his sinfulness in the past and how he had been covering up, And then the Lord after he uncovered his sin and confessed that the Lord covered up. But then he speaks of the floods of great waters that would not reach, that one that would find a hiding place in the Lord Jesus. You know, really he thought of great waters. I take to be that which God, in his governmental dealings with David, would allow thee to go, David, to go through like.
Regarding of his San Ansel, you know and.
But the Lord is with David in those circumstances, and helps him bear up under express it is.
Beautiful that even when he brings any discipline things into our lives with greatly humble us and pain us. Yet he doesn't leave us alone in those circumstances.
They have to strengthen and to be a hiding strength and they're not holding them down.
In these things and if the enemy cannot use them to.
Get us off the path of faith, but who walk more closely to him in the better.
I'd like to get the the context of the scripture that you alluded to as it relates to Christ enough. That's in Colossians. One. Verse 27 is actually to get it up. Pick it up at about verse 26 mystery which has been hit from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to or. I think that we should be in the same.
To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of the mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory to my preach the Apostle Paul, of course, writing this letter by inspiration.
Warning every man and teaching every man and wisdom that we may present every man, and I think we can say everyone. I think that's the force of it perfect in Christ Jesus.
Add to that brother chapter one since verse 11.
Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, and through all patience and long-suffering, with joyfulness strengthen forward to gain great victories. So thanks then much to all patients, and long-suffering with joyfulness nothing for the question that is now.
After our brother Doug met him in verse 33.
I don't know if anybody else here has done this, but I'm trying to find out where I've been into this chapter.
Maybe some others have done this. Maybe some of us younger ones are trying to find out where we fit in.
We sure aren't a Abraham or Moses or haven't gone through any of these things, but I think it'd be good for us younger ones to take a look at the 1St 37.
It would be good to mention that back in our chapter.
A little phrase in there that says we're tempted.
I don't know if there's anybody here that can go through a day without some type of temptation.
And I know a lot of the times when they just examples have been given today of individuals that have gone through an incredible physical trials.
Or they've been, they've walked with the Lord for quite a long time, and that's very well. And it's proper to indicate and give those examples. But as many individuals that are in this room, especially as younger ones.
A lot of times we're attempted every day and I think it'd be good to mention that, that's.
Obedience. And that's also faithfulness to the Lord when we are scientific, the love of the Lord for strength for those temptations.
Also mentions, I believe that they were tormented. Sometimes emptying at school or in the workplace can almost take the.
The appearance of the feeling of being formative.
So this wasn't out of place, but I think it's just be good to.
To make that point.
Like before.
We have to close. I would like to call attention to verse 7.
And there's something unusual about this man.
His name is Noah.
You look through your unusual about him. Is that his faith?
Was of such a nature that he caused him to act in such a way that his house was able to be saved.
Now I I would like to address a peculiar group here, not the young people.
Like the young parents.
And I know what you're doing now.
We're sitting in this meeting and you're glancing from time to time up to the clock.
And your mothers here and their legs are hurting because babies are asleep on them and fathers are wondering if they will even be able to get up from their feet because of the way that they're little ones.
I don't surprise that and don't think that you're not doing anything.
These times that you are suffering and these uncomfortable.
You're building an ark that can be used for the saving of your house.
And and that's something that's very special for you that they have the head of the house.
And embrace the promise of God for the warning of God.
In Noah's age, believe it.
And busy himself with that which he can build, that will be unable to use by God to save the house. And I just want to encourage the young fathers, particularly in the young mothers here this afternoon. There is a coming day coming.
With the judgment of God is going to try all things. And I'm not Speaking of the tribulation period or the judgment of the world, but in your own life is going to come a time when what you built while your family was with you, it's going to determine whether your family has something able to save them or not.
Noah believed God, and we conveyed the art. He built it according to the word of God, and it's so important for you to move with fear.
And in the presence of God's word.
And build out our according to the word of God.
I know there is a multitude of voices, not only in the world but amongst ourselves, that are giving you instruction as to your family that is not according to the word of God. Well, you and I are without excuse. I enjoyed what someone had said in this meeting.
Individual faith, and none of us can excuse ourselves.
We can't blame one another for failing in the path of faith. We all stand before God, and what are we going to do with this world and his brother King's comment? I would just like to say this in the next chapter you have the supreme example.
Of faith and that is the Lord Jesus himself, the author and finisher of the path of faith. And no one suffered like him. It was a path from beginning to end of suffering. There was no chastisement for disobedience, but it says of the Lord Jesus, he learned obedience by the same that he suffered.
The path of faith and the more we fed it, and the more closely we follow this glorious, perfect example, a secret Christ, the more suffering we're going to experience.
I know of a certain place.
There was a brother that.
And they had meetings that got placed over the New Year's Day.
And that brother said he wasn't didn't want to come because it was needed, because he wanted to watch the New Year's football game.
That's not preparing an art for the saving of your house.
And as far as I know, that family has been dispersed to the wind.
But an example of what you're saying, it's the opposite of it. It's just the opposite of what you're saying.
I would truly agree with what Andrew said to the fathers with kids.
Endure the inconvenience of seeing to it that they sit under the sound of the word of God, and they will remember not so much what they heard in the meeting.
But they'll remember that their parents enjoyed being where the word of God was ministered, and that's preparing an art for the shading of their mouth, and with a tremendous testimony of their.
There's a person responsible, so just give me a half a minute, I might be able to find it, but.
Looking for that verse where it says that the disciples brought.
Children's of Jesus left, He might touch them.
Maybe somebody can find a point.
Mark 10 and verse probably starting in verse 13.
It was right there on the page, but I couldn't find the page, so that's where I was looking for verse 13. And they brought young children to him that he could come from.
No, I doesn't say that he might teach them.
And I really believe down in my heart rather than what country our children.
In the middle, where the word of God is.
They don't maybe understand what they're hearing.
But they're there. We can touch.
And that's as you say.
And we need to we have a contrast position now.
In the days of the kings of Judah, we read about the certain ones that we said Apex City Burgers, children and then NASA caused his children to protect the fire. Well, for us that's mostly bulky and I suppose it would be for the man of the world about his behavior most important thing however.
Do we not live our lives in such a way as parents that?
Here we have Noah preparing the ark and the saving of the house.
It's beautiful to see that.
That, whisper my children, that would ensure their internal salvation.
It's nothing to say from the.
The straight way, the father of the child cried out and said with tears.
Lord, I believe help dying my number of the history of this man. If you read this account you will see he was blaming everyone else. The disciples couldn't do it.
His boy was in ******* and the same things that were wrong with his boy, things which were wrong with the disciples. But the Lord brings it home to the Father's conscience. And he says, how long has this been going on? Because there's other child. His condition had gone on all the boys life unaddressed by the fathers. Then he blank. I used to blame the Lord if thou canst do anything.
The Lord says he is thou canst if if I'm quoting from the new translation, if thou canst believe. And then the Father says, Lord, help me and what happened because?
You don't want to go too far with this, all right, but I do think from time to time we need to exercise.
Your parental exercise.
As to the saving of our house, the cards that we have in.
There is no child abuse.
In all the catalogs to compare with neglecting our children and hearing the gospel and learning of Christ. And that must be done in the practical way by facing on our part of parents, grandparents.
If we neglect this, where it's the greatest child abuse that you can imagine because it's for eternity and he said, well, the children, believers are predestinated, but I believe that that God.
Sees the predestination in accordance with the faithfulness of parents in many cases. I know that many people are saying that we have in the song.
The dog said Massage here.