How Ben Was Converted

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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Ben was a little fellow whose parents had put him in a Home for children. Some faithful Christians used to visit the Home regularly and taught the children Scripture texts. Ben was saved through learning the words of God.
When his parents were informed of the Christian teaching in the Home, they did not approve, but they allowed Ben to stay on the condition that his religion be not interfered with. Ben used to sit up in bed with his fingers in his ears while the children were taught the Bible verses.
One day a little girl in a nearby cot failed to say her verse correctly, and to everybody’s surprise Ben prompted her. Nothing was said at the time, but it was found that he had been slipping his fingers out of his ears by degrees, and had learned the precious words. This led to his opening his heart to the Saviour when yet a child, and he always learned his texts well.