I Have No Time”

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Many people say, "I. cannot give any attention to religion, for I have no time." A Christian once answered a person who spoke thus, "But you have all the time that there is!”
It's true. No one has more than twenty-four hours in a day, and you have no less. Each day you receive just twenty-four hours to use properly. What do you do with them?
"I have no time," you say. You have plenty of time for ordinary matters. You do not meet anyone who says in the evening: "I have not had time to eat today." You do not meet anyone half-dressed who says, "I have not had time to put my clothes on." As little as one may be occupied with the proprieties of life, they find time to wash, to comb their hair, and to look at themselves in the mirror.
You have not the time! What, then, have you done with it? How much time have you spent in talk that has been utterly valueless and sometimes perhaps positively bad? Is it not because you have wasted time thus, that you have not more? How do many of those who say they "have no time" pass their time, and what is the object of their lives and what the result? To whom or to what have they been of any use?
You have no time, you say, and yet you find means to widen your sphere of occupation. You have a business: you wish to enlarge it or to open another. How can you do it? You will find the time for it. When a man wishes to do anything, if he has not the time, he finds it—he makes it. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Ah, if God were to ask much ceremony, much service, many and varied performances, I could understand your lack of time; but when Jesus says to you: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest," He surely does not wish to place upon you another burden. No, He came for those who have no time; for those whose life is overburdened, and He has placed His relief at their very doors. He humbled Himself to meet your very condition, and as such He still offers Himself as your Savior.
He understands that sigh, that secret prayer. You may pray to Him on the street; in the workshop, in the factory, on the bus, in your kitchen. He is everywhere with you, and will hear and respond. It is not deeds that he asks of you in order to save you, but He asks your confidence; not your time, but your heart.
"Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isa. 55:66Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: (Isaiah 55:6).