I Know in Whom I Have Believed

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
I KNOW that Christ is mine,
Unworthy though I be,
I know that my Redeemer lives
To intercede for me.
Jesus, my sacrifice,
Has washed me in His blood,
And thus I stand complete in Him,
A child, an heir of God.
I know that Christ is mine,
His gentle voice I hear,
He tells me in His precious word
I need no longer fear.
My sins of crimson guilt
Are now no longer mine,
Fair in His spotless righteousness,
I shall forever shine.
I know that Christ is mine,
I know that I am His,
Nor all the powers of hell combined
Can rob me of my bliss.
Redeemed by sovereign grace,
From condemnation free,
I know that where my Saviour is,
There I shall surely be.
Oh yes, there yet remains
Reserved for me above,
A glorious home, an endless rest,
Purchased by Him I love;
No sin, no pain, no death,
That land can ever know,
’Tis there my soul’s Beloved dwells,
And there I long to go.
I know that Christ is mine,
What can I want beside I
He’ll bear me safe through every storm,
Whatever may betide.
Oh how my spirit longs
To greet her absent Lord,
To bid a last adieu to earth,
And hasten Zionward.
Weary of all below,
Let but the word be given,
My panting soul would burst from earth,
And wing her flight to heaven.
There shall I see His face,
And in His glory shine,
There shall it be my greatest joy
To prove that Christ is mine.