I Will Meditate on Thee in the Night Watches

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
“My meditation of Him shall be sweet.”
YES! ’tis sweet to think of Thee,
Blessed Lord,
Thou art everything to me,
Blessed Lord;
Thou dost fill me with delight,
Through the dark and lonesome night,
As I wait the morning light,
Blessed Lord.
What are sleepless nights to me,
Blessed Lord,
When I have Thy company,
Blessed Lord;
Nothing seems too much to bear,
Pain, or sickness, grief, or care,
When I know Thy presence near,
Blessed Lord.
Ah, how lonely should I be,
Blessed Lord,
If Thou did’st not talk with me,
Blessed Lord,
When I tell Thee of my pain,
If my words were all in vain,
And Thou did’st not speak again.
Blessed Lord.
Well may I adore Thy grace,
Blessed Lord,
Long to see Thee face to face,
Blessed Lord;
There, arrayed in spotless white,
I shall walk the plains of light,
And there shall be no more night,
Blessed Lord.