Into the Depths of the Sea

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
A FRIEND took me out for a sail some time ago in his boat. As we glided along over the deep blue waters, he said, “It was out here sailing that I first received the assurance of salvation. I had believed the gospel sometime before that, but never was really sure that my sins were forgiven. My father, who had been a Christian for many years, said, as he looked over the side of the boat into the deep waters, “Don’t you think anything cast out into these depths would be well hid, Fred?”
“Yes,” I said, “no doubt it would, but why do you ask that?”
“Just because I was remembering that word in Micah 7:1919He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. (Micah 7:19), which says, “Thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.’ Do you believe that all your sins have been put as well out of God’s sight as that?”
“I sat in silence for a moment, for I had been doubting that very day whether I was saved or not. That word from God showed me that there was no room left for doubt. If God said that, it must be true, and I believed it, and rejoiced. I never doubted God again, although Satan has often brought up the sins of the past. I meet him now with God’s own Word, that all my sins are ‘cast into the depths of the sea.’ Believing this gives peace and power to walk and live as a Christian ought.”
Do you believe, reader, that your sins are in the depths of the sea; or are they on your own soul unforgiven?