Is There no Sequel

Gospel—R. Bauman
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General Meetings Wheaton, July 1982. Gospel by Robert Baumann.
The subject concerns the most heinous crime ever committed in this world when they murdered God's son Calvary. We're going to look at that for a few minutes. And before we sing to him, I just want to read a few verses to set the stage in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 27 and verse 20.
Matthew's Gospel 27, Verse 20. But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus. The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas And Pilate says unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? And they all say unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor said.
And when he had scorched Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
And then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. And when they had planted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head a Reading his right hand, they bowed the knee before him, and boxed him, saying, Hail king of the Jews, And they spit upon him, and took the reeds, and mowed him on the head. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him.
And put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. Verse 35 And they crucified him. 36 And sitting down they watched him there.
You know, it says in First Corinthians 28, they crucified the Lord of glory, the contradiction of sinners against himself. What is that? The lowest possible death given to the highest possible person that ever lived in this world. They killed the Prince of life. They murdered the son of God, the just one. They cast him out and said we will not have this man. They rejected the king, their Messiah.
They rejected the Son of God, they said. Not Jesus but Barabbas.
You know Lamentations? The first chapter says. Is it nothing to you? And it's going to mean something to you tonight as we go through this scene again.
You have him as your savior. You're safe for all eternity.
Judgment free, because he'll have taken the judgment of your sins upon himself. But if you go out of here again, indifferent.
To this scene, this horrible scene, the murder of God's son on the cross at Calvary.
It will mean everything to you for all eternity. You will have to be judged for your own sins.
Let's turn to hymn #23 and let's think about this as we sing to him.
While you sing this hymn, think of the scene at Calvary. There will be a sequel in a great part. The scene will be repeated in a great part only. You will be the sufferer then, not Christ if you fail to receive him as your savior. You may cringe now in horror at what took place almost 2000 years ago at Calvary. But beware, Sinner. If you're still in your sins, that will be you.
Again in another day with this difference, with this difference only you will be receiving your just reward. And Jesus Christ was taking the punishment of others the punishment for you. If you'll have Him as Savior. Behold, behold the Lamb of God on the cross, On the cross for us He shed His precious blood. On the cross, on the cross, the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses.
From all sin, and as we sing this dear Sinner, you're going to have to remember he did this for you. If you'll have him, it's yours salvation because of that precious blood.
Behold, behold.
The life of God, All of the God.
We could turn again to Matthews Gospel chapter 27 again and I have few verses here to read.
From verse 11 in the 27th chapter and Jesus stood before.
The governor and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the king of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest? And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. And then Pilate said unto him, Herest thou not how many things they witnessed against thee? And he answered him to never a word in so much. The governor marveled greatly. This is one part now of that judgment.
By man of the Lord of Glory, their Creator. This is one part of the Cross of Calvary.
They found Him guilty 1St and then they crucified Him. And He stood here before a mere man as his judge. He faced His judge, and He answered never a word. All of His accusers were brought before Him. He answered nothing.
Why? Because he came for that purpose, The Lord Jesus said. I came not to do my will, I came to do the will of him that sent me.
I came to do the meat of my father. That's my meat, is to do his will and to finish his work. He's beginning the finishing of the work now, laying down his life, giving himself up as a lamb with a slaughter of those who he created. And he opened not his house. He answered not a word. If you look at chapter 26, verse 53, he said to those that came after him.
Thinkest thou? And I cannot now pray to my Father? He shall presently give me more than 12 legions of angels. One Angel would have been enough. One word from his lips would have been enough. He created this whole world and sustains it by the word of his power. He spake. And this earth was. That's how creation came about. He could disintegrate it the same way, but his Father would have given him 12 legions of angels. What's the Legion?
Well, the greatest number that's given is 5060 thousand angels, but legions, often referred to as an unnumbered quota A1 That cannot be measured.
But he didn't ask his father. He didn't ask his father for help. He answered not a word before his judge. The Lord was speechless. Is there a sequel to this? Will this be repeated in space before a judge? As it will, dear friend, if you do not receive Christ as your savior and you're still in your sins, you'll face that blessed one, the Son of God, my Savior, the Lamb of God, as your judge at the great white throne Judgment.
And what will you say? What will you say? Let's turn to Matthew 2622. It's better to get it from the words of God, Matthew 22, verse 2.
The Kingdom of heaven is like, that's enough. This parable is telling us what it's going to be like. And of course, this is part of it. And it's about a king who prepared a marriage for his son, a marriage for his son. God has prepared a marriage for his son. He's bringing gathering today a bride out of this world for his son for all eternity so the Lord Jesus can cast his love upon that bride forever.
And I'm one and part of that bride. Because of the grace of God, I came to Christ as a Sinner. I came to Christ as a Sinner. Now in verse nine it says, Go ye therefore into the highways, as many as ye shall find bid to the marriage. That's the whosoever of the word of God. You'll find it throughout the scriptures. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. This is the whosoever, and it's going out to everyone in this room tonight by the grace of God.
You can be saved tonight. You can be part of the bride of Christ tonight. You can be in the good of God's love tonight. Verse 11. And when the king came in to see the guest, he saw a man which had not on a wedding garment. He saith friend, how came his thou hit her not having a wedding garment. What did he say in his defense? He was speechless, speechless, and said, the king find him hand and foot, take him away, cast him out of darkness.
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, and that's hell, friend, for all eternity.
The blackness of darkness, forever weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. And why?
He didn't have on the garment. He didn't have on the garment. What was the matter? He was in his sins, naked before a holy God in his sins, facing my Savior as his. Judge away with him and cast him in the outer darkness. Find him and cast him. You know not one word to say before the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Creator of this world, the Lamb of God, your judge if you're still in your sins at that time.
Not one word to say all the scoffers, all the doubters, all the blasphemers and bigots.
All the hypocrites, agnostics, and all the atheists so-called vain fellows, the ungodly multitude of unrepentant sinners, will have nothing to say. Not one word. Speechless, Speechless.
Turn to Jude for one verse, the ungodly unrepentant sinners.
Speechless before that blessed one, Jude.
This speaks of our day in a sense, because of the ungodliness of so many around us and in Jude.
And verse 13 I'm sorry, Verse 15. To execute judgment upon all, to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they've ungodly committed, and of their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
They're ungodly, unrepentant sinners, and they'll have to answer him with not a word the same as the Lord stood before his judge, they're going to stand before him as judge, Speechless. You know, one of the greatest trial lawyers of our century, Clarence Darrow, was able to bring off quite a speech. Every time he defended 1 acquittal, he heard the jury or the judge come in not guilty time and time again.
He had the ability to come up with the words he represented nobility and the wealthy of the world, the famous of this world, actors and athletes as a town and outers. But you know, he was an atheist. He said there is no such thing really as an atheist. God made sure that you're God conscious. Everyone God conscious, you know there's a God, you have a creator. But they like to say they're an atheist. And he read the Bible towards the end of his life.
And this man said on his deathbed. I have examined the Bible carefully, as did all other books, and I've come to this conclusion. There's no God. There's nothing after this life. Now what's that great defense lawyer going to say when he faces my savior, The son of God as his judge? I'll tell you speechless. Speechless. Nothing to say. He'll not answer a word. Not so much as a word.
Why no covering, no robe, no garment in his sins and legged before. Holy God, how do you get that robe? And what's it like turned Isaiah 61? Isaiah 61, please.
Verse 10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord. My soul shall be joyful in my God. He has clothed me with the garments of salvation. He has covered me with a robe of righteousness. Who can say that every Sinner who comes to Christ as a Sinner and receives him as a Savior has the robe of righteousness? Romans 3 says The righteousness of God is unto everyone here tonight.
IT support all their belief. It's upon all their belief. If you go out of here, still in your sins, naked before the eyes of a holy God, it'll be your fault. All you have to do is believe what God says. You're a Sinner. He's made provision for you, his beloved son on the cross who died in your room instead if you have him, and you'll be closed in the robe of righteousness.
The best rope, the best robe. You know, the prodigal.
The prodigal when he took his father's living and he went into this world, wasted it with riots as living with harlots and other things. When he came to the bottom, got to the end of himself. He was slopping sows, he feigned, would have sucked with a slop where Ruthie slapped the South and he said I perished. Oh, what a wonderful thing would you come to that point? You realize you're a Sinner. God says so. I'm just going to hell because of it. God's holy.
And you can just say I perish, he said. I'll turn to God. I'll turn to my Father. I'll say, Father. I've sinned against heaven in thy sight. I'm not worthy.
That's the goodness of God that brings you to that point, what happened? The father said. Bring the best rule.
Bring the federal Put it on him. What's that? The rope of righteousness. He's fit to be in the presence of the Lord for all eternity.
He's part of the bride of Christ. You can have it, you know. Romans 319 says the law was given that every mouth will be stopped. Your mouth will be stopped at the great white throne. But if you have it shut now, if you have it shut now, you could be saved. Every mouth will be stopped wide because all must be guilty before God. You have nothing more to say. I'm a Sinner. I'm lost. You have nothing more to say. All that wonderful public in the temple had 7 words to say. He got saved.
God be merciful to me. The Sinner justified the rope of righteousness. That's why Christ died, Job said. I lay my hand upon my mouth, and God says, good job, Now I can talk to you. And he did what happened. Jobs that I repent and dust and ashes. I've horn myself. What does that mean? He's ready for blessing. God blessed him. He wants to bless you tonight. The Lord stood before his judge and he said never a word. He answered nothing, not so much as a word.
But if you don't receive them as savior, there will be a sequel. You'll stand before him as Judge Speechless. Turn to mark 15, Mark the 15th chapter.
Verse 12 Pilate answered and said again unto them, What will ye then, that I shall do unto him, who ye call the king of the Jews? And they cried out again, Crucify him. Then Pilot said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done? They cried out the more exceedingly crucify him. And so Pilate, willing to content the people, release Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus and when he had scorched him to be crucified.
The soldiers led him away into the hall called Praetorium, and they called to gather the whole band.
They closed him with purple, planted a crown of thorns, put it about his head, and began to salute him. Hail king of the Jews. And they smote him on the head with the Reed, and did spit upon him, And bowing their knees, worshipped him. And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple from him.
Put his own clothes on him and let him out to crucify him.
This is other part of the sea.
Feigned worship, mockery, ridicule to the beloved Creator, the Lord of glory, Man's heart, man's mind, carnal minds and enmity with God. He hates God in his heart. It's coming out here, you know. Man's heart is coming out here. That that terrible seed. Crown of thorns. They gave him a crown, but a crown of thorns. Long, sharp, pointed thorns.
And they put it on his head. Why? To tear his flesh, To bring out the blood, and tear his flesh in hatred and mockery. A crown.
Prophecy, they said. Another gospel says they blindfolded him and smote him with the palms of their hands and said prophecy, who who smote thee?
Purple roll? What? That ridicule just ridiculed the region.
Come down and save thyself. Come down and save thyself. What were they doing there? Mimicking God, mimicking Satan. They were Satan servants, you know, When Satan first tempted the Lord in the wilderness after he was 40 days without water or food, Satan said, If thou be the Son of God, tell these rocks to be bred. If thou be the Son of God, he raises that doubt. You know about the blessed person of the Lord Jesus.
Jesus is God. He's the Son of God.
And here at the cross we hear these words. If thou be the Son of God, come down and save thyself and we will believe. You know, if the Lord Jesus had come down and saved himself, they wouldn't have believed that you and I would be lost forever. I'd have those Savior praise the Lord. He stayed there on that cross. They couldn't hold him. Love held him for me and for you, if you'll have him who smote thee. Oh mockery. But God is not mocked. God is not mocked.
Galatians 6-7 Be not deceived, Sinner God is not mocked.
God took that terrible cross, that terrible death of his Son by his own creatures, and he turned victory out of it. Victory over death itself and sin itself, and over Satan himself and the power he had. He's not mocked. God will never be mocked, but man will. They bowed the knee. They bowed the knee in mockery, in mockery. All but God brought victory out of it for you and I.
You know, there was a man called George Washington goalful. He was an Englishman, an architect, a great one, great engineer, and a master builder. He was the 3rd man drafted and hired to do a great job which two before couldn't do, complete the Panama Canal and go. Fools went into that job wholeheartedly and he worked hard in spite of all the things he had to resist and fight topography, geography.
Men and their fickle ways. Insects and everything else. The weather and he fought on. But the worst thing he had to put up with, the worst of all was the ridicule, the jeering of all the people. This is the third one. He'll not do it either. Who can make votes go through that muck and mire? And they laughed and jeered.
You know gopals, right hand man, his subordinate, his chief man, who was his dearest friend, finally said to him. George, George, when are you going to answer them, see what they're writing and saying all the time. And he said in due time. And he said, George, how are you going to answer them? And Gopal's just smiled. This smiled. He calmly said, I'm going to answer them with the canal. And he did.
Short of the time, even than he was supposed to have it done.
You know the Lord Jesus answered the mall. God answered the He raised that Blessed One from the dead. He's at the right hand of God. He answered them with resurrection from the cross, from the tomb. How wonderful it is. Victory thanks be to God, which giveth us a victory through the Lord Jesus Christ. You can have it. You can have it. They bowed the knee to that Blessed One in mockery. Will there be a sequel to that? There will be a sequel to that.
It'll be you, dear Sinner, if you're in your sins, and you'll die that way. Or should the Lord come first, it'll be you. What does that mean? Turn to Philippians, The second chapter. Philippians Chapter 2.
Verse 8 being found in fashion as a man.
He Jesus humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Wherefore God also highly exalted him, and has given him a name which is above every name.
That the name of Jesus Every knee should bow. Verse 11. Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory, God the Father. There's coming a time when they mocked in Baldenian mockery. But every knee is going to bow. Yours as well, if it hasn't bowed now in grace, but every knee is going to bow to that blessed one. Every knee is going to bow.
To that blessed one, to the glory of God. Oh, how wonderful that is. There's no exceptions, no exceptions to this at all.
A universal bending of every knee, A grand mass movement downward of all knees in the acknowledgement of who he is to the glory of God the Father. That's going to come, no exception. You can't say you got a stiff knees and they'll say bow that knee now you can't say you're suffering from painful arthritis.
The knee now.
You can't say I'm not going to bow the knee. Look at your knee Sinner. It's going down, down. You're going down to God made the knee. He gave it to you and he says bow. It'll bow. How wonderful. You have the privilege now to receive Christ as your savior, to confess him as your Lord. Isn't that wonderful? You will have bowed the knee in the day of grace.
Or what a privilege it is. What a privilege it is. You know, there's a verse that says, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in that heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. You have the privilege of following your need of that blessed one now.
As your Lord, if you don't, you will bow your knee and confess. He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. And that will be the last thing you'll see is the face of my blessed Savior, your judge for all eternity. Because it'll be darkness from then on. Darkness, you know. They said, come down from that cross and save thyself on us. But turn to Revelation 7. There will be a reverse of that. It won't be come down. It'll be rocked.
Fall on us. Not come down and save us, but rocks fall on us. Revelation 6. It is rather verse 15.
The kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the chief captains, the mighty men. Every blonde man, every freeman, That includes everyone here, no exceptions. They hid themselves in the 10s. And the rocks of the mountains. And they said to the mountains, and the rocks fall on us. Hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of his wrath has come, who shall be able to stand.
They said to him in mockery.
Come down.
Thyself But they will say in that day when they realize that judgment is upon them. Rocks fall on us. Hide us from what? The wrath of the Lamb. You ever seen a lamb? I've never seen a wrath of a Lamb. How can there be the wrath of the Lamb? Because that blessed Lamb of God, the Savior of this world, yours if you'll have him, shall be judged. God has committed all judgment to that blessed one.
And it's the wrath of God that abides on you Sinner right now that will come upon you in that day. But you'll bend the knee first, not in mockery, in acknowledgement of who he is, in acknowledgement that Jesus is Lord. You won't be saying Jesus as Lord. Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Oh how solemn it is. Foul the knee. Now you know you'll live in fear. I know you're in fear as Adam was in fear and Eve.
Once they see it, sin separates and it brings in fear. Fear of God. So how solemn that is to go on that way. I just read yesterday in the paper about a man, Norman Greene of Wingham, England. I think it's Wigan Wingham, England. I'm not sure of the spelling. At any rate, this man, eight years ago, was sought after by the police. An old woman was murdered. They wanted to question him.
And he hid. He hid in fear. He hid in an 8 a six by two foot hole beneath the floor of his hole. And there he was in darkness for eight years, eight years in fear and trembling, and his hair turned Gray. His teeth fell out. He said. I was a stranger to my children, and I was afraid. I was afraid he was discovered.
He was discovered and what he was discovered, you know what the authorities said.
We have no charge delay against you. We want to question you only. There was number charge. He says. Thank God it's over. Thank God it's over. You know you're going on in your sins. You're going to face God as your judge, and it will be a charge then. But you can have him as savior. You could come out of hiding. You can come out and you can receive him as savior. You'll be judgment free. Join him.
And you can say thank God it's over. Jesus took my judgment that I deserved on the cross and I'm judgment free. That's salvation. That's what God wants you to have tonight. How solemn for this man to spend those eight years under the floor of his home in a six by two cell of dirt, you say How foolish. And he went here stealing your sins. How foolish. That's all I could say. How foolish.
You can be judged, but free as you walk out of this door. That's why Christ died. What made the difference?
Of that thief of the cross who the Lord said, Thou shalt be with me today in paradise. What made the difference between him and the other thief? He said, Lord, He bowed the knee on the cross in his heart, and he said, Lord, to that one in the middle. That's all. Isn't that wonderful if thou shall confess with thy mouth? Jesus is Lord, what made the difference to that leopard full of leprosy in Luke 5 that came to the Lord, and all the other lepers who still earn their leprosy?
He said, Lord, that's all he owned them. He bowed the knee and the heart. He confessed with the mouth. There was a man born blind John 9 And the Lord opened his eyes. They said Who did it? He said a man named Jesus. They said, don't tell us that who did it? That man's a prophet, he said. First he said he's a man, then a prophet. The next time they questioned him the Son of God. And finally what did he say? He said, Lord.
And he worshipped him. He worshiped him as his savior and Lord. Is it that simple? That's all we're talking about. It's that simple. Just confess to God, you're a Sinner, as he says, and receive his Son the Savior, and you're safe for all eternity. Bow the knee now, or you're going to bow the knee. Then there'll be a sequel to this. They bowed the knee in mockery, but every knee is going to bow in reality, acknowledging that Blessed One.
As Lord, to the glory of God, the Father turned to John 1919 chapter.
Verse 29 verse 28 After this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled.
I'm sorry.
Verse I better start at verse 10. I'm not going to read the mall. Then, said Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me?
Though us thou not that I have power to crucify thee, I have power to release thee.
And Jesus answered, Thou couldst have no power at all against me, except that we're given thee from above.
Verse 13 When Pilate therefore heard the saying, he brought Jesus forth, and set down the judgment seat in a place that is called the pavement, but in Hebrew Gabbatha. And it was the preparation of the Passover about the 6th hour. And he says to the Jews, behold your king. And they said, they cried away with him, away with him, crucify him. And Jesus said unto them, Shall I crucify your king?
Priests answered, We have no king but Caesar. Then delivered he him. Therefore unto them to be crucified. They took Jesus and led him away, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. They were asking to be separated from that blessed Holy One.
You know sin separates.
People don't want to be in the presence of God when they're in their sins. He's light. They didn't want him. They would not have him. They said not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber. They chose a robber over the blessed son of God. And you know, a robber, A sole robber, has been ruling this world ever since. They've got that Satan. They killed the author of life. We've said they've murdered the just one. That's the contradiction of sinners against himself.
They said we will not have this man to reign over us. Away with him, cast him out. They cast him out. Is there a sequel to that? Yes, away with him. There's a sequel to that. We could turn to Revelations 20, please.
20th chapter verse 11.
I saw great White throne and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and heavens fled away.
There was found no place for them. I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God. The books were opened, and another book was opened, the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, And death had held delivered up the dead which were in them, And they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the lake of fire. They cast him out.
But you know, the sequel is this.
He's going to cast them in the lake of fire. Isn't that a solemn thought? Depart from me, he'll say.
Away with him, they said. There is a sequel. When they stand before that blessed one as their judge, he'll say depart from me. I never knew you. I never knew you. And the sad part of it is.
16 verse 16 There's a great golf fix. This is forever.
Second death. What is it? You die in your sins, You will die the second death. What is it? Eternal separation from a holy God. Whose light and whose love?
There'll be no love again forever, for all eternity.
There'll be no light, the blackness of darkness forever, the rich man in Luke 16, who fared sumptuously every day of his life but had nothing to do with God.
He ended up in hell. You can read it. But he became a believer very quick. He believed then there was hell. He believed then there was evidence.
But it was too late. A great golf fixed, and he came up, became a believer in missions too. He had five brethren back down there who haven't died yet. He said, Send one from the dead, and my brothers will repent. What was the answer? What was the answer? Nay, they have Moses, the prophets. They have the whole Old Testament, the word of God. Let them hear them. If they will not hear them, they will not believe or repent.
Though 1 rose from the dead and came back.
What does that say to you, dear friend and dear Sinner? You've got the whole word of God, not just the Old Testament, if you won't hear it and believe it.
If one came from the dead, it won't make any difference.
Believe what God says. That's it. Or end up forever in hell, that place.
They said away with him and they cast him out.
But there will be a sequel He'll cast you in.
A confined place. The lake of fire. Crowded but no company. Blackness of darkness forever. We've been wailing and gnashing of teeth, and that's hell. Eternity for everyone who dies in their sins. Why does sinners go to hell and are punished? Why are they damned for eternity? Is it because of all those sins? The weight of the sins?
The magnitude of the sins? No, not really. It's because they receive, not they believe, not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Thessalonians.
Receive it. You won't believe it. You must go to hell. Simply believe and be saved. Judgment free. That's all we're saying. There will be a sequel. I never knew you. Depart from me. Cast into the lake of fire. Turn to John. Three, third chapter of John.
Verse 14.
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Verse 17 God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
The Son of Man must be lifted up.
John 1232 Said I if I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me.
Tonight, to the Holy Spirit of God, the Lord Jesus is trying to draw you to him.
He was lifted up on the cross. He hung there between heaven and earth in space.
Why so he could die. Take the judgment of a holy God for your sins, if you'll have him. For the sins of the world, if all will have him. It says, Whosoever. That's you. It was me. I finally believed it by the grace of God. He gave me that faith. And I'll never be done thanking him. And I'm saved on my way to glory. He was suspended in space. Who? His own self. There are sins in his own body on that tree.
On the Cross, he must be lifted up. Is there a sequel to that? There's a sequel to that.
Revelations 2011. Revelations 20. Verse 11.
And I saw a great white throne in him that sat on it, from whose face the earth in heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God. Where are they? They're in space.
They're suspended on nothing as this earth is before the great White throne. My savior there as judge there was found no place for them, and the dead stand before God in space.
Do you remember perhaps on the first page of papers, years ago, when our spaceship went out there into space, and one of those astronauts left it with a with a line to it, and there he was in space. He was standing, but he had no standing, no place to stand. He was moving the same as they, but he was in space. He had nothing to hold on to.
That's what we're talking about. When you face my savior, the Lord Jesus, the Son of Man, the Son of God, is your judge. You'll be in space, there'll be no standing, Malachi, 32 Says, who shall be able to stand in his presence. If you're in your sins, you'll have no standing, no grip. You'll just be there, be there.
They hung him up in space between heaven and Earth. But there's a sequel for every Sinner who refuses him as savior, there's a sequel. And in Revelations 8, verse one, it says it's so solemn. What's going to happen? Judgment that there's silence in the presence of All in Heaven for the space of about 1/2 hour.
Dead silence. I've never been in dead silence. There's always some noise.
But if you could have dead silence for one minute, you'd say that's an eternity 1/2 hour.
Why, the awesomeness of the judgment that's going to be meted out at that throne and all that stand there before him with no standing in space.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. To the inhabiters of this earth. If that's all you are, your earth dwellers, you're on your way to hell for all eternity.
You could be a heavenly creature. You can have the life of Christ. You can be part of his body now you can be saved.
By merely coming to him. That's why he was suspended. That's why he was lifted up. That's why he died on the cross. You know it's up to you. How can you escape the damnation of hell? He told the religious leaders. You will not come to me that you may have life. It's up to you. God says choose life. I set before you death and life, cursing and blessing. And then he says choose life.
Isn't that something? There was a sandwich youth that got saved. He worked at A.
Plush hotel over there on the island. And it got around that he was saved. You know, we've become different. We want to talk about Jesus. We want to talk about the Lord. There's something different when you're saved. You've got a new life. All the burdens go on and all you want to do is praise Him and tell others about him. Well, that's the way this boy was.
And there was a group of what they called church people there, a group touristic.
This was their last night, and they wanted to invite that boy who worked at the hotel, that native, to come at their party. And they did, and they had supper. And after supper they gathered around, started asking him questions about his life and salvation.
And he had a broken English that was rather comical. He couldn't speak too well in English. And they laughed about that every now and then and chuckled. And there was a rich businessman there wasn't saved, really didn't have much to do with the Lord Jesus at all, just religious. And he thought this was very humorous. So he started asking this sandwich island youth a lot of questions just to get that funny answer that he gave in that broken English. And everybody was having a humorous, hilarious time.
And finally, that boy couldn't take it anymore. And he said, I came here by invitation. I'm a guest here now. I know you want to know about my savior. And I've answered all the questions the best I could because I know my speech is funny, but Jesus is my savior. He knows all about that too. Then he looked at that businessman. He said, Sir, there's going to be a greater gathering than this soon.
And it's going to be up there in space. And the only question that's going to be important is God's going to say to you, what have you done about my son?
Sir, What are you going to say then, Sir? What are you going to say then, Sir? And you know, everybody there was ashamed.
And the Hostess was ashamed. And she said, I think it's time to conclude. She asked that boy, would you kindly commend us to God? And he prayed. You know what? He prayed about Their souls. He asked God to save the souls of everyone there. And he prayed so sincerely, with such compassion. When he was done, there wasn't a dry eye in the roof.
And you know, that businessman got saved. He realized that there's something real there.
I trust you, since there's something real here. Jesus Christ came to the cross for you.
He took what you're going to take if you don't receive him, and he didn't deserve it. He was sinless, perfect and holy.
If you face him as judge, I have to say this to you, what are you going to say there?
What are you going to say? Speechless? Turn to John Nineteen 19th chapter.
After this in verse 28, Jesus knowing all things were now accomplished.
The scripture might be fulfilled, he says. I thirst never set a vessel full of vinegar. They filled a sponge with vinegar, put it upon hyssop and to his mouth, and Jesus therefore received the vinegar, He said it is finished. He bowed the head and gave up the goals.
I thirst in my thirst, it says. In Psalm 6921 They gave me vinegar. That's all vinegar. My tongue cleaveth to my jaws. Psalm 22. No water for the Lord, He said. I thirst, but they wouldn't give him a drop. Is there a sequel? Yes, there is. That rich man in hell lifted up, his eyes big in torment. What did he say? Mercy. What was the mercy to that rich man now?
Send Lazarus.
Let him dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue.
Great golf fixed. It's not possible. It's not possible, son. Remember what you had in your good days and Lazarus was at your gate telling you about the Lord, but you wouldn't have it. No water in hell. You know, there was a gospel preacher preaching in an open park in this city, and there were mockers, as there usually are. And one said, I don't believe a word of it. I think this is hell right now. And here. Oh, you've heard that?
This is hell. There isn't anything else.
You know what that preacher says? I can prove you this isn't hell. There's no gospel going to be preached in hell. And I'm preaching it right now. There's no Christians in hell. How many here are really saved? How many here are Christians? 20 raised their hand, he says. Here's 20 Christians. There will not be a Christian in hell, he says. See that big river? That flowing river 50 yards over? There's no water in hell. Not a drop of water in hell. No, don't say this is hell.
Is without water, without believers, without Christians.
And without faith, No gospel. You know, it's a terrible thing to think of hell the Lord thirsted. They wouldn't give him water.
You'll thirst for eternity and not get one drop, not one drop. Mercy. To a rich man in the earth when he's in hell is a drop of water, but he never gets it. He's asking for mercy. Too late. There was an Australian explorer who they found beneath the tree in the heart of Australia.
And his daily diary was there by his side. His pen was still in his hands, and they read the last entry in that diary.
You know what it says, it said. The last thing I remember was pulling the saddle off of my horse and letting him go to die by himself, alone. Now it's my turn. I thirst.
All my tongue it pleased to the roof of my mouth. I can't utter a sound.
This would probably be the last I expressed. Any thoughts?
Oh, I search how I search.
God help me. That's it.
You know, to die of thirst must be an awful thing, but Can you imagine to have thirst and never die?
There will be a sequel to this, he said. I thirst.
But there will be a time when there'll be nothing. I know the times about over Matthew 27. I'm going to read it and not turn to it. I'm going to say it now. From the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land. Until the ninth hour, 3 hours of darkness. Why God judged my Savior. Then God judged Jesus, Then three hours of darkness. This world was shut out.
Blackness of darkness.
Is there going to be a sequel to that? Yes, there is. Yes, there is. The Blackness of darkness, Reverend, I want to tell you in Matthew 27, the time won't let us read it. It says the graves are open after the Lord dismissed his spirit.
Many bodies of the Saints who slept in Jesus arose, came out of the grave, They appeared in Jerusalem. It spoke of resurrection. The Lord arose. How wonderful it is. The grave gave up many and the Lord arose. Is there going to be a sequel to that? Well, Revelations 20. I think we should read this one. Revelations 20 and verse 13.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it. Death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged every man according to their works. Yes, they're going to be given up from the grave to be judged. It's appointed Other men wants to die. But after death the judgment. You know, I I use these a lot. It says do not disturb you just stick it on your door at a motel or hotel. Nobody bothers you. But you know you can't say that as the death.
You can't put that out. When God calls the Spirit home, the Spirit goes home.
No man has power over the Spirit to retain the spirit. Neither does he have power in the day of death.
You can't say do not disturb. It's all in the hands of God, but there's many other things that are going to be repeated.
And one of them is. They stripped him. They stripped him. Dear friend, you are ready naked in the eyes of God. If you're in your sins, there's nothing to cover you. It says all things are naked and open before the eyes of him with whom we have to do they strip the Lord. But you will be stripped before him in judgment. Oh, how solemn it is. All things naked. You know how you're going to avoid this sequel.
To think of it, to be speechless before your judge, to have no robe of righteousness, To be without a garment, To hear those words away with you. Depart from me. How are you going to avoid it? To be cast into the lake of fire, into hell? Everlasting furs, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? How are you going to avoid it? Simply turn to the Lord Jesus as savior. That's all I want to use. One last story. I know I'm getting close.
Charles Spurgeon. You know that great evangelist. He was on his way to a service.
At a place that he attended in a Blizzard, a snowstorm. He didn't make it. He's only 18 years old. He got as far as a little wayside Chapel. He went into that Chapel, sat down, it was warm. There's just a few there. Preacher didn't show up too bad of weather. And while he was sitting there, one of the working men who were part of that congregation got up nervously with his Bible and opened it. And he read, look ye unto the Lord, all the ends of the earth would be ye safe.
That was his text. He didn't know really what to say. He says. There's nothing really hard about it, is there? All you got to do is look to the Lord and be saved everywhere, all the ends of the earth. You don't have to even move a foot, move a hand, turn their head, do anything. Just look. That's all it says. Look ye unto the Lord and be ye saved. And he went on like that for about 10 minutes till he couldn't think of any more to say.
And as he looked around to those few people, he thought Charles Spurgeon sitting there. He never saw him before. He says, Man, you look miserable. If you continue in your sins, you'll be miserable for all eternity. And he fixed himself on Charles. And Charles was miserable. He was lost.
He says, why don't you look to the Lord and be saved? Then you won't be miserable. You'll be happy. You'll have the joy of the Lord. And he went on like that. Finally he closed with a prayer. You know, Charles Spurgeon was so miserable after that he turned to Christ. You know, that's how that evangelist got saved right there. Can you do it that quick? You know, the publicans said, God be merciful to be the Sinner, and he was justified.
The rope of righteousness. I trust everyone here will receive Christ now. That's why he died. No one can take my life from me, he says. I lay it down of myself. That's why he died. He loved you too much if you don't receive him as savior. The sequel we spoke about of Calvary is yours, and justly so. You will be judged for your sins because you wouldn't receive the Savior.
Who took the sins of this world and yours? If you'll have him all receive Christ right now.
Receive Christ right now.
Let's sing quickly #21 and it says in verse 3, Confess him as thy Lord and dear ones. If you confess Jesus as your Lord now you can bow your knee in graze, and you'll never bow your knee in that time in space. And you'll not confess. He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. You will have confessed him as Lord. Let's stand and sing it.
Decide for Christ today.