John 1:35-51

John 1:35‑51
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That Phillip call the before that Phillip Crawley. When I was under the fig tree I saw these.
Nathaniel answered and said unto him, Rabbis, thou art the son of God, thou art the king of Israel.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, Believeth thou, Thou shalt seek greater things than these. And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I stay unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.
That was a wonderful moment where down the Baptist introduced Jesus there at Jordan.
For the whole.
Land that turns out.
Were baptized.
Confessing their sins.
In a real stirrers to the repentance in need of repentance in the nation.
And then when the Pharisees were insistent to ask who he was.
Why? He says. I'm just the voice of one crying in the wilderness.
Rather remarkable statement, isn't it, At the very one that the Lord.
Calls the greatest born of women.
Greatest of all the prophets. And yet when he speaks of himself, he says I'm just a voice, Father. Words aren't just nothing.
Calls when one gets low enough.
To be nothing, then the Lord.
And exhaust one and his own way for his own glory.
Well, as I said this a moment at last arrived.
When they long looked for Messiah.
Had come their joy.
He doesn't say See the Messiah? Oh no.
He says, Behold the land of God, take it away, the sin of the world.
Isn't there something in that for our hearts, beloved? That's the 1St and most important thought about our blessed Savior is in connection with his death of the Lamb of God.
That's how we'll see him and knowing that the glory as the land, when it speaks of the wedding day, the marriage, it speaks out as the marriage of the land.
Rejoice, and be glad, and the marriage of the Lamb is come. Certainly will be brought before us then, perhaps as never before.
And it will last for all eternity.
How the Lord Jesus Christ is God's land went to Calvary's cross, and we owe all to that land that will be there in the glory with him. We'll never forget it.
We get such a very striking contrast in the Revelation. The Lord Jesus there is called the lion and the lamb, but only once he's called the lion. I believe 27 times in the Revelation he's called the lamb. So it would appear that the Spirit of God would ever direct our thoughts to him as the Lamb of God and of his sacrificial death at Calvary. And that as our brother says we're going to see him in the coming days, the lamb, see the wounds.
His hands and sides and feet.
Which will remind us throughout eternity of his sacrificial death, and of his infinite love that took him there to die for our sins, that we might be with him in the glory.
I was thinking too in the name Jesus is very prominent in the Gospels.
And the name Christ is very prominent in the epistles. The one speaks of His sojourn here on earth, the other speaks of His exaltation up there in the glory.
When I speak here of taketh away the sin of the world.
The thought there is that I suppose morally, as far as God is concerned, the sin question has been settled.
But as far as the administration of it is concerned.
It's yet to be that the sin of the world will be taken away.
And we find that in this same chapter, the very last verse.
The heaven is open, the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. Well, that's connected with that, isn't it? Purging this world, the Lord is going to purge this seed, bring judgment upon all of his enemies.
And then he's going to read. Well, that's included, isn't it, in taking away the sin of the world.
I suppose his death has laid the foundation for their settlement.
On that ground, the new heaven and the new earth will be established. We're in Renaissance righteousness where there will be no evil anymore.
The world is to be held accountable for the rejection floor. He has made irrigation for our sins on the cross and shedding his blood.
That part has already been taken care of, but the world, though, is going to be held accountable for his rejection.
And that comes in the latter part of it taking away the sin of the world.
Well, this all fits together because in the first part of the chapter we see the Lord is the creator of the whole scene. But when he comes into the world, he's rejected. They won't have it. Well, the crisis comes when the Lord himself, the Creator, comes into the sea that He's created and they won't have him. His creatures won't have him. What a solemn thing. Well, as you said, brother heirsman, this world is held accountable.
Not only for their sins.
But for rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ they have to answer for. And what a mercy.
That God has worked in our hearts.
To own our part in nailing the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.
That's essentially what we do when we repent on ourselves as sinners.
We acknowledge that our sins put Christ on the cross, and the moment we do that, God Forgives them all. You can wash them all away. They're all gone.
There will be brought to home in the Eternity as the.
Year roll on that every blessing, every glory we over the cross, afraid God is finding a seed to it.
That his son, who went solo in Greece, has to become a sacrifice for sin.
That he's going to honor him and everything in this universe must be the blessing, must be the result.
Of that song when he was hanging their victim on the painful cross, where he suffered under the hand of a righteous and holy God.
That gives wonderful joy and confidence in the believer even now, because we do live in a world where the person and name of the Lord Jesus Christ is so despised by just to think that the winding moon we trust the one who died to redeem on his according to the season one even now far above all principalities, power, might and dimension of every name that is named.
Not only in this world, but also in that statistic, college, and to be able to read to that day when every phrase of sin will be removed, and the one who has redeemed us and the one who's named by grace we bear now is going to happen. It's a wonderful joy to the soul now.
This is he whom I said after me cometh with man.
Which is preferred before me, for he was before me.
If the Lord wasn't more than man, that statement would be possibly false, because John the Baptist was born about six months before the Blessed Lord was born.
John is referring not to his natural birth there at bestium, but he's referring to his eternally.
Back in those eternal ages, unless the reason why he establishes the glory of this person.
Which so far transcends the glory of every other man that ever occupied any place.
And ways of God in this world.
There's one man.
That is not only a true man.
That is also a divine person, God manifest in flesh.
But John was the forerunner.
As you get in Isaiah 40.
Voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare you the way of the Lord.
Make street is passed.
So we get past foretold in different passages, and they forget it in the first verse of the third.
Of I know we get it in Malachi, and and you get it from my 40th chapter of Isaiah 2. There was one that must go before.
And prepare the way for the Son of God.
Who identify himself with the people here in this world.
And what Doom had accomplished.
Is very important.
He brought a people to repentance.
And whenever there is any real.
Definite positive work of repentance and the heart of any Sinner.
God is deeply interested in that work.
That's why the Lord identified himself, or the baptism of John. There is Jordan. He identified himself with that work that John had begun bringing Israel to repentance.
Well, if we were to try to understand this verse, try to reason about it.
It would only lead to confusion.
But a verse like this verse 30.
Is addressed to faith, because he says after me cometh of mine which is preferred before me, and then he says for he was before me.
Well, if you're to look at that in a natural way, it looks like a contradiction.
He comes after me, but he was before me. But we believe it. It's God's word.
And it's addressed to faith and there are many things in the word of God.
That we're not going to be able to take in unless we receive them by faith. If we're going to try to reason about it, we're going to get far away from faith. It'll result in doubt, because reasoning about the word of God is not faith. Faith just takes God at His word.
And sometimes God is pleased not to reveal his mind in the passage at the time we're searching to get the meaning. There may come a time when we're we'll be in special needs of the understanding of that word, and when it is understood, it becomes like a shining jewel to our souls.
Someone said that when he was eating fish and he bid on something hard, he said he didn't throw the fish away and decided it was a bone and lead it to one side.
And that's very much the way we should act. And we find something that we can't comprehend, we can't understand.
Or don't discard the chapter or the words that you're poor. Cuny mind can't take it in this way aside and wait on the Lord.
Someday it may be.
A. A way that God will let in.
A wonderful ray of truth into your soul.
But you say that The thing is mental apprehension and a spiritual apprehension.
You tell us something about that, Brother Arizona. I think it's very important.
I believe in the world and unworldly Christians. There is an attempt to try to reduce everything to a mental apprehension in the scriptures and I don't think it can be done.
There's some things that are only spiritually apprehended, and God would have itself.
The natural man understandeth not the thing to be of God. Neither can he know them or they're spiritually discerned.
Well, we know a college. There's a place where young people go to store up knowledge. It has to do with the mind.
Well, it seems that Christians don't have taken up with that principle, and so they have started theological schools, and their key fame is for those who go to those schools to store up knowledge of scripture.
Well, in a certain sense that might be all right to store up the word of God in the mind. But the problem is that if you get too much knowledge, it doesn't get all get down into the heart and the avenues get clogged and soon the person becomes, as it were, top heavy and becomes puffed up with pride because he has great knowledge. Well, if the truth gets down into our hearts.
And really exercises our souls. It will humble us and we'll want to get it done to our feet that we might practice it.
Don't you get something like that, Brother Anderson, in the 15th chapter, First Corinthians.
And the eighth verse of.
First, the Festival of Corinthians, 15th chapter.
He says in last wall he was seen me awful as one born out of two times, for I'm the least of the apostles that are not meant to be cold and powerful because I persecuted the Church of God.
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace which was bestowed upon me, was not in vain. But I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I.
But the grace of God, which was with me, the more all entered into the wonderful revelations that were given him from God, the less he thought of himself.
He starts out, you know, calling himself the least of the apostles. Finally, he calls himself less than the least of All Saints.
In this grace, given that I might preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.
Verse verse 31 brings before us.
But it wasn't enough for him to come into this world.
God purpose that he should be made manifest to his people.
And you had a way of doing that through the through the baptism.
That John was performing there at the Jordan River.
But you're saying that?
John can. Saying I knew him not doesn't mean that he had never seen the Lord had no acquaintance with him at all.
But he didn't know him officially.
Remember reading when President Coolidge was President of the United States?
When he was a little boy in Vermont.
There was an old blacksmith that he admired very much and he used to go to his blacksmith shop.
And watch the sparks fly. And the old blacksmith was.
Was a wise old man and gave the young lad some very good advice.
But after his young friend had become the president of the United States.
Coolidge invited here in the blacksmith from Vermont, to visit him in the White House.
Well, he could say this, I knew or not. He never knew him as a president until he went there. He knew him as a little boy there in Vermont. But now he knew him officially, perhaps. That's the meaning here.
This is something like that that takes place with many who are saved to hear the gospel preach time after time. They know many things about the Lord Jesus Christ. They hear about him in a certain way. They know him. But there comes a moment in that life when the Spirit of God just brings it to their heart.
Who the Lord Jesus Christ really is?
And at that moment they see him as the Son of God, who died on countless cross for their sins.
Ah, they know him in a different way now. Somewhat the same thing, isn't it? Paul said that I might know him. The power of his resurrection, the fellowship of his suffering, being made comfortable unto his death. Well, that was when he was a prisoner at Rome.
Ever so many years after all was converted that followed and served the Lord, but he still desired to know him.
In market tell us that the baptism that they came to John, you were baptized confessing their sins.
Well, there had to be that confessing of their sins before they'd be able to know this one who was coming into the scene. They had to confess their sins before they would know of him as savior.
And that's the great thing with Israel today. They don't confess their sins.
John Mayer record saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
Hotels who thought Brother gladding in the spirit abiding upon him.
Well, I suppose the Spirit of God never did come down to abide on anybody else before the cross of Christ, except on the Lord Jesus Christ is here and that's all.
And would it be, so to speak, fitting him for service? Would.
Did you say?
That's what proved him to be the Son of God, because no other human being could have called the Holy Spirit come and abide upon him as as a man. In this world. Of course we know, since redemption is accomplished.
And Christ has borne our sins away.
We can be and dwelt by the Holy Ghost today since Pentecost, but that's another thing.
In First Tennessee 3 and 16, isn't it where it speaks of him there is justified in the Spirit?
Well, doesn't that refer to every act of his life?
It was by the Spirit.
That is wholly by the Spirit of God. There wasn't anything himself brought into it, though He was justified in the Spirit and everything that he did, and the cross isn't mentioned there, but that would take in the cross.
In connection with ourselves in the book of Romans, it speaks of us being justified by his blood, and the Lord Jesus had no need of that. He didn't have to have the application of the blood.
And so it's not true of the Lord Jesus Christ as we have over Leviticus, because there we find that the blood was applied 1St and then there was the anointing of the oil, which answers to the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
But here with the Lord Jesus Christ, there didn't have to be any anointing of blood first. The Spirit of God comes upon him without that.
Don't you find that the high priest was anointed without blood first?
And then his sons, after they had been sprinkled with the blood. I'm not just sure of the.
High Priest by himself.
Because when the high priest stands by himself, he's the type of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we would be a type of Aaron's sons, would we not?
The Holy Spirit came to abide on Christ before the Cross and abide in us after the cross.
So we would be like Aaron's sons, wouldn't we, in that sense?
For a priestly family, yes. Or offer a spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God my deal with Christ, Peter said.
Well, their ballot makes this remark. Sure. Others have read it in in the Leave. It's in the evangelist or the baby arts are sure.
The time when the flood was on the earth.
And Law released the the dove. But he found no resting place for the soul of his feet. All the dove had to come back to north to the earth. Well, he likens the time from the creation of the world.
4000 years have fallen.
Without seeking a resting place, finding none.
But after that search of 4000 years.
At last there's a blessed manner. There's joy who has done all the will of God.
And the Spirit of God does like form comes down divide upon him.
The second time, the dog went out and found a green tree though, didn't it?
In the midst of those desolate waters, and then brought back a leaf to the ark as proof of the fact that it found a green tree. Well, the Blessed Lord speaks of himself as the green tree, he says. If if these things be done in the green tree, what should be done in the dry? Isn't that what he says? Holly branch wasn't it? Doesn't that speak of the return of God's testimony on the earth during the Millennium?
First time give more the theme of that we're looking at ourselves. I mean the poor of Christ came.
That is the promise of the of the coming reign of grace, and then the last time.
The ark never, and the dove never returns because the waters were dry.
Paid to return because the Kingdom of Christ will be established on the earth.
I was merely thinking of it as Saddam did find a place where it could rest then the second time, didn't it? Yeah, and the Lord Jesus speaks to himself, to the green tree, and he was the only green tree that had life.
Amidst that scene of desolation, everybody else was dead and the dark could rest upon that green tree. And that's what we have here, isn't it? In our verse.
Fruit of God came to abide upon Christ. There the dove found its rest for the time being.
A dog is a clean bird and would remind us that the Holy Spirit is holy and he cannot rest upon anything unclean. And that's why when the Holy Spirit is to come to dwell in our hearts, we must first of all be cleansed by the precious blood.
And as soon as the soul is cleansed by the blood of Christ.
Soon as he knows his sins forgiven through the work of Christ on the cross, then the Holy Spirit can come and dwell there in that heart. For not before Holy Spirit must have a clean place to rest.
There are three wonderful sights recorded in the gospel here under and this is the first one, I believe, at John the Baptist saw.
Screwed, descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him the other two the Apostle John saw.
In the 19th chapter where he saw a blood pouring from the side of a dead Christ, and he saw that the empty tomb and the clothes lying there, which is a proof of his resurrection. So it brings before us Christ in his life and death and resurrection in these three wonderful.
Scenes we have here.
Well, the Lord has spoken love here as the as he was baptized with the Holy Ghost.
Oh, that was connected with the promise of the father.
And in the in the 15th of John Way the Lord speaks of sending the Spirit Himself.
And the 30th 2026 First the one that Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me, and he shall bear witness, because he had been with me from the beginning.
Well, that baptism that the Lord speaks of.
Or John speaks of because at Pentecost.
There are people baptized.
With the Holy Ghost until that event.
50 days after the Lord went back, or 40 days after the Lord?
50 days after the Lord rules.
Wasn't mentioned here about the baptizing of the fire that does in Matthew.
I suppose that's because he's the rejected one. There has to be the work going on the scene.
And so the fire is not mentioned here.
So if we hear anyone today, and there are those who do it praying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, actually they are praying for an awful thing because the fire.
Refers to judgment, doesn't it? The judgment of the Lord on this sea, on the ungodly.
Like in the.
Where the Lord reads that from Isaiah that.
He leaves off about the day of vengeance of our God.
He hadn't come to bring that in.
It's going to come, but for the time being, that's suspended.
All a period of grace comes in between, doesn't it? Yes, and that's what we're in now. Period of the grace of God.
And if it were not for the grace of God, the fire would have fallen long ago. But God is long-suffering, not willing that any should carry, but that all should come through thin.
The Lord in reading that he knew when to close the book, he knew when to close it at the point where the application ceased for the time being. But the natural man doesn't know that, and so he goes on and on into other things that he doesn't know where out he speaks.
There are many questions not instructed about what Brother Anderson was speaking about.
As for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire, so it might be well to turn to the third of Matthew.
They may have to.
Answer some who are.
Confused about the scripture?
In the 11Th verse of the third class, I indeed baptized you with water under repentance.
That he that cometh after me.
Is mightier than I whose shoes are not worthy to bear. He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and the fire whose fan is in his hands, and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather the wheat into his garner. Well, there is the result of the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
It forms the people that are taken to heaven.
Picture of heaven, but he will burn up the Jack with unquenchable fire.
That's the baptism of fire. So if one insists on.
Their wrong teaching when it can be clearly pointed out that a very serious thing. Pray for the baptism of fire because it means the.
Mitigated judgment of God upon.
Be connected with what John says to the Pharisees and Sadducees, who have warned you to flee from the wrath to come, to let the wrath to come.
I think you'll find that there are three days in this chapter.
The 29th verse you get the next day.
35th, 1St and again the next day after.
Then in the 43rd verse you get the day following, and then the first verse of the second chapter and the third day.
Well, those three days are very obstructive for us.
The first day of the introduction of the Lamb of God.
And leads on to a blessed association with himself.
And even the work in bringing others.
To know him as their savior.
The second day or the the day following. Follow that through. You'll find it takes a century early.
The remnant being brought to own that they're long rejected. Christ is the Son of God, King of Israel, and the son of Dog and the Son of Man.
And the third day is the marriage of King of Galilee and West Square.
As the coming blessing of the Kingdom of Christ that upon earth.
So the first day is the testimony of John the Baptist. They following that's the testimony of Jesus. And then the third day that's the millennial Kingdom.
Why is it brother bloody unlike the?
35th verse of John doesn't say the when he explains Behold the Lamb of God.
That taketh away the sin of the world. He leaves that out.
Well, I suppose in the first instance, in the 29 first.
He's bringing in the sin question, Lamb of God and the sin question, but here he's directing the gauge of the person himself, isn't he?
It's not so much the sin question here. It's the person who has settled the sin question between the gaze upon and be occupied with. Is that the thought?
Have to have the same question settled before you get look upon Jesus as he walked.
And that expression as you walk. And it's very important, isn't it?
Must be gained by watching the walk from the Lord Jesus Christ as we read up and in the gospel.
There we can be occupied with the Lord Jesus Christ as the one walking through this wilderness.
Which walk, of course, culminates in going to the cross. That's where his feet took him. He was obedient all the way through his life unto death and back to death of the cross.
All while the person to be occupied with as he's walking through this sea. Well, in other parts of the Scripture we get the Spirit of God occupying us with him and the glory. Well, whether it's here, whether it's up there, there's only one that God wants us to be occupied with, not his blessed Son.
And we may know a lot of truth, and we can thank God if he has been pleased to vouch. Safe to ask the truth. Course, it's always been in the word, but to have it and to value it, and to have a desire to practice it, that's another thing. But to have the truth is one thing, and to be occupied with the person of Christ is something else. We might have all the truth, but if we lose out in being occupied with Christ.
Being taken up with him.
Being attracted to him, having his person before us, well, I'm afraid we're going to lose the truth and soon we'll find we'll not be walking in the truth too.
When John says in the 29th verse.
Behold the Lamb of God. He is really addressing Israel, isn't he? But in the.
35th verse He really isn't addressing anyone.
It's just required meditation of his own heart.
He was just looking upon Jesus.
His whole mind, heart of sort.
In that large sight displayed before it.
God's beloved Son, a real man walking in this world.
And it's just as though he gave expression to his communion without addressing anyone and says, behold the Lamb of God.
And that had a definite effect, didn't it?
John didn't seem to be worried about what would happen to his disciples when he pointed out the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God.
Now he had been, in that case an ordinary man. He would have hesitated to point out praise, because if he knew anything about human nature, he would know that certainly he was liable to lose some disciples, lose some followers of his, they would turn from him and follow Jesus. But John was so occupied with Christ didn't make any difference to him. He just as soon see them follow the Lord Jesus.
Because I'm sure he felt in his own heart, well, I'm not deserving of that place anymore to have any followers. I want to be a follower myself.
It is significant sentiment that it was not the statement made in verse 29, but rather the statement made in verse 36, the small, the two disciples who called diva. I wonder if that would remind us that our own personal occupation with Christ may be more effective with testimony than anything we might say about the Lord Jesus. Now of course, atrocities one of us might dare a faithful testimony by word concerning the value of the work of Christ.
But it is properly to notice that it would not this little statement that seems to be so spontaneous. They hold the line of God and cause the new disciples to fall season. I've enjoyed noticing. Of course it's just the English translation of it, but in the 1St Corinthians 14 we read I'd rather speak 5 words with my understanding and by my teachers also than 10,000 words in an unknown time.
So here we have 5 words, the whole Lamb of God.
Another resource Basement. But the wonderful effect for the two who followed Jesus in turn were used in black others. Well, may it be nothing heard but to us that although we may not have any gift whatever is presenting Christ, the way others might be able to do by word of mouth, surely we can teach one display in our lives that which I think was displayed here in this state all the last dogs.
That's instructed to it If not.
Follow Jesus. He's conscious of it and he turns and.
Saith unto them what seek you that he would encourage them. He would probe their hearts as to what their object was. I think it's nice though, that he was conscious of it, and I don't believe there's anyone ever followed the Lord, but he wasn't conscious of it.
And that is really a very searching word for this one and all.
What seeking?
Because every one of us here challenge our own heart. What are we really seeking after in his life?
Be honest with ourselves. What is it want to get ahead in the world?
Well, that's a bad thing. The world is soon going to be under the judgment of God.
Well, if we're like the two that we read them here and said Lord.
Where as well as thou want to seek to go on in companionship.
For that Blessed One will not be disappointed in that.
Though the world may pass away very soon.
Alone did not say see and come, he said come and see. People like to see first, don't they, before they come to Christ. But His word is come and see Needs faith, doesn't it?
Same thing was said by the Lord, Lamarth and Martha, remember said. I nodded to thee, That if thou wouldst believe, thou should see the glory of God, the Jews that stood around and insulted the Lord. They said, come down from the cross, that we may see and believe. They reversed it.
That's nice too, that he he doesn't give them an address. Where he dwells, doesn't say it's someone's home, Probably was, but he says come and see. So it's something that would apply to faith in all ages.
And when he says come and see, it surely meant that they'd have to follow him where he was going, that they might see it. And so it's so it is with every one of us. If we want to find the place where the Lord is, we'll have to follow him. We'll have to be in company with him, whether it's looked at as an individual way or the collective way.
Where is the Lord dwelling today? Looking at it from the individual?
Well, he's outside of the world. He was cast out, he was outside the gate and that's where he was crucified outside the camp.
Well, if we want to go on in communion with the Lord, we want to be where He is, we want to be in the place he dwells, well, we'll have to be in the outside place, in a place of separation.
And that goes for the collective side of it too, where Saints are gathered together by the Spirit of God to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ outside of everything but inside with him alone.
I suppose.
Revive the Heart of the.
Connection with that following they returned to Matthew 4.
Half to four verse 18.
Very important.
Thought in the word of God to follow.
I will read in Peter, follow in his steps. Not just follow him, but follow him his steps here in Matthew 418.
And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw 2 presidents.
Simon called Peter, and then his brother, casting Anep into the sea, where they were fissures. I just sayeth unto them, Follow me, and that will make you efficient. Amen. This breakfast lecture Nets and bottles, no hesitancy. And going on from that he saw other two brothers, James, the son of Zebedee, and John, his brother, in a ship with Zebedee, their fathers mending the Nets.
And he called them, and they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.
It's a difficult thing sometimes to leave the ship.
Difficult to put issue into action but over in Hosea.
Hosea, Chapter 6.
And verse three is the process.
And the pressure to well thrown heart Hosea 6 verse 3. Then shall we know?
If we follow on to know the Lord, it's a full time occupation. This is something that can be just taken care of, one hour each week at the table, breaking bread, so to speak. But it's that which must be definitely engaged in a diluted engagement day by day.
Following up and to follow.
Will bring us to know him and to know him very well 'cause us to love him more.
Follow in his step, then shall we know that's the proof of reality?
Those that followed on and on him in connection that scriptures our attention is callable in Isaiah.
And it speaks there about the contract and the humble one. There has to be that spirit.
Or we'll miss the way.
Humble person will not go straight.
Well, that is true if it's real humbleness, yeah.
The Lord had to tell two of the disciples, you know not what manner of spirits you're out, but they were weren't going according to the the way of His pathway at all.
What, you're saying that?
The first of John's feet for our brother Whitaker was reading in the 4th of Matthew. This was really wasn't this the beginning of the work of God and the souls of Andrew and Peter, and perhaps John too.
Do you have any thought, brother Paul, as to who the other man was mentioned that left John and call of Jesus nowhere do not.
However, my father telling him actually giving a talk years ago, you thought it was the writer of the Gospel himself, always appealed to me.
He always keeps himself in the background, doesn't he?
This year they came and saw worried. Well, bolded him that day.
Well, that was speak, would it not?
All the time that he leaves the church here, both within that day.
Well, it's important, isn't? Isn't it? To continue with the Lord.
To the end of this present day, as long as we are here in this sea, till the Lord comes, so important to continue on.
I was reading some ministry.
Once it was a reading that was being carried on.
And some brother made the remark.
And it's better to to wear out than to rust out.
And Gay and Darby made the remark. It's better to last out.
Well, it's important to continue with the Lord till this day is finished. There could be a lot of fleshly energy and wearing out.
Is there any any significant in the 10th hour the latter part of verse 39?
Two hours before night. Well, I believe in general John gives us Roman time.
And so that would make it in the morning, they would hardly been going around at 10:00 at night.
See, John's Gospel was written long after the other gospel which.
Supposedly his writings were when he was about 90 years old and.
The Jewish economy was all broken up 20 years prior to that, so he uses Roman times.
So that would make it in the beginning of the day, early morning.
Whatever way you look at it, it was a wonderful time in their lives.
And it says that voters in that day, well, it's 10:00 at night, You wouldn't hardly say they voted within that day.
Well there is one of the 1St results of Andrew being in company with Jesus is to go and find his own brother Simon.
And to bring him to Jesus.
Shows a true preparation for soul winning.
Lord says on the 12Th of John. You know, if any man serve me, let him follow me.
Go to a Barber store, Theological seminary or let him follow me.
Well, that's the true way to be prepared for the service of the Lord.
Follow that lesson 1.
Well, it resulted in Andrew bringing to Jesus.
I suppose we're most prominent of all the 12 apostles.
Simon Peter.
Never crying, Andrew. Doing any special great work, do you?
They were informed that he was a great creature.
He just appears here and there, he told the Lord the time when they were looking for something for the multitude. Andrew Simon, Peter's brother, says There's a lad here that has five balling over and two small fishes. That was a little service for the Lord build a very important place at that particular time.
But yet.
Andrew was used to bring.
I suppose the most powerful creature.
Creature of the gospel that God had, unless it was the Apostle Paul.
So we can't just measure results as to how many converts you get.
I'd say that wasn't much of A work that day, one man he brought. When you think about Peter standing up on the day of Pentecost and 3000 Souls getting saved, what can we say about a work like that?
And don't you think that Andrew must have been rejoicing as he heard his brother proclaim the gospel and sing so many get saved?
Perhaps Andrew was saying, thank God I brought my brother to Jesus.
Well, the mechanic may have many tools.
Are doing his repair work, and perhaps he might have a tool or two that's very seldom used.
But when he needs that tool, he needs it, and it performs a very important work. And if that work isn't done by the machines, not going to go same way with the housewife, She may have some utensils that are very seldom used, but when she needs a certain one, she can't do without it, she must have it, and it serves a very useful purpose at the time, and so we may not.
Be spectacular, spectacular, really used of the Lord. But what we need to be is to be ready to be used when He wants to use it. And that means that we should be walking.
With the Lord in communion with him.
Well, remember too, or remark Mr. Whitlam made. He says. The Carpenter never has to fear that the hammer is going to take credit for the work that was done, and that's one thing we should remember.
Now Charles Purgin was converted to a very ignorant tailor, was driven off of the street in a snowstorm, got into some little Chapel and.
Before her, man was trying to fill in the hour, and about all he could do was to repeat his text over and over and over and over because he couldn't develop it.
And his extra look unto me, and be saved all the ends of the earth for armed governors none else.
Finally turned on Spurgeon himself.
He says, Looky on the man. Look, he says. I didn't look well. That was his conversion.
The new simplest of men who convert a very remarkable and powerful preacher of the gospel.
And that same thought in the first disaster of the Song of Solomon. Draw me We will run after thee. There's one individual heart rung after the Lord sees us in affection, and the result is we will run after the.
The occupancy that perhaps what we have here, one heart drawn after the Lord and is followed by others, wrong me, we will run after thee. Well, as it has been remarked, it may not have been the very greatest factor that one day.
But if in the gallery together the Lord people here tweeting for me 3 days there is one brother or one sister that was purpose apart, seeks to follow the Lord Jesus devotedly, would it not be as blasting? Would it not be worthwhile all the teach of our hearts I see before the Lord about this that language might be true of us from this day forward that we might say draw me, the Lord will hear that desire to be expressed from our hearts.
Well, the Lord immediately gives Simon a new name, doesn't he?
Thus with all the Lord said.
She adjusted for a center named Simon.
What I'm giving you a new name has a wonderful meaning. And you know, when anyone has the right to change the name of a person, it shows he's in a very high place of authority.
So we find Pharaoh changing the name of Joseph.
Nebuchadnezzar, changing the name of Daniel and the three Hebrew children. Always somebody in a very high place of authority. So the Lord just as much as tells Peter you belong to me now.
And I'm giving you a new name.