John's Narrow Escape

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JOHN was one of eight children. He lived with his family in England many years ago.
One midnight, when everyone was asleep, the house caught on fire. The neighbors hurried to the rescue. They thought everyone was out of the house, when suddenly a small boy appeared at an upstairs window. It was little John. He had been forgotten.
“Help me!” he cried. Sometimes we have heard of a mother forgetting her children, but the Lord Jesus never forgets His own. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,” He tells us in Hebrews 13:55Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5). Again, we read, “Thou shalt not be forgotten of Me.” Isaiah 44:2121Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for thou art my servant: I have formed thee; thou art my servant: O Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of me. (Isaiah 44:21).
“Help me!” cried John. But there was no ladder! John’s father, who was a God-fearing man, fell on his knees and prayed. God heard and answered his prayer of faith.
From the crowd a man rushed forward and stood under a window. He called for another man to climb on his back and to stand on his shoulders. Up another man went, they reached little John and he was rescued from the burning house.
“Let us all kneel and pray,” said his father, “for now all my children are safe.” They all knelt down and the father lifted up his heart and voice in thanksgiving to God for His mercies to them that night.
John could not save himself. He needed a saviour. And so do you, dear young reader. If you are unsaved then you are in terrible danger —you are in danger of being caught in the terrible fire of God’s judgment against sin. You cannot save your sinful soul. But “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” If, like little John, you cry, “Lord, save me!” He will surely hear you and save your precious soul. He delights to be called the Saviour of sinners.
When John grew up he became a faithful preacher. He often called himself “a brand plucked from the burning.” God used him greatly and thousands were saved and blessed through his preaching.
God had a purpose in saving John Wesley, and He also has a purpose in saving YOU: He wants you to live for Him, to be to His praise down here on earth, and then He wants to take you to heaven to sing His praise up there. Won’t you come to Jesus and be saved, and start on your way to heaven right NOW?
John Wesley and his brother Charles encouraged thousands of people to sing to the Lord. Between them they wrote over a thousand hymns, a great many of which are sung and enjoyed by Christians the world over today. Here is a verse of one of the hymns John wrote: Lord Jesus, Thy great love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; O bend my wayward heart to Thee, And reign without a rival there. Thine, wholly Thine, alone I’d live, Myself to Thee entirely give. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:3131And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. (Acts 16:31).