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Saved by an Inch.
An Italian was arrested in Boston as soon as he arrived in the city. The alert police suspected him of being a murderer very much wanted in Pennsylvania. The telegraphed description of the fugitive fitted the Italian perfectly. He even had a scar on just the right part of his chest. It was considered a sure find.
But by mail came the Bertillon measurements, and behold! the scar was found to be an inch out of the way. So carefully are these measurements made that immediately it was known that the Italian could not be the right man, and he was released, let us hope with something more substantial than apologies. He came within an inch of the electric chair.
In the old days the exact tally of man and description might well have killed the poor fellow. Doubtless many an innocent man has been condemned on evidence no stronger. It is well that human justice is becoming more painstaking and exact, but we are still a long, long way from the unfailing justice of Omniscience. "Judge not"—the message is still needed by every one of us—"Judge not, that ye be not judged."
Twelve Cents.
I am the Twelve Cents a Massachusetts lawyer has just been awarded by the Superior Court of the State. I am only Twelve Cents, but I think-highly of myself. Some others think as much of me, while still others laugh.
My lawyer paid a street-car company twenty cents for a ride to the company's amusement park, admission, and return. He found the park closed, and demanded the return of his twenty cents. Eight cents was paid him, but Twelve Cents was held back for car feces.
The spunky lawyer sued, and was awarded his Twelve Cents. The company appealed to the Superior Court, but again it lost, and has to pay that Twelve Cents. I am the Twelve Cents.
I am proud of myself because I represent manliness and courage and determination and righteous indignation. I may be little, but I represent these things as largely as Fifty Million Dollars could.
I stand as a Glorious Example of the Maintenance of Right.