Lessons from the Life of Abraham

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Address—C. Lunden
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General Meetings. Columbus, KY, September 1973.
Address of Brother Lundeen.
So we've seen together hymn #335.
Father, thy sovereign love and soul captives to sin far from being.
The words that I know started wrong has brought us back.
And free some.
Brother raises him.
You start with me first of all to act the 7th chapter.
We raised from the first verse of the 7th chapter of Acts.
Then said the high priest, are these things so?
And he, Steven said. Men and brothers, the father's hearken.
The God of glory appeared unto our Father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelled in Karen.
And said unto him, Get thee out of my country from thy kindred Come into the land which I shall show thee.
Then came the out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Karen, and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this. This land burned. You now dwell.
Now you'll turn with me to Genesis chapter 12.
First, first one. Now the Lord has said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee.
And I'll make of thee a great nation, I will bless thee, make thy name great. Now shall be a blessing, Now a blessed man that blessed thee, encouraged him, that cursed thee, And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed as the Lord has spoken unto him, and Lot went with him.
Abram was 70 and five years old when he departed out of herons.
Neighbors took Sarah, his wife.
Dari I his wife and Lot his brothers sons.
And all the substance that they have gathered and the souls that they had gotten inherent.
And they went forth to go into a land of Canaan, and into the land of Canaan they came. And Abram passed through the land under the place of Psycho, under the plain of Mora. And the Canaanite was then in the land, And the Lord appeared unto Abram.
I would like to speak this afternoon about the seven appearings of God to Abraham.
Now, I'm sure that everyone in this room knows something about Abraham. We've all read about Abraham.
In fact, he is spoken of as the father of faith.
In the book of Hebrews, there are two characters that stand out predominantly among those men of faith and women of faith.
The one is Abraham who speaks of the his life, the patience of faith, the patience of faith.
Moses speaks in his history of in, in figure to us of the energy of faith.
Now we we need both of these and especially these very young people this afternoon.
We need the patience of faith and we need the energy of faith.
Now we find that Abraham was an idolater.
You can read more about it in the book of Joshua.
Because there we learned that the father served idols on the other side of Georgia.
And so he was an idolater, and he lived in the land of Ham. That is, Ham was the principal people and they were all idolaters. They were not of the family of faith, the family of Sham.
Abraham was, but he was not one of faces yet.
But he got a call from God.
And it says in the book of Acts that the God of glory appeared to him.
Now under this afternoon, dear young people, if the God of glory has appeared to you.
And I believe we can each one discover in our own lives something kindred to these appearings to Abraham.
The God of glory appeared to you. Have you had an invitation into those blessings of which we've been singing that have to do with the glory?
What a marvelous thing this is, the God of glory.
Is also spoken of as the Father of Glory, which really is a richer and expression.
That we have in vision because that brings in relationship doesn't. But here he's spoken of as the God of glory.
And he appeared unto Abraham when he was an idolatry.
Now this gives us a little picture of how God appears to us.
No one could ever say that they sought out God.
Because we're told that landline searching cannot find God.
No, God finds us. Isn't that wonderful?
And this makes us think of something.
And that is that God wouldn't find us if he didn't want us.
You're young people, you know God wants you.
As the God of glory appeared to you.
We're living in the day of popular movements.
Especially among young people.
But I wonder in all of these popular movements if those who are occupied with these things.
Have found.
That they were the call of God.
That is from the as the result of the word of God.
The word is dark.
You know, unless it's according to the word of God, it's not of God.
If they speak not according to this word, it's because there's no light in them.
No light, not one bit, not one ray, not one candle of light. If it's not according, if they speak not according to this word, the word of God, it's because there is no light in them.
It isn't God's thoughts mixed with your because there's not one thought there are young people that ever came out of your mind.
Unless it was formed by scripture.
It connects with moral issues, but what it was evil?
Not one thought.
You and I are bankrupt.
Outside of Christ and unless you have Christ as your Savior.
Unless you have had the call of the God of glory.
Bankrupt for all eternity.
God is calling you today. If you're unsaved this afternoon, remember you have an invitation right now to receive Christ as your Savior.
And the redemption through his precious blood shed in death of Calvary's cross.
Have you received him as your savior? The God of glory appeared to Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia.
Now there's something particular noticeable here. He dwelled in the land and in a place where everything was conducive to ease and pleasure.
So are you this this afternoon? You're living in a land that's the richest, I suppose, in the world and full of everything that the heart could desire.
And we find that Abraham was surrounded then by.
Those luscious fruits of the desert grew all by themselves without care. Probably doesn't even have to cultivate for the grow grains.
At the mouth of that great river Euphrates.
Whether you were the river spread the soil out the delta, it was easy to grow crops.
And everything was conducive then to what man liked in the flesh.
And it was just the bad time that God called Abram out of all this. And what was the cost to go to the land, A land that I will show you. I will show you.
Now what was this? He had to believe God or he wouldn't go, didn't he?
You'll have to believe God this afternoon or you won't go. But remember.
What you're going to miss if you don't go?
Because everything here comes to an end.
Are you going to be swept away by the present illusions, whether it be the natural?
Resources around you or the evil teaching that's everywhere? Are you going to be swept off your feet by these things?
You're going to go by the word of God.
That's the beginning of everything for Blessing.
Faith. Remember, it's not faith unless it's according to the words never.
People speak of blind faith. There's no such thing.
Faith always has come to your rest on it's the word God.
Now something else we notice that he went up to Heron.
He still hadn't left the land.
Because he was 75 years old when he finally left the land.
And he dwells a long time in Harris called Karen in the New Testament, the three.
The land of Heron, that means death.
Oh dear young people.
How long are you and how long am I going to carry in the place of death?
We've got the call. Are we going to stay in the place of death? God says unto a land that I will show you. Are you reading your Bibles?
Are you?
Are you putting out that extra energy in the morning? Read the scriptures.
Brother was speaking about time last night. About time.
I suppose that tomorrow you'll have 24 hours, unless the Lord comes and you take it away and you'll have 8 hours, or if you were at your occupation for work or school, 8 hours for sleep. Now what about the other eight?
Does God get any of this?
You know, it seems awfully strange to me, beloved. And I speak to parents this afternoon, too.
That the devil gets your children for 40 hours a week.
And when prayer meeting time comes, some parents say to their child while you're tired.
Stay home and do your lessons tonight. You don't have to go to meetings.
Oh dear friends this afternoon, what about eternal things?
What about eternal things? Are you going to give your child that one hour a week?
Eternal things or not?
Solemn, isn't it?
Yeah, well, God didn't appear to him again until he left Heron and went into the land.
Then he appeared again.
And if you are, if you're just marking time this afternoon, dear young people, to remember this.
So God has nothing more to say to you until you act in the truth that you know.
And don't pass up anything Abram passed up psychomeds. You know what psycho is?
Well, it's the place later that God gave to that Abram gave to his son Joseph. One portion have I given the above thy brethren. It speaks really of the Church.
If sites are as well. Now I know these are tight but I just leave this word. Don't pass up anything.
The Jew missed the heavenly calling because he passed it up, didn't he?
What are you missing?
Are you missing something? Are you passing up something? Psychom?
Study it out and you'll find out.
Dycarn's well for that woman received that well. It was springing up in everlasting life of pictures of church. I just I was well honest. But now we've come to the sixth verse of the seventh verse and we find the 2nd appearing of God, Abram.
Now notice what he says when he appears the second time. And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed, will I give this land? And there are filled, as he acknowledged the Lord, who appeared unto him.
Now you'll see he's growing the first time, he said. You go to a land that I'm going to show you.
Now, he says, I'm going to give it to your seat.
Is that in advance?
No, we don't learn it all at once, do we? Oh, how good this is. But God is going to give the blessing to our children.
Yeah, he's in the land now. He's gotten out of that place where he has all of those temptations.
They were told to flee them in the book of Timothy.
Flee youthful up.
Get in the place where you won't be under them all the time.
Pleasant, dear young people, It means together, as far away from them as you can.
Now, he says, I'm going to give this land to your children. That lovely.
The opposing Abram has stayed down there with the beautiful dates in the faces and the ollies.
And all that luscious country that he was.
Given to enjoy as a child, Suppose he stayed there, would he been the father of faith?
What if children have had this blessing? Oh dear parents.
Are you inherent the place of death?
Or how are you moving across that desert?
Because he had to cross the desert, yes, no. And God was going and when he got there, God says I'm going to give it to your children.
About it, parents. You want your children blessed, do you?
With some young parents here this afternoon, just starting out in life, you want your children's breath and get out of that place of death. Get over the land, start beating all that good land that God has provided.
For faith.
Now we noticed in this connection.
That he built an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him. Then he went on, and.
Under a mountain on the east of Bethel and fits instead having Bethel on the West and hey I on the east. Now we're at Bethel, the House of God, and hey I keep the ruins.
That's where the believer is today. He has the House of God on one side and he has the heaps and ruins on the other side.
One to give us the character of all that's around us, and the other to give us our resources.
So that we're able to rise above all that which is of this world.
House of God, the place of all the promises. Remember Bethel in the 28th chapter of Genesis is the place where all the promises were made later.
But the heaps and ruins about.
We need something to fortify us from these heaps and ruins, and that's the House of God.
The place for all the blessings are found.
But we won't carry here. But you remember he goes down into Egypt.
And he doesn't have God appeared to him as long as you need.
God has told him you go to the land. He didn't say go down to Egypt. Why did he go to Egypt? Famine.
And you know, there's more famine in these hearts than there is literally.
Because it says in the Psalms.
In the days of family shall be satisfied.
You think God is able to keep you? You think God is able to keep Abraham in the land that he took him to?
Or he might have tested him with a famine, but he didn't go to Egypt. You know what he got out of Egypt? Some money to bury his wife with. That's what he got.
You may not even get that much. You go to Egypt.
Egypt is the world independence of God.
And beside that he got trouble in his house because Lot got a sight of Egypt and the next thing we see is Lots herdsmen are striving with the herdsmen of.
Between their flock.
Yes, if something had gotten into the blood, as we say a lot, and he now is no longer satisfied in the company of Abraham, his uncle.
Who is responsible? Who led Lot down into?
Egypt wasn't at Abraham.
Is that why Abraham was in intercession with God at the night that?
Sodom was being destroyed.
All night long, Abraham prayed before God.
God heard his prayer.
Oh, he was an earnest man. How about being in earnest before before it happened?
Yes, before all this damage is done.
But in this next chapter, then we notice that God appears to him again.
And it says in the.
14th verse And the Lord said unto Abraham Abram after that lot, and separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place with our northward and southward, eastward and westward, for all the land which thou see us. To thee will I show it? Oh no, Oh no, this is a new experience now. It's no longer I'm going to show you the land, or I'm going to give it to your children.
Is that you? Just look in every direction and I'm going to give the whole thing to you, Abraham.
I'm going to give the whole thing.
Now what was this the result of?
Why he is said to lock, he said Lot. You just take whatever you want and I'll back away and take the rest.
You know what lot shows?
Didn't choose any of that good lamb to stop.
He looked down, and he saw down in those plains. They looked just like it wasn't easy.
The land that he had seen. And he went after the sight of his eyes.
And he chose those well watered flames.
Which proved the destruction of his whole family.
And you know, the life of Abraham is a marvelous story for faith, but you know, we might do well to just draw the curtain on most of lost life.
All dear one, this afternoon, how about your life?
To let be.
Something a blessing that you leave behind you or something that should never be sold again?
Well, Lot made his faithful choice. He got out of the store by fire, but that was all. He left it all behind. That's all loose. He left all. Period. All.
For his lifespan in this world.
And beloved, dear young people, you have your life ahead of you.
You're going to leave it all behind or you're going to take something with you.
Whether Abraham take out of the place of death?
Your souls.
So it says here, we just read it, he just sold with him and you say he stole with you.
Oh, you say I can't preach the gospel? Well, perhaps it'd be better to be different.
You can.
But how about that every day at the office?
Just letting your light shine.
And how much better it be if you and I asked the Lord to give us grace for the day rather than to give us opportunities.
Because the day of teeming with opportunities.
That very little grace to meet them isn't it though?
Well, we find them that.
Lot was a source of trouble and Abraham has to go and rescue him.
In the next chapter.
And justice before the Lord appears to Abraham the next time.
After Abram has rescued Lot from those kings that have taken his good, taking him captive.
But then no character that comes, and he intercepts Abraham just before he takes anything from the king of Sodom.
He comes with bread and wine.
No, till today, bread and wine. You know what that I know these decides.
But I'll have good ideas to have the death of Christ brought into everything.
That the believer has to do it.
Because that's the source of all our blessings.
And you know, Abraham was just about to take some of those goods of law of of the king of Sodom.
Spoils of the battle. It was just about space though.
Melissa that came in before he did, and you know, this tells us, dear fellow believer and dear young people.
That God is always just ahead of us.
All gardeners, and if you and I keep our eyes and our ears open, we'll find that God has already made our way for us.
You have. You don't need to make any mistakes.
And, you know, after.
Melchizedek instead here in this 14th chapter.
19 First. And he blessed Abraham, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth, and blessed be the most high God, which has delivered thine enemies into thy hands. And he gave him size of all, and Abraham gave him size.
Now Abraham learned something. He learns that God is the possessor of heaven and earth.
What does he need?
With the King of Sodom get.
And what do you and I need with what the world has to get?
And so when the when the King of Sodom finally came, Abram says no, I can't use a thread or a shoelace of that.
Why? Well, he says.
And the 22nd verse I have lift up mine hand unto the Lord, the Most high God.
The possessor of heaven and earth.
That I will not take from a threat even to a shoelace, and that I will not take anything that is dying. But thou should say I have made Abrams rich.
Well, this would be sad. The world has made the Christian rich, isn't it?
And that's one of the dangers today.
You know.
Isaac had quite a time when he was among the Philistines.
Because the end begins and God was prospering and he had to get way out of their borders into the land that God wanted him to be in, before God made his enemies to be at peace with him. And you know, you and I, dear young people, should never.
Put ourselves in a position or allow ourselves to be in the position.
With the world ends us.
Remember that.
He'll only bring his drop.
The world and.
But now God appears to him in the 15th chapter again, just the 4th Army is here.
I suppose that Abram was thinking along these lines. There is a great big army, and I've taken my servants, and I have come upon the night, and I've scattered their whole army, but they're coming back, and they're far too superior for me to meet with.
I'm going to be in trouble.
But you know, God sets aside all these fears and he comes to Abram and his 15th chapter and he says, after these things, the word of the Lord came unto Abram. Notice that word of the Lord in a vision saying, Fear not Abram, I am.
Thy shield and thy exceeding great reward two things.
Is the shield so that the enemy will never touch him and he's the reward because he didn't take anything from the King of Sodom.
The kind of reward do you want? What kind of protection do you want?
Oh, this is lovely. This is where our souls can can bask in the sunlight of His love. I my shield.
And I see great reward.
It isn't simply that he'll give a reward. He is back.
There's a lot of things to it. She's righteous to sanctification and everything else. She's our peace.
Is our reward.
Now a brother, he has this this hurdle fast, so he's going to ask the Lord about something.
They were getting along in years now, and you know God has promised that of His seed.
Every family in the earth would be blessed 70.
And Abraham getting a little bit concerned about this because he has no children. How can this be?
And so he ventures to ask God about.
And so it was on a starring night.
As we see in this chapter, the heavens were spread about fraud. I suppose it was a dark night.
The stars were shining brightly.
Because there were many stars to be seen, no doubt.
And Abraham proposes this question about the blessings.
And God says to him.
Fourth verse. Notice again the word of the Lord. Behold, the word of the Lord came unto him, saying, This shall not.
Be thine air, that he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
And he brought him forth abroad.
And said notice that word abroad.
He brought him forth abroad, that is, the believers in a large place, you know. Look now toward heaven.
Elder SARS.
Which way are you looking this afternoon, dear young people?
I dare say most of us. The tendency is to look around us, isn't it?
But God says this afternoon for you and me, look now toward heaven.
Anything that isn't heavenly.
Is vanity and a snare for the believers? You believe that?
Everything that is not about heavenly characters, vanity of us there for the believers. I'm not talking about mathematics. I'm talking about spiritual things and moral issues.
Well, you say that's the sweeping statement to think it over.
And if the word doesn't reach the conscience, it doesn't do you much good, does it? For me, either one.
Yes, it's the snare and it's vanity.
Look now, George, Heaven.
Tell the stars.
If thou be able to number them, he said unto him, so shall I see thee. Now what does Abraham do? And he believed in the Lord, and he counted to him for righteousness.
Well, that's the 4th, 4th time we appeared soon.
So now there's the one.
We find that.
Abraham takes things in his own hands and it doesn't workout very well.
Because there was no there was number trouble in this house until after.
Ishmael was born, and then Isaac was born. Then there was trouble.
When Isaac was born. Because the flesh and the spirit don't get along together.
And it builds a picture of the flash.
And the energy of the flesh, whereas Isaac is a picture of.
Heavenly Mass.
The ones guided by the Spirit.
The suicide was born in this household. There was trouble.
But in our portion yet I think has not been born.
And so in the 17th chapter we find that Abram was 90 years old and 9:00. That's getting along in years, isn't it?
90 and nine years old.
And the Lord appeared to Abram, and said of him.
I am the almighty God.
Walk before me and be thou perfect or mature.
There's no perfection in the sense we use the word this side of the glory, but there is a maturity.
To be desired by the believer.
Walk before me.
Oh, how good this was.
First he was the God of God, the possessor of heaven and earth, and he was his shield and his his exceeding great reward. But now he says, you walk before me.
I'm almighty God, you walk before me and then you'll be mature in your soul.
Not lovely.
Supposing he had said that what he was in Heron, he wouldn't have understood what he was talking about, Which.
You see all these steps of faith link one with the other.
And all was upwards.
As it says in the book of Proverbs, more and more, shining more and more under that perfect day.
Are you making advance in your soul, dear young people?
Have you gotten in this path of faith?
Just how far have you gotten?
How far have I got from this Santa Fe?
Have we come to the place where?
There is the heading into the precious the deeper things of Christ.
Those that have to do with His nature and His spirit.
Those are the deep things of God.
As we have in principle is nature.
And so we find that.
God talks with him as in the third person.
And we finally make the cognitive circumstances with him.
So now we find in this.
18th chapter, the sixth time that he appeared from him.
And in this chapter it says in the first verse. And the Lord appeared unto him in the flames of mammary, and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day. Now where are the flames of mammoths?
Well, Abrams made has made progress.
Sometime when you say have the time, look on your map and you'll see a stream or river if you like to call it. It's called bizarre. It means glad tidings.
And it goes into the Mediterranean Sea.
But the headwaters are at zebras.
For memory, memory of the plains around Hebrews. Manly means fatness. Hebrew means communion. I don't say that's all it means, but it does mean that.
Now Abraham started down by the Mediterranean somewhere, and he made his way.
Up by Estelle, that's where those wonderful grapes were found. Do you remember Estelle's grapes? He makes his way up that spring. So did Jacob. So did I think later. It speaks of the path of faith.
And there were many tributaries that he could have taken. He could have gone off to the land of Philistine in the dead end story.
He could have gone down to the South, a pleasant land.
Or he could have gone to the Valley of Saul.
The discipline of God, there's many should be charged. He could have sidetracked down, but Abraham made his way right up through that stream until he got to the head and waters, and here he is at mammary.
To the very source of the blessing.
That lovely.
Are you making progress to your young people? Your souls?
Are you growing? All You say I'm getting along pretty well at school. I say you're growing in your soul.
Pretty soon school will be over. This life will be over.
Are you laying out in store for time to come?
So Abram, it says.
The Lord appeared unto him and the planes of memory, and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day, and he left up his eyes and looked, and lo, three men stood by him, and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bound himself toward the ground. Said, My Lord, if not found great favor in thy sights, hath not away at praise thee from thy servants.
Let a little water, I pray you, be best, and wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree, and I will fetch a Marshall of bread and comfort to your heart. After that you shall pass on, for therefore are ye come to your servants. And they said so do as thou hast said. Isn't that lovely?
What would happen if the Lord Jesus came to your house this afternoon?
You ever thought about it?
When he's going to come some afternoon.
Yes, he's coming any moment now. What will he find in your house in mind?
You know what scripture says.
Does what half thou in the house?
That have a voice to me this afternoon, are you? What have they seen in my house?
Isn't that the scripture says?
What does God see in your house this afternoon?
Jacob's house was full of idols when God said up Jacob right and go to Bethel.
You know what Jacob did? He said to his family. You put away those gods. We can't take him to Bethel.
And you know what the time you start gathering gods is when you're young?
You know what I mean?
Anything that replaces Christ is an idol.
Anything that takes its place in our lives in the night.
What does Abraham have for everything that the Lord just delighted him?
And where did he entertaining under the tree but that?
Went across the price.
Yes, he said that everything before invented cab butter. Everything is hard to light it.
Is that what you have to offer to the blessed Savior if He came to your house this afternoon? Or would your house be something like locks where the angels would rather have stayed on the street all night?
That wicked city was better for them than to have gone and compromised and gone into the House of lots.
And there was only one indication in the House of laughter. He was a righteous man, and that was the unleavened bread we found there.
We have to go to the New Testament to be told that he was a righteous man.
We're not.
Because Abram could have could say in this last verse we read why this is the reason you came to my house, to be entertained. Oh dear fellow Christian, is this all with you and dear young people?
So that you expect the Lord to come to your house to be entertained.
He does.
He just delights to be with his own.
Have you given him 10 minutes? 15 minutes? I know a young man who to set aside. You may think this is a very small amount of time, but in these busy college life, he set aside 30 minutes.
To spend reading the scripture.
And they that honor me, I will honor.
And he went through college with all the honors, too.
All the answers.
We never missed by putting the Lord first in our lives. Never.
And Abram had everything for the Lord, just what he delighted in.
And they breath. And God has something for him too.
He says Abram, you're going to have your desire fulfilled, and that's life and resurrection.
He was given a child when there was absolutely no human accounting for it.
He and Sarah were past age. There was number human.
Accounting for this blessing, it is all according to God's gift, the blessing of Abraham as we speak of it.
It was life. It was resurrection life.
That's what he gets.
The blessing and let resurrection lights.
Well, we won't read anymore. We have at the time.
But in this chapter we find him, as we've already mentioned, interceding to God for loss.
He has children, you know.
But he left them, left him behind in Sodom step. Two daughters that shamed him. That's all he had.
That's where a snare to Israel all their days.
More than Hammond, and they still will be. A snare to Israel. Their snare to Israel today.
Jordan, that's Ammon.
Oh, this is solemn, isn't it?
How about? How about following the path of Abraham?
And now in the 22nd chapter, you know the story better than I do. Perhaps what we have here.
That's the last appearing.
And they it came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abram Abraham, and said unto him, He's been given the name Abraham, father many nations.
In a previous chapter.
Abraham And he said, Behold, here am I. And he said, Take now thy son, thine holy son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah, and all from there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which I would tell the of.
Now in this passage.
God is asking Abraham to do something. That is just the hardest thing I suppose that anyone should do.
That was all rough. He's done.
But it was especially hard because this son had been made the depositary of all the promises and councils of God.
That's what made it hard.
But Abraham believed God, you know. Abraham had been in the habit of obeying God.
And you know it isn't. You're as hard.
When you come to a crisis in your life, if you've been in the habit of obeying God.
As it is if you've been in the habit of disobeying God.
And so we find that.
He went up that mountain with Isaac and it says the two went together. Know what a lovely picture of the following the sun.
Then we have a substitute there.
The RAM model was like us. It wasn't so Jesus.
You know he paid the whole debt himself.
But I want to couple this with another chapter because this is the last appearing but in a later chapter imposing. I'd just like to bring this in.
23rd chapter.
And Sarah was 107 and 20 years old. These were the years of the life of Sarah. She also got a new name person.
And Sarah died in cures Jeff Arbor or treatment.
In the land of Canaan. And Abram came to mourn for Sarah and to weep for her.
Y'all beloved?
It was hard for Abraham to offer up his son.
But even there he was doing something that God had commanded him.
But now.
Something that makes Abram weep. It's the first time, the only time we have recorded this Abraham web.
Yeah, well, because God is taking away from him.
A companion had been with him and all the decisions he'd made in the path of things.
Why does God do things like this?
Because there's one thing in this world.
God is going to allow us.
To come before himself.
The blessing he asked for us is too great, beloved.
Too great and he's going to take away the most precious things that we have so we can have something more precious.
And that's why we sing sometimes. Have I an object Lord below?
Would divide my heart for seed. Now these are types and pictures.
And it's harder, isn't it, for God to take away something that's precious?
Then even bravery to OfferUp its son.
He never left them.
But when Sarah died, he wept.
Everything that little Kim, 46, brother raised the tube for us.
46 #46.
Oh, we with our Lord and peace.