Little Minna

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
I AM sure you would have loved little Minna, and, if you had seen her sunny curls, blue eyes, and rosy cheeks, you would have said, “There is a little pet." But you cannot see her now, for she is folded in the Good Shepherd's arms!
Minna was only five years old, but, though so young, she trusted Jesus. “Who did Jesus hang on the cross for?” asked her elder sister (herself a Christian).
“For me," was Minna's unhesitating reply.
One Sunday, in the class, her teacher said, "Why did Adam and Eve hide behind the trees of the garden?” “Because they were afraid of God," Minna answered. “Would you be afraid of God if He were to come into this room?” “No." “Why not?” “Because Jesus died for me, and Jesus' blood washed my sins away."
Her favorite hymn was “Ye must be born again." Coming through a lovely leafy lane in Norfolk, a few days before she died, her sister said, “Shall we sing?” “Yes," said Minna; “’Ye must be born again.'"
I have written these recollections of a child I loved, that you while young may trust in the same Savior. M. E. T.