Lost in the Australian Bush.

SEVERAL years ago a gentleman, residing in a fashionable part of London, sent out his son, a youth of eighteen years, to join a cattle farm in Australia.
When he landed in that colony he had to tramp over hundreds of miles to reach his destination. He knew nothing of the road nor the country. In due time, however, he arrived at the farm, where he was informed that he was to be stationed at a solitary spot some twelve miles off, a cottage which was occupied by two Chinamen.
A ticket-of-leave man was the guide to show him the way through the heart of the Bush. He, after setting him well on the road, told him that the rest was straight forward, and left him. Hitherto the road was clear enough, but soon, to his dismay, the track became more and more indistinct, so overgrown by grass and weeds that in time he became conscious of having lost it altogether. He was still several miles from the destined place, and had no idea of which way to go, and a slight turn either to the right or to the left would have thrown him quite out of his course. As a matter of fact, he was lost for the first time in his life, and he felt it! When in that lonely Bush he thought of home, and home training, where he had often “said his prayers” in the nursery near the Marble Arch, Hyde Park, but now he knelt down on the grass and prayed his “first prayer,” short but real and earnest, and that prayer was, “Lord, show me the way!”
He continued his journey without any indication as to direction, until his eye fell on something in the midst of a clump of trees. It was a tiny column of smoke, but it meant everything to him, knowing there could be no other house or hut near. It was indeed the spot he had been sent to, and which God, no doubt, in answer to his simple prayer, had guided him to. This circumstance was used of God, in His grace, to awaken in that youth a sense of real soul need; to see himself, in God’s light, lost and ruined, needing a Saviour. And, in that repentant state, he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, to the eternal salvation of his priceless soul. That once young man, who has now attained his three-score years (and is a bright and joyous Christian), recently related to the, writer these brief particulars, which may be relied on as strictly true.
God, who is Sovereign, is pleased to use various means to awaken souls to their true moral condition in His sight. With many it is through dreams, some by sickness, or bereavement, and others by loss of money and the like, but with all the Spirit, through God’s Word, always directs the soul to Christ, the risen and exalted Saviour in glory, the object of faith, who gives “peace to the conscience, and joy to the heart.” Our reader may never have known what it is to have been lost, either geographically, or morally. On the former we need not dwell, though it pleased God to use it in soul-blessing to that young man, but as to the latter, it is still trite that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, yea, to seek and to save the lost.
He is seeking and finding such today, and will continue to do so till the day of grace closes, which to you may be at any hour. But, mark, He seeks the LOST and none others, and only finds the lost ones. He always saves and satisfies them for time and eternity, no matter how far away they have wandered over the dark mountains of sin. He never overlooks one who is truly lost and feels it. Impossible! So if that be your condition, dear unsaved friend, why not be found, saved, and satisfied forever? We earnestly press you not to put it off till this blessed Seeker, Finder, Saviour, and Satisfier closes the door of mercy, when you will be lost forever, and be beyond the reach of rescue. Think of the distance He came, think of the love He displayed on the cross of Calvary, and the suffering He there endured, to deliver the lost ones from endless judgment, and to have them one with Himself in His own eternal glory. God grant that you may believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be found, saved, and satisfied for His ever worthy Name’s sake!” J. N.