Luke 15:1-32

Luke 15:1‑32
Listen from:
Gospel—R. Thonney
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Nothing can force since the storm. Nothing but.
Now that you die.
In love.
For friends last year. Love All Blacks in the wild.
I'd like to sing another hymn #23.
Maybe we can stand and sing this hymn. Behold, behold the Lamb of God on the cross #23.
Whole table.
Save me for the end of the December.
The Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things.
Are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom?
We have to do, my friends, this evening. This is a gospel meeting.
And gospel means good news, and it is our purpose to tell.
Of the good news that God has for us. That you know what impresses me?
In going from place to place in this country where the gospel has gone out for many years.
Is that by and large, this country is gospel hardened?
But that doesn't make any difference to God. His Word has not changed, and His Word is able to penetrate that hardened heart that you may have if you have refused the Lord Jesus as your Savior. And what concerns me so deeply tonight is that there are those who profess to be believers who perhaps have persuaded themselves that they are Christians.
But have never in truth come to grips with the question of their sins.
There has never been true repentance toward God.
And that person, for as much as they may be a baptized professing Christian.
Perhaps breaking bread, they are on their way to a lost eternity.
In Hell, fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Amongst the Lord's 12 apostles.
One was false, nobody else amongst the other 11 guests, they didn't have any clue when the Lord Jesus said to his 12 apostles, one of you is going to betray me, and he called him the son of perdition.
If there was one of those 12, that was lost.
If that ratio would have died here tonight, how many are lost in this company?
What does lost mean? Lost simply means that you are going to an eternity where you will be in the blackness of darkness forever. You will never see anything.
In the torments of eternal fire, that's what the Lord Jesus spoke about.
You know, sometimes I ask people if they're lost. I remember picking up a man who needed a ride down in Bolivia one time, said after we got going, wanted to give him the gospel.
Sir, are you lost? No, I'm not lost. I know where I am. I know this part of the country pretty well, I said. Well, Sir, one other question. If you should die tonight, where are you going in the.
In eternity, he says, you know, I really don't know, I said, if you don't know where you're going.
You are lost and I want to take up a chapter that uses the word lost quite a few times.
Because I think it is important to come to the realization if you are here and have persuaded yourself.
That you are a Christian and you aren't yet. I think it's awfully important to get down underneath that shell.
Of false profession and hits your conscience. That's my desire tonight not to do you any harm.
But to do you good by bringing you to true repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The chapter I would like to read tonight is Luke chapter 15, Very well known chapter.
And it's the Lord Jesus himself that is the speaker in this chapter.
He is the one that recounts the parable that we have. And as we read this parable, I want you to notice.
That it has three parts.
God is a triune Godfather, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the God we have been brought to know is a God who is a Savior God. And I can tell you tonight that the three persons of the Godhead are active tonight seeking the lost soul. I don't know where you're sitting in this room tonight.
God knows, you know too. I just hope that if you're sitting here and you know that you're not ready, that you will simply listen to what God has to say in His Word. You don't have to worry too much about what I say, but put.
Attention to what God says because the destiny of your soul for all eternity.
Depends on what God says in this book. Let's read this chapter.
Luke 15 Verse One Then drew near unto him all the publicans and sinners, for to hear him. And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them.
Just pause there a minute. This is a complaint they had about the Lord Jesus Christ. They were religious people.
Observing the fact that the publicans, the tax gatherers, who were known to be a cricket class of people in that day, and the sinners.
Came to Jesus. Oh, I think this is such a wonderful thing. This complaint that they verbalized here is the truth of God. This man, the Lord Jesus Christ receives sinners and eats with them. That's the kind of people he is seeking for sinners. They thought those publicans and sinners.
I'm really not in that class. I'm in a class that needs no repentance. I'm good enough the way I am. I don't know that there is anybody here that way tonight. Scripture is so clear when it says there is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. You know, we like to make differences. We categorize people all the time.
We put some in a category we don't like in others that do meet our approval.
But when God views the human race from one end of the globe to the other, he comes to this conclusion. There is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That's a pretty strong statement and people don't like it. And remember giving out tracks on the city of Chicago one time in the street corner and I approached a man with a gospel tract and handed it to him and he said, what's this?
I says it's a gospel track, Sir.
He says, giving it back to me. Says with quite a bit of anger. Go down to the part of the city where the bad people live. This is for the bad people. I'm good.
Person and he stomped off.
I said to him, before he left, I said, Did you not know, Sir, that God says there is no difference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God?
Have you received God's testimony as to that fact?
We are all sinners, and then that is why it is so wonderful the news that we have here.
This man receiveth sinners and eateth with them. Thank God he received this Sinner who's standing here. And if there's somebody out here who has not yet truly come to the Lord Jesus as a guilty, lost, hell bound Sinner, you can do that tonight because the door of salvation is still open.
Now let's read the parable that the Lord Jesus gives.
To deal with this situation, remember there's the Pharisees and the Scribes on one side.
The people that think they're good enough. And here on the other side here is the publicans and sinners. The people that know they are messed up and are not afraid to admit it.
Verse Three. And he spake this parable unto them, saying, What man of you having 100 sheep, if you lose one of them, doth not leave the 90 and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he finds it. And when he hath found it, he lasted on his shoulders rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbors, saying unto them.
Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was.
Lost I say unto you, that likewise joy.
Shall be in heaven over one Sinner that repenteth more than over 90, and nine just persons which need no repentance.
Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle and sweep the house?
And seek diligently till she finds it. And when she hath found it, she call it her friends and her neighbors together, saying, Rejoice with me, for I've found the peace which I had lost. Likewise I say unto you, There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one Sinner that repenteth. And he said, A certain man had two sons.
And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods.
Falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. And not many days after, the young son, younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country.
And there wasted his substance with riotous living. When he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land, and he began to be in want. And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country.
And he sent him into his fields to feed swine, and he would fain have filled his belly.
With the husks that the swine did eat, and no man gave unto him. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bred enough, and despair, and I perish with hunger. I will arise and go to my Father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son. Make me as one of thy hired servants.
And he arose and came to his Father, And when he was yet a great way off, his Father saw him, and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the sun said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. But the Father said to his servants.
Bring forth the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand.
And shoes on his feet. And bring hit her the fatted calf, and kill it. And let us eat and be merry. For this my son was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. Now his elder son was in the field, and he came and drew nigh to the house. He heard music and dancing, and he called one of the servants and asked him what these things meant.
And he said unto him, Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound. And he was angry, and would not go in Therefore came his father out and entreated him. And he answering, said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee. Neither transgressed at any time thy commandment, and yet thou never gave us me a kid.
That I might make merry with my friends. But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf. And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, in all that I have is thine. It was meat that we should be make merry and be glad. For this thy brother was dead, and is alive again, and was lost.
And is found. You'll have noticed that this parable has three parts. It's one parable.
It's about the God we proclaim that we have been brought to know because of the Lord Jesus.
Our God is a savior God. Our God is a God who is interested in each one here in this room. The first part of this parable is about a man who has 100 sheep. He loses one of them.
And you would think, you know, in today's world, a 1% loss on the stock market isn't that bad.
Well, we can put up with that much loss. It'll make it up another day. There will be more lambs born in this flock. Is that the kind of God you and I have been brought to know? No, if there is just one person lost in this room tonight.
He's interested in you. That to me, shows the interest, the value he puts on each and every person that is present here tonight.
He loves you, he's interested in you, he wants you. He cannot rest if there's one sheep that is lost.
You know, when we lived in Bolivia, there was a time when my wife and I were visiting on the high Altaplano.
12,000 feet and they have a lot of sheep and yamas up there in those.
Planes and this one particular place called Aricocha on the High Plains close to the city of Uyuni. We were visiting there one evening with the believers that are there and it was interesting watching lots of times in those parts it's a woman who is the shepherdess, and this particular woman who was the lady of the house, she came in at the end of the day and she stood.
At the entrance of the corral where all her animals were going in, I think she had close to 300 animals and she just stood there. She wasn't.
She didn't have any way to count them I don't think on any counter or anything, but she just stood there and watched each one as they came in and after they were all in, supposedly she knew.
If there was one missing and she would send somebody out to look for it.
That impressed me, how careful she was with her animals.
That was animals. We're not dealing with animals tonight. We're dealing with lost souls. And this parable, this first part of this parable shows to me very clearly that God is interested in each and every individual. You may feel like you're lost in the crowd, You may feel like you're a misfit here, but God has his eye on you and he loves you and he wants to save you.
So this shepherd leaves the 99 in the wilderness, and he goes.
How long does he go? Does he go 12 hours? He doesn't really say, it only says this. He goes after that which is lost until he finds it.
He went all the way until he finds it. He's not interested in getting his night rest. No, he's interested in finding that lost sheep. Where are you tonight? I don't know. I can't see into your soul. But you know and God knows if you are lost.
He goes until he finds it. Let me tell you about how far.
Jesus went to find his lost sheep. It was.
Extremely costly for the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator, the vast universe that we live in.
He came into this world leaving behind the riches of glory he had.
There in heaven with his Father, he came into this world. He was born.
Into a Manger.
He was born in a stable, and his mother wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a Manger. There was no room for him in the end. And you know, when the Creator of the universe entered this creation, nobody seemed to know about it.
Nobody. God had told in his Word by his prophets where he would be born.
And the time frame in which he was going to be born. There were people in Jerusalem who had the Bible in their hands, that which was written of it At that time they had no clue that the Creator of the universe had entered His own creation.
The angels came down because, you know, before Jesus was born.
The angels had never seen their creator. It was only when Jesus was born could they see for the very first time.
Their creator.
Laid where?
In a palace.
No, in a stable, there wasn't any room for him. In the end, people measure, are measured by their importance, by how nice a place they have to stay when they come to town. I remember when I was a boy and president, then President Eisenhower, who was running for second term, came through the streets of Walla Walla. We went down to see him.
They fixed the very best hotel, Marcus Whitman Hotel.
The very best suite in that hotel they fixed up for him.
But when the creator of the universe came into this world.
No room for him. The angels came down to see. They said, where are these people? Don't they know what's happened?
They didn't know and so they go out into the countryside. There's some poor shepherds on the fields.
They announced the tidings to those poor shepherds and the poor shepherds are some of the 1St that come to see this great event. The advent of our Lord Jesus Christ into this world is unknown.
He grew up his father, I should say his stepfather, because God was really his father. He was born of the Virgin Mary, but her husband was. Joseph was a Carpenter. And so the Lord Jesus must have learned carpentry too. And he spent most of his first 30 years of life in a Carpenter shop. To me, that's a marvel to think.
And so when he started out in his public ministry, they said, we know this person, he's the Carpenter.
That's the way he was known. His glory as God's eternal Son was veiled.
With a human form.
And then he went out into public ministry. You know, all his service during those 3 1/2 years of public ministry went around healing the sick.
Raising the dead, making the blind to see.
Everywhere he met a need, he found a need, he met it. He fed the hungry.
Everywhere there was a need, Jesus met that need. But after those 3 1/2 years of public ministry, they took Him. You know all his life of perfection down here was not enough to save your soul and mine. Something else was necessary.
There is a necessity if sins are to be forgiven.
That blood be shed and not any kind of blood.
But the blood of a God accepted sacrifice.
And Jesus knew why he came. He came to die. And at the end of those 3 1/2 years they took him and led him first of all to their high priest and condemned him, and then to Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, And he unjustly condemned him. He pronounced again and again. I find no fault in this man.
And still condemned him to the worst death possible. He delivered him to his soldiers.
And the soldiers are not known. Roman soldiers were not known for treating anybody humanely. That was not a consideration in the world at that time. It is today, but it was not at that time. Their purpose was to make the person they were going to execute suffer as much as possible. And so they took Jesus out and Pilate himself at him scourge.
His back was as a plowed field, it says in the Old Testament. They made long their furrows. They plowed upon my back.
They took a crown of thorns, those soldiers did. I don't know if you've ever tried to do that.
I remember taking a branch of thorns and trying to make a crown with it. It is hard work to do it, it is so.
Difficult to get them into a circle without puncturing your hands a lot. But nothing was too cruel. They laid that crown of thorns on his head, and then they put on him a scarlet robe, and they bowed before him in knock mockery.
When they took the stick that was in his hand and whacked him over the head, can imagine what it did to his head, they came up to him and spit in his face. The awful treatment they gave to the creator of the universe, the Son of God.
Oh, the awfulness of it all. And then they led him outside that city of Jerusalem as a lamb to the slaughter.
Stretched out his blessed hands and nailed them to a cross. I've tried to imagine at times what it would feel like to be hanging on nails through your hands and feet.
Hour after hour, under a scorching sun, what would it be? I don't have any concept of the suffering that that was, but even that part of his sufferings was not the part that.
Could save our souls. Something happened at 12 noon Jesus was crucified approximately.
At 9:00 AM, the way we calculate time, and he died approximately at 3:00 PM, At 12 noon, something happened. The sky got dark and nobody could see what was happening on Calvary.
But it was in those three hours from 12 noon to three in the afternoon, that God laid on Jesus the iniquity, the sin of us all. God cannot pass sin over. He cannot pass sweep 1 little white lie under the carpet. Every sin that has ever been committed by every man, woman and child has to receive from the hand of God. It's just punishment.
If God would pass by 1 little sin, it would call in question his holy character. Absolutely impossible. Every sin will receive from the hand of God. It's just punishment.
And when Jesus was hanging there beside all that other suffering, God laid on him the filthy sins that I've committed. I wouldn't want you to know some of the stuff I've done. I'm ashamed of it.
With those sins I could never get into heaven, but God took those sins of mine.
And laid them on Jesus. And then he picked up the rod of his judgment, and he emptied his wrath against my sin on his own beloved Son. For three solid hours Jesus went down to the bottoms of the ocean. All the waves and billows of God's judgment rolled over him. It's all silent for three solid hours on Mount Calvary.
And at the towards the end, there's a cry. My God.
My God, why hast thou forsaken me?
God forsook him there. Why?
Because God as of two Pure eyes to behold iniquity, and his Son was made sin for us. The holy spotless Son of God was made sin for us on that cross. And that's why God abandoned him there. He forsook him there. Oh, the awfulness of the cost that was paid.
Oh, how far our shepherd went in order to save this lost sheep. And I'm convinced of the fact, because of what we know about God, that if there was only one lost Sinner in this whole world, Jesus would have come to save that one lost Sinner because of what we know about our God. He is a God of love. He is a God.
Of light as well. He is a God that is a savior God. Thank God for that. Jesus at the end said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up his life.
They came, they took him down. I should mention one other detail. Before they took him down, soldiers came. They had directions to dispatch those three, make sure they were dead by the end of the day. So here comes the soldiers, and they break the legs of the one and the other. And when they came to Jesus, he was already dead. And one of the soldiers takes a spear and pierces his side, and out of his side comes blood.
And water, the price of our redemption was paid not with silver and gold, with a precious blood of Christ. Oh, the wonder of it all. Precious blood of Christ is the price he paid. He went all the way to find his lost sheep. So when he finds it, what does he do with it? He puts the sheep on his shoulders and carries it all the way home. You know, sometimes people say to me.
The reason I don't become a Christian is I'm afraid I couldn't live the Christian life.
I say sometimes, you know, I've never really been able to live the Christian life.
It's not a matter of my power, it's a matter of the power of my Good Shepherd. When he found me, He laid me on his shoulders, and He has all power to carry me all the way home. He's not going to let you down in halfway and say you walk the rest of the way. No, He's in all the way home, Savior. And so it says. He says when he gets home, rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep, which was lost.
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one Sinner that repenteth more than over 90, and nine just persons that need no repentance.
You need repentance. You know what repentance is. Repent comes from a word in the Latin pent is a word that means to think. Repent means to rethink. You know, this is what concerns me sometimes because the idea is sometimes given today that you can just receive Jesus and you'll be saved and go on living just the way you always lived.
There is no salvation without repentance.
The Lord Jesus said it clearly.
Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. There is no salvation without repentance. Repentance does not save you. It is faith in Christ that will save you. But repentance is necessary to be saved. It's that change of mind.
Have you repented young people that are brought up in Christian homes? I was brought up in a Christian home, too, and I still remember when I used to sit in gospel meetings like this and think, I'm not really that bad. I really never have gotten off into that messy stuff in the world. My parents sheltered me quite a bit, and I'm really not that bad, you know? I accepted what was being said in an outward way, and in my heart I really wasn't that convinced that I was that bad.
I had to repent. I had to rethink the issue. Yes, I was really that bad.
Because God said and sometimes people have wrong thoughts about God. They think God is just somebody up there with a big stick ready to strike him down. They don't do what they should be doing.
If that's kind of thoughts you have about God, I want to ask you to repent.
Because that's a wrong idea about God. God is not that kind of a God. God is a savior. God, the Lord Jesus came to seek for his sheep. The next part is about a woman in a house. She has 10 pieces of silver. You know, in another part of the Bible we read about something else that there's 9:50 commandments.
And God gave the law of Moses. It was a perfect law. Nothing wrong with the law, but man was put under responsibility. Do you know that you before God are responsible? One day you and I will stand before our God to give account. Every man, woman and child will give account of himself to God.
Well, one of these pieces, these ten pieces got lost.
In the house.
You know we've been talking about the Holy Spirit of God in these.
And the Holy Spirit of God lives in this world in what is called the House of God. Where's the House of God? It's not a building made of bricks or blocks or wood. The House of God.
Our people who profess to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior. And you get into that house by being baptized. There's lots of people.
Millions of people in this country in that house.
And the thing that is so serious to think about is that there are people that are lost in the house.
Lost. Yes, you've been baptized. Yes, you've made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus.
Yes, you may be even.
Breaking bread that you may be lost in the house, solemn to think about, but I my experience in South America broke bread with people who I believe by the way they lived the rest of their lives are now in hell fire.
Is there somebody going in that direction tonight?
You're in the house, you've made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus that you're lost in the house.
Wake up.
There was some way I could come over to where you are and shake you and get you to wake up as to the peril of your condition. I would do it. But it's not me. It's the Spirit of God that is present and He's directing the Word of God at your heart and conscience tonight. Please listen.
The next part of the parable is about a father who has two sons.
And the younger son asks his father for the portion of goods.
That fell to him. Generally, children will have the courtesy to wait till their father's gone before they get their inheritance. But this fella was pretty bold. He came and asked ahead of time, give me my portion.
That's the way people are today. They've got the gimmies give me. And so the father was very gracious and gave him. And when I look at young people and see the strength, the energy, the intelligence they have, I realize God has given to everyone tremendous things. Well, this young fella, he didn't want to stick around home any longer. He didn't want any restraints on the way. He wanted to spend his money.
And he goes to a far country. Let me out of here.
Let me get as far away as possible. And there he goes. And while he had money in his pocket, he had plenty of friends. But you know, those kind of friends are really not friends. Because when the money runs out, the friends run out too. And when he didn't have anything left.
Nobody came to his help. No, he went and joined himself to a citizen of the country, and he sent him out to where the hogs were feeding in the field, and that was his work. To a Jewish person that was the worst kind of work, to feed those filthy animals.
There he was out there wishing he could eat some of that pig food.
Depth of degradation to which a person gets to when he runs away from God.
There was a mighty famine in that land and there he is sitting with the pigs. You like pig food?
You like filth. You know, sometimes people coming out of the theater, I like to watch when they're coming out to see if they really look like they've had something that they're really enjoying afterwards.
I don't see people coming out of there very happy looking. I don't see that they look really satisfied. They've been enjoying. In many cases it's pig food in there.
Is that what you're feeding on?
Well, this guy got so sick of it.
He finally started thinking.
Stop. Think about it.
This is where repentance took place. There was a change in his thinking.
Up to this point, he said, let me get as far away from my dad as possible.
But now there's a change, he says.
My father's house, he's got lots of servants, they've got plenty of food to eat.
I'm going back. That's repentance, a change.
In thinking that is necessary for salvation, but you're still sitting there.
But as soon as he had fabricated a little prayer that he wanted to say to his Father.
Why he gets up. Verse 20. He arose and came to his father, and when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. I think this is wonderful. God is waiting. You will be surprised when you come to Him. The welcome you will get. He wasn't afraid of embracing that filthy boy of his.
You know, I marvel at the Lord Jesus, the grace that was in Him. You know we don't like to embrace a person that is filthy.
We usually stand a little distance on Navy, won't even shake hands with them because they're so dirty.
Not this Father. And this is the God we have come to know. If there is repentance on your part turning to him, he will run to meet you and to embrace you and to kiss you. And so the boy starts his little prayer. But I think you probably noticed that he doesn't get through it all. He says, Father, I have sinned against heaven.
And in thy sight and no more worthy to be called thy son. Period. That's all the Father He gets. No more talk about being a hired servant. Why? You know what, friend? God isn't interested in having more hired servants. He's got millions upon millions of angels to do his bidding. He doesn't need any more servants. What he's interested in is sons and daughters.
That he can welcome into his home to sit down at his table to enjoy the feast of love in his house.
To enjoy fellowship with him, that's what he's looking for.
And so there's four things mentioned here. Verse 22, the Father said, bring forth the best robe and put it on him and.
Put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet.
And bring hit her the fatted calf and kill it. And let us eat and be married. The best rogue.
He couldn't go into the house in that filthy garments he had on. No, you can't go into heaven with those sins that you've committed. No, God not only forgives those sins, when we come to Jesus, He justifies. He puts on us a robe of righteousness.
Then we are fit to go right into God's house in heaven.
Oh, the wonder of it all. And the ring, the seal of the Spirit of God, and the shoes on the feet, the power to walk as a Christian ought to walk. And then the fatted calf that was killed. You know, there's death that was necessary for this feast of rejoicing. It was necessary that there be death. The Lord Jesus had to die.
So that we could have this feast of rejoicing.
But before we close, I just want to mention the elder son.
Sometimes we call the younger son the prodigal son, and he was.
But the elder son was also prodigal. The father went out to beseech him to come in, and as far as we know, the elder son never came in. He thought he was good enough. He thought that he didn't need to recognize his.
Sin and the Lord Jesus is very evidently referring to those Pharisees and scribes.
How tragic the one that went so far away repented and was received right back into the Father's house to sit down at the Father's table and to enjoy the feast for all eternity. The younger, the older son never came into the house to enjoy the feast that we read about. Where do you stand in relation to this, my friend?
Are you sitting there still lost in your sins?
Maybe you put on a face of being a Christian that scares me stiff when I think that the most awful judgment that this world has ever seen is getting closer and closer. We are treading on the very edge of a period of time that Scripture calls the Great Tribulation, in which God is going to pour out his judgment as he has never done before, nor will ever do afterwards.
And most of the people of this world, many Christians too.
Are totally asleep as to where we are in the prophetic picture. If you are here without the Lord Jesus, it is our desire to ask you once more. Please listen, repent and come in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. If thou shalt, confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart.
That God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Let's pray.
Our gracious God and Father.