Man's Ruin God's Remedy

Gospel—E. Wakefield
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We sing #3.
My hope on nothing less is built than Jesus.
And the blood he spilled. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on his blessed name. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Last week but.
The darkness.
I'm changing.
And changes praise.
Oh, rise of God.
Stand up.
My name is Grace.
Oh, airplane.
It's all the blind. My blessings.
Singing sound Oh, Father Brown.
Remain seated, please, and sing the 1St and the last verses the number 4.
Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ is the Savior. For me, the first and last verse is a #4.
Christ is the Savior for me.
I was jealous in darkness.
Not by his grace I am free.
Take care of sinners.
Dinner like me.
Shedding his blood for my ransom.
This is the savior for me.
Love when I love that sun changing, blessed with all blessings of praise.
I shall. I now love his Praise the Lord. This is the Savior for me.
Sager of Sinner.
Bigger of sinners like me.
Shed in his blood for my ransom.
This is the favor for you.
There's always something solemn, my dear friends, when the last night comes.
The last night seems to me to be a very solemn occasion for the going forth of the gospel of the grace of God.
Last night we look forward to the night, and Friday night we look forward to Saturday night. But this is the last Gospel meeting of this series of meetings have been held in this school and may may well be the last gospel meeting that we'll ever attend.
For the Lord Jesus may come or you may die.
Oh, what a solemn thing, my friends, to think that you have to die, You have to leave this world, You have to stand before God.
What a solemn thing. And tonight, as I looked back the Friday night, we heard that God is like.
And God is love. Last night we heard at the entrance of sin into this world.
And tonight I want to speak on two points. First of all, the ruin of man.
And second, God's remedy for sin.
Man's disease, the disease called sin, and again, God's remedy for that sin, that disease. We have read, I am sure, all of us, about awful diseases that have confronted man. We've read about cancer. We've read of the millions of dollars that have been spent on that dread disease that man has been fighting for many years.
But all my friends, tonight there's a worse disease.
And sad to say that every man in this world, past and present, have had that disease save one.
The disease called sin.
A disease that only God can cure, and a disease that only the blood of Christ.
Take away And so we will look into God's word tonight. And I want you to remember that it's God's word and their center of your here tonight. And you've never heard the gospel before If you're a stranger and you come into this room as I went into a room in Montreal.
In 1930 and knew not the gospel of God's grace. I want to tell you right now that God loves you. Isn't that wonderful?
Maybe you don't realize you've got the thin disease, but I want to tell you in spite of your sins.
In spite of no matter how bad you are, God loves you, and God has provided a remedy for sin.
In the precious Christ God, I'd like you to turn to the 7th chapter of Mark's Gospel.
Where we find the Great Physician.
As he opens the heart of man and presents what's in the heart of man.
There's nobody could do that. There's no man ever lived in this world to do it. But this Blessed one has opened the heart. He's opened the heart of mine in the 7th chapter of Mark, starting to read from the 21St verse.
An old friend. That's your heart, and it's my heart. Not the neighbor's heart, not the man down the street or the man in the penitentiary, but your heart and my heart that Christ has opened here in the 7th chapter of the Gospel by Mark. It's your heart.
It's my heart. God has opened our hearts, my friends, and all of what's in my heart.
Your heart. Your heart, young man. Your heart, young lady child. A Christian parents brought up in a respectable home. This is your heart. The Christ has opened it. Christ has exposed it. God here has opened your heart. Tonight, in this precious book in the 7th chapter of Mark, notice what Jesus says.
Or from within out, this is your heart. Out of the heart of man, not some men, all men, all men, not one man accepted, but the Lord Jesus himself.
Precede evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, murders, theft, covetousness, wickedness.
The seagulls images an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile. The man now turn to the third of Romans, and here again we find God.
Opens the heart of man and opens the whole body, as it were, of man, the third chapter of Romans.
Starting to read verse 10.
Notice my friends, there are some who say, well, I'm not like others, I'm different. That is what God says in this verse. Verse 10 as it is written, there is none righteous.
No, not one, not one. Just imagine.
Not one. There is none that understands us. There is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone, out of the way. They're together, become unprofitable. There is none that do it good.
No, not one. Notice that? No, not one.
There frozen open supplier with their tongues, they have used these seats. The poison of *** is under their lips, whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swept to shed blood, destruction measured in their ways and the way of peace. Have they not known? There is No Fear of God before their eyes.
Notice verse 13, the throat, the tongue, the lips. Verse 14, the mouth. Verse 15, the feet. Verse 16 their ways and verse 18, their eyes. The whole body, from the very top of the head to the very sole of the feet. God says, full of wounds and bruises and fruit. You find sores. God exposes man from head to foot and says he's lost. He's a Sinner.
He's a Sinner throughout and in the 23rd, the end of the 22nd verse.
And the 23rd verse, for there is no difference.
All have sinned.
And come short of the glory of God.
All my friends tonight, this is not a very nice picture. This is a gospel meeting, and the word gospel means good news, good news. But this is mighty bad news, isn't it? This is very bad news to hear. You're a Sinner. To find on the very top of your head, to the very sole of your foot, you're a Sinner, the Sinner by nature, by practicing. You were born that way, and I was born in that way. We were born.
As fallen creatures, as we heard last night, we were born lost. We were born with our backs turned towards God.
And our faith has turned towards hell.
Doesn't take very long, my friend, for us to exhibit as a child, even as a baby, that we were lost fallen creatures.
Hopeless and helplessly lost, except for the grace of God.
What a solemn picture this is. A man is lost and God in the books of Moses tells us that man is evil. In the book of the book of Genesis, in the right name of Moses, God says that man is evil.
The imagination of this heart and evil continually and in the sands. God looked down from heaven to see, and he found mine was lost, that man was in sin. And in the prophets God says that the heart is deceitful above all things, and incurably wicked, incurably wicked. And in the Gospels we just read the testimony, and in the epistles we find to that man in the darkness and blackness of his heart, the hardness of his heart.
And the Book of Revelation we find when the judgments of God and the world of man blasphemes the name of God.
So the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, testify that man's a Sinner.
A Sinner, all my friends. Tonight man finds the world defiled by sin.
Millions and billions of dollars are spent every year in this country.
And in the country to the South, and fighting, crime is on the increase. The penitentiaries are filled with men and women.
And for the except for the grace of God, you and I would be among the number.
Man is a Sinner. He stealed his back against God, and he's listened to the devil's lie, as we heard last night.
Oh my friends, tonight are you here? And you're trusting in something outside of Christ to save your precious soul, to finally get you to heaven. You're dependent upon parents or prayers. You're dependent upon money or something else that dragged you into the Kingdom of God.
You'll perish, my friend, without Christ, Christ alone, the Savior of sinners. And we'll have later the connection with the remedy for sin. But when you go to a doctor's office.
He doesn't tell you right away what to take. He doesn't prescribe the medicine. As soon as you enter the door, he examines you and he tells you the disease.
And then he gives a remedy. And I believe that God would do that, my friends tonight, that God would tell you of the sin disease. God says the wages of sin is death. The wages of sin is death. It's a point under man wants to die. And after death the judgment. You have to meet God, my friend. Well, does the prophet say prepare to meet thy God?
All my friends, tonight only a heartbeat separates you and me.
From the presence of God, only a heartbeat and we're gone in the eternity.
To face the one who made us, To face the one against whom we've sinned, that we're out of Christ.
To spend eternity outside of God's presence forever. But says the Word of God, The modernist minister said It's not true, but God says it is. And I advise you, my dear friend, to believe God tonight. The Bible is the word of God from cover to cover. From the first verse of Genesis chapter one to the end of Revelation, chapter 2, the Word of God.
It's true from the beginning. God is purified as seven times.
And God has not changed His word to fit in with the 20th century of education.
God has not changed his work to meet man's education and man's vast knowledge.
God's word is true. God has not changed at our peak to meet the 20th century.
The word of God is true, and the Lord Jesus said, if ye believe not that I am he.
You shall die in your sins. Where I am there, ye cannot come.
What does solemn think tonight as we sit in these seats, as we stand on this platform? Either we stand here and you sit there as a saved Sinner or a lost Sinner.
On the way to heaven or on the way to hell. And there is no middle ground, and there is no third place.
And there is no second chance, according to the word of God, if you die without Christ, my friends.
Will be buried without Christ. You will be raised without Christ. You will stand in the presence of God without Christ, and you will be judged without Christ. And you will go to hell without Christ. What a song.
Oh my friends, I ask you, as we've often asked before, if tonight instead of sitting here in a measure of health and strength.
Your poor body was lying cold and still in your casket.
What a solemn thought, and the flowers were decked around the undertaking parlor room.
And your loved ones were weeping around the chairs in the room, and the funeral notice was in the paper.
You were marked for your funeral tomorrow at 2:00. I ask you, in God's name, where would your soul be? Where would your soul, the young man? Where would you be if you would die this afternoon? Dear lady, where would you be if you had died this afternoon? Where would you be? Can you say as many in this room you can say I'd be with Christ?
My eyes would have seen the king in his beauty. I will open my eyes in the presence of the one that loved me. My friends, are you saved tonight? Are you under the shelter of the blood of Christ? Are your sins forgiven? Are you still under the power of that one we heard of last night, of the real person who is the enemy of our souls and would drag you to hell with them?
For Satan believes the Bible. Satan knows he's going there. He knows this day they're numbered.
The word of God tells us you believe in God. You do well.
The demons believe and they tremble. Think of it. Think of those demons of the devil. Think of those demons of Satan that they hear of God. They tremble. They realize that judgment comes upon them yet. Man a poor worm of the dust.
He walked down the street and blasphemed the name of Christ, and he blasphemed the name of God. And he mocks the Bible and says there's a lie.
Doesn't tremble at all. You tremble tonight, my friend. You tremble under the power of the Spirit of God.
Are you afraid to die? None of the fact you lie or head in your pillow tonight you don't wake up the more and more than eternity and your loved ones will find a corpse in your bed so you'll be gone into eternity. Stand before God, you can't afford to be wrong.
You can afford to be wrong in business. You can be a you can afford to be wrong in your bank. You're going to be for to be wrong with your health. But you can't afford to be wrong with your soul, my friends, You've got to live as long as God lives. As long as God lives forever. Forever.
With Christ or without Christ? Oh, I would impress upon you. I would impress upon you in this modernistic age when those who profess to be servants of God are denying the book.
Denying the blood, denying the resurrection of Christ, Denying the merits of his atoning death.
Denying the factors of heaven and a hell, I would warn you solemnly in God's name tonight to be not deceived by these preachers of the 20th century. They lie.
They lie, my friends. We have no sympathy for the modernist preacher.
They almost sent me to hell.
And I warn you solemnly.
If you lose your soul.
If you listen to these ears sickling preachers of the 20th century.
There is a God.
God tells you you're a Sinner. And he says there's no difference. What a solemn, sweeping statement. We look in the jail and we see the man there whose hands are stained with blood. And we see over here the respectable, good living citizen of Toronto. God says there's no difference. They're both sinners and they're both lost without Christ. And I tell you, my friends, that hell will be filled with good, upright, clean, respectable people.
Who rejected Christ?
And who spurned the gospel of God's love? Are you among them tonight? Dear young lady, you've come here tonight. Somebody brought you. Somebody prayed for you. Somebody cried for you. Somebody wept for a young boy. Your mother's cried for you. Your father's wept for yourself. You've come here tonight under the sound of God's word, here with us. Christ, you're going to hell. You're going down to the long broad road to destruction. God has brought you here tonight.
On this day in which this world celebrates the resurrection of the man they murdered.
The resurrection from the dead of the Lord Jesus Christ who came out of the brave and manhood of man who broke the bonds of death.
You come here tonight, I say again, when this world celebrates the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Can I ask you tonight? Is it your savior?
Is he yours? Do you love him? Is he precious to your heart? Are you numbered among the redeemed? You know whether it's right or not. Did you sit in that chair? You know down deep in your heart, whether you're saved or not. You know whether tonight you're ready to meet God or not. You know whether the question of sin is settled between you and God or not. You know it. You sit in that chair so I could go down and talk to you and say, if you were to die tonight, where would you spend eternity? Would you have to hang your head and say well?
Why? There's hope that the mercy of God would bring me in friends, It won't.
It will not.
God, my friend, is going to judge sin. God is going to judge sin. I don't care what the preachers of this day say. God is going to judge sin.
He's going to judge it, he tells us.
And he's a point of the day in which he's going to do it. You better be ready, my friends. You've got to stand before God. People have told me. When I stand there, I have something to say. I'll ask God why he made me. I'll ask God why he let me sin. But the Bible says you'll be speechless. You'll be. You'll have nothing to say. You'll be speechless. You'll have no excuse. You'll stand there guilty. And in this very chapter in the third of Romans, God says that every mouse may be stopped.
And all the world becomes guilty before God. Oh, isn't it wonderful, my friends, The first step to heaven, the very first step to heaven is to find out you're a Sinner. You'll never get to heaven, so you'll find you're a Sinner. When you find you're a Sinner, then you'll look for a savior. But until you never find out you're a Sinner, you'll never want to save your man. Reaches out for the straws.
Religion or they say, if you only knew my religion, my friends, hell will be filled with men.
Religious men who crucified Christ. I want to tell you it wasn't the drunkards that crucified Christ. Wasn't they immoral people that crucified Christ? It was the man of religion who crucified Christ. And from Cain's day down to this 19164, the enemies of the cross, the enemies of God grace a religious man who hate the gospel. I ask you. I challenge you, my friend, to stay behind after this meeting.
And dared a lion. You dared an eye that statement. You can't man the Sinner from head to foot. Is there no hope? Is there no chance? Is there no way out? Yes, there is. Let's turn to First Timothy.
Chapter One Verse 15.
There is a way out my friend. There is only one way, only one.
First Timothy Chapter one, verse 15.
This is a faithful stain and worthy.
Of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, isn't that wonderful? He came into the world to save sinners. Isn't that wonderful? And I want to read just a few verses in Matthew 27.
This is the greatest story this world has ever heard. There is no story like us. If you want to read a love story, read the 27th of Matthew and surpasses all love stories men ever thought of. There's no man can think of a love story like Matthew 27. Just a few verses.
The 33rd when they were come onto a place called Golgotha.
That is to say, a place of a skull. They gave him vinegar to drink, mingle with gall. When he had taste of the oven he would not drink. And they crucified him and part of his garments, casting lots that might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Prophet. They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. Think of this next verse, how cold blooded man's wicked heart is.
And sitting down.
They watched him there, the most lovely man in this world ever saw.
We often said the only gentleman whoever lived and they sat down in their cold blood.
And they watched them suffer. There was never a man like him, never a man walked this world like that. Blessed man, glorious savior of sinners. And he walked this world. His heart is filled with love. The Bible says the word of God tells us that grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. His heart filled with love, His hands filled with grace and truth. He came from the Father's heart, from the glory scene to this world.
And he walked this scene, sent apart everything to triumph, and as he saw a man.
In his sin, I believe that blessed one wept. He prayed all night, and as he walked through this scene, healing the sick and raising the dead and opening the eyes of the blind, everything he did was kind, was good, was gracious. Man would love to have a world like that.
We're all sickness could be done away and we're death could be vanquished. But man doesn't want Christ. He wants to get rid of death and sin. He doesn't want to get rid of Christ.
He doesn't want Christ, rather all my friends, He walked the scene and they crucified him.
Notice down in the chapter.
He was crucified with two thieves. Think of the insult.
The 44th verse, the seeds also which were crucified with them, cast the same in his teeth. Now from the 6th hour there was darkness over all the Landers of the ninth hour, and about the 9th hour Jesus cried with a loud voice. St. Eli.
Eli Lamb was the back tonight. That is to say, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? All frenzy and all the answer to the question You know the answer. Have you ever found the answer? I wanted to tell you something, if you'll pardon the personal reference.
Every Sunday, about 40 * a year.
I went to a place I never heard the answer to this question. In fact I never heard the question ever read. Think of it. Never heard the question. Read is the most amazing question that ever this world ever heard. From the lips of a man in the darkness alone with God as a sin bearer, my sins were laid upon Christ. Just imagine my sins were laid upon the Lord Jesus Christ.
He was made sin for me. The weight of my guilt was laid upon his blessed person.
God looked down upon that cross, and he saw that holy man with my sins on him.
And he turned his face away. He was forsaken. Oh, what a solemn thing. We don't know what it means. We don't. We can't enter into it. My friends, if God first took you for a second, you'd be dead. You couldn't stand of God forsook you for a millionth part of a second. You'd be dead instantly. Here was this blessed man, Alone in the darkness, forsaken of God alone.
As the strokes of judgment fell down upon his holy head.
Bow after blow the center from the hand of God upon that holy Savior.
Upon that Blessed One is a borless storm, It is open bosom.
Was my ward and boil a storm for me, all my sins laid upon him.
God punished him. God judged him for me.
For me all friends, they do it for you whether for you the save your died, was it for you he paid the price so you love him? Do you love him young lady? Has he won your heart? What can God do more to win your heart and to give his son? I think of the Lord Jesus as he said from a heart that's filled with love. But he stood there with Nicodemus and said for God so loved the world. I like to think of the Lord Jesus and I speak reverently saying Nicodemus, I can't tell you, I can't tell you.
For God so loved the world. He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting. My friends, it means you. That means you. There's no religion in this world can say, People say, well, if I change my religion, and I tell you, my friends, from my heart tonight.
I believe that God hates religion. The world is filled with it. You can find it all over the great city Of Montreal. It says reeks with us.
Men standing on the corner.
With books in their hands, denying the eternal sonship of Christ.
What do you think of them? What do you think of it? Man leans on religion, he says. I trust my church, but I cursed my God. Oh, I think a man I know in the city Of Montreal who curse and blasphemy, God's name, seven days a week, Seven days a week, and they're leaning on their religion to get them to heaven. They're going to go to hell, my friends, unless they come to Christ.
For Christ is the only Savior that God has for sinners. There is one mediator between God and man.
The man Christ Jesus. There's nobody else. The Virgin Mary fades away when Jesus comes on the scene. And all the apostles and the prophets they banish off the scene as Christ comes forth and all his loveliness of his beauty. And God bring the heavens and says, this is my beloved Son and whom I am well pleased. And Moses and Elijah they vanish off the scene and we heard this morning, and they lift up their eyes.
And they saw no man, say Jesus, only with themselves.
Oh, is Jesus Christ your savior and Lord my dear man tonight. If you were to die all friends, you may die tonight. I met a man some years ago, worked in the same company in Montreal. We walked down the street. His name was Charlie.
We got talking about these things and to my amazement, Charlie told me it was a prison.
He knew the savings. He knew Christ and I attended his funeral last Saturday, a week ago Saturday, where Charlie's gone to be with the Lord now. He died very, very suddenly. He didn't expect to die, but he was cut down in a moment of time.
He was seized with a heart attack, and I attended his funeral. And a preacher spoke those lovely words in the first epistle of Peter, chapter One inheritance undefiled the fate of not away reserved in heaven, for you were kept by the power of God through faith. And he told this young man, this man rather, who in his younger days had given his heart to the Savior.
And has left this world to be with his savior and Lord and Redeemer. What a wonderful thing it was. It was a victory, my friends. It was a victory.
For every Christian death of the victory, a victory. And I think of this blessed One, as he bore my sins on the judgment of God fell upon him, He said in the 19th of John, verse 30. It is finished. He bore the whole load. There is nothing left, my friend. There is no need to go to Purgatory. There is no such a place.
Oh, there's a pardon me, with Christ as the apostle, Paul is far better. I step up to the beloved apostle and I say, Paul, if you died at night, where are you going to go to?
And he said, I'm going to be with Christ, which is far better. He didn't have any doubt tonight, my friend, that you'll trust the Savior. You can be just as saved as the Apostle Paul.
Just as saved as the Apostle Peter, you can be just as sure of getting to heaven as the Lord Jesus himself is there. I speak reverently.
What a wonderful savior. He's able to save you. And we point to the cross and we see that blessed one as he bowed his head and death as he bowed his head and we see his thorn crowned head, the blood running down his face as we sometimes sing that beautiful hymn.
That lovely hymn when we survey the wondrous Cross in which the Lord of Glory died.
The blood runs down his face. His eyes are closed and deaf. His great heart had stopped beating. Was dead. Jesus was dead and he was dead for me, dead for me, My friends. I trust them in my savior. If he wasn't my savior, I'm going to hell where I deserve to go. Thank God He's my savior. He died for me. He paid the price for me. He suffered the just for the unjust to bring a worthless, hell deserving Sinner to God.
Praise God, he did it. He paid the price. He paid the whole hundred cents in the dollars, plus $0.05 extra. Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it wonderful, my friends? And they laid that blessed man in the tomb and they roll the great stones of the tomb. There he was.
In that tomb and sealed the tomb with the Roman seal and put soldiers all around the grave.
But all I love to think that the great stone that rolled away.
And I see in the darkness of that tomb a forum coming out. And as he comes out into the light, I see in his hands the nail prints. And I see in his side the spear mark. And I've seen his feet, the nail print. It's Christ. He's burst the bonds of death. Death couldn't hold that blessed one. He smashed the bonds of death. He arose a mighty victor over his voice. Jesus lives. Jesus. It was on Calvary's cross. He lives.
He lives. He is the remedy for sin. He is the remedy for sin. Oh, thank God, the receipts.
The receipt that that has been paid. And the receipt is at the right hand of God, a living man. He's there with a nail print in his hands. He stands up, as it were, in the very presence of God. With all the angels around him. He stands and they bow their heads and reverence. And I love to think of that day when he arose from the dead a living Savior, the Conqueror of death, the sinless one, the one who was here in this world and who walked every step for the glory of God.
Every look he made was for the glory of God. Every word he spoke was for the glory of God.
And I like to think, as he ascended in His Majesty, in His glorious person, into the very heavens above, and as he entered into those gates, I loved to think of the mighty Angel Gabriel and Michael in the heavenly host. As they reverently bowed Jesus Christ, the Lord walked into the glory land. Never before had a man been there.
There he was in manhood. The Christ, all of them. Thrill your heart, my friends.
As he walks into the glory of God.
Oh, heaven bowed and adoration and praise is that glorious Man walks to the throne of God and sits down a glorious savior. Glorious Savior with the marks in his hands and feet. The Taliban mighty love, and for all eternity those marks will be there to remind us in glory.
That Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.
And that he was buried and that he rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.
Friends, that's the remedy for sin. The disease is sin. The disease is seized. You, my friend, you've got it tonight. Unless the Lord Jesus is your savior, and if the Lord Jesus is your savior tonight, then the precious blood of Christ is washed your sins away. The story has been told of a man who was working with a group of men in a building, and this man lost his balance and he fell.
And his friends were astonished to see him get up. And I thought he would be dead. When they went down, they found that as he fell there was a there was a little, there were a few sheep were passing by, being led by this farmer down to the farm. This man had fallen with all his weight on the sheep, crushed it to death. He is his life was spared, and the sheep was crushed. Oh, what a picture.
What a picture, my friends, all to think of it, that blessed Lamb of God on that cross, bearing in the judgment of God that we might be saved for eternity. Friends, are you trusting the Savior tonight? Maybe, you say. Maybe there's a lady here who says yes.
I believe with all my heart that Christ died for me. I think of a lady outside the hall of Thomas in New Brunswick, who said to me one night when I asked her, Do you believe that the Lord Jesus died for your sins? Upon the cross of Calvary? She looked at me and said, I believe it with all my heart.
I said to her, My dear lady, you're just as fit for heaven tonight as you'll ever be. You're just as fit for heaven as the Apostle Paul and I can. I'll never forget her face. She raised her head, and the light the light was on her face. She believed God. She believed God. And the light flashed into her soul. Oh, what happiness and what joy.
What peace comes to those who distrust the Savior? Friends, what more can we say? What more can we tell you? Must we go on to 830? Is there any necessity to go on to carry on the meeting? No, my friends. We've told you the disease.
We've told you that the awfulness of sin, we've told you the word of God, says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We've told you, my friend. There's none. Good or God has told you there's none good. No, Not one. You can't find a Goodman in the whole world. You can't find them. The only good man was crucified nails of the cross and rejected and cast out. We've told you, my friend, you're a Sinner. And we've told you that Jesus is a savior. What must you do? What must you do to be saved? I'll tell you, my friends. Just bow your head.
And that seat there?
And shut your eyes and say, oh God, I am a Sinner. I know it. I believe your word. I believe what you say is true. And tonight I believe that Jesus took my place and died for me. I believe it was all my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, come into my heart and right away instantly you'll be a child of God. And supposing as you walked out of that door.
And shook hands and said Tonight I received the Lord Jesus as my savior and instantly had dropped dead on the floor.
Just imagine you'd open your eyes in the presence of the king. Open your eyes in the presence of that lovely man. For by grace are you saved, true faith and that not of yourself. It's a gift of God. The gift of God not by works, lest any man should vote. Works can't save you, my friend. Christ. Christ alone. Will you receive him tonight? I recommend to you the stay of your of sinners.
His precious blood will cleanse you from all sins. You know there's not, you may say. Well, Sir, if you knew how bad, I wish it wouldn't talk like that, Friend, you may be stained black as coal with sin. You may be the worst Sinner in Toronto, the worst Sinner in Ontario, the worst center in Canada or the worst center in North America. But I tell you on the authority of God's word that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, plans of us from all sins.
You can make them be justified and redeemed and saved and receive a new life from God and leave this room, rejoicing and free and full salvation. I beg of you as I bow my head in prayer. Won't you praise in her friend? You need the Savior. You're a Sinner, Oh dear young boy. With Christian fathers and mothers you need the Savior. This might be your last chance. This may be God's last message to you because we've often said I love to think of the Apostles John on the Isle of Patmos as he writes the 22nd chapter of the Book of Revelation.
I love to think of God saying to John, stop, John, stop.
I must give one last invitation to those poor creatures.
And he says, Whosoever will may come and take the water of life freely, will you come tonight and take the water? Oh, I pray God you'll be saved tonight. I pray, dear senator friend, you'll put aside all your superstitions. All your thoughts are good work of religion. You'll just cast the holding overboard. And you'll fall into the arms of Jesus and receive them as your Savior. Confess them as your Lord.
Have that joy and that peace, that no man, including the devil himself.
And take from you what a Savior. May God exalt Christ tonight.
For his eternal glory and praise, let us pray.