Matthew 15

Matthew 15
Address—C. Buchanan
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Mind that perfect piece was yours, that yours through faith in Jesus life. Wonderful. Listen, that's the hymn we want to start with #27 in the back.
A line at perfect peace with God. Oh what a word is this. A Sinner, a reconciled True Blood? This. This indeed is peace.
Umbrella starts #27 in the back of this week.
You may open to Matthew 15 in as much as.
Many of the patients here were over in Sully.
Heard what we have been through in chapter 13 and 14, it seems good to proceed.
And review a little for those who work with us.
What we have taken up.
In Matthew's Gospel.
Just a brief outline, we found that 7 parables.
In the 13th chapter and the six of them were.
All likenesses of the Kingdom of Heaven.
In this book, there are 10 parables that are likenesses of the Kingdom of Heaven, 6 of them in the 13th chapter.
One in the 18th, one in the 20th, one in the 22nd and one in the 25th.
But there is a great deal that intervenes between chapter 13 and chapter 18.
And it seems wise to get a little out of these chapters as we go along.
Teaches by parables. He leaves the house in the beginning of chapter 13. He goes out to the seat sign, and he teaches the multitude. He does this after he had been publicly rejected as the king of the Jews, presented to them, showing all power of God against sin and its effects, and yet not wanted by the nation when they attributed his works to the Prince of devils.
They were nationally cut off at that time. They may call it the unforgivable sin of the nation.
Or they had a perfect testimony of the Holy Spirit in a perfect man and turned him down nationally as their Messiah. So then he announces three things.
And in effect, to take the place of Israel, cut down under the symbol of the fig tree.
Under the symbol of the olive tree and of the vine, and uses parables.
That of armor enjoys and understands of sowing in the earth.
That's what we do in the springtime and we look for a harvest and we get a harvest.
If there is as I'm hearing today reports down to 20 and 25 bushels on corn, that's less than 34. In the 14th chapter we touched on the magnitude of the product which had been announced in chapter 13 as varying from 100 fold to 60 fold to 30 fold. These few things we.
Had in detail so now we'll read a little section in chapter 15 and read it by sections as we progress and speak about then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees which were of Jerusalem say.
Where did our disciples transgress the duration of the elders?
Before they washing off their hands when they eat bread, but he answered and seven them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your predation? For God commanded say the honor that I called her and mother.
And he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
Let me say, whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, it is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be prompted by me.
And honor not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none of that by your tradition. He typically well did He say his prophecy of you saying this, People draw nigh unto me with their lips, and honor me with their with their mouth, and honored me with their lips up there heart.
Is far from.
But in vain they didn't worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
And he called the volcano, and said unto them Here, And understand not that which goeth into the mouth, if I was a man, but that which cometh out of the mouth. This developed a man. Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Know us thou, that the Pharisees were offended after they heard the saying. But he answered, and said, Every plant which might be heavenly.
Father hath not landed shall be rooted enough. Let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leaves the blind.
Both shall fall into the dish. Then answered Peter, and said unto him, Declare unto us this parable. Jesus said, Are ye also, yet without understanding?
Do ye not yet understand that was enter, that whatsoever entered in at the mouth go into the belly, and his chest out into the drawer? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man.
For out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts.
Murders, adult race, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man but you eat with unworsed hands. Defile not a man.
To stop there.
Great remark in the series of meetings that the Kingdom of heaven is this fear profession on earth during the time while the king is in heaven.
The king had come in. Matthew was presented to his own, that is, Israel. He was rejected, and he began to teach the masters.
And the opening up of the parables opens up prophetically at that time what is largely history now, of what would happen when the seat was sown in the earth after Jesus went to heaven, until he came back and took the throne of the earth. And then as much as we are drawing through the clothes of it, it becomes exceedingly interesting.
Some of you farmers who have begun to harvest are just kind of itching to get out there and see how good it is.
Farmers like to do that. Well, the Lord knows the harvest and the fact of the harvest is growing near, but we're yet down here that the age goes on and it seems to me that Jesus in this chapter.
He takes the place himself experimentally to feel what we feel during this time of sewing.
Briefly, you could write over this chapter, Man before dawn, and God is exposing man as to what is in his heart. You and I find out a little what's in the hearts of men. We found out a little what's in our own hearts, but experimentation by being down here and testing.
But here at the beginning in the 1St 2 verses we get the highest religious order of the day speaking against God's people. The highest religious order of the day speaking against God's people.
And God heard it from the person of the Lord Jesus.
So he was there to feed.
Personally, he was there to feel the charges that the highest religious order of the day is fair seats of tourists. That was the center of Jewish religion.
And they are charging something against the followers of the Lord. Are you one of them? Indeed you are. We are followers of the Lord.
Oil brings the hardest charges against true disciples of the Lord Jesus today.
Persecution, reproach that we have felt in South America.
Has not been from modern people.
It has been.
From those who make the highest pretensions, and some of it is more than a pretense to religion.
And you and I find it too.
I know we are in a Christian land.
And we may not feel so much opposition to walking as Jesus walked, but you and I, the near, we not walk with the Lord.
The more frequently we get charges leveled at us. Why don't you go out and vote? Why don't you support this? And that's and make this a better world to live in. And you can't make those people out there understand.
We can understand in this chapter the Lord Jesus says here and understand I'm just here to here and understand why we are set here and what we are to expect.
So they charge, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?
You notice Jesus answers with a question in the next verse. Why do you also transgress the commandment of God? That's all we need to read to get the difference between the charges.
In the acts.
And the apostles, when Peter and John were preaching, and getting great crowds and great blessings, apprehended and forced to be turned loose, they were charged not to speak nor to teach in this name of this man. And Peter gave a wonderful answer.
Whether it be right to hearken unto?
Ye, you judge, we cannot but speak the things which have seen her.
He says.
We ought to obey God rather than men. We want to obey God rather than men. The elders who were there and what was their tradition? Well, they were the highest religious order of the day, which set up their own creeds and their own credentials. And concerned washing the hands before they ate. Well, that's just a sanitary thing, and it sounds good.
And what is leveled against us will sound good in a reasonable sense of men's minds. Why don't you do this? Why don't you do that? Then they can use every kind of high sounding terminology. But rather we have to go to the book. What does not say?
We ought to obey God rather than men. Why do you also transgress the commandments of God by your tradition? And they had divine.
Niche, cunning religious men of that day, a way to get around the command on their thy father and thy mother.
It's really.
Strange that you read about this and we won't go into, but it's the cunning way of man to get around that commandment.
And then the Lord says in verse 8.
Quoting from Isaiah, this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from.
God look upon the heart, and here it's man before God and the heart being exposed, and it's always so when we get into presence of God.
I'm thankful we live in a dark here in the nation and that there are lots of Christians in it. But we are tested and in the South as we drove through Kentucky and Tennessee.
Various times I've seen a sign as you draw up to a town, let's say.
Go worship in the Church of your choice.
Go worship in the Church of your choice.
Now that's a nice sounding words, isn't it?
You go worship in the Church of your choice and people in Christendom, and Christendom is the accurate word that expresses what the Kingdom of heaven is.
Good worship in the Church of your choice. But Jesus says in vain, they do worship me, teaching for doctrines, the commandments of men. In other words, we're in the Bible. Do you find that you not have a choice for the worship?
When Jesus was asked or told Peter and John to go prepare the the Passover supper to eat.
They sent him where wilt thou that we prepared?
Hold this place and we'll turn the last.
Chapter the 28th of of Matthew and we'll find another place where the election, the choice was not for the disciples, nor is it for us where we're going to worship.
There's more about this, but we read the 16th verse, Matthew 2816.
Then the 11 disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. Notice that they didn't choose it. No, they didn't choose it. Jesus chose that place, and it was a high place, a figure of the heaven where we worked. Worship right now.
Where Jesus had appointed them and when they saw him, He's the center. They worshipped him.
That's everything for life, and so we have no rights in where we're going to worship, and Jesus says it's in vain.
Worship below it has to be, of course.
Then it arrives.
At our high free symbol who takes what is presented and presents it to God.
You and I should not be too concerned about making some little slip of the tongue in worship because our High priest takes care of it before it reaches the earth. That's a great comfort to you, young brother. I had a hard time praising the Lord the first time in Spanish because it's difficult to get ahold of the language and have assurance that you are expressing truth actively. That one point helped me in this.
Nothing that I would say.
Which was probably right in English that came out wrong in Spanish would arrive there at God's here because we have a faithful and merciful high priest who takes our prayers and praises and presents them a sweet incentive to God. So the way of worship is so important and in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Then he said in verse 10, he called the multitude and said unto them here.
And understand.
Now we turn back a page to the 13th chapter again and look at the verse that we had.
The 51St verse.
Matthew 13. Matthew 1351 Jesus, this is right after he had finished this 7th parable, Jesus said unto them, Have ye understood all these sins? They say unto him, Yeah Lord.
Well, I like that they have understood something.
And you and I understand something every time we read in the white bird of God.
But the all air troubles me.
We'll never understand all that's in these parables down here, but you can understand and have joy. And it was all right to say, yes, Lord. But in our chapter we find out they didn't understand the whole lot, but they understood something. And so you and I ought to be encouraged to take up the Scriptures and learn little by little. And we learn a point. And we said, yes, of course, that's beautiful. I understand that.
And then we go on and find out we didn't know very much after, but let's let's leave that alone. So here in our.
Verse here and understand. Then he goes into something that goes back and takes up.
Same kind of thing.
That we learned about in the 13th chapter.
And he says in verse 11, not that which go into the mouth defiles the man, but that which cometh out of the man, this devil, a man.
Remember, this chapter is Man before Dawn and he's bringing out watching the heart.
And then came his disciples, and said unto him, Most thou not that the Pharisees were offended after they heard this thing.
Well, they didn't like what they had heard.
The disciple is faithful and teaches the truth. It will convict souls and they won't like it frequently, but leave it with God. He remembers we went through those parables, particularly one of the pairs of fields. They were commanded to let both go together. That is the tears were the bad things of the Kingdom of heaven and the wheat was a good thing to heaven and God is teaching They both grow together and that's where we are today, brother, we're in the Kingdom of heaven, we're in Christendom and the product of the.
Backseat grows and the product of the good seeds. It's not what a farmer would do. He'd pull out the bad weeds and hook the beans or weeds the beans.
But in the King of heaven, we're not to do that. It's still left for another to decide about that. So he's going into this somewhat again.
Well, verse 13, he answered and said, Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up without them alone. This reinforces what we've already had in the 13th chapter.
Let them all.
That was that was an experience that they were going through right there. That is, Jesus did not come down in judgment upon those highest religious order who are speaking against God's people in that day and today. He doesn't. He leaves them out there until the time of the highest. We haven't done that yet.
And then he tells them, I suppose.
For their intelligence, what's going to happen? And we know what's going to happen.
Every plant which my heavenly Father have not planted shall be rooted up. Let them alone. They be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, they shall fall. They they both shall fall into the dish.
Well, it seems clear doesn't but look what Peter says. Peter then answered Peter, and said unto him, Declare unto this unto us, this parent.
So to understand us.
Well that's me, that's you in lots of things, but in order to show patient and he goes on and goes over these things experimentally so that they can get a hold of it, Jesus said are ye also yet without understanding.
How do we rebuild to them and to us in our slowest and apprehended things?
He touched it out clear. Do not ye yet understand that whatsoever enter in at the mouth goeth into the feather, and is passed out into the drawer?
But those things which proceeds have an amount.
Come forth from the heart and they defile the man. We're out of the heart. Proceed. Evil thoughts, murderers, adulthood, blasphemers.
This false witness blast finished.
These are the things which defile man to eat with unwanted hands. Defile it not a man clear. It's not what we eat that defies us.
God's sight. You don't have to wash your hands before you eat, because you're inward to take care of that.
If you eat something that looks dirty, that's man looking at things, Man's ideas, man's doctrine, man's tradition. What is important is what comes out of romance.
You ever had trouble with it, buddy? Let's go to the book of change. We closed up last night here in this meeting next to a verse that says no, it's not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the Saints. We've been over this a little bit with 2-3 homes today, but it's so attractive to connect with this point right here. I think we ought to go to James. Where?
Perhaps we ought to read a little bit more often. Like the book of Proverbs, it's.
Under the sun.
Wisdom burners the bathroom and proverbs and wisdom for us while we're down here under the sun in the third of James and he takes up this question of what a man campaign. That's the tongue and yet we ought to control it. Again in our chapter here last night we read the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. That is there is to be a control. I am to govern you are to govern the spirit that speaks out in the meetings.
The spirit that speaks out in the meetings and the spirit in which we live with one another. Choose So then, James, it is so clear we begin at the.
13th verse of the third chapter.
Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? That's the kind of rather than what?
Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom, not puffed up meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth, this wisdom.
That bitter ending and strive in the heart descendeth not from above.
God is not the author of confusion.
This wisdom descended not from above. What is earthly sensual devils? There's the finger put right on what we're going to read in the next verse. For we're envying and strive is there is confusion and every evil word. No, God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. The author of confusion is the devil, the death.
And he rises it up in our hearts.
In bad thoughts that come out and give bad expression through the tongue under control, strike and envy and every evil work it's fleshly.
And so we have an answer to that verse in First Corinthians 14. God is not the only confused, and the author of confusion is for death.
But we don't end here. We'll wait a couple more verses because it gets beautiful at the close of this third occasion. Third verse, the third chapter of James.
17 But the wisdom that is from above, this is what we need present, that wisdom which cometh down from above. When Jesus was here, he was speaking the commandments of God, and they had it in him on earth. In the Gospel. We have it in the written book.
The wisdom that is from above is first pure. Oh, it is so wonderful to have a drink of pure water when you're thirsty. God's word is fuel. That's Proverbs 30 verse four. Every word of God is pure.
First fewer, then he said gentle is not nice and easy to be intrigued. Full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace. Of them that makes peace. Well, this is a little aside.
To find out, to go along with what comes out of the heart. It's terrible when these things come out of the heart and are expressed and lead to confusion. But we're coming back to our chapter 15 in Matthew.
And before we read it, we'll state.
That in the next chapter in Matthew, we get the second thing that Jesus announces.
And it's the church.
I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Is the first announcement of the church in all the Bible. So I believe in the section here at the end of this chapter we're getting.
A little indication of those.
A kind of a picture of what forms the church.
In the next chapter, and it's very precious to us because.
Because it goes out and reaches sanitize.
So verse 21.
Then Jesus went thence and departed into the coast of Tyre, and sire, that's been a long journey he went.
Next up at the region that is today at the border of Israel and live on the coast of the Mediterranean. Those were seaports, tires of figure.
It was a commercial seaport and it's used as a figure of commerce, world commerce, but it was a gentile city as well as side and a sister city. It doesn't say that he went into.
But he said into the coast of Tyrancy he went to the borders of the land of Israel, and there came down a woman from Cain. Verse 22.
Arcadia Knight, a gentile woman.
Behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coast to keep in mind she was a gentile, and cried after him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David, my daughter is grievous, grievously vexed with the devil. He answered her not a word. That's strange.
Really is when you understand he answered her not a word, and his disciples came and besought him, saying send her away, for she cried after not much compassion on these disciples were putting accidents, said he gives money in a sense I am not sent, but under the lost sheep of the House of Israel, Jesus came to the two tribes.
The lost sheep of the House of Israel.
And the woman must have apprehended divinely, I think.
What had been her problem?
Before she came, then came she and worshiped him, saying Lord help she Dee's all that.
Son of David, she had no connection with Christ. By heritage she was outside the bounds of Israel to heal the tough.
So he ignores her.
And it's a lesson in this way too, that already, as it were.
Natural relationships were being cut off with Christ.
He says in one place in this gospel.
They that do the will of God are the ones to whom you sent, not his mother. His mother and his brother keep seeking for him. He says, Behold, my brother and my brother are those that do the will of God and keep it. That is, connection with Christ now is not by birth of the line of the Jews, but by faith. It's already established more or less right here, and it's certainly true now.
There's no connection with Christ has come.
As an earthly Messiah.
He's one who died and rose again and has gone back to heaven and connection with Christ now is by faith. We are by Christ redeemed. The cost his precious blood and connection with Christ now is by faith. He was beginning to establish these things. So when she said Lord.
Help me, she got help and we do too. That's the way of salvation. Like the.
Now a factor, the sight of the Lord who finally turned to Jesus and said, Lord, Remember Me when thou comest into thy Kingdom. He got the reply today shalt thou be with me in paradise. So she reaches the heart of Christ on right ground now. And he answered that.
Wonderful of her humility, her meekness.
He answered her and said he puts her to the test. It is not me to take the children's breath and to cast it to dogs.
Sometimes the Jews call the Gentiles dogs. That was the way they talked about in those days.
She doesn't deny anything, she just says truth Lord.
That's not a wise thing to do, and your poor family and the parents don't take the bread that's on the table and there's just enough to go around the children putting the dogs on the table.
No plan and in some lands we get in today the dogs are discovered to clean up the floor. They don't have to sweep the floor and the.
Down there, picked up quickly. That's the kind of society that lived in there. But she takes the place of being down there under the table. She wasn't worthy to be up there with the others over humanity.
And what a wonderful lesson it is. Jesus answered and said unto her, Oh woman, greatest, I think now this is the way of connection with Israel, with with Christ. This is the way of connection with Christ. Faith. Grace is thy faith. And these are those who today make up the church, those of faith. And as much as she was a Canaanite, a Gentile, it's a little indication ahead of time.
Of what Christ was going to do.
In this time of the period of the Kingdom of heaven, when He is forming His church down here to bring us into connection with Him through faith, confessing Him as Lord.
Be it under thee even as thou will. And her daughter was made full from that very own. Jesus goes on in his ministry, although rejected, and brings blessing wherever he goes. Verse 29 And Jesus departed from that, and came nigh under the Sea of Galilee, and went up into a mountain, and sat down there.
And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were.
Lame, blind, dumb name and many others have cast them down at Jesus feet and he healed them.
In so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the double speak, and the man to behold, and the lame to walk, and the blind to see, and they glorified the God of Israel.
Then Jesus called his disciples under him and said, I have compassion on the multitude because they continue with me now.
Three days and have nothing to eat, and I will not send them away, lest they faint in the way. And his disciples say unto him, What should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to feel so great a multitude? And Jesus said unto them, How many blows have ye? And they said, seven, and a few little fishes. He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground, And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks.
And break them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
And that it all eat, and were filled, and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full. And they that did eat were 4000 men beside women and children. And he sent away the multitude, and took the ship, and came into the coast of Magna.
Well, we have the Lord and the patience going on and repeating the power that He had showed.
In the chapter 14 where the 5000 were fed.
He just impatience goes on with his disciples, revealing what's in the heart of man.
And providing for his disciples, providing for his own in the midst of opposition.
And giving them a supply that would meet the needs of the others who were there.
So we find the Lord experimentally continuing in a pathway that is somewhat similar to what we get into in the opposition we experience in the Kingdom of heaven by the highest religious order especially, and how the Lord takes care of his own and the way of blessing comes to the Gentiles. And it's on the basis of faith, not of any heritage. We can't claim that we are.
The children of David at home.
But we come into relationship with the Lord on the basis of faith.
And wonderful to say like this woman truth more to take the little place.
And practice this meekness and gentleness of Christ, and to learn to have understanding, to know who it is that we are feeling, what we feel following a rejected Christ.
Waiting till a time when he is a reigning Christ, and yet supply.
And knowing the future and knowing that we're drawing near to the time when he will.
Threw down those plants that he has to plant.
So near the highest, you might say. It's just around the corner when the horoscope began in the Kingdom of Heaven.
But the sweet and precious thing that we learned in the 13th chapter is the wheat is gathered in the barn first. There may be the preparation for the bundles to be burned, and there is when they're gathered together in large bundles, and I believe there are dozens of them in the coast.
In particular, come under that classification as the product of the tares.
And so that we just gathered in the barn and then comes the burning. He takes care of that, but he wants us to.
Go on in patience, waiting for him to take that place and not for ourselves to go into that.
Just to go a bit into the next chapter to pick up this what the Lord announces about the church.
And we just skip on down in the next chapter.
To gather a little more thought of what he announced in the 13th verse of the 16th chapter.
And when Jesus came into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying.
Whom do men say that? I, the Son of man? And now there's instruction in his statement. I, the son of man.
For the Son of Man is his title as taking the full inheritance that the the world. He gets the world. And there is the Kingdom of the Son of Man. As we noticed and announced, or at least comes in once in the 13th chapter. There's also the Kingdom of the blood. This looks on.
Through the Millennium, when it will be shown out that there is a Kingdom of the Son of Man on the earthly side of the Kingdom, and the Kingdom of the Father, and the heavenly side where the heavenly Saints are, we have part in the Kingdom of the Father and are in that sense with Christ on that side of the Kingdom. And then there will be Israel.
Revived grown up to 10 tribes as well as the 12.
Brought in and blessed in the Kingdom of the Son of Man. So he asked, Who do men say that? I, the Son of Man and.
They said some say that now are John the Baptist, but that was being booted around the country.
Some Elias, they knew about Elijah they had the Old Testament scriptures. Others Jeremias. Yes they they have the book of Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
They haven't come to answer yet, have they?
Here it had said that this is John the Baptist whom I beheaded about Jesus. Just noticed that in chapter 14.
The beginning of the chapter.
Diversity verses here is here it's thought at that time here the teacher aren't heard of the fame of Jesus said unto his serve. This is John the back he's written from the dead. Therefore mighty works we show forth themselves in him what not either for now the Lord turns.
To his own.
And in verse 15, But whom say ye that I am? And the answer comes out very beautifully. Peter wasn't wholly strong. Oh, Peter was right several times and very beautifully answered.
Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living Father. A very full answer. He knew. How did he know? The Lord tells us.
Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon, son of Jonah. That's what he's telling them. That's what he's telling Peter. Simon, you're the son of John. That's what part Jonah means. For flesh and blood men have not revealed it unto thee, but my Father, which is in heaven, and I say unto thee that thou art Peter, which means a little stone.
That's what Peter means. And upon this rock, the confession.
Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living Lord. I will build my church.
And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, And I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. Now notice this again.
The Kingdom of heaven has keys, not the Church as is falsely.
Taught and even joked about. Peter will open the fertilization and that's all about men get so so wrong in their ideas. I will give unto thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. Now that's fear.
And whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever without salutes on earth shall be loose from earth. Then charge to his disciples, that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.
For they were too late to get the Messiah in blessing, only heard.
He had his work before him and he announces what he's going to what's going to happen. There's going to be this Kingdom of heaven.
There's going to be the church.
By faith, we are in the Church.
And then after that you believe you're seeing what that Holy Spirit of promise baptized by 1 spirit into the one body and you're also we are also in the Kingdom of heaven for repeating about the Kingdom of heaven. It's this fear profession on earth where Christ is more or less on during the time when Christ is in heaven and the keys that the Lord tells Peter about were two possibly 3.
And to use them to unlock the Kingdom of Heaven for the Jews in Acts 2.
And he used them to unlock the Kingdom of heaven for the Gentiles and the householder Cornelius in chapter 10.
Besides that, there was Samaritans in cap 3, so it wouldn't be wrong to say there might have been 3 for the Samaritan. Excuse me, we're a mixed people, but certainly there were two and that was the one time event.
To open the door and let them in to the Kingdom of heaven, for the king had been rejected on earth.
And he's gone up to heaven, and there had to be a way to get into the Kingdom of heaven. So he lets the Jews in, and then he lets the 10 times and this Kingdom of heaven has gone on.
These 19155 years and still is with us and we're still in it and also we're in the church.
That wonderful thing.
That will never be spoiled by Satan. Although it looks like it is the gates of hell, Satan's stronghold shall not prevail against you.
God knows every believer on the face of the earth right now and he's looking for high sounding names like Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, or anything else.
Let everyone that name of the name of Christ be part.
There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby he must be saved, nor is there other name for the congregation.
If the Jesus, the name of Jesus, is sufficient for salvation, it's sufficient for congregation, for gathering together. He goes on and tells this in chapter 18.
But our time is up, so we'll close with singing another.
The 45th in the back of the book.
It's end of a prayer old gracious shepherd find this with chords of love to be an ever more remind us how mercy set us free will. May the Holy Spirit keep this before our eyes that we thy death and merit about all else and pride.
Some other stark #45 in the back seat.
Oh, Rebecca Lord.
Lord will be now and ever get away.
No, we pray.
Is reflected in the Kingdom of heaven and bring forth food for our children.
This brings forth out of his treasure things.
There's one short image I think #40.
Two, I think it is.
Number 42 to him that saved us from the world, we're in it, but rather receive. He's going to come and take us out because he set his heart of the light upon us as those of value and of beauty set here to represent Christian glory.
And his prayers. Some brothers start #42 first piece.
Let's say.