My Priest.

I need no priest save Him who is above;
No altar but the heavenly mercy-seat;
Christ’s finished work, which speaks of pardoning love,
By which in holy peace my God I meet.
I need no blood but that of Golgotha,
No sacrifice save that which on the tree
Was offered once, without defect or flaw,
And which, unchanged, availeth still for me.
I need no vestments save the linen white,
With which, through grace, the Lord has clothed my soul;
He shares with me His seamless raiment bright,
And I, in Him, am thus complete and whole.
I leave to those who love the gay parade,
The gold, the purple, and the scarlet dye;
Mine is the robe which cannot rend or fade,
Forever fair in God’s eternal eye.
I need no pardon save of Him who says―
“Neither do I condemn thee; go in peace!”
My Counselor, Confessor, Guide He is,
My joy in grief, in bondage my release.
Forgiven through Him who died and rose on high,
My conscience from dead works thus purged and clean,
I serve the service of true love and joy,
And live by faith upon a Christ unseen.