Not Your Own: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

1 Corinthians 6:19‑20  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 62
“Bought with a price” —so very great—
Jesus alone could pay
My ransom from the dreadful guilt,
And take my sins away.
His precious blood, the awful price,
For me He freely gave:
And dare I doubt His tender love,
Or willing power to save?
He sought me, wandering far from God,
And took me by the hand
To lead me forth from endless woe,
Into the glory land.
So deep a debtor to His blood,
No wonder He should be
Most precious to my ransomed soul,
Now, and eternally.
But I!—ah canst thou care for such—
So worthless, wayward, cold,
So slow of heart to apprehend
Thy love, and grace untold?
Can I be loved, and prized, by Thee?
Speak, Lord, O, can it be?
“Yes—in proportion to the price
Which I have paid for thee.”
Then, Jesus, Lord, with joy I yield
Myself, my all, to Thee,
For Thou hast loved me unto death,
And given Thyself for me.