October 2

1 Corinthians 13:12
LIFE is full of mysteries. Again and again the bewildered spirit asks “Why?” And to many of our questions there is no answer. It has not pleased God to explain all His ways with us here and now. Elihu said to Job, “He giveth not account of His matters” (Job 33:1313Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters. (Job 33:13)). But faith counts on His infinite love and wisdom, and knows that someday all will be made plain, and in the light of His presence we shall get the answers to all the questions that have perplexed us. Then we shall know the hidden reasons for every trial, every sorrow, and we shall see that there was a “needs be” for all of His dealings with us. We may be sure that, when we see everything from the divine standpoint we shall be able to praise Him for all that now seems so bewildering.
“My life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me;
I cannot choose the colors,
He worketh steadily.
Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow.
And I, in foolish pride.
Forget He sees the upper.
And I, the under side.
Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver’s skillful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.”