Praying First

James 4:11  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Two Christian men “fell out.” One heard that the other was talking against him, and he went to him and said, “Will you be kind enough to tell me my faults to my face, that I may profit by your Christian candor, and try to get rid of them?”
“Yes sir,” replied the other, “I will, do it.”
They went aside, and the former said: “Before you commence telling what you think wrong in me, will you please bow down with me and let us pray over it, that my eyes may be opened to see my faults as you will tell them. You lead in the prayer.”
This was done, and when the prayer was over, the man who had sought the interview said, “Now proceed with what you have to complain of in me.” The other replied, “After praying over it, it looks so little that it is not worth talking about. The truth is, I feel now that in going around talking against you, I have been serving the devil myself, and have need that you pray for me and forgive me the wrong I have done you.”