Questions for June

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 5
1. Our words, so far as we are true, express what we are. How has God expressed Himself? {The answer may be given in a verse of scripture, or in your own language.) —2. In giving the law, God had required His people to do something. What did the Lord Jesus say in one of His conversations with one, to whom He declared (or explained) God, which showed that God was then giving not requiring? What did St. Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, speak of as the Rift of God? Where does the same apostle give thanks to God for His gift? —3. Give an instance from Acts of a prisoner who could sing praises to God while his feet were in the stocks, and who could wish his judges to be as he was— a man who was perfectly satisfied— and say what words of our Lord to the Samaritan woman, and to the crowds who followed Him to Capernaum, were fulfilled in his case? —4. The Lord Jesus could not show Himself openly at the great least of rejoicing: but whom did He invite to come to Him? What did He promise them? What did He mean by this promise? —5. Mention one of the apostles, only named in the other gospels in the lists of the twelve, who is more than once spoken of by St. John. Give some incidents in his life from this gospel, and from the Acts? —6, There are six miracles recorded in the gospels of the cure of blindness. What are we told concerning the blind man, whose story is given in John 9, which we do not read of the others? —7. One part of St. John's Gospel especially contains what is not told by the other evangelists. Mention, as nearly as you can, where that part begins and ends. —8. To whom did the Lord say. "Blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed"? Can you remember any verse at all like this in the first Epistle of Peter?