Remnant Truth

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Address—C.H. Brown
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August 59 address by Ch Brown.
We're not of the world which they step away.
We're not.
We just sang this hymn and the 4th stanza.
Men, Mightiest Phones, Most feeble are we?
Yet, trembling before our great leader, they flee.
The Lord is our banner.
Battle is his, the weakest of Saints, more than conquer is.
Mid mightiest foes. Most feeble are weak.
I want to talk this afternoon.
On remnant truth.
For these last days.
We're living in a day when.
Man, I suppose, is more boastful than he ever was.
And his history?
God is allowing him to achieve certain goals.
God is just as it were, giving him rope.
So that he'll demonstrate justice how far he goes.
And his thoughts of independence of God and his Word.
I remember Mr. Potter used to remind us that when God judges a thing.
He doesn't judge it from its fizzling out.
Or when it's just developing?
But he judges it when it's full blown.
Everything is moving in the direction.
A man eventually setting himself up to be God.
Going to cast off all restraint.
It's amazing that.
Man can dress so far.
That he not only.
Would drift into such unbelief, but he actually wants to get along without God.
I esteemed a letter recently, a personal letter.
From a man whom I had known intimately.
Over 50 years ago.
In fact.
His family, that is, to his parents.
His father had been associated with my father when they were young men.
In their teens together, he was no stranger to me.
But I had lost track of him in a major.
But the Lord directed that we should get in touch with him again.
He had become quite a schooled man.
Had talked in several universities.
And now?
Up in years is older than the speaker.
He's retired.
I had in my possession a letter that he had written to me as a young man.
When he was coming under the influence.
Religious teaching, I say religious teaching. I do not say under the influence of the simple gospel.
But he came under the influence of religious teaching and.
Joined the church.
I had in my possession a letter he'd written.
So as an arrow shot at the venture, I sent the letter to him because I had heard that he had drifted far from God.
I received back from him the most astonishing letter. He's an intelligence man.
And he said that through the years he had come to the conclusion that the whole universe.
And always been here.
That the sun, moon and stars and galaxies of heaven had always been coursing through space.
They were eternal.
Wouldn't even give any kind of a God the credit for starting them out.
And that man emerged.
As an accident.
Somewhere in the bottom of the slime of the seed develop down through the middle millions of ages, and when he finishes his little span here, he goes back into eternal oblivion.
Now one can scarcely credit.
That a man possessed of the intelligence that that man has.
Could ever end up in such a dead end St. as that?
But that's where he is.
There's one thing I can tell him. Maybe I shall.
That is that.
His head through the years has turned infinite.
His conscience hasn't. Conscience never turns into them.
No. All the time that he's writing that letter, there's something.
Ticking down on the inside, that's telling him.
But there is a God he wishes there were not.
Someday he's going to meet him.
How many of such men have come down to their deathbed?
And they've had terrible, agonizing, awful death.
I was talking to.
A cousin.
She was telling me about sitting on the train.
And reading her Bible, she's a Christian.
And her seatmate said you're you're Christian, are you? She said yes, I am.
Then maybe you can help me out. I sure need help.
Well, Sir, I'll do what I can. She was only a young woman at the time.
What is it? You know I am an infidel.
I have a boy. I brought him up as an infidel.
I was brought up as an infidel. My father was an infant.
My father didn't even believe there was a God. He was an atheist.
I've been the same. I brought up my boy that way. 3 generations of it.
But he said, you know, the other day, just the other day.
My father died.
But I was at his bedside when he was dying, and he said just before he passed into eternity.
He reared up in bed.
And he screamed with a voice that he had left.
There is a God, There is a hell. I'm going there and you drop back then.
He said. That has taken me to the center. Can you help me out?
Well, she gave him the gospel as best she could.
I don't know that she ever saw the man in gas.
Infidelity may do a man to live by, but it's no good to die by.
Now young people.
You're exposed in your school life to refine infidelity.
You get it in the grade, you got it in your textbooks.
You get it as you go into high school.
You'll get it all through college.
Unless you happen to attend a school such as this one where infidelity is ruled out, but I'm speaking in general terms.
Satan is determined.
To turn this world into an infinite world.
He's going to get rid of God. He's going to get rid of the Son of God.
We're living in an age like that, and he's succeeding wonderfully.
It's very difficult to find textbooks today, or a set of encyclopedias.
That does not teach the ruinous doctrine of evidence.
Once you accept that, you throw away the brakes.
And God alone knows where you're going to end up.
No, you and I are called upon to acknowledge that we came from the hand of God.
Where his creatures?
We must give an account of our sojourn here.
I'm supposed to be talking to Christian young people this afternoon.
But I wonder, is everybody here in this room say?
I don't believe any of us could answer that question.
But God knows. God knows on which side of the line you are.
Young woman the other day, just a very young woman.
Perhaps I should say a girl.
Said to her mother. How do you know you're saved? How do you find it out?
Well, my mother said, The word of God says without the confessed with thy mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved.
Is that what I want? I want to know that I'm saying our mother says there's it is, there it is. That's the way she left her.
And later on.
Called her mother and then pointed to something she'd written on a piece of paper and pinned up on the curtain.
He wrote on this piece of paper. I was saved at 10:30 and gave the date and signed her name.
So that sounded like a real transaction, didn't it?
How was she saying?
By believing the record that God gave of his Son.
I hope that you children here are taking these matters seriously, because you have souls you know as well as older people, and you need a savior. And you can be saved when you're of tender years.
I started by saying that we're living in the day of big things. Oh, yes.
You remember the Tower of Babel?
Man said it was going to build a car to reach the heaven and he actually tried it. Yes he did. He actually thought he was so stupid that he thought he could build a car to reach the heavens.
Well, we pity such stupidity.
But his man any less stupid now?
You think he's improved in his wisdom when he's spending billions of dollars to reach the moon and the moon is only a place for a takeoff from Mars.
And taking off from Mars, he goes on into the vast expanses of the heaven.
No man is taking himself seriously on that.
And yet the Word of God says, is the heaven, and the heaven of heavens are the Lord.
The earth has been given to the children of men.
But man is so under the power of Satanic delusion today.
But he says, in the words of a prominent scientist high up among the great men of the world today, he says man has a right to go anywhere in this universe he wants to.
How long is God going to tolerate such effrontery? Such.
Open rebellion against his will and his words.
There come the limit.
Every time that man is risen and his self-confidence.
He reaches a point where just as God said to the waves of the ocean thus far and no further.
God comes in with his judgment.
Oh yes, we're living in a day of big things.
And yet, spiritually. What kind of a day is it? Spiritually?
I don't say religiously, religiously. Do you know that over 60%?
Of the people in the United States.
Have a religious confession. Think of.
6 out of 10 men.
You see, walking down the street are connected with some kind of a religious confession.
But you go out on a cost.
On the street of any town, village or city anywhere in the United States, the 1St 10 people you'll see and ask them what they know.
About the Precious Blood of Christ.
The precious Blood of Christ as to what they have to say about it.
And O beloved, you know.
That is only rarely that you find one that.
That vows to the truth.
Of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And yet that's the only salvation that God has for any of us.
Man is religious. He's becoming increasingly so.
And you know where we're going.
I'm using the words of those that are sponsoring the program when I say one world and one church.
One church and one world. That's where we're headed for. That's the most. That's the aim. We're getting together. We're going to have one world and one church.
Yes, let's agree. Let's agree. So we are.
But oh, what a world is going to be.
Now, if you're a Christian, if you're a member of Christ, it won't be while you're here. Oh no, that can't come while the church is here. You know this church. And I say the when I say church, I mean the church that we have in the bike.
As long as this Church is here, the members of Christ.
The born again Spirit and wealth believers.
As long as they are here.
There are thorn in the sides of the whirlings.
They hinder the development of things that would have developed long before this. The presence of the Spirit of God, dwelling in the church here in this world, is holding back the avalanche of awful darkness, infidelity, enthusiasm.
Going to envelope the whole world.
The presence of the church here, holding it back.
But one of these days there will be a summons.
There'll be a shock given.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to be here in this building while this speaker is addressing you?
Hear the shout and have every seat in the place empty, everyone of us gone to meet the Lord in the air. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
All the world, they wouldn't shut any tears over it.
They draw a sigh of relief. Now we can have our way. We've got some rid of the Christians. We've gotten rid of the hindrance.
Yes. Then get rid of us. One of these days we'll be gone.
And then man can put into play these ambitions that he's been nursing for ages. He's moving on to the grand finales and grand climax.
When he's going to show just how apostate is part of it.
On the 2nd Psalm.
We find God, as it were, sitting by and watching all this kind of thing.
Might read a verse or two from the second Psalm.
Why do the nations, even our nations, rage?
And the people's imagine a vain thing. The kings of the earth set themselves.
And the rulers take counsel together against the Lord, against Jehovah.
And against his anointed at Christ saying.
Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.
Now what will God say?
Well, here it is.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall last.
The Lord shall have them in duration.
Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and dexamethasone.
Yet have I accept my king. Upon my holy hill of Zion, I will declare the decree. The Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my son.
This day have I begotten me.
Asked of me, and I forgive thee the heathen, or the nations, for thine inheritance, and the uttermost heartedly earth for thy possession.
Not beloved that will never come to pass.
Still missionary effort.
Our dear brother Eric Smith gave us a lovely account of the way the Spirit of God has been working down in South America.
He told us about it yesterday.
How we rejoice to hear the good news.
But you know, he talked in terms of half dozens.
20s thirties.
But, oh soft of the rear ground river.
Our nations with millions upon millions.
Soul it is from the gospel that's going out.
And bringing all men and submission to the will of God.
The thing that's going to bring this earth into submission upwardly to the will of God, it's.
Going to be the rod out of Zion.
But now I said I was going to talk to you on Remnant time.
Well, in Zephaniah.
The third verse.
And the third chapter.
And the 12Th verse.
I will also leave in the midst of being afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.
Dear young people.
I can guarantee something to you.
My experience backs it up with lots more important.
The Word of God declared it.
And if you will trust yourself to the keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Through his Holy Spirit.
And will accept this book as the inspired word of God and as your guidebook.
Through your life down here.
Till you reach the glory above.
You'll never be in Vigos.
You'll never be LED captive by the deceiver.
But we're living in the days.
One, we can say war be to the man.
Who in self-confidence says I can find my way through?
You just become the placing of Satan.
Yes you do.
This man about whom I told you, whom I knew as a young man, we were teenagers together.
He became inflated.
With his ego.
With his learning and where has it landed?
Absolute spiritual darkness and despair. What he hasn't is much hope as some heathen in the heart of that exit. As far as he's looking farmers of the life to come to him is simply a step into eternal oblivious.
Oh, what does?
I will leave in the midst of being afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.
Are you willing?
Just to trust your life, your whole life, everything that has to do with your life, are you willing to trust?
Into the.
Of your blessed Lord Jesus.
Are you willing to come to him and say now, Lord, what wilt thou have thee to do?
All that that's a blessed attitude to take.
And it's the only safe one that I know.
But you know, there are plenty of people that you're going to meet.
As you go on through life, they're going to tell you they have something better.
All they're going to tell you, that's old fashioned.
We don't do that way anymore. We're using our minds now.
You know how that mind will lead you.
It will lead you away from God. Why? Because we are enemies in our minds. It leads away from God. Why? Because we are enemies in our minds.
We are enemies in our mind that left more clever your mind.
The more clever your mind, the more sure you are to miss the way unless you bow to the will of God as is expressed in the word of God.
You know, if you have 10 men shooting in a mark with a gun, all using the same gun and the sights were out of line.
The man most sure to miss the mark would be the best marksman. Isn't that right? Yes, Sir.
He's a man be sure to miss because the sites were out of line.
The sights up here?
Out of line in things that have to do with God. We're enemies in our minds.
My wicked works were sold out to Satan.
We need a Savior. We need to come and put ourselves into His hands, body, soul and spirit.
Dashing to gently lead his whole and he'll do it all. I think of the happy people that I know. I know so many happy people.
I mean really happy.
Why are they happy?
Have Christ.
They've submitted. They've surrendered to him.
Happy people.
New part of the personal reference.
When we go to that nursing home in the morning.
As we do several times a week.
It's very sad.
To visit among those 45 agent ones there.
So most of them are so unhappy.
So unhappy.
It's really depressing.
But there's one dear soul there.
That has a smile.
It happened.
She is rejoicing. She is quoting the book.
Chapter after chapter.
Verses here and there, he's singing the hymns which have formed a part of her life for 60 years.
70 years.
Yes, well, why is she any different from the rest?
He's made Chrysler optimal.
She let the word of God have its way in her life.
And now in the evening, time comes when the shadows are fall.
There's a bright abiding blessings peace.
You know you can't die that way.
Unless there's been a measure of preparation for it in the life.
These things don't come about accidentally.
We can't live for the world.
And feast upon its pleasures and expect to lie down and die triumphantly. It doesn't work that way.
And across the loop.
There's a verse.
You know, I reminded you that we're living in a day, a big thing.
We like high-powered car.
Everything has to be big.
Yes, our friend and brother in Christ Letourneau.
Has built the greatest earth moving machines that have ever been constructed since man has been on the earth.
Tremendous affairs. You wonder how human brains could think out such a thing.
Big things.
The whole age in which we live is characterized by bigness.
Luke 1232.
Fear knocks little flocks.
It's your father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
Little flop?
There's that word littlest.
You're not little fluff.
Or when you compare the number of God's children, I mean save born again, converted spirit in dwelt souls on the face of the earth today.
With the number of human beings there are, oh, what a little sloth they are.
A little flock.
Or God isn't talking in terms of big things in connection with the Church of God.
See what we have there, and.
Revelation 3.
In that wonderful address there to Philadelphia.
Revelation 3 verse 7.
To the Angel of the church in Philadelphia, right?
These things SAP needed fully even truth.
He was a toxicity of David.
Even opener.
Old man got it and shut it. And no man's openness.
I know thy works.
Behold, I have set before thee an open door.
And no man can shut.
For thou hast a little strength.
And kept my word and not denied my name. There's that word little again.
And yet in the addresses to the seven churches.
Outside of the address to Smyrna, which was the marker period of the Church's history.
And all the other periods.
The Lord points out serious discrepancies in their testimony.
But in this little Philadelphia?
He raises no fall.
Thou hast a little strength.
And has kept my word, not denied my name.
Well, that's not going to make a very great impression, is it?
Level strikes, What have they done? Have they evangelized the world? Have they brought it about a great ecumenical system?
Have been gathered together all the various segments.
Pressing them into one grand concession.
No, they have a little strength and hardly use this.
To keep his word and not deny his name.
Now young folks.
I hope you won't despise your heritage.
By the truth.
And sell it not.
One of the most painful things that some of us older ones will have to witness.
Is seeing those who once knew the truth.
They were brought up in it.
Perhaps they've heard talks just like I'm getting to you.
They've heard these truths.
And then something came in.
And they sold out.
Sold out.
Where are we today?
Well, some of them are out of the world of sin, out on the highway of sin.
Others haven't gone that far astray. Some of them.
Are in the higher places ecclesiastically.
They have mounted to the top of the ladder or near the top, near the top.
And the rating of their fellow man they have become.
Well known ecclesiastical leaders.
I wonder, are they as happy in their souls as when they used to know the truth?
And sit in the little meeting where Christ was ministered.
Where Christ was everything.
I have a little pamphlet in my library at home.
The name of it is. What is it to be gathered to the Lord's name?
Simple little thing, just I would say maybe 8 pages of stark little thing you could lead to and perhaps 5 minutes.
It was written to establish young believers in the truth of being gathered to the Lord's nations.
The man that wrote that pamphlet became ambitious.
There wasn't much of A future for him.
Among the little companies gathered to the Lord's name.
It's pretty hard to become anybody very big.
In that little flock.
So he got.
Bigger, bigger.
If you can use that word in his own estimation.
And finally, he just stepped out entirely and he became quite a prominent man in Christmas.
I sat down and wrote him a letter one day. I'd known him intimately, knowing, just like I know some of you brothers, that I've known connection with the Lord's work.
I said, brother, I have that little pamphlet.
And I've been trying to walk according to the truth.
Because that little pamphlet tells me.
That the word of God provides A pathway through the confusion of Christendom.
And it's my privilege as a child of God to accept that pathway.
And go on in that pathway till the Lord comes and takes me home to heaven.
I said I'm still there.
I wanted to write me a letter, and I want you to tell me if you think I'm making a mistake in staying in that place.
Well, when do you think he wrote me?
Or I think you've guessed it already, he wrote me nothing.
What could the man say? The pamphlet was the truth of God.
The pamphlet directed me to the word of God, and the will of God is expressed in his words.
And how could he who had become a great religious leader and teacher? How can he write back and tell me to disregard the pamphlet that it was all wrong or he didn't?
No, he couldn't. His conscience.
Hadn't gone with his feet.
Conscience hadn't gone with his feet.
Oh, how how blessed it is.
My young brethren here.
What a blessed thing it is.
If you can go on in your Christian life.
With that sweet inner consciousness.
That you're in a path that's pleading to the law.
But don't ever expect it to be a popular fact.
I've debated this matter a great deal in my own heart.
I cannot see anywhere in the word of God.
That there is provision made for a popular brand of Christianity.
I can't find anywhere in the word of God.
That a popular Christ was ever preached.
I can't find that there's any promise of a pathway given in scripture.
Where we can follow a rejected Christ, a rejected Christ.
And be popular with the world.
Now this month in Des Moines.
We have our State Fair.
Happens every year out of the fairgrounds.
You know, I was amazed, and perhaps I didn't say so much. Amazed as greed.
The other day when I saw the great glaring billboards.
Announcing that fair and what do you think the chief attraction is, the thing that's going to get people to come there?
Why the man and his wife?
Who are great Rodeo Great rodeo performers?
And yet those two names are magic today in the fundamentalist world.
Those two names are magic among fundamentalists.
Outstanding characters and supposedly leading young people to Christ.
I don't say that they haven't bled anyone, but Christ, I'm not saying that.
But all can we imagine? The Lord Jesus Christ.
The Rejected 1 Putting his sanction upon an ungodly radio rodeo and on godly rodeo held as a public entertainment.
With all sorts of rough characters gathered from here and there.
And we conceive of the Lord Jesus putting his sanction on such an unholy mixture of that.
All were living in strange days.
Do you want a clean pass for your people?
Do you want to be able to stand before the Lord Jesus in that coming day and say, well Lord?
I tried to submit to thy word.
I tried to find the path through the confusion that had the sanction of thy blessed words, but, Lord, I'm afraid I didn't accomplish much.
I didn't write my name very high on the scale of human estimation.
I had a more or less humble and unseen and unsung life.
You know there's a man bearing over in England.
He has a modest tombstone.
And on that two stone is engraved.
This verse has unknown, yet well known.
Unknown where.
In the world.
I suppose you can pick up some of the encyclopedias of this world, and you couldn't find the man's name mentioned that.
Yet well known up there.
Ah, that man.
Michael used of God in the blessing of God's people, and you and I, in these meetings that we've been having here during this conference have been reaping in our own souls the blessing that was opened up to us.
Through that man, having redone the old wells, was the Philistines that filled up a rubbish.
He went right down to the bottom, down to the nice fresh water.
Again we were able to drink of the truth just as it came from the hands of the apostles at the start.
And yet in this world.
English unknown.
Was well known up there.
Oh, where do we want to raise it?
Down here. Up there.
If you go to the library.
There's a book. There's gotten to be a fat one now. It used to be some big when I was a young person.
Big 6 Fat Pile now.
Who's who in America?
Would you like to have your name in there?
Well, there's a way to go about it, to know you're young.
You're young.
You can set your goal. You can do what the world stands. Hit your wagon to a star. Maybe you can get your name in there someday.
Who's who in America?
But all beloved.
Oh, how much better to have your name written in the Lamb's book of life.
And hear him say in that coming day.
Well done.
Good and faithful, servant, faithful not successful.
Although that word's only used once in the Bible, that word success.
Have you made a success of it?
Oh, what a word that is in the world. Success.
No, only once in the Bible do you get that word.
And there in connection with obeying the will of God.
Well done, good and faithful servant.
What constitutes a man's face?
While doing what God was asking to do.
You hire a man to work for you.
And you leave them in charge of the job.
You say I'm going to be gone now for a couple of weeks.
And I wanted to paint the house.
No. All right. Yes, you'll paint the house while you're lost.
And you come back.
And if you drive up towards your place.
Doesn't look a bit better when you laugh.
He said. Well, I guess the man didn't show up after all.
I guess he he didn't like his contract. He didn't show up.
But you drive up to the front door and.
Now the man comes to meet you all, the big smile on his face.
But you're not smiling.
You say. What have you been doing?
But look out there in the back, I built a new garage.
A new garage.
Why, man, is that what I asked you to do? Lord, wasn't what I what you asked me to do. But I thought that you needed a new garage, so I just built your new garage.
You think you'd be pleased with a situation like that?
All you'd be wanted, you'd be legally warranted and letting that man go with no pay at all. And if he wanted to carry it still further, you could take him to the court and you could have that garage torn down and moved away.
He didn't do what he told him to do. Building a garage is a good thing. Yet. That's all right. Build a garage.
But that isn't what you're hiding for and beloved Saints of God.
Here is where you and I find out what God wants us to do right here.
And don't let anyone come along and tell you what now. You'll get greater results if you do it this way.
Let me repeat something that I suppose perhaps some of you are tired of hearing me say.
But I want to leave it with you anyhow.
God does not hold us responsible to get results.
Don't forget that.
God does not hold us responsible to get results.
He holds us responsible to preach Christ and to live Christ.
That's our responsibility.
But all this?
This mistaken idea.
That you've got to accomplish something that you can point to and say now that's the result that I did that.
And perhaps the system that you're connected with demands that you produce something.
Brother, McMillan was telling me.
Of a friend of his, a Baptist preacher.
That took over a certain church. They hired him.
And after he's been there a year, they had fifty members less than they had when he took it over.
Well, he was counted as worthless. No one wanted to hire him again.
By 50 members, less after a year's work.
Well, why was?
Why? The man found that he had a church membership and composed of a good share of unsaved people that didn't know what the gospel was.
And he was trying to preach Christ to them so they can bring them into the presence of God and get this whole saves.
And the pressure was too great when they got out.
All God wants us to be true to His Word.
Let's turn to that versus once more there in Zephaniah.
That 12Th verse I will leave in the midst of the an afflicted and poor people.
And they shall trust in the name, in the name of the Lord.
Beloved, let's surrender to it.
Let's just give ourselves over. I want to glorify the name of my Lord in this world. I want to do His will.
It's marked out in the world.
Find the pathway right through to the end. It's all here.
But remember if you do.
You'll be in the little flock.
The little block I believe in the midst of thee, and afflicted and poor people.
Thou hast the literal strength.
And has kept my word and not denied my name. Are we willing to do it? Are we willing to face it? And we're willing to surrender to it or our beseech you make your decision today?
Cast in your loss through the will of God and ask to be nothing.
That Christ beneath magnified in your body, whether by life or by death, shall we pray.