
 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 4
WHAT is it to repent? Have you ever really thought about it. Evidently it is an important matter, for when John the Baptist came to the Jews to prepare the way of the Lord, he said, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Then when the Lord Jesus Himself came, He said the very same thing, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 4:1717From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 4:17).)
So it is a great matter to understand what it is to repent. There is to be regret for what has been done or left undone, a turning of our faces toward God, instead of our backs, like the Jews of old.
Perhaps you have never done anything very wicked, but you have forgotten God and never listened to the gospel, nor given your heart to the Lord Jesus. God calls you to repent and believe His message of grace and forgiveness.
Let me tell you of a man who did repent. A Christian gentleman had a soldier son. Tidings came to this father one day that his son had been wounded in battle and was not expected to live. He hurried to the hospital to see him. On arriving, he first saw the doctor and asked if his son was likely to get well.
“He cannot live more than a few days," he answered.
So it was with a very sad heart that he went in to see his boy, for he knew that he had never repented, and that so far he had never owned he was a sinner.
Imagine how glad he must have been to hear his son say, Oh, father, the doctor says I am dying, and I am not ready. Tell me how I can be prepared. Make it so plain that I can get hold of it.”
“My son, “said his father," do you remember one day when you came home from school; you had vexed me and I rebuked you? You became very angry and used harsh language.”
“Yes, father; I was thinking about that before you came, and I wanted to see you badly and ask you to forgive me again.”
“Do you remember, after your anger was over, how you came in and said, My dear father, I am so sorry for the way I spoke to you. Will you forgive me? '”
“Yes, I remember well.”
“Do you remember what I said to you as you wept?”
“Oh, yes; you said, ' I forgive you with all my heart,' and you kissed me. I shall never forget those words!"
Did you believe me?”
“Certainly, I never doubted anything you said.”
“And then, did you feel happy again?”
“Yes, father; perfectly happy.”
“Well now, my son, this is the way to repent and come to Jesus. Tell Him, I am so sorry,' just as you told me, and He will forgive you a thousand times more quickly than I did.”
“Father, is this the way to become a Christian?”
“I don't know any other way, my dear boy.”
I can get hold of this. Oh, I am so glad you came to tell me, and have made it so plain!”
The wounded man turned his head on his pillow. He told God how sorry he was for his neglect of Him and His beloved Son. There was silence for some time, but when the father felt his son's hand laid on his, and the word, "father" spoken in tones of tenderness and joy, he knew a change had taken place.
“Father," he said again, "it is all right with me, Jesus has forgiven me. I know He has, for He says so, and I take His word for it, just as I take yours.”
After a while the doctor came in. He felt the pulse of the dying man and said with surprise, "Why, you look better.”
I am better, doctor; I'm going to get well.”
He did get well and lived to be the joy of his father, who had shown him what it was to repent and believe the gospel.
Have you ever done as this man did? Have you ever said to God from the bottom of your heart, “I am sorry that I have forgotten Thee, and gone my own way and thought my own thoughts "?
If you are genuine about this, there will be joy in heaven, for the Lord Jesus said when down here, "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke 15:1010Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. (Luke 15:10).)